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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • xcracer1
    Free Member

    You can add a pass as you like. The minimum for sports is a day pass I think. No need to subscribe to anything else if you do not want to.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure its caused by the refridgerated lorries kept in the yard up the road. Just enquired and there is no planning permission for them to keep the refridgeration units neither. – if planning is needed?

    However considering their close proximity to residential properties I’d be surprised if they can get away without planning permission. Even if the planning was to only stipulate some acoustic fencing or whatever.

    The local council is investigating now.

    Free Member

    As someone who had anxiety disorder, but now doesn’t, the best advice I can give you is to stop trying to stop the anxiety.

    Just accept you have anxiety temporarily, and don’t buy into the stupid thoughts and bodily sensations. Go to the supermarket and take the symptoms with you. They are uncomfortable, but wont kill you. You eventually desensitize and it goes away itself. (You will still get normal anxiety though – so if anthony joshua threatened to beat the crap out of you, you would still feel anxious).

    What a lot of people do, and me included initially, was to fight the anxiety to try and stop it. Researching it, googling it, reading about it, taking multivitamins and magnesium for it, talking about it, infact trying anything to get rid. Unknown to me initially this is feeding the anxiety and prolonging it,

    So basically let the anxiety be there. Its uncomfortable and unpleasant. But it wont kill you.

    If there is something else thats making you worry, apart from the way you feel, then I’d consider some external help like CBT etc.

    Free Member

    Just remember it is never what happens to you thats the problem, it is how you react thats the problem.

    So something happens – you then deal with it by worrying, analysing, avoiding catastrophizing, and so on. This behavious stresses your system and then induces physical and mental symptoms which you then worry about, creating a feedback circuit. When you stop this, you will grafually start to feel better and less anxious. It takes time though, so be patient.

    Basically you need to consciously step out of this behaviour. Easier said than done. But you need to practice to be aware when you get lost in your minds worries, and stop adding fuel to it by believing it, analysing it etc.

    Free Member

    No direct proof, but I think the price of bikes has jumped up massively compared to stagnated wages. This is probably true of other goods as well. I bought a top of the range santa cruz in 2009 xtr and everything for £3.7k. Sine 2009 my wages have hardly risen but now an equivalent bike is around £6.5k which is hard to justify.

    Free Member

    Windows give a very different level of attenuation at low frequency to mid and high frequencies.

    A double glazed unit that will take out 32 dB for the across the spectrum down to 100 Hz will only take out 6 dB at 25Hz, this is around the frequency of idling large Diesel engines. The end result is that outside you may not be able to hear the engines as their Noise is masked by other background noises, but inside those noises are attenuated by the window and the low frequency noise isn’t, which is why it becomes noticeable.

    Didn’t realize that windows attenuate higher frequencies better than lower frequencies , hence why I cannot hear it outside, but can inside. Thanks.

    Free Member

    As the wife and next door neighbours sometimes hear it, I don’t think its tinnutus.

    As posted above I’m guessing its some kind of resonance coming from the lorries, or mayby a generator keeping the refridgerated units on while parked up, although you cannot hear it outside which is a bit frustrating!!

    Free Member

    I work during the day so only hear it during the evenings and night. Lorries are parked up during this time. However I have been up to them and cannot hear anything from them, from a distance of about 100m (which is the closest I can get to them without tresspassing).

    Free Member

    If it was elecrics though, shouldn’t it have stopped when I switched the electics off at the mains?

    Free Member

    I’ve pulled the batteries out from the vibrator!

    Its a semi detached house, neightbour hears the noise sometimes as well.

    There are refridgerated lorries kept up the road, but when outside of the house you cannot hear anything. Only inside!

    Free Member

    No sympathy for the killer from me afraid.

    Free Member

    You can only do your best. Seems a horrible situation to be in. Dont beat yourself up about it.

    Free Member

    Thanks bear, I’ll have a look for the boiler number tomorrow. I’ve also fired off an email to gas safe as to why the regulations say that so I can understand.

    Free Member

    I can understand it being close to a window or even a door, but the corner of a building puzzles me!! It is also not pointing towards the neighbours garden,

    Free Member

    ps if you have already signed up to it, give it 100%. No reverting to habitual behaviours.

    Free Member

    I guess it depends. What do you ‘think’ and what do you ‘believe’ is causing your CFS?

    Free Member

    This is what the advert says

    “Please note that the client has determined that the off-payroll working rules will not apply to this assignment.”

    Free Member

    Just of interest then, if the client or agency say its outside or ir35 (and you get this statement in the contract) and make no deductions for tax/ni – and hmrc then later say its within ir35, whos liable for the additional payments?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback.

    The agency states that it is outside ir35. I take it if this is in the contract, should it then be in ir35 the agency or client will be responsible for tax and ni costs.

    I havent been offered anything yet and will get it properly checked before signing anything.


    Free Member

    Its a 12 month contract with a day rate.

    Free Member

    If I was on a jury and someone had thrown acid in your face, goaded and smirked as they went away, and you the chased him and beat him up – I’d let you walk free.

    Free Member

    Good. As I said before dont try and stop the fear. You are fighting with your emotions. Your emotion of fear.

    Just accept for a while you will feel scared on a plane. Dont add or try to get rid. Let it be there. And do something else, read a magaxine or something. Over time you will then desensitize to this unconscious fear.

    Whilst you will have to feel the fear in the short term, consciously you have a choice whether to be pulled into the fear or to focus on something positive instead.

    Free Member

    I had about 6 sessions before I finished counselling. Really nice person to talk to and go over things, but counselling was not the solution for me. (btw I had major anxiety with a little bit of depression – depression was probably due to being fed up of the anxiety).

