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  • Orange Bikes Announces ‘A New Dawn’
  • xcgb
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    Ta bellys

    Free Member

    Great post Dan glad to hear you are feeling better

    The embarrassment /shame we feel about depression is one of the major reasons why I started this thread

    Free Member


    Glad to hear its getting easier

    I’m pretty good overall although I have just had what i describe as a blip, after a row with the missus i felt it all coming back for a day or two, it has passed now though. it is apparently to be expected though.

    My sleep is loads better i still wake early but am getting 7 hours, which really helps.

    Free Member

    Mate I know where you are

    I had problems with that too but stick with it, it does get better honest!

    Free Member

    Great to see that people are still finding this thread helpful.

    Myself? I was feeling great then a stupid row with my wife has made me feel like i’ve gone backwards overnight.

    I suppose this is to be expected? (i’m 2 months into my treatment)

    Free Member

    Oh dear there goes my day!

    Free Member

    Good point!

    Free Member

    Eat after sniffing and checking its nor green

    Free Member

    I’ve often wondered if the doctor would be so keen to prescribe meds if they could afford the time to spend a week just looking at the life of their patient. Would they ever conclude that the depression isn’t the illness but a symptom. A symptom can be treated, but while ever the cause is still there the problem will remain.

    But it was made very clear to me that the meds were NOT the cure. they just give you a legup and the time to get some perspective, which looking back was exactly what i needed. They help as when you are in your hole it all looks very bleak and the only way it seems is down.

    Free Member

    Has anyone on here ever had any positive experiances with taking ‘St Johns Wort’ ?. I’ve got an appointment with the docs next week but thought I’d try a herbal option first before / If being prescribed any AD’s.

    I have heard positive but not personal experience, I do know however that its a bad idea to mix it with SSRIs (antidepressants)

    Tell the doc if you are taking it!

    Thanks for the posts guys-it’s really helped today.

    It does get better honest! more good info about the various treatments on here

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    Still keeps me from doing my work!

    I have always had good advice on here and some entertainment too, cant be bad

    Free Member

    Anyone else want to comment on how the drugs made them feel? Was there really a new dawn or was it just a case of the hole not being so deep?

    I wouldn’t describe it as a new dawn, just feeling more like how i used to. My CBT trainer says its me doing it rather than the drugs but she would say that! (i am on a low dose though)

    I wouldn’t have understood depression or anxiety before. I do now and its a scary lonely feeling,

    I have found researching it has helped in a blokey needing to fix it sort of way. this is one of the reasons I started the thread as the more i talk to a few selected people about it the more I realise just how widespread it is. There is still a stigma about it, but you must accept it is an illness

    Free Member


    You may want to see your GP to check if the dose is high enough or maybe try another one?

    Free Member

    Not everyone get the side effects, when i say worse I was actually on holiday too, and it was OK although it did affect my sleep quite a lot (although i wasn’t sleeping much any way so I may have been bad without it)

    I had night sweats, mind chatter,anxiety,dry mouth,some shakes, But it was still worth it

    Thats the problem with it you dont know what you would have been like without it so its hard to judge.

    Only thing I can say is that I wish I had started taking it months ago. the sooner you start the sooner you will feel better!

    To reiterate though SSRis are not a cure, they just give you a chance to sort your problems out which is where the CBT comes in.

    I highly recommend Yoga too its helping a great deal, as I have a teacher that has suffered from depression too.

    Free Member

    I asked same question. went for Muckboots in the end, and can say they are great, a little warm in the summer but i love that they have a hands free on off system which is good. the wear is an issue though as mine have worn a fair bit on the soles but i do use them at least twice a day every day.

    warmest feet in the winter that i have ever had, even when wading across streams long wet grass etc

    Free Member

    I was at the docs on monday, got quite upset and couldn’t speak for the first 5 mins
    Been put on Citalopram which I’m not sure about, the common side affects are a worry, and also referred for CBT. If the appointment is a long wait I might go private. There’s a counselor nearby who also lectures in CBT at local uni.

    Birky I am the OP and I was the same as you. I have been on citalopram for 6 weeks now and I am glad i did take it.

