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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    Do blind dogs chase white sticks?


    Free Member

    I’m sorry about your financial circumstances. And it’s Italian leather not felt.

    Normally I’m a sucker for that sort of stuff, odd but sort of cool, but in this instance, I’m out.

    I keep looking at Noreve stuff, but I can’t bring myself to buy any.

    Free Member

    The thick walls and suits of armor may block the signal

    Free Member

    I enjoy reading articles on The Guardian and The Telegraph. The Daily Mail is banned here, so I am sometime naughty and use a proxy to read it.

    Free Member

    I will save you this time

    Free Member

    ^ 30 quid for a bit of elastic strap and some felt?

    Free Member

    I thought this thread would get the geeks of STW going ooh.

    Instead it vanished into the night.

    Free Member

    It is when you are a thread killer that gets me down.

    You post something insightful, or witty, and nobody replies after it.

    Free Member

    I was paying around 2800 a year for full international coverage exluding America, with a young child 18 months old, full SOS emergency cover flown out to nearest suitable hospital.

    That was for my wife and child.

    It was expensive, there was cheaper, but they didn’t have a mutual deal with the SOS centre and their plane.

    Free Member

    Or meanwhile in other cultures … except yours …

    I can assure you that 16 is young unless you are in the culture where you have child marriages …

    I think Canadians can at 14, but that might just be with fur seals.

    Free Member

    A judge today said he was “sceptical” that any sex offenders’ programme had yet been designed that could help a man who had sex with a goat while a train-load of passengers looked on in disbelief.

    Apparently, Stephen Hall, 23, an unemployed chef, had lassoed a grazing goat with his belt.

    Free Member

    Disappointed it doesn’t say “breasts not working” bloody STW clickbaait titles

    Free Member

    Washing machine on all day, or it seems like it, lights left on all day, or it seems like it. Gas from a bottle, don’t use the AC.

    Bills come to around 7pounds per month with water.

    Free Member

    Used to pick them up at auctions, several years ago, for considerably less than that, sub 2k most of teh time sometimes cheaper

    Free Member

    I;ve turned back a few times, just realised I’m not enjoying it and made the decision to head back rather than be pissed off.

    If my heart isn’t in it I just don’t see any point in making myself do it. It’s my free time, I might as well be enjoying it.

    Free Member

    Show the boyfriend this.

    Would you prefer they were dating a girl who was 16 than a boy?

    Free Member

    ^ using red is about as adventurous as I could go. Frame is red and black. I could possibly have silver, or just got a completely clashing colour such as neon green.

    But I heard that red compress better.

    Free Member

    The Cranberries

    Awful awful shite.

    Free Member


    I see quite a few large members on here posting, so I presume it isn’t an uncommon concern.

    Free Member

    Nissan Patrol 5.6L V8?

    Free Member

    ^ cheers.

    I was watching my brake cables move when I was adjusting them at the weekend and it got me thinking about them again.

    30quid is quite steep though, but they are in red, which matches my frame.

    Free Member

    The Beatles
    The Who

    Free Member

    My answer was going to be spit, which made me laugh. I looked for a video of someone doing one of those big long spit strings where they suck them back up and found this

    Free Member

    ^ I will keep an eye out for it.

    I have followed the rise of RC’s online with great interest, particularly how people are dosing, doing allergy tests and the active dosage levels of some of these chemicals.

    Some of the comments I have read on drugs-forums and bluelight are properly scary with people talking about hands going blue from vasoconstriction for days afterwards and ‘eyeballing’ doses, even when they active dose is thought to be at the microgram level.

    Having last worked in the UK at the tailend of the the mephedrone craze, and with the ‘spice’ synthetic cannibanoids starting to make inroads into school, and the kids at school looking for similar chemicals. I am therefore keen to read a report where it has all gone wrong under strict controls, with how much was given, and what they think it was that went wrong.

    The people writing on those forums are the sort of kids I used to teach, and some of the justification of their methods, measurements etc makes me wring my hands. I’m not adverse to a dabble, never was when I was younger, but then I was never prepared to risk losing my fingers or toes to gangrene either, just to see.

