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  • Singletrack Magazine Issue 147 Is Out Today! How will you read yours?
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    Cheers folks, I cannot remember how long it took traveling there last time, I had a camper van thing, and partied somewhat hard, memories and ideas of distance are faint.

    We are only a couple of hours out on time difference, or possibly not at all, I can never remember.

    Maybe the best option is to leave with family here and be that weird older backpacker that turns up at the hostels he stayed at 20 years ago and tells people there about how much it has changed.

    Free Member

    Get the GT Diesel 150BHP with a remap taking it close to 200

    Or the 180 1.8T anniversary edition.

    Or an R32 Mk4 that would be nice.

    OR a mk3 Vr6

    Or a 1990 Polo G40

    Just not the 2.0 GTI Mk4 as it was shite.

    Free Member

    Good enough for me, we live in sub-tropics just now, so chillier weather is a pleasant change.

    Hopefully less people there then as well.

    Having spent last night reading up on the cost of campervans, it may be hotels/airbnb and trip advisor rooms,

    From a reputable camper company, that doesn’t have a bad reputation 200AUD per day ish plus camp site fees.

    Hotels it might just be then.

    Free Member

    ^ Never had that issue.

    I have felt the cheese overdose before from too much mature cheddar

    Free Member

    The lady at the hospital today who booked our daughter in for vaccinations, when she had an ear infection. I know it wasn’t my fault, even though my technical ability is poor, as I had the missus translate as well, as I was sure she said vaccination to me.

    Then the utter shock that I didn’t know where the pharmacy was when picking up the prescription as it was our first, and last time at the hospital.

    I suppose I should feel happy that it only cost 50 quid or so, which the insurance company will pay, but no, the hospital billing department couldn’t work out how to deal with our insurer, even when on the phone to them.

    and breathe, the doctor was lovely and logical, she agreed that the different branches should have their computer systems linked together so we don’t fill out the same form every time and they can see what previous treatment there was.

    I could write to complain, but then what would they care they make billions in health tourists every year.

    And to top it all off, I couldn’t find the ice cream parlour we were looking for.

    Free Member

    What a bunch of fancy pants with your pod coffees. I just get the maid to make mine, if she doesn’t do it right, I send it back to be made again, easy.

    I bet your fancy pants pod coffee machines doesn’t clean the house, do the ironing, and cook the dinner as well.

    Free Member

    Wheeler have a carbon model as well, which I imagine will be one of those open mold chinese ones.

    Free Member

    That Savana thing looks a bit like the fat bike Onza were doing over here for £700ish. Looked usable, but a good chunk heavier than the OO fatty.

    THe one I picked up in the shop was pleasantly light but it was a 17″ so fairly small.

    Free Member

    My kindeys are now aching.

    I discovered recently that the mixed berry juice that I like from the fresh juice section makes my poo look like it has lots of blood in it.

    First time it happened, I looked in the toilet as I stood to flush, and had that sicky feeling, of oh shit, what on earth has happened. How have I perforated my bowels having a poo.

    Being manly, I waited until the next poo, and it was gone, then spotted the link later with the red berry juice.

    Free Member

    Is there a UK retailer of Wheeler – their bikes always seem good value

    This is there Savanna Wheeler

    Note when googling you may come across – Savanna Wheeler on Facebook, while they are rather portly, I suspect asking them for a ride, may result in trouble.

    Free Member

    I did get your response, on holiday just now, but will answer soon, when I am sat down at my laptop properly, just now using phone to keep me away from work stuff as much as possible.

    Staying in this place for 13 nights – – working out at 9000B plus leccy.

    Free Member

    I have decided today I want 1×11, not for the bling, not for the kudos, or the fact that it will make be faster, simply for the following

    I am sick of convincing myself if I shift up or down on the front, I am going to find the ratio I need to counter my unfitness.

    With 1×11 I will simply know, I am unfit and need to ride harder.

