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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • xcracer1
    Free Member

    The bike is a dark ish metallic red. At the moment it looks darker and more metallic than the frame.

    It needs to be polished with a rubbing compound to level it – and then leave it to cure for a few weeks – maybe that will get a closer match?

    Otherwise I’ll have to remove the chip paint with a product called Lanka Blob remover and have another go, whilst mayby lighting the paint by adding a lighter metallic colour to the red metallic.

    Why do manufacturers decide to paint mtb’s a fancy metallic colour knowing they are getting chipped at some point? 😄

    Free Member

    Championship Entry for men is 2:45 !

    Free Member

    I have just had a look online and one of the charities thats close to me, who I already support, would want a minimum of £3k. I don’t blame them for wanting as much as possible, but its quite a lot to raise.

    And what if I failed to finish!

    Free Member

    Well done everyone who got a place.

    Is a good for age a guaranteed entry? May try that route next year and London in ‘24 – thats if I can get that time!

    Free Member

    I’ve never been a soldier in a war, where if I am captured I’m probably going to be beheaded – so difficult to comment on.

    However seeing Russia’s bombardment of civilians – it does raise the question if any rules of war are adhered to?

    Free Member

    I’d give the police a ring again, say your bike has been stolen, where it is and that you are on your way to get it. Up to them if they want to come with you.

    Take a few friends with you.

    Free Member

    He may well be totally guilty. He could be innocent as well. Not sure if this should be played out in public, considering its not a criminal case, no one has been found guilty yet and the claimant is seeking monetary damages, and not a criminal investigation by the police.

    Free Member

    What long travel bike with a shortish seat tube is available – Stumpy Evo S4, SC Hightower Size L, …..? I’m 5’ 10” with a 30” inside leg, so the seat tube must be 430mm ish so I can run a 150mm dropper.

    Free Member

    Police involvement would suggest the latter but I really hope that this girl is not being blamed just because she was the most qualified person on the water in a club setting

    I presume it must have been a paid for guiding/weekend away – rather than a club/friends setting. I read somewhere that one person decided not to go out with them on that day.

    Free Member

    I measured the overall unit thickness as 28mm – but couldn’t make out the glass panel thickness.

    Living rurally has many advantages – but getting trades people out to your house is not one of them.

    I’m confident of fitting the unit – I measured the current panel size a few times and with different measuring tapes to be sure.

    Free Member

    thanks all – 4mm toughened glass it is then. I’ll go and see if the local builders merchant can get one done for me tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Hope you get your bike back.

    Do you have a photo of the guy with your bike?

    Free Member

    Looks a complete mess tbh.

    The UK is at fault, the US especially and there doesn’t seem to have been much fight in the Afghan army – supposedly had 300,000 troops compared to 80,000 of the Taliban but looks to have given up without any fight.

    Free Member

    The bike seems to be sold – maybe not a bad thing for me!!

    Free Member

    I can’t see anything wrong with the comment as a response.

    Free Member

    Biden has a lot of work to do internally within the US to be worrying about Brexit.

    Free Member

    Somebody screaming and pleading for his life. They had a choice. To stop or to continue driving.

    Free Member

    I haven’t followed the case closely but the question is whether those in the car were aware of the policeman being dragged by their car. Surely there must have been shouting and they still continued driving on.

    I can sympathise with his family, went to work one day and didn’t come home. 13 years is nothing for a life, they will be back out when around 30 years old, possibly even sooner.

    Free Member

    Thanks, 30kg loss is impressive!!

    When I ride anaerobically, I then crave carbs after the ride.

    If by training at an easier intensity, I burn fat from the go, and possibly avoid the cravings for the carbs, I can then loose some bodyfat.

    I’m looking more as a fat loss thing than riding with a group/bonking if the intensity is high.

    Free Member

    Does anyone know if data exists which differentiates between dying from Covid19 and dying with some other issue, eg heart disease plus Covid19 (ie comorbid serious diseases).

    Free Member

    There is 100% correlation between your automatic thinking, belief in your thinking, fear of your thinking, physical manifestations of your fears and fear of your physical symptoms = Feedback Loop easily stuck in.

    Constant anxiety will make you fatigued.

    I personally wouldn’t research it, you’ll just go round in circles. Let the Dr diagnose you, stop fighting your symptoms and do relaxing things. Easier said i know!

    Free Member

    Please name me a clean athlete??

    Even Tyson Fury has been caught with some gear. The pressure of being the best is too much to stay clean when everyone else is on something!

    Free Member

    Just noticed that the met office has now updated for showers at CYB tomorrow, so looks like “BBC 1 – 0 Met Office”, at the moment!