    Free Member

    I find the whole thing fascinating – especially with the current fad of recreational use of unknown substances – claimed Research Chemicals.

    A simple mix up with labeling a few years back led to a few deaths

    That is under un-controlled conditions, so they chances must be significantly higher than in medical trials.

    Will we be told why the brain damage occurred?

    Free Member

    I used ridgeline last year and one of their guys did I poo in my guttering only realise when my neighbour told me her 7 year old daughter saw him when she was playing in the garden! how disrespectful can you be.

    Free Member

    I thought your thread was – “smothering a southerner would I get away with it?” which is a definite yes.

    Free Member

    One of my staff complained that their house was using too much after getting a large bill, said he thought the meter must be faulty, he claims to have reported it.

    I knew that his wife had just finished uni and was at home full time, and when I am in the staff village dealing with other issues, the A/C was often on, all of them at times, and the houses are terribly insulated and the A/C is 20 years old.

    Second bill came in, 25% higher than the last, he was having a moan about how he shouldn’t have to pay, the meters must be faulty, both meters must be faulty yadyadayda.

    I mentioned to him that I had been in and out of the village a lot recently, having to deal with water leaks, security issues etc, and that everytime I had been in his A/C was on, which I found strange as he was at work.

    Oh – my wife is at home, but she knows not to use the A/C.

    Turns out his wife, had not only been A/Cing the whole house with four inefficient A/C units all day, she had been doing it often with the windows open, and going out for the morning just leaving it on so that the dogs didn’t get hot. Making sure they were turned off before her husband got home.

    Free Member

    I like mine.went from compact ergo bars to them.

    Feel a lot more confident, comfier in the drops, and I like the fact I can see the flare when looking down at them

    Free Member

    Best thing in my experience was to ask the inspectors views and take on things proactively.

    Top tip – don’t take the piss and argue them down on their grading.

    I had the post obsrevation lesson chat – how did I think it went – satisfactory, there may have been some elements of good in there, but they were overshadowed by the rest of it.

    Oh no it was a solid good, with several elements that were outstanding.

    Really? How do you think that, when I did this this this and this, didn’t do that?

    Got a right clip around the head by the boss for that when he was informed. He was a nob anyway.

    Free Member

    This though, I listened to for months

    Free Member

    This rates as one of my favourites for a chuckle.

    Free Member

    I sat in an interview in a hotel suite in London, it was for aschool in the ME. As the interview progressed I realised that I had absolutely no interest in working at this school, nothing, it was as if a void of blackness had engulfed my desire to work there.

    So I got up, told them I wasn’t interested in the job as I didn’t feel we were the right fit for each other and left. Hottest day in February in years, so I went to Hyde park with an 8 pack of Heinekein and drank it all, before getting the train home, and spending it talking to a professor from Syria, at Durham uni.

    So where is the turning down bit.

    About 6 months later, I received an email offering me the job, I politely turned it down, with a thank you I have just signed a new contract.

    How desperate must they have been to do that!!

    Free Member

    Passed the psychometric testing for a uni sandwich placement with a large blue chip company – went for interview, sat there thinking, I don’t want to work here, why did I apply for this job.

    Guy comes in part way through the interview and asks me how it is going, tell him the truth, that I’m just not interested in the role, and maybe I had misread it.

    He then shows me my application, that I had put my first and second choice the wrong way around, and would I like to interview for the correct position. Got it as well I did.

    Turns out I hated it as well after two days.

    Free Member

    Every TUesday for a few years after heavy weeekends.

    I knew it was coming, I even had sitters for a while who would watch me, said it was the oddest thing, with my eyes looking around the room, yet they could tell I was asleep.

    Generally it was ok to start with, third person and all that, then I would somehow stop breathing, or get my face stuck in the pillow or bed sheets, end up feeling like i was suffocating, until I woke up.

    Free Member

    Once after a night out at university, somewhat worse for wear and eye rolling, sitting in someone’s living room.

