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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • wooksterbo
    Full Member

    I use MS authenticator and Google authenticator and they work fine. As others have said, once you start down this path, you need to keep them backed up securely.

    Full Member

    My parents neighbour has an oak about that size in their garden.

    With a TPO on it. Can’t even get permission to thin it out a bit

    We have a massive copper beech basically in our garden, it’s next door but right on the boundary (neighbour rents and landlord not interested in getting involved) It’s about 5m away from the house, absolutely massive and dwarfs the house but has a TPO. I want it gone but council said no way. We have managed to get permission for a 2m reduction only as a one off. Will have to file a new request next time, we can’t keep it to a reduced size unfortunately.
    I really do hope it doesn’t end up being blown down in the future, I’d like to say to the council it’s a risk to the house but I expect it will fall on deaf ears.

    Tree surgeon was due here this morning funnily enough, I emailed him yesterday to say surely he won’t be sending his guys up a tree in 50mph winds, he said they are still coming. I got a call this morning from one of his guys to say they won’t be, they had to be on council duty anyway as a lot of stuff to get sorted on roads etc.

    I was out last night for a drink and my other half texted me to say there was a load bang so I came home to check and found a hip tile next to the house. Then didn’t sleep to well worrying more would come down. I went to investigate this morning and 3 came down but were from my other neighbours house, just missed our landing window luckily. I’m glad it wasn’t my roof, I get on well with the neighbours so gutted for them as I expect they will be in a rather large queue to get the work done.

    Full Member

    OTB or managed to stay on? It looks like an OTB is about to happen, you never know though.

    Full Member

    I’ve been with my partner for nearly 26 years. We decided many years ago not to have kids. Our 2 dogs were in essence like our children and we were happy with that. My brother (12 years younger than me) and his wife then had a boy, when he was a toddler and old enough to play etc I would enjoy my time with him and always played and my partner noticed something about how I was. I had joked half heartedly bringing up kids with her, looking back it was obvious I had changed my mind. She was not clucky at all still. We talked and she said be honest and I was, I said I wanted children and she said let’s do it. We tried for almost a year and weren’t getting anywhere and then suddenly the day before Christmas eve she took a test and hey presto, it was positive. It hit me like a ton of bricks and massive doubts and worries were flooding my head and it was unbearable. It didn’t help that 2 weeks after the news we had to put one of our dogs to sleep, he was old and ill and it was not a surprise but I was still a wreck. The dread and doubts subsided and then worry over the little person we were going to bring into the world took over. 2 weeks before he was due, our other dog had to be put to sleep, again very painful and we had hoped he would be around to see my son but it was not meant to be. Son was born and the joy I felt was immeasurable. He’s 2 and a half now, and I’m 44, partner is 43. Everything was turned upside down, we can’t go out anywhere we want, do anything we want but I still wouldn’t change it for the world.

    Full Member

    RM is usually fine for us. We try to give the postie a christmas tip as he really good and friendly. Parcel Force can be hit and miss. All the others are fine. Very much down to who the individual is delivering to you a lot of the time it seems.

    Full Member

    That video of the ford crossing. I could stand there and watch that all day.

    I’d like to say I’m not daft enough to try something like driving across that but I likely am.

    Rufford Mill Ford – that’ll be me wasting an afternoon of the family holiday this year…ta!

    I live about 25 mins away and have taken my son (who is 2.5) and there is always a gathering there to see how many cars get wrecked driving through, the tally in a day can be spectacularly high!

    Full Member

    Never had them before until 2 in a row late afternoon today. Phone automatically sent them to spam for me to double check.

    Full Member

    I think they got their good guy kill quota earlier and in the previous episode which is why those big droids didn’t hit anything :-D

    Not sure how Kryzinstan or however you spell the wookiee’s name survived, he had a ton of those Bossk like people get him on the ground and supposedly they are very strong, he then gets shot left, right and centre and walloped by the droid. Talking of Bossk, I assumed he and maybe some of other bounty hunter cohorts would turn up, maybe something for later. Speaking of which, when Cad Bane first spoke to Boba, did Boba say you got my message?

    Full Member

    Agree on an enjoyable enough episode but some badly acted parts and sequences that were poor. Would have preferred the littlun not turn up but obviously he was instrumental in controlling the rancor. I suspect Boba won’t be on Tatooine for long and maybe Cobb Vanth will be the Mos Espa “leader” once he has healed/been modified.

    Full Member

    We are now down to one full kitchen bin bag and a bathroom bin bag every 2 weeks and we send off/drop off as much as we can recycling wise. We use as much of the schemes on terracycle as we can but it takes some sorting!

    Coop also take soft plastics which we drop stuff off to every week.

    I do not know once we do our bit if the stuff is actually recycled but we are trying. Also trying to buy stuff that doesn’t have ridiculous amounts of packaging!

    Worst stuff we had was from Japan as family visited there a few years back and gave us some presents. It was a never ending unwrap to get to whatever was inside (turned out to be biscuit type snacks), it was crazy!

    Full Member

    While unlikely it is difficult to actually argue against as in theory they could be worse.

