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  • 2025 Mountain Bike World Cup Series calendar revealed
  • xterramac
    Free Member

    I’m with you guys, I hate trail trash!!!

    A great campaign run by Surfers Against Sewage, is Return To Offender!

    You can easily follow the principal and take it to the trail as I’m sure there is room in your pockets or pack to carry out trash.

    details below

    We are encouraging all our supporters to take action to become an active part of SAS’s award-winning anti beach litter campaign Return To Offender. The campaign has sent over 2000 items of identifiable marine litter found on UK beaches back to the manufacturers, challenging them to:

    Step up the anti-littering message on your products.

    Look at using less harmful packaging to ensure products can be broken down naturally without putting wildlife at risk.

    Promote recycling and/or reuse wherever appropriate.

    Support community beach litter initiatives or anti-litter projects.

    Since launching in 2006 the Return To Offender campaign has gone from strength to strength, along the way winning the Coast award for Best Blue Green Campaign in 2009. More recently Haribo have responded directly to the RTO campaign challenges, increasing their anti-litter messaging on packaging by replacing the universal Litter Man icon with a far larger anti-littering icon more appropriate for their customers.

    With your help this campaign can continue to make a real difference to what we find on our beaches, you’re not only an environmentalist, you’re a consumer, and so these big companies will listen to what you have to say.

    SAS’s dirty dozen

    Below are the worst offenders, those companies whose products we are finding the most on our precious beaches. However, our focus from 2013 will be on companies such as Pepsico UK and Bookers Ltd who have refused to take this issue seriously so far.

    Coca-Cola • Pepsico • Glaxosmithkline/Lucozade • Kraft • Nestlé • Tesco • Mars • United Biscuits • Carlsberg • Unilever • Booker • In Bev/Anhesuer Busch

    Cheers Mac

    Free Member

    I live on the edge of the new forest, I can confidently say its full of twunts like him and his tac dropping pals. Now, I’m a fairly mellow guy these days tbh, haven’t punched anyone in the face or damaged anyone’s car for years….. Id hate to have to “report back…”

    Free Member

    yeah, I’ve got heaps of hair. Just use my hands and water instead……

    Free Member

    weakness = internet porn (still!)
    action needed = filters for my laptop, pc, phone, tablet.

    Free Member

    Some days I can take my beer better than others, so if driving I don’t drink and if drinking I don’t drive… But if riding home (pavement or trails) or running (as biking), then don’t give it a second thought and drink as I feel.

    Free Member

    Don’t know much about them Mendips, but I heard the 2014 UK capital for camping, eating bacon sandwiches and going to the pub, with some MTBing thrown in is Swanage, Dorset. (There’s more to be found there than just fatbike, single speed weirdos…..)

    Free Member

    Nice one, thanks guys. I knew someone somewhere would have bought one. Id like to get the 1b as the xt, wheels, fox, dropper have got to be worth the price, but like they say, “I ain’t got the green too make the seen” cheers macs

    Free Member

    – simple work out that complements my cycling
    – Builds core muscles
    – is home based (ain’t got time to go to the gym)
    – is easy to do (I really like the idea of a video/DVD so that I don’t have to think too much)
    – is varied – so I don’t get bored/just work out the same things
    – ~30 mins”

    After buying one 2months ago and using it at least 3 times a week since,I can honestly recommend the TRX system, I’m a lot stronger already from it and have progressed my core stability even beyond my K1 paddling days….. There’s heaps of programmes to be found online to follow, its a very packable bit of kit and you can use it off any strong anchor point, like a tree or rafter even a door frame. Its not cheap but copy products are available I’m sure…. Cheers macs

    Free Member

    nice one guys, as I thought then really. 2nd hand giant trance or zesty of Ebollock. Just wanted to check in case anyone had done similar

    Free Member

    eat less and/or move more = weight loss. Its not hard 🙄 As for all the old cobblers about genetics, insulin response, metabolism etc, stick a cork in it (literally) that should help

