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  • Calibre Line T3 27 review
  • wwpaddler
    Free Member

    I think in some cases it’s frustration particularly if you’ve got the job of coaching them when you realise they’ve bought the wrong tool for the job and it’s going to hinder their progress and enjoyment of the sport.  As you’re passionate about your sport you don’t want to see people not enjoying it or your sport being slagged off because they couldn’t do it and gave up as they had the wrong kit (at least reject our sport for a proper reason)

    Another part is jealousy or envy because we think everyone should develop in the sport in the same way we did.  So if you started off mountain biking on nans Raleigh Shopper that you found at the back of the shed before you managed to borrow a mountain bike with rigid forks off a friend that was the wrong size.  Eventually you buy a bike that’s the right size but still has rigid forks.  At some point you upgrade to a Raleigh Activator and after biking for 20 years buy your first full suss.  You are then pretty envious of anyone who for their first go turns up on a £5K Santa Cruz.

    Free Member

    Sorry Woppit

    That didn’t quite come across as intended.  Ignore the googling comment.  It’s more about finding a therapist you click with (I’ve had ones that I didn’t click with so were no therapeutic use and ones I have clicked with which have helped a great deal)

    Free Member

    Finding the right therapist for you is such a personal thing that I’d just suggest googling for therapists in his area who deal with bereavement and trying them and see how he feels after an initial appointment.  Would expect anyone decent to offer 1 session free so you can work out if you’re going to get on with that therapist and for them to work out if they believe they can help your friend – if not they may have recommendations of a therapist who could help.

    Free Member

    How on earth can Zwilling make so many different ranges of knives and how are you meant to choose between them?  Are they really that different?

    Free Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 16px; background-color: #eeeeee;”>with all due respect, she’s not fit to drive.</span>

    That’s rubbish.  Plenty vehicles on the road with no rear visibility except via wing mirrors and most of those manage to be driven and manouvered safely.

    Free Member

    This link probably covers everything you need to know.

    Free Member

    For places that don’t have mobile cover you need to be looking at Spot trackers (there’s a rival brand as well – starts with a D).  You have to buy a unit and pay an annual subscription – allows you to send and receive texts via satellite and the GPS in it can let people track your location.  Also sends an SOS to an American company who should contact the rescue service in your country but only sends the SOS once and if you move then the helicopter can’t find you.

    If you don’t want / need 2 way communication then look at PLBs (Personal Locator Beacon).  Basically press the help button and it sends an SOS message with your GPS location to the rescue service who send a helicopter.  It also transmits another signal which the helicopter can lock onto to find you – useful if your position changed.  With this system you don’t know if you’re SOS has been received but it continually transmits your SOS until the battery dies (24-48hours).  Look for Mcmurdo Fastfind Ranger or Ocean ? RescueMe.

    Free Member

    Owned a Renault Laguna for 6 years and took it from 90K to 220K

    Apart from the normal stuff only required a new fusebox, some track rod / ball joint bits and some wheel bearings.

    Free Member

    Renaults after 2010 are allegedly much more reliable than they used to be with much better electrics.  Having said that I’m still driving round in a 2003 Megane which has been more reliable than the Passat I used to have (so don’t believe all the anti French pro German propaganda)

    Free Member

    PartsGateWay has worked well for me in the past.

    Free Member

    Brave post OP.  Other than my therapist (and that took a long time) I’ve not been able to tell anyone what happened in my relationship.  It’s cost me my mental health, my career and my friends.  Hopefully one day I’ll be as strong as the OP and be able to tell people what was happening – until then it’s one day at a time and trying to rebuild a life.  Despite the progress I’ve made since leaving there’s still a long way to go.

    Free Member

    Struggling to see what the ambulance has done wrong.

    Approaches roundabout in outside lane as that has the least traffic. Anticipates / hopes / expects other traffic will allow him to turn left from the “wrong” lane. Cyclist doesn’t react as the ambulance driver would have hoped but is aware of the cyclist and is able to brake and make the turn behind the cyclist. Seems pretty much perfect from the ambulance driver to me.

    It wouldn’t be that uncommon for a “normal” driver to pull a manouver like that if they’d made a mistake and got in the wrong lane but be far less aware of the cyclist.

    Free Member

    There should be a link through her school website / intranet. May depend if your council is running it’s school IT systems through Microsoft or Google though.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it all just trying to emulate wool?

    Not really.

    Wool doesn’t work as a base layer except for merino wool which has a different structure to other wools and (I think) has to be weaved in a certain way.

    You can use wool as a mid layer for insulation but for the same warmth fleece will be lighter, less bulky, holds less water and dries quicker.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest thickening up your base layer. Have a look for things made from Polartec Powerstretch (Pro). Very similar (and slightly cheaper) is Reed Transpire Fleece (the design is more function than fashion) but ridiculously warm and breathable. Add as many normal fleeces as you need on top before your goretex.

    The trick to staying warm in queues and lifts is to close all your vents and zips and put your hood up as soon as you stop skiing not once you start feeling cool. Do you use a neck gaiter / scarf to stop warm air escaping through your neck? – I’ve found turtle fur to be the warmest.

    Does your jacket have a snowskirt that you can fasten or a way of attaching it to your trousers. Helps reduce the chimney effect.

    Free Member

    Your cheap tyres are good at the wet/eco/noise rating because all those EU mandated tests are done at 20-25°C. Tyres that are good at snow, mud, cold conditions won’t be good at 20-25°C and tyres that are good in the 20-25°C test won’t be good in cold, snow and mud.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure Asda self insure. Phone the number on the bump card – if the solution sounds like a ballache then claim on your own insurance to make things easier. Personally wouldn’t bother doing anything until tomorrow once you’ve heard asdas offer.

