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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Glasses
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    Hadn’t realised you were coming at SOngkhran – choose wisely where you go, some places it lasts a day or so, others a week.

    I hate that time of year, **** with water and powder all it is these days, **** awful time of year.

    Free Member

    Oh ffs

    Pick up from the station, they know you are not at your house, they burgle it.

    Free Member

    quirrel, you stayed in any of those yourself?

    Yes – stayed at the Bali Residence they rent out – in peak season, it was 1100 for two bedroom, kitchen etc, communal pool 200 GBP for 11 nights.

    Sun4U are decent to deal with.

    Mae Phim is one of my favourite beaches. Fantastic beach, safe with no scary currents, and sod all people there, which is even better for me.

    If you are desperate to hang out with the great unwashed, you can get over to Koh Samet easily enough from there.

    Free Member

    If you are under 16: Get pregnant under 16.
    Under 21: Do smack under the age of 21

    Does Hull still hold these two records for the highest rate of teen pregnancies and young heroin use?

    Free Member

    Hotels – bollocks – 120 quid a week

    Amazing beach, sod all people go there, other than swedes.

    A bit fancier 300 a week with pull

    Posh twunt status –

    Throw rotten fruit at the plebs below status –

    or get a couple of nights in a hotel

    In low season Sun4U will also often do bigger discount deals as well

    Free Member

    Hire a car and drive yourself.

    Khao Yai national park is 150km from BKK riding, camping and elephants there

    Beaches within 2 hours of BKK – low season you can rent a bungalow a couple of km from the beach for under 100 quid a week

    Free Member

    Kelty backpack carrier was the business for us.

    Free Member

    I would suggest shitting in a tupperware tub, freezing it, then putting it in the fridge to thaw.

    that will learn them.

    Free Member

    It’s part of my rides if I choose a new route around here. Will I be chased by packs of dogs.

    On Sunday I was chased a dozen or so times, I just stop and shout at them, that generally does the trick, unless it is the quiet ones who try and sneak up.

    Few weeks back I punched one on the nose that snuck up behind me while dealing with his rather large and unhappy mate. Queue comedy moment where I caught a flash of teeth and snarl in my peripheral vision and a automated reactive punch, as I was keeping the other dog between me and the bike.

    I got sucker punched by a pitbull many years ago stumbling home from the pub. Bloody thing ran from a dark alley, punched me on the leg and then ran away leavng me wondering what the pain was, then seeing a small very dark bite that hurt like ****.

    Free Member

    If i have to get out of the saddle I walk

    Free Member

    It’s strange that currently I am recruiting for a couple of teaching positions, and I wouldn’t touch anybody who isn’t qualified. Most decent international schools won’t. The mickey mouse ones are a different matter.

    Yet the UK where I look to recruit from, is allowing schools to hire unqualified/certified teachers.


    PS I’m after KS1 EYFS, KS3/4 English and an Art teacher if you know of any that are interested in working overseas.

    Free Member

    Teachers as state schools dont need to be qualified now either Quirrel.

    How to devalue a profession in one go.

    Free Member

    Things to bear in mind, unless it has changed in recent years.

    Teachers at private schools don’t necessarily have to be qualified teachers, this applied to secondary, not sure about primary.

    You could get a superbly intelligent physicist teaching physics, with no teaching qualifications, which doesn’t mean much until kids with more specific learning needs come along.

    Different private schools have different outlooks on discipline as well. If the Sheikhs 6 kids are being **** in classes, but he is going to send another half ddozen to the school, you don’t kick them out or rock the boat.

    Other private schools are very strict and do wonderful things.

    I currently have two students leaving us in June to head to the UK for IGCSE at a school which is costing their dad 36kGBP per year each boarding plus all the extras – but the results for that school is hugely impressive. 100% a*-c IGCSE 97%A/A* 91%A*

    Free Member

    I realy like the Eastway CX2.0 I bought. Although Eastway seem to have been bought up by Wiggle now, and are planning a relaunch in September.

    Value for money, it was great about 680quid all in.

    May still have some for sale or their carbon version.

    Free Member

    I had a 1.3GL Escort – 1990 in early 2000.

