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  • The Grinder: Wolf Tooth pedals, DMR cranks, Ceramic Speed SLT bearings, USE bar, Madison bib-trouser, Leatt knee pads
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    That fork on the piolet though is awful.

    Free Member

    Have you been kissing me? My many throat is just about under control, although I’m not looking forward to the 16 hour flight today where have to get up to spit the blood and green shit.

    Free Member

    $699 delivered plus import duties.

    Free Member

    I once in an inebriated state ate a kilo of dried mango, i required an afternoon working in the toilet.

    Free Member

    Specialised enduro 2002 I miss mine bought it off someone on here as a frame only

    Free Member

    If you want to know more just Google th brand nsme

    Free Member

    Tropical wounds are fun. I scratched a mozzy bite. It scabbed over I may have picked said scab, a week later walking through the canteen at work, showed nurse my weird looking wound who then marched me up to the infirmary to cut away at it as it had started ulcerating and why had in left it so long, if I wasn’t careful I would have to go to hospital. It was the size if a. 5p, burnt as if it was a on fire though.

    Free Member

    No it is crap now.

    Although they have given me a free month to rind me how crap they are.

    Free Member

    I’ve just checked the traffic cam for m20 channel tunnel and there are no cars there at all.

    Does that mean there is someone holding up a photo infront of the lens as in a spy movie to make us all think it is ok?

    Free Member

    The thought of parma violets makes me dry heave.

    Free Member

    Though 10.5% x 568ml = pished

    But I should be able to make that choice myself – Can I have a pint of that 10.6% stuff, no you we only sell in halfs, well can I have two halfs in a pint, no we only sell it in half glasses.

    I enjoyed the beer, service was spot on, but the weird rules stopped me drinking pints of wine strength beer at 2pm on a Friday afternoon.

    Free Member

    Whatever you make can you ask them to sEllis it in pints

    Ì amy conused as to why they limit me to half’s of theirstrongest beer
    I know this ib have been in their Newcastle bar for 4 hours

    Free Member

    Sloppy seconds?

    Free Member

    £75 for walk in, I think that was quite reasonable. Insurance covers it.

    It was easier as I could tell them my GP surgery, which helped, for some reason and I saw a nurse practitioner or something like that, penicillin issued and told to reregister if we move back.

    Did make me think about what Bruce it buddy from America or Australia does when they come here and fall ill.

    My health insurance company were pretty on the ball wanting to pay and arrange appointments in this instance it was easier for me to pay and claim back.

    However what happens to one of those overseas tourists who falls in the lakes miles from any private hospitals. How does the hospital bill them or for they direct bill insurance?

    Sun this week was about yet another tourist in Thailand running up a bill, dying and parents family begging for money to release the body.

    Health care certainly isn’t cheap, one of my colleagues needed emergency heart surgery it came to 27000usd over 4 days plus follow up out patients

    Free Member

    It’s probably viral anyway

    Tell that to the white pustuals, green shit dripping over it and manky lumps all over it.

    At 69 quid that is cheap – do you do house calls.

    I went to a walk in the other day and they had a box to tick if I wasn’t resident in the UK for the last 12 months, I asked what the process was if I wasn’t and they looked blankly at me, I left.

    Free Member

    Only want someone to give me a prescription for some antibiotics to clear up my manky throat and give it a swab to find out why it keeps going manky.

    Found Newcastle Premier Health will give them a call tomorrow.

    Free Member

    We had a really good response from them when a bus driver racially abused my wife and her student mates a few years ago.

    Same driver on multiple times made rude comments to her and her mates when they were leaving college – usual silly racist things – go back to your own country and all that carry on, when they got on the bus. Initially it started with him refusing to let the use their passes, I told her to stop using it and buy tickets to get the driver details.

    He then started doing things like stopping 10m from the bus stop, waiting a few minutes, driving up, open and close the doors and drive off.

    Ariva told me the driver would be dealt with, and would receive I think they called it race awareness or something like that.

    He didn’t run that route either again.

    We also complained about the council security van driving excessively fast through 20 zones, they replied that they had indeed been travelling faster than the 30mph limit and the drivers would be warned – oh I enjoyed telling them that it was in fact 20mph zone and they had reduced the speed themselves months before.

    Complain to the man. Stick it to the man.

    Free Member

    Insurance covers it, just a bit baffled by the need to be referred from a normal gp

    Free Member

    Used to have an acquaintance in Newcastle, Tony, terrible drink as was his brother. They used to scrap something rotten, I do recall one if them breaking their arm during a fight.

    Free Member

    ^ constructive stuff I’m all for – we had bush craft and other activities that worked really well.

    Free Member

    Movie watching and pissing about at the end of term is a big NO from me. Although I am at a fee paying school, and dealing with the headaches of parents moaning at me about staff doing this is why I don’t allow it.

