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  • Fizik Terra Artica GTX Off-Road Winter SPD Cycling Shoe
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    About 12 years ago I got Dengue Fever really badly, stuck on an island off the coast of Malaysia, in a hot beach hut.

    For three days of it, I was in and out of hallucinations and dreams, I had no grasp of reality.

    I kept waking up not knowing if it was real or not and being terrified to close my eyes

    During one dream, the three London lads who were checking in on me to make sure I was alive were chasing me through the jungle with devil masks on as I hunted a baby one of them had stolen.

    They came to check on me in the hut, and I couldn’t tell if this was part of the dream or not, if they had stolen this baby or not.

    Cowering in the corner dripping with sweat telling these three really nice decent lads to get away, leave the baby alone, where was it.

    Still remember those dreams to this day, horrible experience, great for weight loss though.

    Free Member

    I was thinking more just using Google Hangouts, everybody on at the same time, foamed up groins and razors at the ready. One the count of three then going for it.

    Free Member

    Tusker was a really weird movie

    Free Member

    A few weeks back, head down, about to cut a corner on a back country road, giving it some beans, looked up, realised there was a large pot hole, so prepared to bunny hop it on my cx bike, looked down looked back up – bloody great ox stood there. Skid to a hault, just touched it with my front tire, it took off, attached to a rope that was attached to a tree at roughly my neck height, with me pushing backwards as quickly as possible as the ox calmed down.

    It must have been hidden in the bushes before, as it certainly wasn’t there when I first looked up. Got a photo of it, to show the little one.

    Free Member

    Thanks for starting this Renton,I think my seat is too high and that is why I ride on my gooch.

    I will try dropping it a little bit. I put a 90 stem on it from 110 which helped a lot, but it has made it twitchier, which isn’t a bad thing given the standards of the roads and driving here.

    Free Member

    Maybe a world record mass sponsored charity pube shaving.

    Free Member

    I thought below a certain size they did anyway.

    Free Member

    ^ I understood, from reading a forum, that one of the biggest threats to medical staff and patients is that the person who has taken it doesn’t always know what it is, nor do the medical staff, which makes treatment in some cases difficult.

    I read an account of an american paramedic being handed a plastic baggy with whatever chemical was in there, structure diagram and forumla on the front by the victims friends, and being expected to know what it was and waht the effects were.

    Going back a couple of years, I can recall reading about people not knowing their blood vessels had been constricted until a few days afterwards when toes went purple/black or limbs went numb.

    Free Member

    Hey your money so do as you like. You have earned them so what’s wrong with showing off those cash?

    Alternative path was always part of the plan for us. I had been out of the UK for 7 years before returning, six months unemployed burnt up half our savings, and reality of living in the UK and actually having an income, after coming back to start afresh, just wasn’t happening.

    My last post in UB was great, no bills, 10% tax, but 5% back as pension and a decent package, but living in UB isn’t for everyone.

    Current job I pay as much tax as a UK earner, possibly more, but the cost of living, rent etc make it worthwhile, for now anyway.

    UK has great health service, public services and transport networks, but the tax man, and the bill collectors make it hard to make ends meet if you aren’t two people working.

    My mates on the dole, used to live a better, if somewhat more boring life than us, and have as much cash at the end of the month.

    We have talked about going back, but that is years away, if ever.

    Free Member

    Graham S – I lied 0.2%

    Well paid, I suppose so, but all housing is paid for, and all I worry about is water and electricity, which as I don’t use the A/C is next to nowt.

    In the UK though – basic bills and utilities – at least 50%, this didn’t include my rent, which was living in mates house for 100 quid a month cost with free DIY from me thrown in.

    At the end of the month, with food, fuel, insurance etc thrown in, we had nothing left. I don’t know what we would have done when we had to move out of his house in a years time and the project was finished.

    Sorry for the willy waving, it entertained me when I realised how little I spent, and how much we are actually spending on eating.

    Free Member

    Apparently this was how thing were done back in South Korea!

    About correct.

    Mongolia was much the same – road lined with all of the Ulaanbaatar police force to block cars and show presence when a dignatory arrived.

    If you timed it right, you could get in front of their Lexus 570 and race with your taxi into town at speed, getting angry police waving at you, but not being able to pull over due to the convoy of fast moving cars behind you.