    Yes true, but there is a difference between would and could.

    I honestly don’t have much faith in Labour either but I cannot stand this Trump style politics of Johnson.

    Full Member

    I really hope this is doing everlasting damage to the Tory party but based on those I know who are Tory voters I really don’t think it has. I still hear, yeah but Labour would be worse all the **** time! Oh and the Telegraph is a “balanced” paper, I can’t find a big enough laughing emoticon for that.

    Full Member

    Name comes from my 2 dogs’ names combined :-D
    I thought I would be less geeky as I got older, not more!!

    Full Member

    I think the appearance of Cad Bane is a bit sudden right near the very end of the series, I understand why they didn’t just outright show him earlier ( it was maybe him that took out the Tuskens?) and they have not positioned the Pyke Syndicate as that threatening for those who have not seen the Clone Wars etc. Now the Syndicate is being shown to have merciless figures working for it but we get to see all of this in only 1 episode. Pacing has been very poor for the first few episodes.

    Dave Filoni (Clone Wars and Rebels showrunner type person) always wanted Boba Fett and Cad Bane to have a fight at the end of the Clone Wars but they didn’t get to make them, so the appearance of Cad Bane has his name written all over it to finally get his wish.

    I think there will be a series with Luke and his students with a Young Ben (Kylo Ren) in it, the work they put into Luke in this episode and setting up his school feels like it’s world building for a future series.

    I really liked the episode, Timothy Olyphant is great in it. I think his character is still alive based upon the camera showing his deputy quite clearly dead and the other townsfolk rushing around the Marshall to help him. I still don’t like the lack of Boba Fett though, although he will no doubt be front and centre in the finale. I get what they are doing, setting up Mandalorian S3, Ahsoka series, maybe Luke series and have more interconnectivity between them (MCU style). This will no doubt have caused disagreements internally at Lucasfilm, but fan service and nostalgia does get people to watch stuff, as well as, hey look it’s that character from the cartoon/other series/movie etc

    Full Member

    No idea on priceas they were a christmas present but hotel chocolat Decaff beans have been nice, their normal ones were exceptional, this is compared to 200 degrees and Pact Coffee both of which I also like.

    Full Member

    I think we will get an announcement at the end of the season saying brand new series coming soon like they did at the end of the Mandalorian when it announced book of boba fett out of nowhere. Basing this off the content of this new episode

    Full Member

    Quite a shock with how much they had in it. Won’t say more as spoilers aplenty otherwise.

    Full Member

    Yes it could be tricky, also will need to be insulated to stop it potentially freezing too.

    Full Member

    Both of the above cars look amazing!
    I picked up an FTX Tracer recently “for my son”, honest. He’s too young at the mo but I got it just in case they went up in price or became scarce stock wise.

    Full Member

    Really liked the episode and can see Mandalore perhaps being the end game for at least the Mandalorian to some degree. No idea if Boba will survive this series or not and come back into the Mandalorian later. It’s still weird how he appeared to be a badass when he returned in the Mandalorian and took out all those stormtroopers with absolute ease and then became a punk in his own series. Extremely jarring and if there is no purpose to this very different version of him in his own series then I don’t know what they were thinking. He already had his epiphany before he got his armour back (based on the flashbacks) so that is no excuse with how he was so different in one show compared to his own show.

    Edit: I’ll still watch the show to the end and if they announced a second season, I expect I would still watch that (I’m a sucker for Star Wars)

    Full Member

    Some brilliant info guys, will have good look at all suggestions, first things first get my actual prescription details. I only need them for driving, watching TV from a distance and I have got by not needing them for on the bike. But I noticed more recently that in order to properly look ahead on the trails that my vision is inadequate. I don’t need a strong prescription luckily so it looks like a fair few choices are available.

    Full Member

    55 will seem big to start with compared to a 42 but within hours it feels normal. It mostly depends how it looks in the room with other furniture and if you are happy it’s not completely dominating the room.

    I went from 46 to 65 which seemed ridiculous when I set it up but its in a big room. Got used to it within an hour or 2. Could fit a 75 or slightly bigger but prices are just too much at that size.

    Full Member

    Oh look it’s my MP 🙄

    I still get the sinking feeling this is all going to go away like it never happened. I blame the deep pessimism I always have 😂

    Full Member

    Great performer, I never bought his music but if it was on the TV or radio I would happily listen. When I first saw him in Fight Club (back in the days of generally no spoilers – Internet I hate you) , I was like WTF!

    Full Member

    If that’s what I think you’re talking about it’s well-publicised already?

    Adaptation of a major comics storyline for one of the big DC characters? Can anyone say ‘soft reboot’?

    Yes it is what you think with a big reset incoming.
    It is well publicised I think but just in case I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone

    Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool was better than whoever tried to play him in that Wolverine film.

    Peter Maximoff (X Men/Wandavision) > Peter Maximoff (Avengers)

    Not sure if the Ryan Reynolds bit was a joke?

    Agree on XMen/Wandavision Quicksilver being much better.