    Free Member

    Id say for most it has to be, Blood on the tracks. However I was lucky enough to find a limited edition live at the gaslight cd in NYC, while on holiday. That’s the best Dylan album for me. 😀

    Free Member

    Buff helmet liner pro!!!! “A short buff for use under helmet, made from fastwick extra plus, highly breathable and absorbs sweat, while being fast drying.” If that isn’t enough, its got Pro in the name 8)

    Free Member

    Feel free to text my ex if you like. Just make sure you call her a controlling, cheating, 2 faced bitch, when you do. Cheers

    Free Member

    Centre – NyA.
    Trail – Minton Batch, Long Mynd.

    Free Member

    It’s called “Inspired In Barcelona” may find it elsewhere? Wall rides are pretty impressive

    Free Member

    One of the early winter x games had biker cross!!! MTB’s on the boarder cross track, steve peat raced, that was mental

    Free Member

    CRC have it at £2029.99 currently. Is this typical rock bottom for crc or is it worth waiting to see if there’s a chance of it coming down a bit more? Cheers macca

    Free Member

    “I’m sure that with your combination of sparkling wit and gentlemanly values there are women queuing up to let you “have a go on” them. ” yes, namely your mum…. Have a top weekend and try not to take yourself to seriously, you fun person!!!!

    Free Member

    wouldn’t mind a go on the blonde one……

    Free Member

    best thing to do is turn round and go home, nothing to see down here, honest….. 😉 “There’s no such person as CTBM (in fact its really a 12year old girl who’s just good with ebay and such like)and the Square n compass closed years ago, so don’t come here, errr I mean go there. Swanage doesn’t even have a pier and there is certainly no trails to be ridden or waves to be surfed, so like I say, best to jog on…….

    Free Member

    £1500 gets you a 2014 Merida One-Forty 5-B 1, 650b, 140mm, slx, sounds like a good deal. has anyone got one or seen a British review?

    Free Member

    They had a big revamp last year with MucOff getting involved, dig days, a few new lines etc. Not been up there for a while but given all the rain we have had here, its probably still flooded so the up lift might be struggling ?

    Free Member

    Merida forty 1 b, looks a good deal at 3k????

    Free Member

    Not to sure on current conditions as we have had a lot of rain, hopefully some of the descents will have a bit more to them now??? your route takes in a lot of the classic Perbeck stuff, but misses a couple of nice bits too. There’s heaps of other trails in and around that area, but as ive only ridden the ones near kimmeridge I cant tell you a route, your best bet is giving Charlie the mongbiker a call as he knows it like the back of chain tensioner

    Free Member

    Shout “strava segment” then hammer off. It seems to be what most people are doing round our way atm

    Free Member

    I know its slightly off topic, but I’m sure this will be appreciated while we are in the “getting one over on her indoors” zone

    A couple of years ago, I met a bloke through work at a trade show, sat around waiting for customers he told me a great story about how he and his mates were of an age where the wives wouldn’t let them do anything fun any more and that they had to be all grown up and sensible etc etc, (it all sounded pretty horrible to me, but I’m only 36 so to young to be worrying about growing up just yet) anyway they hatched a plan to invent new mate!!! They dropped him into conversation at home from time to time and asked for a pass out so they could go out for his birthday. It worked and they got a night out on the lash together (the first in a long time) no questions asked…. They then helped him move flats, which was code for a day at Afan, something they dearly missed. “Remember this guy didn’t exists one bit” He finished by telling me that they were off on his stag do in 3 weeks time to Amsterdam for the weekend… Genius in one way, pretty sad in another!! I didn’t see the guy last year but will look out for him at this years show as Id love to know how him and his mates got out of the imaginary wedding, of which there Mrs no doubt would have wanted to go to…..

    Free Member

    yes report it for sure. Near Ringwood last year, some nob head slowed down next to me and his passenger leaned out the window let a party popper (streamer/banger) off in my face. luckily I wasn’t burned or crash, but it could have been a lot worse. I reported it and the police took it very seriously.

