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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • xcracer1
    Free Member

    Thanks all, just ordered a £20 dual compound version, saved around £25 on the more expensive versions.

    Free Member

    The foam ones are cheap and reliable, but uncomfortable imo.

    Self inflationg mats are better at around £25, neoair oe expeds are better/more comfortable still but are around £80.

    Id go for a £25 ish self inflating to start with.

    Free Member

    If she wants to do it, then back her.

    It may lead to something, or maybe 6 months down the line she will have had enough and decided nerself its not for her.

    Free Member

    It very easy to get drawn into your thoughts. You are not your thoughts nor can you immediately control them, but you can learn to detach from them and see them for what they really are, which is ramdom, silly, scary, fearful….etc but not neccesarily the truth.

    When I had anxiety I practised just sitting down, and leaving every though just be without reacting to them. It wasn’t easy as my built in reaction at that time was to run to the docs to seek help of see dr google.

    When you react you give them importance, and when they are important you keep checking and getting them. Whan you relax and let them be, you are showing yourself that they are not so imortant, and they eventually fade away.

    Its not easy but worked for me.

    Free Member

    When you wake at 5am, what do you do following waking? Maybe thats the behaviour you need to change.

    Free Member

    I suffered a breakdown also and got myself stuck in an anxiety disorder.

    As others have said its the cycle that keeps it alive, you consciously trying to stop it by carrying out rituals, questioning, listening in to thoughts which feeds the anxiety/depression.

    However its curable and im fine now.

    Some good books for you is anything by dr claire weekes.

    Free Member

    Thanks, should have said a wooden shed (not a wood/log storage shed) I was after.


    Free Member

    Im an ex anxiety sufferer – brought on by work stress.

    CBT or ACT is good advice.

    Important point is to put what you learn into everyday practice, however you feel, and slowly the anxiety will dissipate away. Because it is viewed as a threat, you live in this heightened, constant fear/state. oCD is an anxiety symptom. There is a good saying by Henry Ford i think.. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

    Four good books to read;

    The happiness trap – dr russ harris
    Hope and help for nerves – dr claire weekes
    Letting go – dr david hawkins
    Linden method – charles linden

    Important to remember that reading books wont cure, theyll tell you how to cure, it is your actions that cures, and this can be challenging at times.

    All the best, i know how she feels.

    Free Member

    Can you list the things thats causing the stress response to be activated – the things you view as a threat? Even if not here can you bring them up with your boss?

    Learning to say no helped me a lot (politely of course, saying why – usually too much other work). When I have a lot of work on now and they try and offload more onto me i just say i cant do it now where before i tried to please and just took it all on to the detriment to my health.

    Feeling loss of control (trapped) would be another stressor – mayby you can change this somehow or go through it with someone who can help/advise.

    Do you have access to someone like a life coach / councellor who you can talk things through with, even if you have to pay for it?

    Free Member

    Its ok, worth a read.

    If you have kindle or ibooks, cant remember which, download a book called ‘letting go’ – good book worth a read as well.

    Free Member

    Agree with other, some amazing stories of courage on here.

    Free Member

    Being rushed to hospital in an ambulance (twice) with all things sticking out of me and the subsequent constant anxiety / depression. Never knew anxiety disorder could be so convincing.

    Best feeling was eliminating the anxiety disorder and getting back to normal, knowing having gone through the recovery it can never have the same effect on me as i know and have that experience of how i recovered, and nothing gives more confidence than actually doing it.

    Free Member

    Mine doesnt say that, it only says where my permanent place of work is.

    I may have been claiming to little mileage when working at my alternative place then.

    Free Member

    On the internal address book I was down as working in my ‘new’ workplace. however my contract wasnt changed and in that my base is the original workplace.

    As it was closer to home at the time i didnt really think into it much until I was told to move to my original workplace.

    Surely they cant say the 7 or so years I spent in the new office was a temporary workplace?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I had a look at hiring a bikeboxalan, on ebay its £6/day, £15 delivery plus i’d need to post back, so 10 days would be near enough £100.

    Free Member

    But we arent talking about cancer or heart disease. We are on about fatigue and the effect it has on you mentally and physically, and the continued worrying about your fatigue creates stress and hence more symptoms of fatigue.