    Full Member

    We all knew what apparently went on behind the scenes but I would never have expected constituents lives affected like schools etc to make MPs submit to the Whips. I guess my eyes are more opened now to the depths politics will sink to protect one man over that of the country. I’d like to think more of this going public will make a difference, I suspect not.

    Is it hard to just do your **** job!

    Full Member

    On the subject of Batman (and ignoring the certainty of Adam West being _the_ Batman), Keaton Vs. Bale is a good argument. Keaton had that little spark of insanity and madness that worked really well in the first film against Jack Nicholson’s Joker, but the Baleman was a more overtly action-bat-man. It was far less comic book than the Keaton film and I am not sure I liked it more for that.

    Just thought, did that ever even get released? I recall seeing various photos and possibly a trailer what seems like years and years ago but don’t remember it ever actually being launched (though I’m no super fan so it’s entirely possible it just passed me by)

    Robert Patinson as The Batman is out beginning of March with the director who was responsible for the most recent Planet of the Apes films – Matt Reeves (which I really enjoyed). Supposedly it is more detective Batman than any other that has been portrayed on film, also a very different stylised film. I like the look of it apart from the Batman outfit, feels off compared to others although maybe be fitting within the actual film if that makes sense.

    Best looking OTT Batman I thought was Ben Affleck in terms of more recent comic look, his Bruce Wayne not so much but that could be due to him being a jaded older Bruce Wayne, who knows. I didn’t like Christian Bale’s growly Batman voice and did not like Dark Knight Rises much at all. I guess it was Keaton I really liked. Kilmer and Clooney batman films were just about Ok and if they were on I wouldn’t necessarily switch over.

    Well we get to see more Batman end of the year or next with another DC film coming out. Just in case it’s spoiler territory I won’t say who and in what.

    Full Member

    I wonder who blinked?
    I was not prepared to change my credit card just for Amazon, also trying not to use Amazon as much.

    Full Member

    It’s not something odd like the wrong date set on the macbook is it? I know it’s very unlikely to be the case but worth a check. Or try a different browser?

    Full Member

    Did I spot a huge number of mirrors on one of the vespa speeders exactly like someone would mod a real Vespa?

    I liked parts of episode 3 but it does feel like it’s meandering along with not much direction. That chase sequence was really bad, odd that someone known for his action directing did such a poor job.

    Full Member

    ^ Certainly worth a quick check of the IP address allocated on phone compared to the PC

    Edit: could you plug the PC and camera into the same network device at all just to see what happens connectivity wise?

    Full Member

    My own dog tried to do this when he was young. We were at the park with loads of other dogs and owners in Farnborough. Cheeky little bugger. He’d never shown dominance before or after this, very odd. The owner could have been a bit more apologetic in your situation and try and make sure he keeps a better eye on his dog, but not much else to respond with really

    Full Member

    Wickes do a tongue and groove loft board triple pack 1200mm x 300mm (per board) I think that you could use on top of the new joists.

    Full Member

    Had a Nespresso Vertuo, has been replaced 4 times so far, each one developed leaks and also electrical issues, I expect due to the leaks. My dad also has one, he has experienced the first break and sorting out a new machine at the moment. My sister now has my latest replacement. I’ve moved to an aeropress.

    I previously had the smaller pod Nespresso machine which lasted 8 years until it started leaking badly. Vertuo took 4-5 months from new to break.

    Aeropress coffee tastes far superior to both Nespressos I had.

    Full Member

    The wookiee was from a Star Wars comic apparently. I enjoyed it apart from the disjointedness of the flashback and present day and it did slow down a bit in parts. Much better than the first episode.

    Full Member

    Sounds like it’s all going a fair bit smoother now :-)
    We were very lucky with our first dog and the second a year later, a bit of chewing on one of the banisters when very young but that’s as far as being difficult got. Although second dog was a pain in the arse his entire life with unknown dogs out and about.

    I am dreading getting a new dog in the future when our toddler is a bit older, only from the point of view of the 2 we had before didn’t need much work with house training, eating everything in sight etc, plus they were small (mini schnauzers). Next dog will not be a mini schnauzer as I don’t want reminders of our old dogs, losing them hit me hard!

    Full Member

    Swigging from a full coffee cup that’s clearly empty. I thought these people were supposed to be actors.

    I see this everywhere and I’m trying to train myself to ignore it. It’s not just drinking from an empty cup, it’s carrying them too. You can spot it a mile away, just put a small amount of cold water in them or something.

    Full Member

    As above, aeropress has opened my eyes as to how bad a fair few coffee shops are. I do use as fresh a bean as I can which no doubt helps. I picked up an aeropress as a stepping stone to a potential espresso machine but after a lot of reading and YouTube watching, I won’t be bothering and just staying with the aeropress. I will likely pick up a cafetiere for when I need to make coffee for a group

    Full Member

    Playing on xbox when my son goes to bed. He wants to see the fireworks but I don’t want to wake up a toddler at midnight so can only hope some locals decide to let some off early.

    Full Member

    Got 2 bottles of home brew ales from one of my employees. Yet to try them but looking forward to it.

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