    For some reason, I don’t know where this came from or how it lodged itself in my mind, I decided that the best way to get rid of the most annoying character in the room was to puke milk all over him. Why this seemed like an appropriate action to take, in a half mate’s, someone I sort of knew living room I don’t know.

    I walked about 1 mile to the nearest 24hour garage. Bought the largest bottle of milk I could, 2 litres? walked back to the house, went inside where it was starting to quieten down. There was maybe a dozen or so people I knew, and probably another half a dozen who were close mates.

    Steve was still being at tool, and was his usual loud lairy self, and never did fit in with the ambiance of the room.

    I premade myself a large bong, asked the people closest to me if Steve was still annoying them, the usual rolled eyes said it all to me, so I stood up, opened the milk downed all of it, walked towards Steve, and with what felt like a whole cow in my stomach, and proceeded to projectile vomit milk all over him.

    I then sat down and smoked my bong. Nobody really knew what to do at that point, Steve was in shock, people were rolling around laughing, the house owner was not so, as I had just puked milk all over his fabric sofa, bean bag and carpet.

    I was escorted out the door, a couple of mates walked me home, mainly in silence as they still couldn’t really believe I had just puked milk everywhere, and not much more was said about it. I paid for the sofa and carpet to be cleaned, and Steve, well he continued to be a knob.

    It was a definite low point, as for the life of me I have no idea what made me think it was an acceptable thing to do. Or how I managed not to get a beating for it.

    Another time, a fellow called Jock , had fallen asleep, he was a tosser, he used to be locked outside the living room after a night out as he always wanted to fight people, nice enough guy when sober, not so when pissed. I seem to recall once having to handcuff him to a radiator he was so bad.

    He had come into the living room, kicked over the skinning up tray, knocked over a table with bongs, booze and gear on it and passed out on the sofa.

    For being such a twunt, we decided to do the Rizla burn trick, where you stick a Rizla to someone, when they are passed out and set fire to it. Hilarious it was, a small Rizla here, a king size there, Jock waking up slapping the burning Rizla out, and being left with little red lines on his arms before passing out again.

    Well we got a bit carried away, sticking them together to make longer ones, and giant ones. How we all chuckled and laughed. The most sensible of us,James, left the room to make tea, at which point it got out of hand, with rizlas stuck to Jocks face being lit, Jock slapping himself in the face while passed out, and us laughing harder.

    James, the most sensible of tea makers returned just as we were sticking bits of A4 paper between Jocks toes and about to burn the paper as we had run out of rizla.

    I still remember the look on his face and the “Howay lads, thats **** ing torture there” followed by “you burnt his face!!!! That is going to scar!”

    And it did. We were reminded of it every time we saw Jock afterwards, with this little scar about two inches long down his left cheek. He didn’t come out with us much after that either.

    Free Member

    First ever lesson as a trainnee teacher – doing about meteor impacts – show a dramatic clip with music playing as a CGI meteor hits earth – big tough lad from the class gets up – tells me he has to go and runs out.

    Next day the head of student support comes to see me – turns out I played the main song from his dads funeral the previous week.

    Free Member

    The school completes a self evaluation where it supplies the evidence to say what level it is at. OFSTED uses that as the basis of their inspection.

    Great if your leadership team know what they are doing, soul destroying if they are delusional.

    Free Member

    Whenever we had visitors at my old school, I was instructed to take my BTEC science group outside by the wall to hide. It was amazing how much smoke comes out of trees in the distance on a warm summers day.

    Only people I couldn’t get away with this from was OFSTED, BTEC were fantastic up until the last 20 minutes of a double lesson with them, when OFSTED still hadn’t been in and one of them turned and said “Where are these OFSTED **** sir? We’ve been dead good all lesson. **** **** aren’t coming are they” ah I do miss their way with words.

    They saved me once from a surprise H&S inspection – one came running into the classroom having bumped into visitors from county, and someone bigger I thnk it was HMI. Little buggers gutted the classroom thewall the junk in cupboards, neatened up lab coats, turned the classroom into a pristine looking class, wrote some random shit on the board to make it look like they were learning, and sat and read science books, all on a Friday afternoon double with them after lunch.

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