    It was stolen twice, over two nights, reported it the first time to be told maybe I had left it somewhere else as I was somewhat worse for wear.

    Second night same policeman who found it the first had asked me if I had secured it – I hadn’t at that point, just taken that little black starter box that the thieves used out.

    Put a Crooklock on the wheel and one on the handbrake and never bothered to repair the steering lock or ignition.

    Free Member

    oooh I could post spoilers about Fish Mooney’s baby with Detective

    Free Member

    My mate Amaa, a second generation British Pakistani from Newcastle, for many years when he was at school used to give his next door neighbour, also a second generation British Pakistani sausage rolls to eat. I can’t remember if it was every Friday, or Tuesday now, but he always gave Fez, a sausage roll, told him his mum gave them to him and he didn’t like them.

    Fez was a bit of an odd sort, but he was also really into being a Muslim, Amma not so much in those days.

    This went on for years, until one day, when Fez came around for tea, possibly the first time ever, and asked Amma’s mum if she had any of those sausage rolls that Amma didn’t like.

    Amma spent at least the next year of school holidays at the local Mosque everyday helping out and being punished for his joke.

    Free Member

    minimum 5

    Free Member

    you have no proof its her. You need some facts or evidence. I’d avoid vigilante type attacks, the victim is often innocent.

    If they are right, then the hitman option may not be the best

    Free Member

    Hire a hitman

    Free Member

    Aeroflot have fantastic extra bagage prices

    Free Member

    The ass-sponge stick?

    Free Member

    Proton 1.5mvi 3valve

    I paid 150 quid for it
    Discs snapped the first time I used it, had to be still sawed off.

    Never put any oil in it. My mechanic mate one day decided to check it over for me after hooning around it to find nothing on the dip stick, in fact it was dry. Car kept running.

    I used to drive it through Heaton in newcastle, at 30-40 over the speed bumps 4 up and it just jumped the bumps like Daisy Duke. When I was designated driver on the way back from clubs, it was always entertaining if a mate had picked up a girl to see their faces as we bounced along the road.

    One of the lads spilled a macdonalds strawberr mlkshake in the passenger footwell, just before we went out one night. Car didn’t get driven for about a fortnight after that, in the summer time.

    When we cam back there was this wonderful pink mould living in the footwell and on the seats. It was like a free retrim.

    It was an amazing car.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Paper? Bum gun is the only way to go.

    Below is someone I worked with many years ago.

    Whilst living in Thailand I had the misfortune to meet a rather obese American from Kentucky who carried around a sponge in his pocket for wiping his azz after taking a dump.

    He claimed that he had picked this up from Asians who lived in America Koreans, Thais and Cambodians or so he claimed.

    I was rather disturbed by the fact that this man kept a sponge in his pocket that had been used for cleansing himself.

    The fact that the sponge was dry in his pocket also concerned me. I was unsure if he wet it before going to the toilet or afterwards. It must have meant that he had to at some point put it damp into his pocket.

    Have you ever heard of anybody else doing this?

    What is worse is I also remember him wiping his forehead with when he used to sit and sweat in his unairconned office.

    A piece of foamy sponge much like one of those yellow scourers but it didn’t have any scouring bit on it for obvious reasons.

    Free Member

    gear box issues

    dash displays going off.

    seem to remember gearbox issues the most with that tiptronic gearbox thing.

    Free Member

    Did my daughter make it?

    Free Member

    I miss my enduro

    Free Member

    Poison it, then you have to cut t down when its dead

    Free Member

    kenda kommandos

    Free Member

    Excitedly unpacking and rebuilding bike after having it shipped to our new house.

    Wondering how the front tyre is on the wrong way around, especially after carefully fitting them before leaving the UK. Remove and refit tire to find that in fact the forks are turned around 180 degrees and I have fitted the bars like that.

    I had wondered why the brake was on the other side.

    Getting to the half way point of a ride, having a rest, and putting my helmet back on – odd I must have put it down somewhere else. After much looking around and puzzlement, the only conclusion was I hadn’t ut it on at the start. Return home to find it on the table.

    Free Member

    I’m hoping that was a very short (one word) discussion.

    It actually wasn’t, and no they weren’t catholic.

