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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • wooksterbo
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    The stuff I had read was yesterday that lead into today and at the time it was being kept under wraps with programme guides still not showing any details. I was more meaning the various names mentioned that were not Russell Brand and the usual mentality of obviously guilty even though as we now know, Dispatches is not about them.

    Full Member

    The vitriol I’ve read today about who Dispatches will be about has been off the chart. Various names mentioned and the usual, “I always knew they were a wrong un” despite Dispatches not even being aired yet and therefore no confirmation who it is about.

    Full Member

    Related to Dispatches tonight?

    But yes, I found him OK in small doses a long time ago, but since all the conspiracy nonsense, he’s been insufferable.

    Full Member

    Heatgeek on YouTube is worth a watch about gshp and ashp along with other alternatives.

    Full Member

    I still can’t get over how this guy is worshipped by so many. He’s a man baby that cries all the time when he is slighted in any way whilst not being able to put a coherent sentence together most of the time. I get the stick it to the man mentality but he has always been part of the rich “elite” in the USA, he cares not one bit for his worshippers yet they still fawn over him.

    Full Member

    Went to drop off the other half at the tram stop this morning and the car park was very empty, we then got told services were suspended by someone there. Got home and then read the news. Very odd indeed, I wonder what the motive was.

    Full Member

    Time and a place for it and depends on how young. Really young like my son who is nearly 4 I’d rather not just yet as he doesn’t understand the concept and will therefore just randomly shout out the word(s) at the most inappropriate time. At the moment bum crack is the naughty word that all the kids get in trouble for at his childminder’s place 🤣. When you can actually have a conversation with the child and they understand the meaning then fair enough. I’ll still refrain from swearing in front of him for some time yet as I don’t need to normalise it. I do like a good swear still.

    Full Member

    I prefer float fishing in a nice picturesque pond with trees and lily pads or a small stream ledgering or stick float. I hadn’t been for years until last week with my brother on his club waters. Caught a few carp but all on leads and usual carp tactics which I don’t mind if fishing with others but not if out on my own. Caught nothing on my float rod.

    We are off to France in a few weeks for big carp, will take the float rod for the silvers in the lake.

    Full Member

    Was just effing and blinding earlier as my rear tyre on my road/gravel bike that has gone unused for 2.5 months was flat as and floor pump did nothing. First go of the newish airshot went tits up as the airshot was leaking. Luckily I realised it wasn’t tight enough on the big cap on the airshot and got it up to 120psi and connected up to the tyre, it did it’s thing and it sounded like it worked, put the valve core back in and tried the floor pump and still the beads were leaking air but persevered and they finally sealed up. Will see how it is in the morning and take it out for a quick test ride. Typical as I want to take it to Blackpool on our holiday on Friday.

    Anyone know a good bike shop around Blackpool in case I encounter more issues? 😂

    Full Member

    First ever bike ride I was about 5 or 6 and it was a yellow Raleigh Boxer hand me down from my uncle. In a cul-de-sac right next to Sandhurst military academy ranges as that’s where we lived at the time (Owlsmoor).

    First road bike ride was on my first ever brand new bike which was a maroon Raleigh bike which I forget the name of. I was 9 at the time.

    First mtb ride was on a Giant Stonebreaker, the yellow and pink one. I was thirteen and it was purchased from a bike shop in Aldershot which is now long gone.

    Full Member

    I have no magic fix/help for this but I had something similar from what I assume was a sinus infection after a bad cold/flu from Boxing Day 2022 and it lasted for about 3-4 weeks. It went away on it’s own.

    Full Member

    I use a Titan from Screwfix, has lasted me well for exactly the purpose you describe. It couldn’t quite cope with vacuuming up a lot of fine paint and plaster dust the other week but that is likely down to the excessive amount and the fine dust just gets everywhere. Took me ages to clean up the Titan itself afterwards. I bought a separate washable filter for it. You can use bags or not but advisable for dry I would expect. I use them for finer stuff for further filtration. It’s a wet vac too but never tried it. For the cost it’s great. If you put it through its paces with a lot of use I have no idea how long it could last. I did have a previous one that the switch started to play up. That was after 2 years use and a lot of building work. It did only cost me £40 ish so can’t complain.

    Full Member

    Im not happy about the X wing either, the last one was pretty good, a Tie Bomber would have been much better, or a Mandalorian shuttle, or a tie interceptor, or a UCS N1 Mando star fighter, loads of other options really.

    Dual set coming out in May I think with a tie interceptor and a Mandalorian fighter of some description. The interceptor looks really good for a non UCS set.

    Full Member

    Our super mega fussy 3.5 year old is very difficult with food in general, even various biscuits, chocolate etc he is reluctant to eat (I’m not exactly upset about those things). Even getting him to stay at the dining table is hard. My other half just let’s him get on with it and he eats at his pace and the things he likes. I won’t force him to but that’s our situation which may not be the same as others. He is introduced to new things and sometimes likes them,most of the time doesn’t. He won’t touch veg at all but will eat various fruit. It’s not ideal but he does not respond to pressure at all.