    Free Member

    the responsibility of the board of a company to act in the best interests of the shareholders, not the employees.

    The problem with this is that this is often carried out on a short term basis where the shareholder interest and the employees interest do not align.

    If a more long-term view is taken then the interests of the shareholders and the employees are more closely aligned.

    Until shareholders and directors start to take a long-term view events like this will continue to happen

    Isn’t it a different Phillip Green to BHS?

    Free Member

    Why do you think there’s more wheel bearings to go? You’d replaced 3 in your OP and you’ve just done the 4th. Would’ve thought your wheel bearings should be good for the next 80-100K.

    Free Member

    Would the council let you change the number? If it’s number 20 that is the problem change it to 18b or 19b.

    Free Member

    have a look at victor paris in Edinburgh. Only had to use for a part but service was good.

    Free Member

    He’s over 5 foot (size of a 12-13 year old). The XS adult or kids bikes don’t leave him any growth room so pretty certain we’ve got the right size for him.

    Will see how he gets on on a small grassy hill and decide if we need to take the pedals / chainset off or not.

    Free Member

    Intersport or Skiset always been ok for me. Last time I used Rental Republic. They bring the stuff to your accomodation so no need to queue at the rental shop. Brilliant service.

    Free Member

    If you want to stop people smashing your window to open the door you need the P1 /L2 locking deadlatch

    Free Member

    Try Meze Meze on Rose Street for Turkish / Greek / Mediterranean tapas. Also never been dissapointed at Cafe Truva for breakfast / lunch.

    Zest just off St Andrews Square is good for curry as is Mother India on Infirmary Street.

    Someone above mentioned the Printing Press. Never been but has a good reputation. The (head) chef is on Masterchef professionals at the moment.

    Free Member

    Get your vet to give him some vallium before you put him in the van

    Free Member

    surely that can’t apply to 60mph roads

    There are no 60mph roads in Norway. They’re all less than 50mph unless motorway.

    Free Member

    Seems to me which beak you get on the day if you go to court can also have a big difference on the fine.

    Not at all. There are very defined guidelines on what your fine will be. The only factors taken into account are the speed limit, your speed and your income. Magistrates aren’t able to go outside these guidelines.

    Free Member

    The bloke who got the £400 fine would have refused the offer of a course and/or refused the offer of a £100 fine and 3 points. If you don’t admit your guilt at the early stage then you go to court where the fine and points can be significantly higher hence he got a £400 fine as they then take your income into account.

    Free Member

    Sounds in the right ball park for keeping an older car on the road. I’m driving a 52 plate diesel Megane around with 150K. Had it for 2.5 years /33K costing me £75 per month for all servicing and maintenance (recon turbo was a big bill). Yours is a heavier, more complicated car so you should expect to be paying a bit more than me.

    You’ve had a few big bills – it should calm down again. I’d recalculate your average to include the first 3 years and what you paid for it / could sell it for to work out your true cost of ownership.

    Free Member

    Your laptop is about the same age as mine (2007). Added a 250GB SSD drive, switched to Windows 10 from Vista, maxed the RAM (years ago) and a cheeky processor upgrade (1.5-2GHz) that my local computer shop found in their bits bin and it does everything I need it to. MS office 2007/10 and web browsing.

    Only thing it struggles with is HD videos of whitewater kayaking where the onboard graphics can’t keep up so it goes a bit pixelly.

    Free Member

    There are settings on how robust you want your junk mail filter to be. Check it isn’t set to “anyone not in my contacts” or add the addresses to your contact list.

    Free Member

    Don’t know anything about the lottery side of it but have heard that they’re quite good employers of people who may struggle to obtain employment / hold down a job / not be given a chance at other employers.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Good point, but I think the issue is that they’re not getting the early-life care that they need from the families that take them as pups.

    And they grow up with issues

    Can be true of all rescue dogs not just Staffies

    Free Member

    What is putting you off a rescue Staffie / Staffie cross from the RSPCA?

    They are great loyal family dogs. Don’t believe everything you hear about their reputation – its pretty undeserved.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry about finding out your father isn’t your father as they can’t do that without your father’s DNA. If they test your brother as well it is actually really hard to prove that you’re brothers as it’s very possible for you to have no DNA markers in common. Getting a result that says you have no DNA in common with your brother does not prove he’s not your brother.

    Free Member

    Is there a reason staff rooms look the way they do,

    Money – there’s a formula for how big it will be based on the size of the school – designers / developers can’t deviate from that. Add in X chairs and tables that are cheap and a little bit comfortable, use the same carpet as is in the rest of the school, paint the walls the same colour, fill one wall with noticeboards / photocopier, one wall with pigeonholes / intrays, one wall with kitchen units and a wall with Windows. There’s not the money or space to make it anything other than functional. Teachers spend very little time there so no pressure to make it any nicer.

    Free Member

    Presumably the architect learned architecture at the same place as the architects who designed the Glentress Peel café with its lovely views of the grassy bank rather than the view down the Tweed valley.

    Free Member

    Not sure if it’s still a viable option but a couple of mates trained as a bonded apprentice at a small freight / charter airline. Earned minimum wage for 3 years ish and had to do all the rubbish jobs but the company put you through your pilot training and got you qualified on some of their planes. Once your bond period was up you either got taken on permanently or found a job elsewhere. They’re both now flying big passenger jets for BA / Aer Lingus via all sorts of interesting places.

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