    Be aware though I did get worse for a couple of weeks it took until week 4 or 5 before I satrted feeling much better. I had some side effects yes, they were unpleasant but bearable. IT WAS WORTH IT LOOKING BACK NOW THOUGH

    This blog helped a lot, not written by a doctor but a sufferer. It is long and his experience is extreme ,but it has a lot of truth in there, a big one being dont bother taking it unless you are going to stick with it for at least 2 months (probably 6 -12 really)

    But it has helped me, I am a different person. You really cant see it when you are in it.

    Its not the whole answer though I am doing CBT too and I think it helps but the jurys out on that one.

    Feel free to Email me if you want a chat (email in profile)

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t have to eat calamari; I could coat some rubber bands in flour and fish urine instead.

    Oh I dunno this rings pretty true to me! 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m assuming the OP meant the EU, rather than the continent or any other organisations. In which case it might interest you to know that Switzerland and Norway are full members of ESA.

    Yes the EU tis indeed wot i meant


    Free Member

    Oooh I hadn’t considered the donner implications!

    we could placate with chicken kebabs with chilli sauace though?

    Free Member

    Not for six bloody hours!

    Free Member

    yeah but you got your date of birth right! 😕

    Free Member

    Yes especially as I need my passport soon and my driving licence has been sent off for Photo renewal!

    seems totally inflexible to me..

    Free Member

    Yeah my sister is having a wishing well that you put envelopes in presumably with money in! then you get to make a wish……

    i guess it makes it anonymous so its not to embarrass people

    Free Member

    Or shepherds pie nom nom

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Booby’s cakes were homemade


    Free Member

    Thats a shame IMO I always likes the cakes there. Agree with br

    Free Member

    Duane yes nice try but it is a bit strained…….

    Free Member

    Can I ask what depression is?

    The reason I ask is that I feel I am going into the realms of depression currently and dont really know what to do. My current workplace Is extremely difficult and im just a retail manager but it is really getting me down. To the point where I have been taking sleeping tablets, I get extremely anxious, and im now at a point where I dont want to get up in the morning and more recently even don’t want to ride.

    Could this be the beginnings?

    I would say it could be but first stop should be your GP. Honestly please go, I wish I had gone sooner but when you are in it you really cant see the wood for the trees

    Have a look at the link and see if it fits you

    Free Member

    Oh and I deliberately chose a female doc as i find it easier to talk to women (i’m a bloke)

    Free Member

    For those that have been to the Doctors, what do you go in and say? how do you get the ball rolling on getting some help?

    Me – it was a case of going in and bursting into tears! that said enough really. but doc was really good ,next time i went I just had a high pitched emotion voice trying not to cry. last time i was able to discuss how we can move it forward and even laughed a bit!

    Think you just need to be honest docs say they are seeing an increase with the financial crisis and all

    Free Member


    that sounds pretty tough, from what I have read though it should be treatable you just need to find what works for you. At least you are having treatment so there is hope

    some good info here

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    Good Luck – I feel for you

    Free Member

    I’m sure all the comments on this thread are well-meaning, but a few of them indicate just how often depression is misunderstood.

    Agreed, 2 months ago I would not have understood either,now i do.

    though I find it hard to say the D word now as it is. Hate it .

    maybe it should be renamed fluffy brain or something! 🙂

    Free Member


    That is great so glad to hear it 🙂

    It is indeed good to talk!

    Free Member


    Just logged back in and read all the comments i wasn’t expecting this many replies but i guess thats my ignorance of how widespread this is.

    Thanks Guys its helped to know your stories good and bad and i hope it has helped others realise that thee is treatment that works and there is no shame in asking for help.

    Cinnamon girl – yes I am taking vitamin B as i read it can help as a mood lifter

    thanks again all of you! 8)

    Free Member

    i come from a big family (7 siblings in total) but I’ve never told any of then about my depression as i don’t think they’d understand it

    You may be surprised- I was

    Free Member


    Go to the docs and stick with the meds is my advice. I found this helpful, its long but well written (not by a doctor but a sufferer) but it was accurate and honest.

    Free Member

    Its not great but it works and I`m not a fan of medication.

    Me neither I sat and looked at the pills I had been given and thought how has it come to this. I am glad i persevered now as i am getting so much better and the phrase clarity of thought is so true

    I recommend seeing a GP, meds have come on a lot since valium and the like

    Free Member

    Thanks some good advice there – noted.

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