    Full Member

    I havent laughed so much in ages, proper crying with laughter.

    Full Member

    Got one child and we are older parents, he’s 3.5 and I’m 45. No way could I cope with a second. I hope he won’t feel like he’s missing out due to being an only child, we can only try and give him new experiences and chances to socialise.

    Full Member

    I am considering a sun shade sail thing on the front of our house with 1 fixing point either side of the top of the bedroom window and then 2 fixing points on the pergola below, this will then shade the bedroom window and kitchen window which is less needed as I have integral blinds in the glazing on the kitchen window. Issue will be fitting the shade when required as it’s bloomin high up there and the shade sagging in the middle. The window is far too wide for shutters, you can get some funky expensive sliding shutters but again width of the window and available space either side of the window just won’t allow it, plus they are roughly 3 grand! I’ll talk to my builder about decent fixings for the mounting points and have a think of how to fit the shade with a pole or something.

    Full Member

    -9 shortly here so I’ll pop outside as I don’t think I’ve ever been exposed to that temperature before.

    Full Member

    From what I understand, if it’s been done right there should be no issues. It’s another barrier to the outside elements and the thick solid now internal wall will nicely retain the heat.

    Full Member

    Kyle is back to a normal mtb now isn’t he? I haven’t seen an update from him on the vaccination side of things in a while.

    Full Member

    After months off the bikes did a short (compared to most on here) 18 miles on a gravelish route passing the kitties in the pic above in Strelley.

    Full Member

    If you are are decaf drinker, give Decadent Decaf’s new light roast beans a go, I really like them.
    I’ve not spotted light roast decaf beans ever, I believe the roasting process also helps with the decaf process as it further removes the trace amounts left after the main process is done.

    Full Member

    Age of milk also seems to make a big difference for me. If it’s past its use by or bang on the date it definitely foams less or hardly at all. Still smells and tastes OK before adding to the aerocino.

    Full Member

    You could look at Stelrad.

    We’ve got their deco radiators in all but 3 rooms and they seem very good, had an issue with one of the radiators when I unwrapped it, even though it was weeks and weeks after I took delivery, they picked up and replaced it without issue immediately.

    Not the longest warranties on them compared to some though – 5 years. They aren’t that cheap either.

    Full Member

    Aim for a decent frame too. I had aluminium windows from a company that didn’t install them very well plus they had awful condensation on the bottom of the frame and glazing. Now replaced most with triple glazed (44mm) aluminium frames that are actually a larger plastic inner profile rather than the usual slim polyamide thermal break. I now have no condensation in my ensuite which was really bad before even with whole house heat recovery extraction.

    Forgot to say, Old glazing units were planitherm too. Just shows how important the frames are too and make sure they are fitted well. Remove any draughts in the reveals so that they don’t cool the inner frame.

    Full Member

    It’s been a thing in various hip hop song lyrics over the years right back to the 80s with black officers being worse in some cases than their white colleagues when it comes to assuming a black person is up to no good and therefore being much more aggressive to the people they have stopped.

    Full Member

    Time to contact the inlaws, they live on the outskirts of Auckland.

    Full Member

    Usually windows and doors should be at least 30mm inside the cavity to get some protection from cold bridging whilst at the same time giving more protection to the top of the window or door frame. There is no reason why they can’t move the doors further inwards, carefully cut the reveal plasterboard with a multitool. Not sure how they bedded the doors along the floor though. I bet they didn’t tape the doors to the reveal either before adding the plasterboard – dot and dab by any chance?

    Full Member

    Maybe I’ll get a dentist appointment if I ring up my GP then? Not been able to get an appointment for my dentist since before lockdown, no doubt the same for many people. I’ve been sent a letter to say no chance of getting one either so look elsewhere. Good old BUPA! I’ll likely go private which also includes driving whereas I used to walk to my old dentist.

    Full Member

    It’s great that we want to send tanks but it seems they ideally need to stick to a single type if Ukraine is branching out from the old Soviet and Ukrainian stock they currently have. I can’t see us sending many Challengers so therefore is it really worth it to train up the engineers just for a handful. Leopards on the other hand appear to be in numerous quantity, it just needed the various governments to be given a push. Maybe the talk of Challengers was to give that push and is mostly lip service so Germany will give the go ahead for the Leopards.

    Full Member

    Mine was always a very late sleeper and slept in our bed, still does mostly to my annoyance.
    Bedtime for him was 10pm and then up late. Even now he’s in bed at 9 and up at 8ish.

    After my massive worry about potty training further up in this thread, it is now going much better after he’d realised that forcing it out still counted as enough for a surprise toy. 9 surprise toys yesterday. Today we had to limit it to 1 after lunch and 1 around dinner. We will see if this has a detrimental effect, he’s been yelling about it and upset but still using the potty, sorry toilet as we are not allowed to say potty now according to him.