    Anyway for those interested search a book by a Loz Evans, its free and nothing to do with me about her recovery from CFS.

    Free Member

    does the virus go on and on though? You believe it does because of how you feel.

    But is this really true? Doctors cant find anything can they?

    Mayby it is the worrying that goes on and on, visiting docs, searching cures, avoiding things because of it, searching the net for answers.. etc. This behaviour (because you fear the fatigue) causes a lot of stress. A symptom of stress is fatigue.

    Whatever caused the initial stress (and fatigue) has probably been and gone.. A virus, other illness, work stress, divorce, bereavement etc.

    Apart from fatigue do you get nervousness, headaches, tight feeling in chest and stomach, breathing issues, negative thoughts as well, racing heart, overly emotional or mayby just a few of these symptoms as well.

    Im not having a go at anyone, i know how hard it is.

    Free Member

    My comments are definitely not aimed to be negative, I’m trying to get you to think about it in a different way. Just mayby there isnt a deep seated, unknown cause to be searching for?

    Ive been in the back of an ambulance a few times due to the symptoms i had, could bearly leave the house, felt on edge 24/7, had obsessions, breathing problems, lots of palpitations, insomnia, constant negative thoughts, felt in a fog/spacey all the time, headaches, to name a few.

    Best advise I can give is take advise from someone who has suffered and recovered.

    If you feel the need to continue searching for whats wrong at least say if you still havent gotten rid of it in 3 / 6 months to give this option a try?

    If you dont agree with what I’m saying then that is ok and I wish you well, I know its not a nice place to be in.

    Free Member

    The only thing I will add is that if you have been suffering for a while, and your doctor has checked you out; and I imagine you have been to the doctor a lot??, then mayby you are doing something to make you feel this way?

    Mayby the belief that something is wrong with me, and your constant search is what makes you feel this way?

    I totally agree about the symptoms being pretty awful and real, totally agree with this.

    Have a look at people who have suffered and recovered, google for Loz Evans say.

    Free Member

    Mayby it is your fear of fatigue that maintains it?

    As it is a symptom of stress – how much of your time do you spend reading about it, visiting doctors about it, consciously thinking about it and trying to stop it? What you are doing is stressing you, and one symptom you are getting is fatigue.

    If you have seen a Dr and he can’t find anything – Give yourself a break, let the fatigue be there and dont consciously do anything to try and get rid of. Trust your body/mind to heal itself.

    When I had anxiety disorder I was always fatigued – always tired. It took a while but now its all gone.

    Free Member

    I think sometimes you have to let the feelings come up and run their course, they eventually die down and go away. It is only when you consciously try to control/stop these feelings that problems arise. You are then consciously trying to control your feelings which you cannot do. Take 30 mins each day, sit down in a quiet room, close your eyes and let your mind think whatever it wants without consciously trying to solve it/stop it etc. it will be uncomfortable at first, but as you consciously let go you return to a more balanced state over a few months.

    Helped cure me anyway from anxiey and some depression.

    Other thing is to do things you enjoy more, new hobbies, travel, new clubs.

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that when we are born we only have two fears, loud noise and falling. Mayby the heights thing is to do with the falling we were born with. Apparently all other fears we create.

    When you expose yourself to a fear, thing to remember is to do it (whatever you are scared of) and still expect to feel scared. Repeated exposure reduces the symptoms.

    Studying it, reading about it, talking about it didnt help me when i had anxiety, it just fuelled the fear. Just do it, feel scared, do it again,feel little less scared and so on until it comes down.

    Its a case of showing your fear centre in the brain that it is safe, but your brain will still react with fear initially. Treat it as lagging behind your consciousness a bit.

    Free Member

    Cheers. Roughly how much is the weight of the bike and in lockout, is it fully locked out so you can climb out of the saddle.

    Its a 920 I was looking at as well.

    Free Member

    For a non retail guy like me then is this correct,

    Uk price inc vat = £5200

    Uk price exc vat @ 20% = £4350 (is vat 20% on uk bikes?)

    £4350 = $7280, which is double what it is in the US

    How much is duty and delivery to the Uk = $500 ?

    I assume the retailers buy them at roughly the same cost?