    Free Member

    Not including food.

    1% maybe less.

    Free Member

    The legal high issue is something i follow as an ex partier of the 90s and 00s

    Bluelight and Drugs Forums are worth following if you are interested in this area.

    LSD analogues coming out that are as real as the real thing, I know if I was single and had weekends/weeks to spare again, I would be excited by this,

    However there is a darker side to it all, and rather than calling them legal highs, use the name research chemicals, which is still BS but it paints a better picture of what is known about them.

    Do some digging around and read up on the bromo-dragon fly incident where a mislabelled RC killed several people in the US and Europe.

    The activity of some of these drugs is in the micro gram range, and young, foolhardy kids seeking a high are bumping lines of them not knowing that they have serious vascoconstrictive properties and half lifes of days.

    Nbme blotters that people take thinking it is LSD, has a slow onset, so they take two three more blotters and then they are overdosed on something that constricts your blood vessels like mad with long half life.

    Free Member

    we had gloss paint on ours, many strong a ale was needed and whisky later on.

    Free Member

    Need to make it to more meetings? Is it essential for you to catch a flight? We offer traffic escort services to those who need to get around the city without any delays. We can arrange escorts for VIPs and high profile businesspeople who want to get to their destinations without getting stuck in traffic or waiting in long toll booth lines. Travel in a VIP traffic escorted convoy. It will halve most journey times. You will be escorted by 2 traffic motorbikes and get to your destination safely.

    a driver service that we use offers it about 180gbp

    Free Member

    strong ale, a scarifier, a steamer, mates and patience.

    Free Member

    Get it. Plays great

    Free Member

    My students whenever they go out of province on a trip.

    Free Member

    Got an i5 very impressed with it. Type cover included. now need to get a case for it.

    custom leather one from etsy maybe.

    128gb minin sd cards are a bit spendy though

    Free Member

    or one of my favourites

    Free Member

    Free Member

    flashy is that watch that looks like a small treadmill, very cool. searching photo now

    get a Welder, nobody will notice it

    Free Member

    Quirrel do you need to call people scum, its really not very nice.

    they are, no other adjective really describes them,

    Free Member

    To finish.

    This morning I dropped decent SIL at the temple to meet wife and useless sisters to pick up ashes. He was to be dumped in the river following some chanting.

    When we got there, we were taken up to the incinerator to collect them.

    There on a large baking tray was FIL or at least what was left of him.

    Bits of skull were at the top, a rib across the middle, a femur near the bottom of wait for it……

    A stickman made out of his bones. beside it was a carrier bag of ashes.

    Some magic was done, coins placed on this figure of a man made from burnt bones, and put some flowers on it.

    mini Q said loudly ” what sort of magic is this then?” I left to go to the office.

    Took them up country to a river in the afternoon and it is now all done, bar the woman with a child down stairs, not sure where she is from,


    Premature posting:

    I’ve never seen the final stage of the funeral process, I didn’t feel it was appropriate to snap a photo or I would have, I do have many questions, such as do they make a stick woman for a female.

    Free Member

    THere has been campaigns recently on TV to try and educate people on this, it worked, for the few weeks the ads were on, and now it is back to normal.

    If you are in an ambulance, you are pretty much stuffed, better chance being thrown in the back of the first responding pickups and being raced to hospital

    Free Member

    ^I will, i’m popping into the Bangkok site tomorrow to do some work.

    Free Member

    So where to start:

    5 days of mourning in short, from a miserable gits view, in a lengthier than normal post.

    Arrived at temple on Saturday, dropped wife off, took daughter away for the night, possibly two to get away and let MrsQ take care of the shit storm that was brewing. Headed out to the countryside to see old friends

    Sunday, feeling hungover, I need to inspect some furniture shops for work. During this MrsQ calls up asking if I am coming back. Call came about 2 minutes before I had planned to splash out and stop at the Renaissance hotel for the night.

    Head home, to find that the house is being over run by the cast of last of the summer wine, Thailand, and a Thai look alike competition for the drunk father in Father Ted. They maybe managed a half set of teeth between them.

