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  • xcentric
    Free Member

    full carbon frame verses partial, too – depending on spec – and so generally slightly lower spec gear on 2012 at same price point to offset the pricier frame.

    Free Member

    Out of interest do you have the model made after July 2011? This one has the bigger rear end, 142mm x 12mm – so wondered whether it makes it as stiff as they say it does?

    think mine was made early 2011 – but regardless, it’s stiff, light, and nippy. Love it. Just get it built and ride it…..

    Free Member

    Canyon and Boardman are VFM
    s/h gets you *much* more bike for your money – so the special offers identified above are good. Avice is to ride them, but it’s usually impractical to test them all – a ar park is no use, and you’ll spend half the price of a bike trying those ones. Use you head to cull the list, then your heart to choose the one you like best, then just ride it

    Free Member

    have gne through same thought processes and posts here re rp23 on ibis mojo – net result was that it seems to be very sensitive to getting the setup just right, and then seems to be okay – am still trying to get there on mine, but decided to ride the bike more and fiddle less, and that seemed to do the trick. But I still, like you, find little difference between the three settings or even with the lever open or closed…..

    Free Member

    oh, and co-op are quite good too for policy details

    Free Member

    NFU, after finding M&S changed the conditions, and existing insurer wouldn’t cover my bike. cheaper overall by 60% too!

    Free Member

    agree with the littering – but do any of us ever pick it up? Maybe we should all (me included) aim to take out more than we came in with, and that would help?

    Free Member

    chakaping, aristotle: used to ride mountain trails in the UK, mainly in Wales and the Lakes, but been away from mtbing for a few years. Back with enthusiasm now, so mountains and treks up and down and pushing are not unfamiliar. Been snowboarding and skiing out there (until a back injury & kids suspended that!) so know roughly what the scenery is like. Seemed to get a free pass in discussions with SHMBO last night, so things are looking positive…..

    Free Member

    6′, large. Welcome to try mine for size if you’re in the Midlands. (Std Mojo, not HD or SL, but frame geo is the same)

    Free Member

    Mojo owner here, so am biased – but definitely a nice bike. Like the natural carbon frame – mine’s not that, but am not complaining…..

    Free Member

    bump – some of these on the site appear to be silver collar, some black (and different prices too so it seems different versions) – anyone any experience? I’m after the Reverb 125 Seat Post 31,6 x 420mm MMX right black but want the latest version, not the earlier one…..

    Free Member

    thanks for the replies, all.

    Will happily take them at their word that it’s a cock-up then. (often not true in other areas of life, hence the q – pleased to see some happy (and mildly less so) customers defend them).

    (did have a conversation with them, but wasn’t convinced by it, hence the post – thanks too to brant for the honest defence here)

    Free Member

    Ritchley one is cheap, but is preset to 5NM – do people just ‘do it a bit more’ with a spanner for the 6, 7NM settings. and ‘almost but not quite’ for the 4NM, or just do everything at 5 and reckon that’s better than cranking it as tight as? (considering buying one now after reading this thread, but wanting to spend as little as sensibly possible for a rarely-used tool…..

    Free Member

    any recommendations for a cheap one then? or anyone who has one but doesn’t use it want to sell it to me?

    Free Member

    getting core programming skills would serve you in god stead – then you are somewhat future-proof as specific technologies change rapidly.

    Then learn CSS, jQuery, mySQL, augment with Python/php, and get familiar with photoshop. Some wireframing tools and knowledge of information architecture will be useful too.

    Depends on your aptitude as to whether programming development or design side is your forte, though people with expertise in both are needed everywhere. ardest sector for comapnies to fill (in US, similar in UK) ar the mo is ‘user experience’ which is usability+design+ human-computer interaction.

    Depending on where you are and your b/g, some places may take you for a Masters degree without an undergraduate one, but you’d have to be bright and committed. Portfolio can be useful for convincing clients, esp if you’ve not got a relevant career b/g – and you can always do stuff on spec.

    good luck…..

    (for wider industry news check out, for e.g.)

    Free Member

    aaargh, got a reverb on order from them – it’ll be a nightmare if it rains……

    Free Member

    FTD was mostly dry – a few puddles in the deeper swooping berms, but a sunny crisp clear day, few people out, and a great ride. Have realised that buying more kit doesn’t make me fitter, unfortunately…..

    Free Member

    thanks so far. am going regardless but wanted to know what to expect :-)

    Free Member

    budget is flexible, tbh. up to £1k, though cheaper is better as she may not like it. The times she’s tried so far she’s had fun but fallen off (mind you, one was in south Africa, and she hit elephant s**t, which was dried rock hard, and the other was after too much cava…..)

    Free Member

    hmmm got a 2012 on reorder for £200 – but no delivery date….. considering a change, is it worth it?