    Free Member

    IMO everything you are doing to try and get rid and control your fear is just feeding it. Such as getting caught up in worrying about it, talking about it, trying to medicate it, CBT’ing it. The fear relies on you paying attention to, through being scared of it, it to maintain it.

    As the fear is stored subconsciously, due to a past event, you don’t have immediate conscious control over it.

    However, the best way to indirectly get rid of it is to allow it and get on as if nothing is wrong. So you get on flights (maybe short haul ones first), feel the fear as you will experience it, don’t pay too much attention to it and repeat with subsequent flights. Slowly the fear will come down and eventually the fear part of the brain will get the message that planes are not to be scared of, and it will not activate the flight or fight response when you take planes in the future.

    It isn’t easy but it works for other fears as well. Look up desensitization if you like.

    Free Member

    Id just give the dvla what they want, say nothing about it to the ex, and move on!

    Rise above it and as the old saying goes, it is not about what happens to you but how you react to what happens.

    Free Member

    Firstly identify what you are analysing, ruminating, worrying over and fretting about in your head.

    1) Is it life or death? If so I’d have a word with your GP to see what help and assistance they can provide.

    2) Is it work related? Can you change anything that’s causing you the stress, speak to your boss? If not health comes first and maybe a sabbatical/leave your job may do you good. Remember that stress comes from your reaction to something and with practice you can change this reaction.

    3) Is it something in your private life? Can you change or resolve the situation? If not then acceptance and stop worrying/analysing is your solution. This way you arepractising changing your reaction to the perceived problem/threat. Worrying over something you cannot change but means something to you, whilst normal and understandable, wont do you any good in the long term. Maybe a councillor may offer life tips on how to get through this.

    4) Are you worried about how you feel? Maybe a stressor brought on these stress symptoms, and now you are arfaid of how you are feeling. It could be any physical symptom of stress, a combination of symptoms or mental symptoms as well. Firstly I’d get a once over from your GP to confirm that it is stress. If so, then you have to stop analysing/worrying about how you feel as this only feeds the symptoms you are getting. Say you are chronically feeling nervous,fatigued, spaced out, fast heartrate, panic etc. You cannot expect to recover from these stress symptoms if you keep stressing about them.It’s like trying to put fire out with coal.It takes practice and time but eventually the symptoms die down and go away when you stop being scared of them.

    Free Member

    Good for you for going through with it. Life is too short.

    Now move on, either in the same sector, or branch off to do something else.

    Free Member

    I find it amazing that so many records of ‘clean’ athletes has stood for such a long time – through a time period of heavy doping by other athletes.

    Free Member

    Good fight and im sure both deservedly did some good £££££.

    Also fair play to joshua for taking klitschco on after 19 fights.

    Still think there is work on his stamina and defence to be done. Maybe loosing some muscle and coming in lighter would help.

    On the other hand there isnt a great pool of heavyweight fighters at the moment so he may get away with it.

    Reading something that joshua has already now made around £30 million!!!!

    Free Member

    Still think this can go either way.

    Joshua is young, strong and punches hard. Still question marks over his stamina and defence and can he take a punch?

    Klitscho had seen it all before. Strong, and proven can go 12 rounds. At 41 though can he still mix it at elite level. Tyson Fury was an awkward boxer who got on his bike for 12 rounds. Klitschco deals better with boxers in his face. Joshua will not run like fury did.

    Difficult one to predict. Either Joshua early stoppage or klitschco maybe late stoppage or points.

    Free Member

    At the minute there is something about joshua that reminds me of bruno. Big, powerful and muscular. (I would like to know what he eats to get that physique!! ;-)

    Im unsure of his stamina and punch resistance. Is wladamir past it? I suspect so.

    Still 50/50 for me.

    Free Member

    God help us though if corbyn and clegg get in via a coalition!!!

    Free Member

    I had a nervous breakdown 7 years ago.

    Initially caused by me putting too much work pressure on myself. Setting standards, worrying, people pleasing.

    Then got stuck in an anxiety disorder. Basically scared of how i was feeling and fought it for a long time. Unknown to me this maintained the anxiety.

    Lesson learned: I now do not get involved in worrying about trivial things and trying to please people.

    Free Member

    Just practice watching the mind chatter by itself.

    The chatter isn’t the problem – the problem is if you start getting lost in the chatter or try an stop it.

    Free Member

    Yes please.

    I think a lot of mental health problems stem from chronic stress when working and travelling too much. We wernt built to sit in front of pcs all day worrying about deadlines or travelling hours in a car everyday.

    Free Member

    She’s correct though. It takes time after you consciously make a decision to stop worrying for your subconscious mind and your body to fall into line. May take a few weeks or months.

    Many think if you stop worrying today youll feel fine tomorrow, which is never the case, especially if you have been a chronic worrier for a length of time.

    A lot of worrying thoughts dont need to be resolved, it just needs you to let go of them and focus on positive things instead.

    Free Member

    I remember clicking on one of durianriders youtube videos the day before the race and he was going on about the race and mtfu, minimal sleeping during the race etc. Then on the first day he stopped for 12 hours and then probably realised he had no chance against the big hitters.

    Would have been much better for him to be more humble as mavern has been. No expectations on him and a finish would be excellent.

    The leaders are going really well. Impressed with sarah hammond as well atm.

    Free Member

    I would imagine that the uk is a major buyer of giant bikes.

    Are more giants sold in france or germany?

    Free Member

    Tjagain – what job do you do? Could it be stress from this? Deadlines, workload, lack of sleep maybe?

    Free Member

    As fatigue is a stress symptom, have you been activating your flight/fight response a lot lately?

    1) been taking any stimulants, coffee, coke, red bull etc?

    2) have you been extremely worried in your job or private life?

    3) how worried are you about the way you feel? Do you worry, analyse, ruminate, google, research cf on a daily basis?

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