    Free Member

    About 5 years ago, my T60, Lenovo made Thinkpad, kept getting a noisy fan.

    I sent it off to them to be repaired under warranty, when they received it, the screen was broken, as was the case, they accused me, I said it wasn’t, they agreed to replace.
    6 months later, similar thing happened, fan broke.

    I sent it off to them, it went missing for two weeks, turned up, they refused warranty on the grounds it was user damaged. I asked what the **** that meant, to be sent photos of a smashed laptop.

    Screen, case, keyboard, bent surround as if it had been drop kicked everywhere.

    They returned it to me effectively in bits and refused to warrant it.

    Since then, I have had Lenovo bought for me, and I really like them, I’m typing on one now.

    Not sure if I would want to risk another warranty though.

    Free Member

    Aldi caravan degreaser is the business

    Free Member

    ^ do they still do the body hunt once the snow has gone?

    Free Member

    Don’t they go up there to be rescued when they go hiking in their shorts in winter?

    Free Member

    You should go into the gym and tell them that she isn’t allowed any pudding for a month.

    Free Member

    Graham S
    I registered it with the police including the CCTV footage, following my careful standing in the camera’s view. Registering it with the police was more to make sure that if he came back and shot me, or ran me off the road on my bike, there was a record of who it might be.

    Fee paying schools, political heft, and doing my best to keep the daughter in school and unaffected meant a softer approach.

    My approach, particularly the pastoral side, won his mother over, who even with her significant position here, greets me first when we meet, which is a first for her.

    Plus with only a slight red mark on my back that lasted less than 48 hours it meant a total fine of around a tenner in court and a lot of hassle.

    Free Member

    Early into this school year, in my new post as head, I approached a **** in a fancy mercedes coupe who had just span his tires going around the roundabout in the driveway to the school before charging off to stop.

    I approached him, and told him to wind his window down, informed him he was travelling too fast, and he argued he wasn’t, explained again whether he felt it was or not, it was too fast for the school.

    Ignorant **** wound the window up, i walked back to the entrance to the building. He then screached out of the parking space, stalled the car, blocking the driveway, possibly turning off the driving aids, then badly power slid around the roundabout, understeering into a plant pot.

    Pulled up back in the parking space – this was showdown time, one of us was going to lose face, and if it was me, parents would know I was a push over, so I went back to call him a **** or words to that effect.

    Out of the car runs man-giant, fists swinging, **** me he was big. Two of my boarding staff, a driver, and a security guard charged in to stop him hitting me, I kept calm, inviting him in to talk, he went even more mental, almost crying

    landed one punch in my ribs. before his daughter came out. eventually got him into his car, and I left them to it.

    Outcome in the end was he is banned from the site, and after two months his mother stopped by, some poltically influential type, and said sorry for her sons behaviour.

    You really don’t know what happened in another person’s day. doesn’t excuse his behaviour, but I could have approached a bit softer.

    Free Member

    Skoda Superb diesel –

    Free Member

    Clearly you can pull the the bars up (fit a + degree stem and shorten it) and I’m sure it’ll be fine, you’ll be fine on it too.

    Just shortened the stem on mine, and it has made a big difference, although handling is a bit ‘twitchier’ I like it.

    Free Member

    Local shop owner fell in love with my CX bike, and being Bianchi shop bought himself one of these. Its been on display and used for three days and four customers have ordered them/

    Lovely looking bike, cx isn’t popular here, but the bikes are ideal for the shit roads.

    If you ate going to get one, get this Bianchi in the team colour, lovely

    Free Member

    Sadexpunk – sent you an email, you are correct, I am currently based out here.

    Only one ladybody and pingpong show joke allowed per Thailand thread.

    Free Member

    Giant Anyroad….although it does look like a shitting dog.

    They were hard to find in the UK last year as they were an Asian based bike originally, but a few suppliers did have them.

    I think they are now more available.

    The higher specced one was good value.

