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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • Wookster
    Full Member

    Every atom of my being hopes so…….

    Full Member

    I’m not questioning the price, top end bikes are now getting all around that price with boutique frames etc.

    My point was is! That clearly this is a big old bike 170mm travel it’s not a trail centre or woods type bike it’s for riding fast and tough trails flat out. So I think watering it dien wouldn’t do it justice as it’s not what it’s designed for? So I I rocked up at Mojo said here 6k I ride trail centre blues and occasionally Whites Level, they’d struggle to get it any better than say a Stumpy or anthem, with properly set up shocks?

    I think you’d need to be a certain skill level to push the bike for it to come into its own enough for the changes to shine through, and wonder if you aren’t pushing it it may be a bit meh?

    Cool concept and customisation though.

    Full Member

    Tough mate……

    I do t mean to be harsh but hey ho faceless Internet and all..

    I think you need to buy a new bike……tomorrow…..and you need some space too! It’s hard having that level of connection with someone even if it’s not a full blown relationship. Have a good night out, then give yourself and her space…..

    I’m serious about the bike you know!! 🙂

    Full Member

    Any of the Munro Biker ones would do me!!! Beautiful, inspiring and gut wrenching envy with every one!!! 🙂

    Full Member

    I’d love a go to see what it’s like but it’s well outside my purchasing power, and Skill level.

    From reading about it and looking through the info from Mojo it strikes me as a bike to get if you know exactly what you want and need, and are a very competent rider? It’s set up to really come into its own at the ragged edge? I’m not sure I’d get the most out of it over an off the shelf bike.

    Full Member

    Oh wow!!!

    Full Member

    This one!! Made a 14 year old me very happy!! 😆

    Full Member

    If we’re talking nostalgia… and I apologies for this in advance… Paolo Pezzo’s boobies (I was quite young at the time )



    Me too!!!! 😳

    Full Member

    Wow!!!!! Such an amazing rider!!!!!

    Full Member

    Ive got Nobby Nics on my CX work really well as a all rounder.

    Full Member


    Fingers crossed for a full and speedy recovery.

    Full Member

    Wow, where are these pics taken?

    Edit Google is my friend!!

    Still, Wow though! 🙂

    Full Member

    I had one, lovely looking bike, rode well very capable, but Just rode a bit “Meh” I had the “lopes link” on mine, but if you really pushed it into a hard corner it did flex.

    It just didn’t involve me in the ride regardless of how hard I pushed it or not. I never clicked with it for some reason, my mates loved it though!

    But I know few others who love it and would hear a bad word against it!!

    Full Member

    Tom Cruise in Far and away, And Nicole Kidman in the same.

    Cameron Diaz Gangs of New York.

    Any of the Englist accents in The Last Ship.

    Full Member

    Second the Seatpost man he’s brilliant, frame wasn’t marked in anyway. Totally recommend him.

    Plus Merlin cycles is around the corner.

    Full Member

    Thanks Flash!

    Full Member

    This is amazing!!

    Full Member

    DanW no mate, I’m not, I’m well aware of Pantani, or Merex, or Simpson.

    I think Armstrong just professionalised the modern methodology, micro doping, the ability not to get caught, or in fact destroy anyone who attempted to show he was etc.

    I’ll look into Bolt though for sure.

    What sticks with me though is Christene Ohuragu, is seen as the golden girl but missed a huge number of tests if she was a Cyclist she’d be Vilified, huge questions hang over Nadal…it’s not just biking, but Armstrong has made it a whipping boy when other sports are as guilty.

    Full Member

    True that every bike is a comprise, my suggestion is being compromised is mud, ruts and standing water docents make a 9/10 bike or concept!

    Full Member

    Maybe Munrobiker…..that makes more sense!

    Butcher, their comment is about the 650+ eh system rather than that tyre though mate?

    Full Member

    Valets credibility is affected in my eyes by his “if he’s not doping he has a motor” line. I can’t see any one ever getting away with that in the Tour.

    My thought are Armstrong tore away any kind or credibility the sport or any champions will have in the Grand Tours. He’s used every line, and therefore any rider who says the same will always be tainted. Froome is one of these.

    So far he’s clean, no positive tests, I can’t see Sky systematically doping, I can’t see all of the physiologists and British cycling going along with it, or Hoy or Wiggins.

    We seem to accept the Ussain Bolt is clean, and just a physiological freak for lack of a better phrase, why can’t Froome be the same.

    I too grew up watching Armstrong, as as I read more got to know the sport more I doubted him, and finally didn’t see how it was in any way plausible. Later to see him brought down by Landis, Hamilton, very publicly and Vindicating Emma O Reilly, and Kimmage, Walsh who sowed the seed of my doubts, and if I’m honest I believed off the bat.

    I “believe” Froome is clean as I want to believe the sport can be won and competed in clean. Is there a tiny thought that maybe there is a possibility there is a chance he’s not of course, but that’s to do with the history of the sport than Froome himself.

    Full Member

    Wow! Now that’s a winter trail ride!!

    We had rain mud and 30mph gusting head eind on the cross ride last night!!!

    Full Member

    Had it confirmed by LBS ( via WindWave) that there is a delay and they are now due in January.

    Full Member

    New Socks +1

    That dull ache in your legs and tiredness you get from a great days riding. So nice to be tired from the bike and not work.

    Edit….Judt re-read the post above!! LoL guess it’s not just me!!! 🙂

    Full Member

    I was told “Christmas time” so I’m thinking December-January.

    Full Member

    Looks nice mate! Great price too.

    Full Member

    I like that!!

    Full Member

    Intense isn’t it!! Blimey!

    Full Member

    Got my mug! So nice Im not sure if I want to use it!!

    Got an email saying the pic is on its way yesterday looking forward to it arriving.

    Full Member

    I’d like a feature, along the lines of that dknwhy!

    Take a normal person, and see what a winter of skills and riding training, bike set up stuff can do kind of thing?

    Like a lard arse to Seat Peat series!!! 😆 the way here I am!! 😉

    Full Member

    Oh dear, mines due around Christmas… I gather from last year they had some big delays ( found this out after I’d ordered! )

    Full Member

    BikeBouy it’s the power station at Fawley.

    Full Member

    Oh she is lovely!!

    We have a “doodle” Labrador mum Standard Poodle dad. We’d been looking at Pups for a while, abs I went for a look after work! Great dog amazing with the kids, but loves to be with you all the time which is a Lab thing I think. He’s happy in his crate for a couple of hours or so post walk. Just a lovely friendly dog as every one Ive met is.

    But chewed everything as a pup!!!……everything!!!

    Action shot!

    Full Member

    I’ve ridden there in the driving rain, not had an issue. 😀

    Full Member


    An R33 would be lush! Full custom frame, perfect welds!!

    Rock and Road

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Slight hijack sorry!
    Got some AR27 wheels coming, why are you shifting yours mate?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Dirt have the smuggler Demo. About another week or So I think. From what I gather the Demo fleet isn’t that big!

    Full Member

    Great trail!!

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