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  • Review: Deuter Pulse 3 Hip Pack
  • Wookster
    Full Member

    Love mine best brake I have ever had better than elixirs jucy7s xts

    Full Member

    Thanks guys it’s a set up issue I think ie the shop has had a shocker, my usual lbs isn’t a dealer so I shopped else where for this brand. Doh!

    Full Member

    Was going to say a bfe then saw the light bit! I have one in large with revs slx and flows comes in at 29 with big tyres but that could come down easy.

    I’d look in the sales mate!

    Full Member

    Ah the lever to wrist thing lol all my bikes are set up like this now following a Jedi session!! Had a few your levers are set up wrong comments but it just feels so so right!!!

    Jedi is an amazing teacher and a properly nice bloke ( often people that good at anything can be a bit of a nob, but he is just so chilled and buzzing to pass on what he knows) I am looking forward to another session this year!

    Full Member

    Ah ok just looked at competitive cyclist and they say you can! I tried xo on a demo day and I thought it could, looks like I may have new bike set up issues straight from the lbs 🙁

    Full Member

    Oh dear that’s very very nice!

    Full Member

    I like it I’d bet it’s a hooligan ride!

    Full Member

    I think the lint is 300psi so you’ll be fine mate my five is at over 260!

    Full Member

    I think a bit of wee came out……. 😕

    Full Member

    Oh no very sad news…… Maybe if you watch the kings speech it may inspire you to carry on?

    Full Member

    C is the most fun b is the most grown up…………. C it is then! 🙂

    Full Member

    Hopefully nothing will ever stop me riding! Otherwise I’ll end up doing a micheal Douglas in falling down one day at work! But if it was family then it would gave to go.

    Full Member

    Thanks all nana they are on my new bike so just asking Qs mbtr have a few posts with issues so thought I’d ask.

    Full Member

    Epic evo

    Link above mate I love my epic rides like a HT with enough sus the keep you out of trouble! An extra 20mm upfront will make the a right laugh of a bike!!!

    Full Member

    Think this months wmb has one in it full xx came in at about 25lbs looked nice

    Full Member

    Epic evo???

    Full Member

    Hello mate in Southampton so will keep an eye out down here.

    Full Member

    Liked that mate quality dog!! Liked the car park ticket very funny!!

    Full Member

    Love it mate silver stem etc looks great!

    Full Member

    Oh dear mate you have really made me dislike you after posting the most lush pic I have seen in a while! hope the ride was half as stunning as it looked!! Where are you??

    Full Member

    TJ very much so I am!

    Full Member

    I ve read a few of the books mentioned lance to landis bad blood kimmages book, however it seems that there are a number of questions that require answering, However there was an article in pro cycling suggesting the LA now has a duty never to come clean too much charity money coming in too many people seeing him of what’s possible when fighting the big C. If hes caught then all this disappears in smoke. Is that worth him losing a jersey to a second place chap who was likely doped too?

    Doped or not to win seven tours on the trot is amazing, the epo or what ever is really only magnifying what’s naturally there.

    Personally I think re-transfusing your own blood mid stage to keep( fresh hence the very stable hemrocrate (sp) levels )throughout the tour seems to be the new epo or doping system. That’s how contrador has been caught out with the residue of plastics in his blood more damming than the traces of the drug in my mind.

    I do hope guess it’s the kid orfan in me he is never proven dirty however

    Either way what an amazing competitor and for all the reports a vicious chap to cross on or off the bike, I’d like to meet him but I guess he would be my sort of chap people that driven in my experience are often not warm and fuzzy.

    Full Member

    Bainbridge…… Is it not more open than say an arranged marriage…….how many young girls disappear to marry for a passport but you won’t touch it with a barge pole due to skin colour!! I agree that the kidnap thing is not on however the repercussions for the chap over stepping the Mark will be severe.

    On no account us any violence sexual or physical acceptable to another person acceptable fella unless safe words are used!!!!! Again would this be challenged if they were not White I really doubt it! Happy days eh what tyres for a wedding?

    Full Member

    Thanks all on one have made a sale!!

    Full Member

    Tail whip or a bubba scrub!!!!

    Full Member

    We made an amazing group of friends who three years later we are all still in touch the kids all know each other so well and I ride with two of the guys weekly so yes it was for us.

    You can’t underestimate the help having friends with kids the same age is, my mrs and the other mums met up weekly its been a really good thing for us!

    Full Member

    I think it’s great, it takes all sorts to make the world go round. Very different culture, don’t see it as harmful in the same way Asian weddings are culturally diverse to mine. Some comments made that well if directed at black asian or disabled people would get flamed then mod banned. Funny reflection on what’s acceptable!!

    Full Member

    Well I don’t think the speed was excessive however it’s always worth slowing down and a cheery Hello excuse me please thank you as you pass. Seen people have a few run in in the lakes with the ramblers it’s events like this get us all a really poor rep.

    Got a very good mate who’s alway flying past walkers kid etc and it’s just stupid, we all have to share and it’s only us who’ll get banned not Satan’s children the ramblers…….. 🙄

    Full Member

    Like a screen shot??? If so it’s print screen button on what you want to copy then in the page you want it it’s hold control and press V.

    I’ve missed the point though have I not?!?!

    Full Member

    Guys guys you’re missing the point…… to be super fast down hill you must wear some type of daft hat at all times except when wearing your lid….. TJ please just keep your knotted hanky on for safety. All Dh’ers wear some type of cap with a) laser straight brim, or B) a bobble hat with no bobble, or c) a bobble hat with no bobble but ear flaps with knotted dangley bits from the ear flaps. The whole pedal thing is a marketing con…….. So in summary to be very fast down hill get a flat brimmed bobble-less ear flapped dangley knotted hat……in red bull colours…..

    Full Member

    Warton so close but yet so far!! Lush bike but agree about the compact to my shame I’d need it though!!! 😳

    Full Member

    Nice looks properly fast this is just so so stunning De rosa king[/url] but far too much bike for me ESP in black/red

    Full Member

    Pint please fella but I’ll sort you both out with your first nice one fella and a huge well done to mum!!!!

    Full Member

    What’s not to like!!!

    Full Member

    Can I have it please? I then plan to copy it and sell it on here for about £1500 a pop strictly money up front by bank transfer as I am based in Nigeria I will need toUse your account details to put the monies through………then I’ll never post them as I am very busy…………Mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…….hahahahahahahahaha…….

    Full Member

    I like proper bloke names! None of these vallahas or beckhams…….

    We have a George and a Rory, ( George sounds especially good shouted in an Irish accent hence the choice!! )

    Full Member

    phil and ted. It will do it as a new born then baby toddler and out three year old still gets in it when knackered. It will also accommodate a second at all the same stages as well as a bigger sprog!!

    Ours is almost 4 yrs old and still going

    Full Member

    +1for salas bar got the moto carbon 3degree sweep zero rise is as flat as I could find!

    Full Member

    Keep it mate really would. you wont get your money back and a ride on a sunny day is a great thing to have at your disposal! Motivation wise some one on here once suggested the ten min rule and it works wonders even if you don’t feel up for it get out for ten min if your still not keen head home either way you get twenty min of riding in and I have never turned back yet.

    I lose the plot if I don’t ride even to work and back it’s my escape from pressures from work and other life events!

    All the best fella, but keep the bike!

    Full Member


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