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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    Watty – i stayed the thread to share trivial but annoying storm damage photos after my gazebo broke in the recent weather but then it just descended into mocking my car.

    Free Member

    A baby blue Chevette was the very first car I bought with my own money, all £130 of it.

    Free Member

    Got to have a dream car

    Free Member

    Yeah, I think I will give up on the marquee and focus on the car this weekend

    Free Member

    I was looking for an art gallery in Botley (I think) to see what the window display the had offered me looked like from the street. Clicking along street view from one direction showed it as a bike shop and from the other direction it was a coffee shop. It had only opened as a gallery recently I guess so the photos showed the last 2 businesses that were there.

    Free Member

    If anyone can tell me how to get the link to display correctly in the forum nowadays, please do.

    Thanks for the tip and I have used it before. I could download the image from google photos and then upload it to postimages and then get a link and then post the link into here I suppose.

    I do that sometimes but other times it just seems like too much hassle to bother.

    Free Member

    And it is back up again –  *

    Thanks for the amazing praise for the Porsche – more updates to follow shortly on YouTube (Search for DS911) or keep an eye on this thread :

    *If anyone can tell me how to get the link to display correctly in the forum nowadays, please do.

    Free Member

    Thanks, I tried clicking IMG and pasting the google link in, which I thought used to work, but got nothing so added the actual link. I lose track of the latest variant required to show google photos on here.

    Free Member

    Mor esanding and filling on the DS911 I expect :-(

    Free Member

    I only do sensible things but other people’s judgement is often out of kilter with my reality

    Free Member

    Does anyone know what he said in the first place for the FIA to get so upset?

    IO think he said ***** ** **** **** **********!

    Free Member

    if the engineer finds something that isn’t being tested, then it cannot be illegal

    Except that’s completely and utterly untrue.

    But if the engineer can find something that does pass all legal tests it is legal. Hmmm…

    It is a bit like the British Cycling ‘rule’ that states the basic coaching course only qualifies you to coach on trails where “the route is obvious and there are no drops more than axle height” or something similar. It is therefore not against their rules to coach someone to ride along a plank 10m in the air. Obviously not what they meant but still within their rules.

    or the London Underground rule that you are allowed to break and most people do break every day “Dogs must be carried on escalators” I don’t have a dog but happily use the escalators without carrying one.

    Free Member

    1) The letter of the law, the spirit of the law, the intent of the law are all open to interpretation.

    2) The test is a measurable, repeatable exercise that determines if a part is legal.

    3) The trouble is that not all tests can check all aspects of the law so if the engineer finds something that isn’t being tested, then it cannot be illegal and can therefore be exploited.

    Once the team does something like the flexi-wing to exploit point 3 the law makers either change point 1, the law, or improve point 2, the test, and the engineers go off to find a new point3, the loophole.

    Free Member

    I think it is just there to make mine look better perhaps?

    Free Member

    Pedals not level and a leaf on the floor tiles

    Free Member

    N’ah, that was my 3rd girlfriend.

    Free Member

    In hospital and apparently doing OK now. Glad to hear that

    Free Member

    Something to cheer/bore you on a Monday morning. I had a busy weekend.

    Please add comment and advice if you have any

    Free Member

    I can’t believe no-one else has suggested this one :

    Free Member

    Looking at that moon rocket stuff makes me think I might try one once I have finished the car. What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    Coke and hookers?

    Free Member

    A bloke with a bike and a shovel woke up with an idea one morning. A short time later, this appeared in the local sports centre.

    On the old computers topic – My first PC had a 40MB hard disk but you could only use 32MB because that was all the OS supported. It also had a ‘turbo’ button that upped the speed from 8Mhz(?) to 12 but this was too fast for some programs so it was mostly not switched on.

    Free Member

    It will be interesting to see how Stroll and the AM story unfolds and compare it to Audi and the poor performing team they are buying and throwing money at. Who invests, plans and strategizes best in the coming years.

    AM have the head start and are led by a strong individual.
    Audi have an almost blanks sheet to start from but are led by a committee with the board of VW Group to answer to.

    Free Member

    Hi – I know I started this thread but I kind of lost interest after the first couple fo hundred replies failed to find and actual benefits.

    Have I missed any since?

    Free Member

    Oh, and on the subject of remote controls mentioned earlier. She always kept the remote control on top of the TV and made Grandad get up and walk over to it to change channel.

    She always said that it was so that he didn’t lose it but one Christmas let slip that she had seen him trying the zap their budgie with it and was scared he would fry it with the microwaves.

    He interjected that it was an infrared remote and he was just seeing if he could singe the poor bird.

    Free Member

    I was staying with Grandma while my parents were abroad and she declared that I needed a haircut, I was 16 and had a mildly trendy, longish mop of hair at the time.

    She marches be up to the barber where Grandad always got his haircut but , thankfully, it was closed so we went to what I thought looked a much cooler barbers shop with a few punky looking guys smoking while they waited for their cut. She walked me in, took one look at the young barber and said, loud enough for everyone to hear of course, “You have tattoos so your not cutting my grandsons hair, he’s a nice boy. Where do nice boys get their hair cut?”