    Free Member


    £1500 design build and import
    £500 yeti usa overhead
    £500 yeti global marketing
    £2500 total = $4100 so the above figures cant be correct as they sell them for $3500 before tax?

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t the US branch of Yeti also do marketing, PR, sponsored rides as well though in that £3500? I would expect that the cost to the importer is less than £3500 otherwise we would be paying for US and UK marketing!

    Free Member

    Decisions, decisions. Pity the seconhand market for 26″ has gibe through the floor as I probably wont get much for my anthem x1 26″!!

    Free Member

    Cheers, its lighter than I thought.

    Free Member

    What are the claimed bike weights like, accurate or optimistic?

    Free Member

    What ive learnt is that you cannot consciously reason with fear, you can only do what scares you, feel the fear and show the fear that it is overreacting and by repeatedly doing it (exposure) it reduces and vanishes over time – as long as you dont consciously add to it.

    Free Member

    Thanks. It is only a temporary arrangement until they fill the post – thats what Ive been told anyway. Im going to try and claim the mileage.

    Free Member

    Ride more, loose weight, get fitter and enter a few enduros, starting with the dyfi enduro.

    Free Member

    It is the trying to get rid of the anxious feeling (and associated symptoms/thoughts) thats maintaining it. How much time do you spend researching it and generally thinking about it, in the hope of stoping it? This is what maintains it in my experience, the resistance to having those feelings of anxiety.

    Instead let the feeling be there, including the physical and mental symptoms, without wishing it away and your general nervousness will gradually lower over time. Note you will feel nervous and agitated initially, what you need to practice is leaving this feeling be there and it will reduce and go away over time.

    If you get an anxious thought just tell yourself everything usually sorts itself out over time and move away from trying to ‘solve’ that anxious thought. They are usually meaningless anyway and if you think about it you cannot resolve an anxious thought about a future event as the event hasn’t happened, so you’re wasting your time. For example “what if the plane I’m going on this weekend crashes?” Trying to resolve this anxious thought is pointless, there may be a small chance of it happening but it highly unlikely. What i’m trying to get across is see it at what it is, an anxious thought, and don’t get involved in trying to resolve the thought, dismiss it as an anxious thought and move on with what you are doing in the present time.

    Same applies if you feel nervous in certain situations (social anxiety say), let the feeling be there (facing) and don’t try to stop it (acceptance).

    I see a lot of people fighting their feelings and in most cases it is this resistance that perpetuates those feelings that they are desperate to get rid of. Just accept you have a lot of anxiety at the moment and that you are not going to add more to it by fighting the feelings.

    I used to suffer from an anxiety disorder so know what it feels like and its not nice but best of luck. A good read is Dr Clare Weekes or an ebook by ex anxiety sufferer Paul David. But in general try and stay away from reading every book you can on the subject.

    Free Member

    I used to have a lot of thoughts that started ‘i wonder if…’ Or ‘what if…..’ and unknown to me i would then ruminate and try and stop/eliminate those anxious.thoughts. This was when i suffered from anxiety. But trying to stop thoughts is like telling yourself to not think about a pink elephant – you cant.

    Free Member

    I’ve had several different quotes now but I can’t get it any cheaper than £1k for fitting the flue, plate, chimney fittings and stove including the certification so have gone with it. They did mention my chimney is long at nearly 11m after they measured it with a chimney brush – so longer than the 9m initially thought.

    Free Member

    3 months seems a heck of a long time to me. Unless they are getting a lot of bikes back under warranty.

    Free Member

    Just had another quote and that was £1200, includes fitting the stove, top plate etc. Still think its expensive for 316 grade flue and no insulation – Ive got an old stone house.

    Think Ill get another quote as well.

    Free Member

    I was prescribed it for mainly anxiety and some depression. It didn’t work for me but it may for you. However go to the CBT and treat the cause and not the symptoms. Have a google about a book by Dr Claire Weekes, thats what worked for me and I’m fine now.

    Free Member

    Just let the fear feeling be there, don’t try and stop it, just accept its there and divert to something present -reading a paper say. The feeling will die down by itself over several exposures, that is unless you consciously try and rid the feeling. Any anxious thoughts that accompany the fear mean nothing, its just your mind trying to explain the feeling.

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