    Free Member

    Gurrrrr, bloody picture link thing…. Anyway its called the Codine? heres a link

    Free Member

    Kelly Brook is tipping it so far, seeing as Singletrack is sold out… Cheers all

    Free Member

    If your from the Surrey Hills, your best bet is to go to Swanage. They love fat bike weirdos 😛

    Free Member

    To not get sucked into training and racing (on or off road), I want to enjoy riding more and feel like I did before competition took over from the stoke of just pedalling with mates…

    Free Member

    OP here, thanks for all the comments, sorry I’ve not put any pics of “solo” up, not that computer savvy. But for the record he is a collie.
    A couple of things worth mentioning, yes I am a very strong swimmer(as that was asked)and secondly, hindsight is awesome!! I was deffo pretty stupid to go in right away, but like I said, I love that dog, he is my best pal. Id have gone in to save your dog too or your kid, cat, hamster, even you “binners” at the time, however if anything like that was to happen again I would certainly have a think first, a lot of you guys/gals are right, it could have gone to shite.

    Cheers Macs

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, really appreciate that as I was pretty down yesterday after the whole thing and the reaction of folks, but I knew I could rely on you guys to tell it how it is, cheers all. For the record I’m a strong swimmer/surfer and was shocked by how strong the under current was compared to the surface speed of the water and also the power pinning at the tree trunk, please take care out folks.

    Free Member

    Was going to break my rule and ride on the road before Jan 1st(at the earliest) today. Thankfully the weather has allowed for much coffee and merriment instead and the road bike remains safely locked down until new year. Winter is about mud and surf for me, not road grimness.

    Free Member

    Well I went yesterday on my way past as planned. What a pleasant surprise it was!!!! (apart from the toilets not opening until 10am, wtf? don’t they understand, a lot of men turn up to ride there in the mornings and normally after a strong coffee)
    Anyways, rode the blue a couple of times, once including the red extended loop. Enjoyed the main sections and think its gonna become a regular stop off when in going past for work in the future. Dare I say,its better than Cannock???????????

    Free Member

    18-65 so if you are too old, good on ya!

    Free Member

    Basically the attitude you should expect to receive at your first event from riders and organiser’s alike will be:
    Attend Go ride events please if your clueless or even club runs. Don’t come to a race and risk killing everyone if you can’t hold a wheel or don’t feel happy in a group, keep hold of your bars throughout and if your a triathlete please use the exit now we don’t have time for you …………
    This is kind of down to safety but its also down to certain cyclists/marshals etc thinking they are well above there station and abilities, so calling the shots…. Its 4th cat not the bloody tour, give people a break and a chance please.
    I road raced last year and won (not that it matters) the main thing is don’t get psyched out by it. It isn’t that hard if you go about it sensibly, sit in the first 10, do your turns and sprint at the right moment, then you should do ok! Just remember to keep both hands on the bars, even if you win 😉

    Free Member

    Mr_Mojo – Member

    It’s because anyone with views that don’t fall into the STW lefty PC correct norms get hounded.

    SPOT ON MATE!!!!

    However, I’m sure if you posted a…….

    “What Fat Bike trailer is best for Surrey Hills 90minute warm weather epics that include strava segments and have a high end coffee shops every 5km (note, trailer must also fit into Audi boot)?”
    Then you would probably be save as houses………

    Free Member

    Hey buzz, how about this for a cheaper way of doing things, buy a 2nd hand board and a Voile DIY Split Kit (about a hundred quid)…… I’m gonna have a go at doing it, as I managed to snag a K2 with bindings off the bay for silly money!!!! Ok it was a couple of months ago and its not in showroom condition etc etc, but ideal for this kind of conversion and a bit of winter fun, should the snow finally get here. There’s bits on youtube of a guy doing the conversion, it don’t look to difficult??? Cheers Macs

    Free Member

    oh ignore that last post, misread the thread name, my bad…..

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