    The barber just grinned and said there was a ladies salon just up the road which was popular with ‘nice boys’

    Free Member

    Well you can guess. She didn’t and I had to explain to a 75 year old about oral sex.

    I think you’ll find the thread title is Out of the mouths of …

    I would like to make it TOTALLY CLEAR that I explain it to her, not demonstrated it

    Free Member

    It works!

    A bit of a faff getting the garage unit connected with line of site to the conservatory but i managed. You can just see the top of the other unit through the window.

    Free Member

    Well now I feel the weight of responsibility. – You are.

    I am planning to have one in the office, one in the conservatory nearest to the garage and then one in the garage, probably in a plasit bag to save it from the worst of the dust. There is a lot of dust right now, see

    Free Member

    A weekend break with my parents and grandmother when I was about 16. My parents left Grandma to babysit me while they went out for a romantic meal together. My Grandma realised I was a bit bored sat in the hotel room with her and suggested we go out to sightsee Amsterdam in the evening.

    I assumed a walk along the canals but she suggested the Red Light district as Grandad had been there during the war and said it was ‘not for her type’ and she wanted to see what the fuss was about.We strolled along thew canal admiring the pretty women in the windows but Grandma didn’t think they looked very comfortable so we turned down a side street to see if there was anything else to see.

    We walked past a sex shop with blow up dolls and Grandma was fascinated by them. When we eventually left to go back to the hotel she asked why they all had such funny faces. I asked what she meant and she explained that they all looked a bit shocked with they mouths open, she felt they should have smiling faces. As a 16 year old I found it quite embarrassing to explain to her why their mouths were open with their lips pursed just the right shape for a …

    Well you can guess. She didn’t and I had to explain to a 75 year old about oral sex.

    Free Member

    I have ordered what SoundNinjaUK recommended and pick them up tomorrow. If I am on line tomorrow I will tell you if they worked.

    Free Member

    Based on this thread, I think I want this set up.

    At the moment we have Fibre to a box just under my desk which links to a WiFi Router. The signal is okay around most the house but not great in the kitchen extension or conservatory (through outside walls). There is bugger all in the detached garage about 10M away.

    I mostly want to get wifi in the garage which is a dusty environment, hence one of the routers being ‘outdoor spec’, but better wifi elsewhere would be good.

    Please confirm I am ordering the correct 2 items to achieve this before I blow £200 on the wrong thing.

    *My Wife is great upstairs except possibly for cleaning the slightly dusty skirting boards under my desk.

    Free Member

    The garage

    Free Member

    This video is a landmark episode as I both listen to feedback on the video style and also make* that last of the bodywork components. The release is a bit close to the last one but most of this was filmed during my weeks leave as well and I know you simply can’t wait for the latest dose of video boredom.

    The listen to feedback bit is true, I was told to make the videos with more clips showing me hands on with the tasks rather than jumping to the end result. Please let me know if this is an improvement, worse, or no different. Do you like the videos a bit longer, like this one, or were the 5-6 minute clips better?

    I think this is only about 11 minutes so tell me what you think the right duration is.

    *Please note that I said ‘make’ and not ‘complete’

    Free Member

    For holding wine glasses ? middle hole attaches to something.

    ME : Would you like a glass of wine
    Wife : Aren’t you a clever dick!

    Free Member

    I am quite impressed that they spotted it at all. There is quite a lot of space in lots of directions to be looking for a 1m rock and watching it long enough to predict its trajectory

    Free Member

    GoogleLens is what I used for the first one. No idea if it is correct though

    Free Member

    Not quite ‘out of the mouths’ but…
    …I was taking my 5 year old grandson on a GolF Ball Hunt in the woods next to the local golf ball. I was kicking the leaves around and busy looking on the floor for gold balls when I realised he was wandering around looking in the trees.

    “You won’t find them in the trees” I said
    “There’s one” he says as he points up at a golf ball wedged in the fork of a branch.

    Free Member

    We were babysitting our 3 year old granddaughter and she came to see me working on my bike in the garage. She soon got bored and went back into the house to play with her dolly. When her mum came round to pick her up, she was just putting a bandage on her dollys arm (her mum was a nurse).

    Mum asked “has dolly hurt her arm?”
    Child replies “Yes, it is proper bolloxed”

    For some reason her mum then glared at me!

    Free Member

    FIA sets rules to try and achieve something such as no moving aero.
    All teams try to design their cars to stay within the rules but still achieve the desired effect.

    If MOST teams find a similar way to ‘bend’ the rules then the FIA change the rules at the end of the season.
    If ONE team finds a really clever way to bend the rules and the rest can’t copy it quickly, or it is considered to have bent the rules too far, it will be ‘clarified’ mid-season.

    There are lots of examples of both situations in the past – X Wing aero, McLaren brakes, blown diffusers, fan car etc

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