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  • Issue 154 UK Adventure: Chariots of Rust
  • wooobob
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    I can recommend a data recovery bod if you need one.

    Full Member

    Rosetta Stone is supposed to be the best, although I haven’t used it. Builds up the language in the same way a child does, by associations and suchlike.

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    Full Member

    There. You just crossed it. Oh dear.

    Full Member

    But the whisky’s staring at me…

    Full Member

    Kung Fu Hustle
    Iron Man
    Kick Ass

    Full Member

    “they picked up their bridge and took it away.” That’s not something you hear too often.

    Full Member

    Anchovies are ace. As are chillis and capers. You can’t go far wrong with that one.

    Full Member

    Red cabbage in the magimix, then a carrot, then some onion. Jar of Hellmans…um…oh. Sorry.

    Full Member

    Topeak Hexus – I was amazed at how easy it was to change my chain the other day. Granted, it probably isn’t that hard, but this thing worked a treat, which for a little porta-tool thingy was unexpected.

    Full Member

    Tuna pasta sweetcorn cheese – hot – stir in a bit of mayo – pepper

    Oldie but a goodie

    Full Member

    Whew, thanks. And to think I tried to edit it into a different forum. When I was right all along! 8)

    That’s going to the top of my LoveFilm list as well…

    Full Member

    Yep. Nothing to do with bikes though.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I’d take ernie’s options.

    Or a new VW Scirocco.

    Or, and preferably,

    (Merc 300SL Roadster if I can’t get the pic to work. In red. MMMMMMMM.)

    Full Member

    My first ride out involved the chain falling off halfway up the hill. 5 seconds of frantic air-pedalling as I slowly toppled over. I laugh now, but when I glanced up to see just how many millimetres there were between my noggin and the traffic roaring past I fair near caked me pants.

    Full Member

    It’s not so much the distance, or the incessant nature of 5 or 6 days a week. It’s doing that and having to then complete a full day at work that’s the killer.

    That’s it. 6 miles in with a shower = great. Can’t beat it. Finish work, then get home under your own steam and eat a massive dinner! 5 days a week no probs. Or: 25 miles in, have shower, try to stay awake all day then have to cycle 25 miles home! Fun as a one-off, or occasionally, but not every day.

    The consensus seems to be <15 miles, with some countryside. Gives me something to work from… :-)

    Full Member

    Thanks all. 37 and 28 – wahey :lol:

    I’d love the 12 miler with the sustrans canal route. If I lived and worked back oop north that would be an option, but I’m pretty much looking at drawing a circle of eg 12-15 mile radius around central London. Although TfL do (or did) do some good maps which has helped produce more interesting and less hazardous runs in the past.

    Full Member

    Walk from one side to the other, taking in the old town, the Muslim Quarter, the big mosque, the fort mentioned above, Connaught Square for a nice cuppa. It’s mental.

    Full Member

    Ah, good call. I’ll try and think of something else for you :-)

    Full Member

    This[/url] is pretty good, if you don’t live in the midst of miles of streetlights and 24-hour office lighting.

    I also like the barcode scanner one, which isn’t something I thought I’d ever write.

    My wife has one which shows different cuts of meat.

    Full Member

    If you didn’t spend the money then you should just challenge it. When this happened to me I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly HSBC refunded the money on to my card after filling in a short form to say I had no knowledge of the transaction.

    Full Member

    I had a link break after about 10 miles on a new bike. It didn’t snap but the pin was loose so the chain kept coming off and it would have gone soon. I took it back (to Evans) and they gave me a new chain. The guy half-heartedly tried to argue that chain, tyres etc weren’t replaceable, which is fair enough, but if it’s brand new then it ought to last longer than that.

    Full Member

    Boardwalk Empire is good. Also been watching Eastbound and Down recently which is funny. Not as consistently good as some, but has its moments.

    As for British programmes, I thought that Sherlock was actually pretty good. While the resources usually aren’t in place to produce epics on the scale of The Wire etc. there is some good stuff around. Life on Mars for example. And although I’m not a massive fan, Doctor Who is pretty good value.

    Full Member

    I got caught on the hop and had to think of something quickly as all the various permutations of my name had been taken. Think I was on yahoo chess. It still smarts that there is at least one other person using my name as his/her email address/username. Not fair.

    Full Member

    My sister told me that ‘celebs’ and the like are trained to smile as if they were taking a bite from an apple without allowing their lips to touch it, in order to give that full beam Hollywood smile and show off the glitzy teeth.

    On the odd occasion I’ve tried it for photos, the results have not been quite as successful.

    I now tend to go for the Posh Spice press-you-lips-together-and-flare-your-nostrils, as it’s easier to pull off quickly (with a little practice) and less likely to scare children.

    Full Member

    We got a Britax B-Smart 3 with a “Babysafe sleeper”. Really good. Not the cheapest but far from most expensive and car sleeper well worth it IMO. Pretty tough, not too heavy and folds down OK. Was fine for the missus too.

    Full Member

    The best mattress you can afford will be money well spent. We got one with a memory foam layer which was extremely comfortable, but tended to result in feeling like you had just emerged from a 6-month coma cos I tended not to roll over on it much. And it got quite hot.

    The best bed I ever had was a futon. Nice and firm, although it was quite low. Low enough for my mum’s miniature dachshund to deposit a nice big turd on it one evening.

    Full Member

    This thread doesn’t seem to have gone to plan :?

    Full Member

    Porridge, add a load of dried fruit as you make it, stir in a tablespoon of honey then whack a ‘nana on the top when it’s done. Aww yeeeeah.

    Full Member

    Yup should do, as long as you have a plug adapter so you can plug it in.

    Full Member

    Wot sc-xc said.

    Full Member

    One croissant, in the post. You might see it by March :D

    Full Member

    Which tube station has six consecutive consonants then? Croissant for the winner.

    Full Member

    Scope? Timeframe?

    Full Member

    I’ve always drunk it neat – although a splash of water can take the edge off, a good or a bad thing depending on the whisky. A bit more ‘quaffable’ though!

    Full Member

    Now I’m ‘grown up’, and living overseas to boot, we have the chance to have Christmas at home for the first time. With the wee man 9 months (even if he’s not excited about the AWESOME sledge I’ve bought him, I know damn well his mum will be :D) it’ll be even better. Just the three of us, a goose, a couple of sherry/mince pie get-togethers with mates, maybe a bike ride if possible = a fabulous time had by all. Bit sorry my Mum and Dad will miss it, but for their sake rather than mine.

    Full Member

    If that doesn’t work, try the two other options above (littler oftener/ignore)! One of them will! :D

    Full Member

    Is he still on milk? When Weewooobob started twigging that food was more than just fun, we upped the quantity of his milk feeds (although we’d dropped the number of them down). Seems to have done the trick for us: the milk keeps him full, the food is a nice little bonus. If he’s hungry, great; if not he can throw it at the dog, hide it in his ears, etc…

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