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  • Xylene
    Free Member

    There was, and may still be a weed syndicate in the NE of growers, they grew high end fancy we’d. Traded between themselves and some outsiders. If you were outside there network you were paying between 10-20 per gram. Some plants yielded 3 ounces some less some considerably more.

    Free Member

    Exposure super XX B&W 601s and some fancy cable that I can’t remember how much it cost other than a student loan 18 years ago.

    Floor standers are tempting but pricey

    I also have no walls in this room, just put up some mozzy screens, concrete front and back walls, and 6m of mozzy screen, I can listen to the music up the street.

    Free Member

    Gaidong – what project are you working on out in Burma?

    Free Member

    I was sad to hear that B&W have been bought up by a tech startup

    Free Member

    How do you become trained to deliver bikability is it an ASDAN course?

    Free Member

    Last time I hired a car in the UK was for an airport run, Newcastle to London due to some **** in admin cocking up our connecting flight.

    Raced down, door to door, rather a short period of time.

    Dropped the car off at Heathrow, at night, guy automatically gets down and looks at the front to tell me the bumper is cracked. Got his boss out to tell me the same.

    I hadn’t noticed it when I picked it up. They were rabbitting on about paying for it from the insurance. I pointed out that I had just driven down the motorway less than five hours after picking the car up and the chances of me having the opportunity to damage it were slim. Speeding tickets yes, damage to the front bumper no.

    They seemed pleased with this reasoning and told me not to worry about it.

    Free Member

    ^ I had thought of that, although I was hoping to tax my making skills a bit more.

    We just had some storms, and I have a few decent sized tree trunks that I was considering taking into the work shop and cutting flat. Mahogany would, but not cured yet so no doubt will destroy everything with the sap.

    Free Member

    I am disapointed by this thread. I was hoping the plan was to return to your inlaws and leave porno mags in their toilets as revenge for cluttering up yours with the DM.

    Free Member

    It has been about 4 years since we left and MrsQ got her citizenship. Is the PR different to the ILR? Is this the ID cards that I was reading about a while back? It’s not applying for citizenship, is that right?

    Are the Malaysian passports still common wealth

    I would hope your MP can help out, does mean you will have to subscribe to their twitter feed and emails out of politeness though.

    Free Member

    Flying mother **** ants – rains have been, little flying buggers have found their way in through the bottom of my new mozzy screens and there are thousands of the **** in here.

    Emergency mastic out to seal the edges before they take over – they are swarming a plug socket for some reason.

    To top it all they have attracted two very large toukes who are now hanging onto the screen creeeping me out with their beady yellow eyes.

    Free Member

    Gonzy – I always thought my wife was having an affair. I’m pleased it is with another cyclist.

    You can have her Monday to Sunday. I’ll have her on the other days.

    Free Member

    Spxxy – I am assuming that at no point she has left the UK long enough to have the ILR nulified, I think it used to be 186 days out of the UK before things got tricky.

    Is the PR you are applying for with the intention of going to the next step of citizenship?

    Our MP helped out when we had issues with MrsQ citizenship, he got further than the British Ambassador for Beijing did, long story.

    I was really impressed with how helpful they were.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    The fact that she seems to crash and bang away at everything she does, whether it is washing the dishes, putting them away, opening or closing doors, cupboards, car doors, stomping around, speaking, moving, breathing.

    What ever it is, a small elephant on meth would be quieter at it than her.

    Free Member

    Skype interviews are great fun – I interviewed a lady who claimed her camera wasn’t working, not to worry we will continue, her photo sent with the cv so we had an idea of what she looked like, at some point during the interview she must have clicked her camera on, and there was someone 40 years older than the photo we had sent smoking a fag.

    Weird, and not employed.

    My partner in crime at work and I had to interview dozens of folk via Skype, and on the odd occasion, we would mix up times, or get the time zones wrong, not all our fault.

    On a Saturday evening, around 10pm, we were continuing a rather long days drinking session when we suddenly went “shit we have an interview” having already received a bollocking for missing one the previous day, we charged down to the office to carry out the interview, pouring some whisky into two coffee cups on the way down.

    A fantastic interview was had, the candidate was a wonderful person, would make an excellent hire, perfect of for the job, loved to talk, etc etc.

    Turned out to be an absolute nutter who left after a year.