    This is the point where I realise that coming back was a bad move. These are country folk, and the only way to communicate is to shout over the top of each other, while drinking Lao Kao and beer.

    I speak to Mrs. Q, do you want me to stop in a local hotel for a few nights to free up the bedroom, you can squat there with the rest of the tribe. Mrs Q agress so I book into a nice local hotel.

    I stop overnight, ear plugs with me, I can just about manage the noise, the dogs barking, the people shouting, the inlaws shouting louder and louder over the top of each other. I only nearly snapped once, when aunty, uncle, or whatever behemoth it was at the top of the stairs came up them and then proceeded to shout down stairs to continue her conversation, before walking back down having done nothing.

    The scum stayed down stairs for the first night, never daring to venture up and meet the slightly irritated, but trying to be pleasant because their relative had deiewd foreigner.

    Monday morning, plans in place to go to a hotel Mrs Q asks me not to go, can I cope with the hoarde, in a moment of unselfishness, I said OK. It was about this point where a drunken, toothless creature climbed the stairs, pissed all over the toilet floor and broke a tap at 7:30am in the morning. 50 quid lighter from cancellation, I can see this was a mistake.

    I took miniQ out for the day and left. Driving in Bangkok traffic is more appealling than listening to the BS downstairs.

    The evening, I returned to find the hoarde appears to have now multiplied consideraby, there is now 25 or so people, camped out in the downstairs living area. We may now have a full set of teeth. The noise is louder than ever, and some I half recognise – a couple of brothers of the father, and some estranged neices and nephews, odd, not sure why they are here, but anyway.

    I chinned the chiuwawawawawa that one of them left down stairs when they went to the temple that evening. Either that or I let it free, it followed me upstairs, jumped on my bed and pissed on it, so I locked it in the outside kitchen area hoping the neighborhood snake got it.

    Tuesday came – We had family business at a land registry office, so had to go. We all escape.

    Mrs Q needs to unload – a shortened version.

    Mrs Q contacted most close relatives, said if you have money come, I will feed you , and let you sleep, otherwise don;t worry.

    Mrs Q brother called every estranged waste of space oyxgen zapping piece of fecal matter and told them he, MRs Q really, would give them whisky, food and money to go home.

    Mrs Q is livid, brother is a moron, we now have even more people that didnt give a shit about her dad here and they want feeding.

    MRs Q scum sister number 1 announces to everybody if she was getting insurance money for her dead father, she would be buying them all boxes of whisky and beer not just the single bottles Mrs Q was buying

    Mrs Q ripped her apart in front of the family, a rare thing for her to do, telling scum sister 1 that she can have the insurance money if she wants it and she is welcome to buy everybody what they want, it would be the first time she has ever done this. A classic loss of face move there by Mrs Q, and well executed.

    The vast majority, read all, of the people down stairs never cared about her dad, had no interest in him in life and only with the 5 day free party have they come out of the woodwork.

    Oh look there is cousin number 3 or 4, isn’t that the one that aborted her first child with a coat hanger and a bottle of coke in the school toilets.

    We got away for the morning . it was nice, and then Mrs Q found out that scum family had not visited dad in the morning or lunch to take him food, yes he is dead still, it’s a buddhist thing.

    Scum family hoarde were too busy, I assume drinking from 6am again, to bother, although they all sounded as if it was important.

    Scum sister 1 &2 discuss insurance money and splitting it, MRs Q again reminds them they can do what they want, they seem happy with this.

    The hoarde is at breaking point, they are using the upstairs bathroom, and I have to keep the doors locked upstairs as we are now sitting on about 2,000 pounds in ‘tambon’ or merit money from the relatives and neighbours, mainly neighbours, probably given in relief that FIL is now gone.

    There must be 30 of them now.

    Today is funeral day, lots of changes of plan, I kept thinking it will be over soon. Traipse to the temple 9am, sit arounde, watch monks eat, get bored, leave to get some food as miniQ and I don’t fancy worms or food poisoning, come back, crowd is now at 50 or so strong, appears we miossed the walking around the temple bit, but still time for photos at the coffin with the family.

    Death flowers – get them from monks, chuck them on the coffin before it burns. VERY VERY VERY bad luck to give to a living person, must only be picked up off a tray. Caught naughty neice 1 trying to give her flower to Mini Q, gave her a right good bilingual bollocking for that.