    Free Member

    can’t use it in conjunction with my Christmas vouchers, so it’s back up for grabs…..

    Free Member

    please! email in profile

    Free Member

    @bwaarp – have you not heard of informed consent? Any research project – official or not – needs to treat subjects with respect, and basic partcipant information and purpose of questions is standard ethical procedure.

    Free Member

    is that 1/10th of a friend?

    Free Member

    @ honourablegeorge – I’m not an expert, but am just about 6′ and ride a large which fits well – and that’s what Ibis advised, too. I’d say that they size pretty standard but the boundaries are slightly lower – so if you’re possibly a Large in something, then you’re probably a Large in the Mojo – if that makes sense. 6′, 34″ inside leg and Large fits fine, if that helps.

    Lopez, thier sponsored rider, rides both Large and Medium, depending on what he’s doing – but then he can have numerous bikes depending on the colour of his underwear, so that hardly helps :-)

    Free Member

    std Mojo here, recent purchase – great bike. DW link suspension works well, and it’s easily tunable from a plush ride to a firmer one depending on conditions. No complaints at all – may shorten the stem, but only cos everyone else suggests it – it rides fine as it is, and so will probably get fully used to it first like this. Light, comfortable, takes all I can throw at it (which, to be fair, is not that extreme as of yet), and goes well. Responsive company to deal with; owner emailing me on a Sunday – and irreverent approach. Doesn’t make the bike any better or worse, but suggests they’ll be good to talk to if there are any problems. think Llandegla has them on demo.

    Free Member

    @Sue_W – I’ll have a coffee too, if you’re making some…..

    Free Member

    @nwilko – best places on web to get routes from? the few sites I’ve found have been hard to navigate around (s’cuse the pun)

    Free Member

    just to say that the Lopes book recommendation is a good one – if you can survive the language – swueeeeet! – in it :-)

    would recommend it onwards…..

    Free Member

    thanks coatesy – is one DOT and the other not then?

    Free Member

    thanks iain1775, saves me rushing quite so much. That’s a pretty good deal.

    Free Member

    ta. Additional q – is the MMX fitting compatible with Avid CR brakes from 2010/11? it’s not really clear….

    Free Member

    I have an Avid bleed kit too – is it really the same? Syringes are no problem getting, it’s the threaded adaptors that are key – if they’re the same then that’s tempting…. anyone know?

    Free Member

    Merlin show stock of some?

    plus sale price of £193.56 until midnight (but not MMX connector and no bleed kit) – and cos they apparently need bleeding, think I’ll wait for another sale and get one with a bleed kit…..

    Free Member

    used to ride with toeclips – with leather straps and all – so reckon clipless will be a luxury. However, I will still fall off, I know.

    Free Member

    Ibis Mojo owner here. Buy it, insure it, use it. Ibis do a good service if you do trash it, but most people won’t do more damage on a carbon bike than on an alloy one. First time alu bikes came out, there were lots of comments about it being too flexible – bacofoil is alu….. and they’ve been quite successful…..

    Free Member

    why are you asking?

    there’s not really anything wrong with practically any bike: they are compromises in travel, weight, angles, usage, and you need to get what suits what you ride, what you aspire to ride, what you like to look at, how it makes you feel, and how much you can afford.

    If you mean – will it break first time I use it – then probably not. If you mean, is it the best bike for me, then it’s all down to the info you give us.

    from the info you have given us – you want to walk to your lbs and buy it, don’t have a car, and want something with white forks which looks nice, and it ticks all these boxes, then yes, it’s the best we could recommend. But it may, just may, not be the best for the riding you want. But if that’s second to aesthetics, which is entirely your choice, then it’s fine.

    Is it the bike we’d buy? For all those with Cannondale RZ120 XLR2’s, yes it is. For those without, no it isn’t. And no-one’s right or wrong.

    Free Member

    joemacca51 – thanks for the tip – was going black but if they end up silver…..

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart: could do: but then I’d get patronised, ripped off, and generally made to feel unwelcome – and they rarely have larger (or smaller) sizes in stock, and a limited range. And it takes ages, and is hassle, and so on……

    Seriously: Yes, I have a (non-local) lbs and if I’m passing I go in and they are good and friendly. And I spend money there (bought the bike there, for e.g.) But the ones I can easily get to are less like that…..

    And the internet is easy…..

    Free Member

    the trick is to fold the backing back on itself, then smooth the tape down whilst slowly unpeeling the backing at the same time. (sort of like an inverted T shape, with sticky side one bit of the t, the backing the other, and the stuck together stuff the stem). If done slowly this works fine. The odd bubble can either be gently worked out to the side before pressing it all down really firmly, or, if it simply moves around, cut it with a scalpel or needle or similar, and allow the air out that way. At least, that works on sails (where you apply similar stuff all the time) and worked for me on the bike.

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