    Full Member

    There’s no telling a 3 year + that either sometimes, you just get a worded reply back instead of baby noise 😂
    My son did really well today on the potty in the end, got home and held it in again and wanted all the potties and toilets “thrown in the bin”
    We do not pressure him or get angry at him if we are lucky that it gets to a point he has an accident rather than him causing great pain to himself.
    Truly upsetting and infuriating in equal measure. It’s these points you doubt your ability at being a good parent and that you’ve let down your child that they are so angry and scared of just doing a wee in something a bit different. I know he’s scared but he trusts the childminder more than us is all that goes through your head.

    Full Member

    As others have said, don’t wish the time away to quickly. My almost 3.5 year old has refused to use the potty and toilet and has an issue with going for number 2s, holds them in until he’s in huge amounts of pain (6 days at a time). You cannot reason with them at this age so we just have to grin and bear it. Due to school in September we’ve taken the plunge with potty training anyway as various professionals have said he’s ready physically at least, he’s just refusing. It’s been a gut wrenching nightmare in all honesty. He’s in hysterics asking for a nappy and we just have to say there are no more day time nappies. He’s not stupid, he then asks to go to bed and have his night time nappy on. 4 days in a row this has happened after holding a wee in for a ridiculously long time. Last night was a sort of break through as he had a major accident, we got the potty underneath him to catch half of it. We cheered and laughed and got him to smile and laugh while he did it (keep the oh **** it’s on the sofa/carpet etc in your head and just smile) Back to square one this morning with getting upset wearing pants and off to the child minder who was also prepared as she is amazing. He’s managed two wees on the potty, very relieved he hasn’t held it in. Issue now is he expects toys in return which we will just have to accept for now to move forward. The next test is home again. He is much better in considering the potty at the child minder, at home it’s a different story.

    He’s extremely stubborn and always wants to do stuff his own way (when with us), been like that since forever.

    Full Member

    Trello perhaps or ClickUp?
    Browser based and there is integration with Teams if you still want to use Teams. Unsure of how good the integration is.

    Full Member

    Had an issue on a nearly new car back in November. I didn’t even think to ask the bank about a high debit card transaction. It was stopped, no payments were allowed out of my account and it took an hour and a half on the phone (HSBC). Previous to that a 30 min wait on the phone bank app using the chat facility. To then be told I had to call them 🤬 They then sorted it and I made sure the person stayed on the phone whilst we tried the transaction again. My card also stopped working for the day after that transaction to which I used the bank app chat to ask why and it was due to the known large transaction 😂

    Full Member

    Been ill since Tuesday with whatever the awful cold going round and it’s still not shifting, son isn’t too well either so a bit crap for me tonight but hope every one else is having a good one. Used to be out every NYE when younger but not as bothered nowadays, especially with a young son. Hopefully change when he’s a bit older though, will try and do something different every year perhaps rather than getting ****faced.

    Full Member

    As long as I use less than last year and reduce our usage I am happy enough. With the recent cold spell I am not so sure but we will see, our heating is off from May/June to partway through November anyway as the temperature is stable throughout that time.
    I keep forgetting to take daily gas readings to check up on our usage, I only have the Nest daily usage figures which got up to 3 hours a day on the most coldest days. I’ve also now reduced the flow temp to 60c ish. I’ll reduce that further on the warmer winter days to see how it goes.

    Full Member

    Both ideally so no void is left around the frame.

    Full Member

    Plasterboard and board off, see if cavity closers exist. If not you can retrofit some like I did or foam and seal pir board in the cavity so it’s flush with the cavity openings. You can also make sure the cavity insulation is filled right up to the closers. You may need to pull out windows a bit further out to give you space to close the cavity if they are open. Once cavities are sealed off then window is refitted with possible replacement 180mm deep cills. Window would be positioned as far over the cavity as possible with the weight still being transferred to the outer leaf on plastic packers. Packers are then cut back and you can foam the gaps around the window and then tape. Seal externally with the sealant of your choice. Refit window boards and then add plasterboard back in making sure that if plasterboard adhesive is used you add to full perimeter of the board to make sure no air movement (belt and braces)

    My current downstairs toilet awaiting new window board and plasterboard. Top piece over lintel I have a 25mm pir board backed plasterboard piece cut to size ready for the plasterer.

    Blue tape is tescon airtight window tape. Grey boards are the cavity closers and black paint is Blowerproof airtight paint.

    Just prepare yourself that it may not fully work if you still have a lot of moisture in the house or the temperature is low in various rooms. I used to get loads of condensation on the downstairs toilet window. None now and it’s warmer after the work I did. It still drops in temp thanks to many other factors to do with the rest of the house so it’s not all hawaiian shirts and sun glasses in there but it made an improvement.

    Full Member

    Don’t rush to buy all new windows. If you were to go to that extent then I would at least look at removing plasterboard reveals and window boards, get all that fixed first and then if you did decide to replace the windows they would be fitted at the right depth.

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