    Free Member

    Many years ago I helped an old friend through detox from heroin. It was a very long 9 days cooped up with him in my flat with other friends keeping us fed and watered and giving me a break for a couple of hours.

    I learnt a lot over those 9 days, what really stuck with me was that while he was addicted to the drug, it was the method of delivery, injection that he found the hardest to kick.

    He told me “the heroin I can kick, the pin is a lot harder” he did shoot up random things , aspirin, speed, baking powder when he was through the 9 days, simply to fight that side of the addiction.

    He dead now though, unfortunately he only stayed clean for a half a year or so.

    Free Member

    I gave up at 11:30pm. The special offer at ASDA for McKewan’s Champion thwarted my plans of staying awake.

    Free Member

    ^ I’ve had no luck with mine – bought 100s of scorpion and something else, and none grew – I gave them to my gardeners so it wasn’t even me who stuffed up.

    The birds eye ones are known as kee nok – rat shit.

    Free Member

    MrsQ in the spirit of things, has said, that the experiment should go ahead tonight. So place your bets. She is still up beside me watching some disney nonsense.

    I’m going for 12:30am.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a few friends with kids that do that.

    The other night, although it is the holidays, she managed to fly below the bedtime radar, and at around 10pm announced she was hungry. I blame the long UK summer nights throwing us out on our child rearing plans.

    I will give a running commentary tomorrow night. Who falls asleep first me or her.

    Free Member

    That bit in Thrunton with the skill and cross bones always scared me

    Free Member

    The meercats – I had the misfortune to meet some real ones and they stank.

    Free Member

    And not even the good kind of kimchee.

    I was with you until here, then I lost all respect. All kimchee is good, especially that kept in a kimchee fridge.

    Free Member

    Neil Gaimen, Stephen Kings IT.

    I was reading adult horror when I was younger than that.

    Free Member

    I wonder if they went to Mark Thatcher for advice?

    Free Member

    The other thing to bare in mind is the rose tinted glasses, and the culture shock of returning.

    The first six months while we waited for things to start up were awful, and we nearly left again. It was expensive as well, not working for 6 months, not able to sign on, burnt through our savings at a serious rate.

    Personally I would not be paying anything to a lawyer or visa expert to put the application in, all the advice you need it on websites and expat forums who have. and are going through it now.

    There was, and may well still be, rules in place for long term marriages as well, with visas being issued for them if they could be proved to be genuine and long term. Rather than popping over to whatever SEA and picking up a bride.

    I do know of someone who used EU human right laws to get his wife granted a visa to the UK to marry, something about the right to marry, even though he didn’t have the evidence, funds etc. He was a hipster weirdo from London so he may have just have threatened to wear even tighter and brightly coloured jeans if they didn’t issue it.

    Free Member

    Visas are simply hoop jumping, if you can’t show proof if a long term relationship, then thry will grill or just reject.

    I understand it has got harder since we did it 7 years ago, but there was no need to lawyer up.

    There was no need for 6 months income either asong as there was a lump sum in the bank.

    Although I understand that it had increased. There was a law about no spousal visa to under 21 not sure if that is still going.

    Join local expatt forums they will be more help

    Free Member

    I went to the Outback Eclipse Festival in the Flinders ranges in 2002, and while it was only small, on leaving the waste left behind was minimal, – but then 5,000 psytrance hippies do try to be clean. During the rave people were going around cleaning up, helping out. It wasnt all just me me me.

    Free Member

    no holds barred either – playing with fire in places like west africa.

    Are companies still giving HIV safety packs to staff who get posted in west africa with packets of condoms in them?

    Free Member

    Mr Tumble – he a still hasn’t learned to remember his spotty bag after all these years.

    Free Member

    A few years back, in a dodgy karaoke place, with 8 couples and two single females it came to bill splitting time.

    Quick look at the blli said it split evenly among the pairs , so the price was announced in the drunken moment, and one of the single females got all arsey and said she wasn’t paying for the wives and girlfriends.

    So we just paid up, headed to our ride home, which she tried to get into and was promptly told by the driver that she surely couldn’t ride back with us as it had been paid for by all the couple’s.

    Her mate, our mate as well, hopped in, looked at pariah stood there and told her she had better start walking, gave the carpark attendant a hefty tip and we left.

    Their friendship didn’t last long, they shared an apartment together.

    Free Member

    Go on a gangland tour

    Free Member

    Not out in UK yet, but you can get it, we have a gym outside mum and dads house.

    Free Member

    Firefly – never owned one, maybe one day but the attention to detail is stunning.

    Voodoo – when I had issues with a mangled drop out I emailed and was contacted by Joe Murray, who was really helpful.

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