    Aftermath – still 15 people downstairs, I don’t know why. I don’t care anymore. I’ve got a pile of cash to sort out with Mrs Q, greedy relatives that want to know how much it is.

    Some nonsense about picking up ashes tomorrow and lots of crocodile tears rolling down scum sisters and brothers eyes every so often.

    Talks of what to do with dads ashes. Scum siblings have all said chuick him in the river he would like that, I know the real reason is none of them can be bothered visiting him in the temple wall or house if they keep him here.

    Death brings out the worst in people, and when they are bad already, it magnifies it exponentially.

    Mrs Q wonders why she is so soft with her family, she feels sad that she couldn’t help her dad, and yet she was the only one who did.

    Normality will resume soon. I hope.

    Free Member

    ^ is that timezone specific?

    Free Member

    ^ and he didn’t do it supping on ale, red wine and a couple of bottles of Jura.

    Free Member

    Beer or cider 100%

    Strong beer preferably 6%+

    followed later by a few small whiskys.

    The bike builders medicine.

    Don’t blame me if you lose any bits or spend a whole evening drunkenly trying to bleed some hayes brakes.

    Free Member

    the question i always have is

    Does the dirty git who pebble dashes the bog everyday and leaves iut for the cleaners.

    Do they do this at home?

    Free Member

    Not as fast 55kmh down a local country road here. Pot holes like you have never seen weaving between them. Including a bunny hope over a big one I misjudged and ended up lined up for the middle of. Si
    Speedy silliness is mint

    Free Member

    The count down in time until the FiL funeral is over-6 hours and the house will be quiet and i won’t have to listen to the sound of country folk shouting at each other I competition to be heard over each other in the living room.

    Free Member

    Photo of her rack or it didn’t happen

    Free Member

    ^ drove we are about 200km away. I;ve left the wife to the madness and taken our 4 year old away for a few days. Not really the right place for an excitable 4 year old.

    I imagine if she grabbed grandads hand one last time, as it was hanging out to being washed it might all go a bit benny hill.

    Free Member

    5 days of mourning has started.

    I’ve been to see him and either he is a good actor or he is dead, he didn’t move much when alive though. Washing the deals hand is an odd thing to do.

    Free Member

    ^ Just don’t smash the old toilet up and you can lift it in and out when you need a poo, and simply aim well down the soil pipe when peeing

    Free Member

    My car is cleaned everyday. I park it in my place at work, and the drivers clean it for me. I park it under a tree that sheds a l ot of leaves, so they feel that they should clean it for when I get out of work.

    It is nice of them to do it, and I have told them not to, but they want to clean the bosses car. I do take care of them though as much as I can.

    Free Member

    ^ Decision making , or lack thereof, is cultural thing.

    Things I have learnt tonight – people come to the house and embalm at the house before leaving the body there for collection the next day.

    All the family, who detested the old man, the ones who kicked him out of their house, who refused to let him stay, and never supported him (not that he deserved it anyway), are now all doing the “I feel guilty he is dead thing” trying to out guilt each other.

    He was a despicable person, abusive, mean, and didn’t care about his family. The stories my wife told me early on in our relationship stuck with me, ad I never had time for him, still don’t now. years ago, maybe a bit longer, mum had had enough of the beatings, and the threats to kill her. He never worked, and when he did have money he spent it on his friends.

    He was kicked out by her mum about 18 years ago or so, rather than get a job and do something useful he became a monk, and spent the next 18 years being kicked out of temples for not following the rules. It got to a point about 3 years ago where we had a friend begging a temple to take him in, and they were refusing as he had such a poor reputation.

    I suspect that there will be a massive fight with the family as well as apart from her mum and younger sister, the rest are scum. They will try to out guilt each other but when it comes to paying for the funeral, all eyes will be on my wife and her younger sister as they are the only two that could ever be arsed to make anything of their lives.

    Free Member

    ^ I did just mention that, and got a look of death, but tried again more tactfully, and she knows he will be off to the morgue or temple or somewhere.

    MIL disposed of our cat by chucking him in the bin, so not sure if that is an option, the neighbour has a large wheelie bin.

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