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  • wwpaddler
    Free Member

    Depending on where you’re from thrutchin’ either means farting or squeezing into a space that isn’t really big enough for you. Got to be careful using that word when in the queue for tea and biscuits at meetings / conferences.

    Free Member

    Gore Tex and other breathable fabrics will never work well in the UK if you’re very active inside them. There’s simply just not a large enough temperature and humidity difference between inside and outside. They will be better than non breathable though.

    Free Member

    You’re thinking kit from the 90’s is better because you’re still using it. You’ve thrown away the rubbish you bought in the 90’s. You’ll be using some of the stuff you buy today in 20 years time but will have thrown away the rubbish and be thinking the same thing.

    Free Member

    ICE are normally competitive on rates if you order online then collect from Waverley (not sure when they open). They may have offices in some airports.

    Free Member

    Made it back fine. Unfortunately my bike isn’t as it parted company from the roof rack on the way home and was hit by a truck. Doh!

    Free Member

    See you there (at Bonaly). Black Cube hardtail.

    Free Member

    What is the French drain draining into? If you’re on a heavy clay and in a dip I’m not sure it’s going to help that much as any water you do drain away is just going to be replaced by water from the surrounding higher land.

    Free Member

    So rather than having to find £1500 on the spot you effectively had an interest free loan for a couple of years. But yes I agree it does depend on the value of the claim but also how you value your time and sanity whilst having the hassle of sorting it out.

    Free Member

    Suspect damage to the fabric of the building (ceilings and walls) is the landlord. Damage to contents (carpets and furniture) will be the tenant.

    Free Member

    I’ve never understood why people pay hundreds and thousands of pounds for insurance then when something happens choose not to use what they’ve paid for. Given that you could pay home insurance premiums for 50+ years any rise in premium for a couple of years due to a claim increasing your risk is going to be negligible compared to the premiums you pay out over your life time. The increase in premiums is recoverable from the negligent tap user.

    Even if your insurance doesn’t cover the damage use the legal cover to go after the negligent partys insurers to get your repairs paid for rather than trying to do this stressful hassle yourself.

    Free Member

    Phone your insurer and let them have the hassle. That’s what you pay them for.

    Free Member

    I can ride on Wednesday. 630pm at Bonaly shop. Anyone else want to join me as I don’t know any rides from there.

    Free Member


    Know of a few people (self included) who’ve sent them quite old well used mats that have delaminated and been replaced with a brand new equivalent mat within a couple of days.

    Free Member

    Think its called confusion marketing!!

    Not quite sure what you’re getting 130% of!

    Free Member

    Found my lights – hurrah. Unfortunately can’t make it on Wednesday. Next week – I will be there!!

    Free Member

    I’ve stayed here before. Good value, short rents available and convenient for all the stanes in that part of the world.

    Free Member

    It’s the same for everything though.

    Does everyone live in the house they want or the one they can afford nearish to where they work?

    Do people buy the bike they want or the one that does the job at the price they can afford?

    Do people have their dream kitchen or the one they can afford from Ikea, Wickes, B&Q etc.

    And on the car thing it depends on how you view cars. My 13 year old Renault Megane 1.9 turbo diesel still does everything I need it to. If you see a car (or anything) as a tool to do a job thats completely different to viewing it as a status symbol / extension of your personality / style icon and will change what your dream car is and what you’re happy to have in your life.

    Free Member

    HG do a mould / mildew removal kit. Contains potassium permanganate and citric acid. Has worked on various things for me before. Test on a small area first or you may turn everything purpley brown.

    Free Member

    Hired a brand new transit last week (less than 10K). Biting point was so high my heel couldn’t be on the floor when releasing the clutch. Don’t think bite point position relates to how borked the clutch is.

    Free Member

    Balls – going to have to bail on you this week. Moved house at the weekend and no idea where I’ve put my lights. Hopefully will find them by next week.

    have fun

    Free Member

    Correct Dmorts

    You can’t compare the results from 2 different systems without doing a calibration between the 2.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t really matter how accurate the values are as long as they are precise.

    This sentence contradicts itself

    It does to the layman but to the scientist accuracy and precision are very different things.

    Something can be precise without being accurate.

    Accuracy is about how near you are to the real actual value.
    Precision is about how repeatable it is so as long as it always says that 100g of rice is 400 calories and 100g of potatoes is 300 calories (numbers made up) then it is being precise. It might not be accurate as 100g of rice might actually be 250 calories and 100g of potatoes mights be 175 calories.

    not sure if I actually explained that very well – someone else may do a better job!!

    Free Member

    planning to be at Bonaly shop for 630. Look forward to meeting some faces behind the names.

    if I’m a bit slow feel free to drop me – happy to make my own way home.

    Free Member

    Local mountain biking meetup group

    Free Member

    Aha – just realised that Talkmobile do not provide 4G so won’t be going with them!!

    Free Member

    Right – getting there

    Has anyone had any dealings with as they’re offering the Moto G4 on talkmobile with 4GB data, 2000 minutes and 5ooo texts for £11 month on a 2 year contract

    This almost seems too good to be true. Is it?

    And are talkmobile affected by the poor reputation that vodafone gets at the moment?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Didn’t manage to buy one today as went biking instead! Thinking it’ll probably be android and liking the sound of the Motorola or google phone.

    Free Member

    Why get the same thing again – just get something that fits the hole you’ve got. Have a look at Franke sinks.

    Free Member

    Go biking more often. That way you always think you’ve got bikes on even when you haven’t.

    Free Member

    That wasn’t the OP Greybeard.

    Free Member

    Depends on the weight you want to transport, how nice you want them to look and how much you want to use them.

    Free Member

    So did borders Morris sides start 500 years ago or in the 1980’s?

    Free Member

    The dough is the cheapest part of the pizza. More dough = less of the more expensive stuff therefore more profitable.

    Free Member

    Girl / woman is a difficult one and not as straight forward as some are making out. Plenty girls in their late 30’s who object to being called women as their interpretation of it is that you’re being derogatory about their appearance and telling them that they look old. Now we need to work out why the words woman and man have different meanings depending on your age and gender. Good luck with that.

    Free Member

    If it wasn’t investigated then that means the people involved didn’t think it needed investigation and is just one of those things that happen in a track race.

    If it was investigated then as no sanctions have been taken against any riders the conclusion of the investigation must have been “it’s one of those things that happens in a track race”

    How is this so difficult to accept?

    Free Member

    You need to be very careful when viewing slo-mo replays as our brains can’t differentiate between slo-mo and real time. The slo-mo exaggerates our perception of intent and we then overlay that intent into our interpretation of the event. If you only watch the real time footage you won’t see the intent as it’s not possible to formulate the intent and the plan in the time available.

    Free Member

    This thread has definitely turned into “My anecdote is better / has more validity than your anecdote”

    Maybe we should just see who can pee highest up a wall?

    Free Member

    Deleted – talking rubbish!

    Free Member

    Took Cube and my old lbs nearly 3 months. Not sure how much of this was due to Cube or my lbs (they developed a reputation for not being very efficient)

    Free Member


    The cyclepaths next to the A8 are awful. That’s why cyclists go on the road.

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