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  • xcgb
    Free Member

    Cheers guys

    I am so much better than 1 week ago + I am determined to do whatever I can to help myself make it never happen again.

    i have found out by a chance conversation that my best friends wife is suffering from the same – I had no idea,

    for me its the fact that everyone thinks your fine, that makes it really hard as it just feels so damm lonely sometimes, but maybe thats just a bit of self pity coming through

    Free Member

    Clubber Your Mums experience is a mirror of mine! I have just started some CBT too

    Free Member

    Camo have you seen your GP?

    I have been on SSSI meds for 4 weeks now and they are really starting to help after making me worse for a while

    Free Member

    Ooh beer on a boat whats not to like!

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps

    Great help as always 🙂

    Free Member

    Ah yes overland i had forgotten that!

    Clipper might be a fun way

    Free Member

    You know, until it arrived in London at they found I’d couriered them an empty DVD case.

    I work in printing and it used to happen so often (less now we have fast internet) its normally left in the drive

    Free Member

    OK cheers chaps, maybe I will dive in and try not to break it!


    Free Member

    You can’t be serious man.
    nothing to do with me, it’s the law that has no sense of humour.

    He’s right if your dog even chases a rabbit, technically it breaks the hunting ban. Doubt anyone has actually been done though?

    Free Member

    From the telegraph

    14.55 And here’s what we think that proposal might look like, based on reports and rumours from journalists on the ground.
    Laiki Bank – the island’s second largest lender – is wound down. Depositors’ first €100,000 are hived into the Bank of Cyprus. Everything else is put into a bad bank, and sold off, likely at a 20pc to 40pc discount. Since a wind-down of Laiki means it will not need recapitalised, this part of the plan takes care of the first €2.3bn of the €5.8bn that Cyprus must raise to qualify for its €10bn troika bailout.
    So where to get the remaining €3.5bn? Since the troika royally rejected the idea of a ‘solidarity fund’, largely over objections to nationalising some pension funds, the bank levy is thought to be back on the table. According to information on the spread of deposits (see table in 12.47), a 9.46pc levy – lower than the 9.9pc proposed in the Eurogroup’s original plan – on deposits over €100,000 would do the trick.
    Under such an arrangement, the biggest losers would be those with deposits over €100,000 in Laiki Bank, who could be charged a 9.46pc levy and have any deposit over €€100,000 swallowed into the ‘bad bank’ and sold off at a discount, losing as much as 40pc of its value. As Open Europe argued earlier (13.27), they could, in effect, be hit twice.

    Free Member

    You can log out but you can never leave!

    Free Member

    Doesn’t look very waterproof.

    !. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m going in 3 weeks visiting relatives it’ll be fine just like greece is.

    Free Member

    possibly in Nicosia, But its NOT going to be like that in the holiday resorts if its like that anywhere at all

    Free Member

    Go it’ll be fine dont let the scaremongers put you off

    Free Member

    ……..To the dogs?

    Free Member

    Just a thought – when she said yes, did she say “Yes thats fine, you go ahead and spend all our money on a new Bike”

    Just saying like! 🙂

    Free Member

    Luminous do some good ones……

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, no. But I reckon it’d be a scream. They say first impressions count. If you’re wearing a track suit and trainers, you’re guilty. Chavs only wear trainers and track suits so they can run away from the police etc, otherwise they’d dress like law abiding citizens.

    Unless its a Mafia trial maybe !.

    Free Member

    If it then becomes second hand by what ever means, then it nullifies the warranty

    I’m confused when did it become second hand?

    Free Member

    I think its a trademark stylee kinda thing now !.

    Free Member

    Anyway, I’ll add him to my list of people to never deal with!.

    Oooh I like a list – do share!.

    Free Member

    And hes back in the room !.

    Free Member

    Pease pudding is NOT Guacamole!

    Dfrnt colour and everyfing

    Free Member

    FWIW, I back Luminous, simply because MTG has the word ‘midland’ and ‘trailquest’ in his name

    Ever done Jury service? 🙂

    Free Member

    The missus’s MG F

    Free Member

    Rob I bet myself someone would post a pic of him

    I win a muffin!. There goes the diet

    Free Member

    I think this thread needs a Poll……

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Worked for my missus its partly the peer pressure of being weighed (and paying for the privilege) every week that helps!

    Free Member

    Is anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?

    There’s a Milligan war book that this is covered, basically Sapper asks his medic can he have relations with a woman much shorter than him, “yes you can but you won’t have anyone to talk to!” 🙂

    Free Member

    I got a letter from alpha bank in cyprus last week offering me an free Ipad if I opened a savings account!

    Free Member

    First world problem and it is a lot – i rather suspect it puts you in the top 1% of the EU saving league and about 0.01 % globally.
    I also doubt that anyone chooses to put their money in the tax haven of a cyprus bank as a safe way to fund their pensions/life savings.

    What if you have just sold a house and the money is in your account just as they announce that they are going to do this? they then just take 10% of it……..

    Free Member

    I mean really?……….

    Free Member

    Um no I think you’ll be fine!

    Free Member

    I want to know if Luminous can confirm if the battery looked like the first pic when he got it back from Graham and if the red bit is the seal that he is referring to.

    You could always email him – oh wait……….. 🙂

    Free Member

    I imagine its some kind of waterproof tape, the black and orange stuff is the best IMO……..
    Is it removable?

    Yes doesn’t leave any stickiness at all

    Free Member

    I imagine its some kind of waterproof tape, the black and orange stuff is the best IMO……..

    Free Member

    But the customer is always right surely!. 😀

    Free Member

    but they replaced it FOC didn’t they?

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