    They are told by their government that there is no AIDS, and the AIDS in the country is from foreigners, and they are deported.

    So why should they care about it?

    One of them went off and did some research and came back with this snippet of info, although it may not be word perfect or for that matter true.

    “The use of quinine in India reduced the deaths from Malaria so significantly, that if it had not been used, the population of India is estimated to be around the same as the UK”

    Found he claims in one of those fashionable science books that breaks down common mistakes in science.

    They had quite a heated debate on China, as they are made to believe China is bad via the media and their parents. Was it the Chinese prostitutes bringing HIV to the country, that is what they are told.

    Africa was more interesting – as the one of the more outspoken students wondered if whether or not looking back historically, the plagues that have effected the world, were just extreme versions of population control.

    Could Africa, with it’s different countries, in different economic turmoil, with famines and droughts, support a massive population growth if HIV was wiped out.

    Ultimately the decision was yes HIV vaccine is a great idea, they would like shares in the company that discovers it, but they were worried about the population explosion of countries that received it, had safesex programmes in place, however ineffective they were.

    A great group of kids to work with.

    Free Member

    Had a discussion with some students a few months back, or might have been a year ago on whether or not we should find a cure for HIV. If we did find one, should it be given for free. What would happen to countries such as CHina and Africa if we did.

    Free Member

    Dirt bike across Mongolia

    Women are really hot as well, so he will benefit from that.

    Free Member

    Stovies – hands down.

    Free Member

    So what you are saying is that because they are on motability, they should be allowed to lock the gate and have secured parking?

    Superglue the padlock tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I think its an equestrian term for the display a mare makes when she is in heat. doesnt leave anything to the imagination if you’ve ever seen it.

    Thank you Smudge, I wondered why I used that term, must have picked it up off my first girlfriend 20 odd years ago, she was a horsey type.

    Free Member

    ^ That wasn’t the first thought that went through my head – it was – as I am the person she trusts the most in the room, should I tell her or not.

    I chose not.

    I have just about blocked out the married man at the conference incident, where after banging some married man, he phoned to ask me to get her out of the hotel room as she was in a state and couldn’t remember her room number – had to go get her, then, I kid you not, sneak her into the owners (female) hotel room at4:30am and get her into bed without disturbing the owner, who was asleep in there in the pitch dark with those blakout curtains drawn. I managed it, and got her undressed so she wasn’t caught out in the morning when we got up for the conference day 2.

    Free Member

    ^ She was wearing a short skirt, no underwear and in the process of bending over the desk to get something, as the five of us that made up the rest of the management team sat there, we all looked up at the same time to have see all, and hear the wind whistling through her lips.

    You try keeping a straight face after that has happened.

    Free Member

    My last boss was amazing at throwing her toys out:

    Two days before a preliminary inspection, she had a huge tantrum when her driver was fired, and she hadn’t been the one to fire him.

    She had just brought over a lady to do a 360 review of the school as well, as the inspectors, a lady that had known her for several years.

    She stormed out of work, saying she was going home, which could have meant her flat in UB or her house in NZ, we didn’t know.

    Left us there, wondering what to do next, and so we just got on with it, entertained the lady who was lovely, and prepared for the inspectors. The owners asked if I could run the place, said yes, and that was that. She returned three days later just as the inspectors had arrived, although the owners had picked them up and they already knew the story by then.

    She had really **** things up several months before when she drank four bottles of wine in front of the owners when we were at a conference, and then tried it on with the male owner of the school.

    Any time she didn’t get her own way she would be off sick or late to work. On average she was on time once a week, great example.

    She threw her toys out shortly after I left and the academic year started, and the owners just sacked her.

    It was like working with a petulant child.

    We had all these talked about leading by example, and yet she spent her weekends getting wasted with the staff, shagging the 21 year old Year 1 teacher and stealing things from pubs.

    When she split up with the 21 year old she had a huge tantrum and was horribe to him for months.

    Positives from it? I learnt how to manage difficult people and manipulate the situation to the advantage of the school and kids there.

    **** me it was hard graft.

    I will try not to remember the morning she bent over her desk in the office during a meeting and winked at us all sat there at the meeting table, and not with the eyes on her head – this was during the meeting where we had to discuss staff dress code.

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