    Free Member


    So sad to think that the only way out she felt was through suicide.

    Free Member

    I thought that Iran and Iraq hated each other, having been at war, so why was he in Iraq?

    Free Member

    I paid for the fight as well. The atmosphere in Saudi Arabia wasn’t the best but money talks I guess.

    Ruiz was in poor shape if I’m honest, he’s supposed to be the heavyweight champion! AJ did well but I get the impression that he is punch shy, where in fact he is doubting his own punch resistance. However fair play to him for getting the titles back.

    As for Ruiz, I can’t see him making much of boxing now, if he cannot get motivated for this fight he won’t get motivated for another opponent neither, especially if he had a few ££millions in the bank now.

    Free Member

    You’re allowed to defend yourself. Wouldn’t worry about it.

    Free Member

    No dont think it is sealed, hence the pole cover.

    Free Member

    However watching that video above, it seems the cord from the pole is threaded through the loop near the pole end. That would mean undoing the knots on the end of the pole cover cord each time to thread it through there!

    Free Member

    Ahh ok, so hook the cord in the pole sleeve under the tent pole on the ground. That kinds of makes sense, Ill have a go sometime this week.

    I was thinking I may have to undo the knots in the cord and tie the endd to something as well, which would be proper faff in the wind and rain.

    I was camping in capel curig friday night, lots of rain and gusts and it performed well beyond my expectation. The only issue I had was the pole cover moving slightly and very tiny droplets coming in where the pole cover should be. However I didn’t have the ends of the cord connected to anything or tensioned properly.

    Great tent for 1kg.

    Free Member

    I had it as you mention when out camping on friday, but the wind just kept blowing the hood and exposing the seams, and with it raining some minor water droplets came in.

    I’m pretty sure I need to also tie the hood to the end of the pole on the floor as well, somehow!!

    Free Member

    In my opinion what you are experiencing is the symptoms of stress. You are now conscious of them and see them as a threat, which is creating more stress, and a viscous circle.

    I would imagine that originally something in your life was stressing you, job, relationship, too much coffee, work or whatever. Now that stressor may have passed and what you were left with was the symptoms of that original stressor. If you would have relaxed and let the symptoms go they would have disappeared by themselves over time (if the original stressor was removed), but you became aware of them and are now battling them, which is now creating more stress for you.

    Try leaving everything just be as it is. Leave the symptoms be there and just get on with non stressful life things. See how you feel in a month or two?

    Free Member

    Yes I had them quite a bit when I had anxiety. Still get them sometimes, especially after consuming caffeine.

    Free Member

    I cannot see a point in the MP’s voting anymore – obvious they cannot come to any agreement, even when doing the indicative voting.

    Which leaves what – no deal? Can’t see the public wanting another 12/24 months of Brexit talks.

    Free Member

    Interesting now if no deal goes through. Obvious the MP’s cannot agree on anything and to revoke A50 would go against the public Brexit vote.

    Pity they cannot come to some solution but not totally shocked either – party politics before the UK!!

    Free Member

    The thing I have noticed is that a lot of people cannot accept, or respect someone elses decision on Brexit.

    Free Member

    Looks like the logical outcome is a no deal brexit.

    1} EU have said there is nothing more to negotiate so whats the point in going back or extending a50.

    2} The backstop is stabbing NI in their back.

    3} the government must deliver the referendum result, otherwise what was the point in having one.

    4} Cant see these MP’s being able to agree that tomorrow is Wednesday, let alone a Brexit deal.

    Strange times!

    Free Member

    So ISIS are on the brink of loosing and she now wants to come back!! No chance.

    Free Member

    Maybe I’m trying to convince myself!!

    Copied from another site. Must remember that the garage is detached/away from their property. They are living over the road. So it isn’t a driveway nor garden as such. Also its not a van as discussed below, but an open back 3.5t pickup.

    Anyway I need to stop second guessing as its starting to wind me up, which isn’t good for the stress levels! Will report back when I know more.

    Will you need planning permission? Maybe, local councils are getting tired of receiving complaints about commercial vehicles parked in the gardens and driveways of private houses. To counter this, many are now saying ‘this is going against the enjoyment of the property’. As such they consider it a material change of use and as thus you will need to apply for permission.

    Factors taken into account by local council includes
    Your van’s position and proximity to adjoining properties
    Its effect on the appearance of the local area
    The times your van arrives at your property and departs

    Free Member

    Not sure how to quote!! Its a 3.5t open back lorry/pickup type thing full of scrap metal.

    So in essence that spot will be the primary storage/parking area for the pickup thats registered for business use from home? Where it is a residential garage at the moment.

    I’d assume it has to be registered from somewhere (ie home)

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