    I interviewed a lady who on asking why she wanted to work at the school told me that she didn’t really, there weren’t any other jobs going that she thought she would get.

    Another simply wouldn’t answer any questions we asked, kept answering them with bizarre anecdotes totally unrelated.

    Finally, I had the fresh graduate, who informed me he had turned down two NQT positions in two very good schools to return here. On asking him why he was so desperate to return here, he told me about his girlfriend out here. That made sense, how long had they lived apart – 3 years. He was prepared to work in a shitty language school to get back out here.

    So why is another year going to kill you to get fully certified and find a job after that, surely that makes more sense than throwing away all this training. “I think she might have another boyfriend so I need to get back”

    Free Member

    I’d refuse ATM

    My wife did when I suggested it too.

    Free Member

    Any recommendations for powered monitor speakers that could be used for multi room?

    Free Member

    ^ maybe it would work on an airplane

    Free Member

    I find it amazing that i could eat a whole roast chicken, shit it out and not block the bog, yet if i try and flush one away it blocks it up.

    the body is an amazing thing

    Free Member

    Just pee in the sink if the loo is blocked by an orange. It’s acceptable to do on planes, so why not office toilets.

    Free Member

    a public hand basin.

    So if it was on my own private jet that would be ok?

    Free Member

    ^ In the sink after draining it, I generally wash my hands from the tap water. A long with being a bit manky, I also don’t mind wasting water on planes.

    Free Member

    Why should I have to wash my hands where you want to stick your cock?

    Is it likely you will have the opportunity to have Beatrice Dalle pee on your hands?

    To tell the truth if you wash your hands under the running tap there is no cock to hand transfer potential

    If we are in one of those large first class toilets, and there is room for more than one, then the potential is there.

    Free Member

    Only one film to watch home alone – Requiem for a Dream, if you are going to feel harrowed and used, you might as well do it alone.

    Free Member

    every time I sit on those bogs I seem to have to wrestle to keep the johnson from touching inside the bowl..

    If you peed in the sink, you wouldn’t have to do this. Why dip your willy into other people’s pee, poo and period when you can pee in the sink.

    Or are you just bragging about having a really long willy?

    I suppose as the sink is that much higher, it’s easy to stick the end of your knob into the plughole so there’s no risk of embarrassing splashback showing on the front of your chinos…

    Just remember to remove knob before pushing button to suck water away.

    I’m quite pleased that some are being converted.

    Free Member

    ^ a real man would have done it after getting back from the pub

    Free Member

    are stag does not just a throw back to when it was a big deal to get married?

    Free Member

    ground – you may have some very upset baggage handlers after you!

    Even if it is Ryan Air staff?

    Free Member

    ^ It is not

    Free Member

    In your pocket, in a bag, in your hand, on a lanyard or like this:

    All options that you could use to take your phone abroad.

    Free Member

    sodium hypochlorite

    I like the smell of sponges and foam.

    I used to enjoy sucking bathwater through a sponge when i was young. the taste always appealed to me

    Free Member

    unotelly are getting back on track for their smart dns

    Free Member

    Ever heard of homeopathic piss?

    Is that where you make fun of someone from across a crowded room so quietly that nobody can detect it?

    * it was funny in my head, can someone rewrite it

    Free Member

    Yes, the experience is unreal.

    Free Member

    Schwalbe Marathons puncture resistant through placing a ring of concrete under the rubber.

    Free Member

    Wheelies – brake cables not tightened, pulled through on first test ride. gears not indexed, and weirdly bottom of one crank arm ground down by a couple of mm as if someone had ridden along a curb

    first time i had ever bought a new bike.

    Free Member

    Yes to the shower.

    Last year, I as staying at a hotel that had one of those pool bars with stools in the water.

    I fancied a beer, so sat down to find it was happy hour, and one thing led to another, and two other gentleman and I sat there drinking for 6 hours or so.

    None of us went off for a pee during that time. Many many beers and cocktails were drank.

    In my mind the three of us knew were were peeing, and that is was an unwritten rule that we didn’t talk about it.

    Free Member

    For whatever reason this makes me want to puke. I now feel queasy having searched for inside fish gills.

    Free Member

    What was your line of work?

    Free Member

    What is this dishwasher tab business? Why do workplaces have dishwashers and not sinks? Is this a new trend?

Viewing 40 posts - 641 through 680 (of 3,546 total)