    Free Member

    I cam very close to buying one of these last year, but just got a better deal else where on a different bike. I really liked the style and idea of them

    Free Member

    Try Khao Yai / Jedkot – it’s around 200km from Bangkok North East.

    Cyclocross is the best bike for around here though, switch from smooth tarmac, to pot holes, gravel, then dirt without blinking. Found it ticks all the boxes I need and gets me into the mountains and between them.

    Sure there was some biking in Borneo as well, can’t remember if it was Sarawak or Sabah though.

    Free Member

    Show them this

    It’s a new shopping mall in MOgnolia that has just opened with three dinosaur skeletons in the shopping mall on display

    Trex brontosaurus and something else.

    Then tell her to pester her mummy and daddy that she wants to go there.

    Free Member

    Loved my first race – came 46 out of 130 odd people in the open category.

    Didn’t love my second race so much, never made it to it due to a stonker of a cold and regret it. Now too busy to get any time in to race.

    Definitely give it a go, I had the most odd morning: severely whipped by a lady on a BSO who was about 8km ahead of me, the big fat guy on a tiny thin carbon framed Italian thing, wearing a Velo helmet who burned past a group of us on a steep hill as if we were standing still.
    Seeing a group of riders burn off at the start, only to see them all sitting together at the half way point munching on some food having a chat.

    Free Member

    You could buy a bike for that!

    Strange she tells me that I can have a fatbike if I want with the sale of them.

    Free Member

    It’s a shame they’re not Louis Vuitton; they’re collectors items now. £5k for the right ones…

    That is how much I know about them – she tells me they are worth about 800quid a piece or so.

    Free Member

    The course I went on was full of people feeling hard done by for being caught:

    I just said ” I was driving like a ****, got caught, glad to be here as they had not originally offered me the course”

    Free Member

    Can I buy a glass topped pallet table?

    Free Member

    Shimano CX77 here

    I found getting the non-moving side up against the disc first, then winding it off very slightly, before setting up the moving one worked for me.

    Very rarely have to adjust them, probably once a month or less. Sintered pads fitted.

    Free Member

    Mrs Q has dozens of the things.

    Just recently, she has dug out three Louis Vitton ones, that she had bought many years ago at bargain basement (loan sharking) prices.

    I hate them, look just the same as the thousands of copies that are everywhere out here. Don’t get it at all.

    Saying that I do have a manbag, I don’t use it all the time, but it does come in handy.

    Free Member

    Ben was our rabbit – he was a nightmare – spent his days either humping my legs, sitting on me, pissing in the corner, or chasing the cats growling at them.

    Wouldn’t have another, he was too much hard work.

    Free Member

    what would happen if you put FS on it?

    Free Member

    Banshee th

    Free Member

    Two things to say on this – although I am shit faced and halfway or so thoruh a bottle of Ardberg.

    1. Do the people who shit all over the toilets do the same at home? Always wondered this.

    2. Abou ten years ago, we had a fantom shitted at the school i was based at. We knew he was ina ction as in the staff tolet we kept finding poos floating on toilet paper of increasing proprotions.

    One Frday afternioon I went into the the staff bog and there was this stench of shit, the sort that you associate with bacterial infections,, then as I stood in th e urinal pissing, i noticed student shoes in the toilet door.

    I went out and waited outside, i saw a face appear at the glass door, then disappera. I stuck my head in the office to let the head of school know, and as I turned cback someone was rushing out the loo. too fast and we ddnt catch tem.

    On entering the bog there was shit everywher, on the walls doors and floor whoever it was had reiished in their shit smearing with finger stipes on the walls, on the taps everywhere

    The head immediately called a lock down ont he classes.

    We never cauht them. Even though they must have stunk of shit, the only conclusion s they snuck out of school which wasn’t my jurisdiction at the time

    Head cleaned the loo himself.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have life insurance that runs until I am 65, so that is the family taken care of. at 64 – jump in front of a really busy train just to leave being a total twunt.

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