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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • woody74
    Full Member

    None of these are quite right yet as they all lock drive in just one direction. The mechanism in a screwdriver locks in either direction but only when force is applied to one side.

    Full Member

    Its the little round pins inside that do the locking. Sounds like it is an automatic spindle lock. Now just need to find someone that sells them.

    Full Member

    No its not a pawl like in a cassette. There are no teeth involved.

    This is a photo of the parts.

    Full Member

    Thanks all, I was off the internet for a while yesterday. this has certainly given me food for through and looks like a telhabdler is the best way to go, unless I can find a machinery moving company, but I was assuming this would be £100s

    Looking at the drive now I am thinking a vehicle recovery stuck with a HIAB should be able to do it.

    There will certainly be lots of people and lots of straps for safety!!

    Full Member

    The slope is up hill unfortunately and not down. There isn’t really anywhere to attach a winch so it really has to be lifted or pushed.

    I agree that it is really top heavy but is bolted to the pallet. I have seen these things tip over bloody easily.

    I have used the “Stonehenge” method a few times for moving things round the garden and it works really well.

    I am just outside of Cheddar, Somerset.

    I think a HIAB might be best as it seems some have a really long reach. Not sure a farm forklift with extending boom will be long enough but I may have a chat is one of the local farmers. I can get access to a normal tractor quite easily so maybe casters as nickjb suggests

    Full Member

    Nice to see wind kicking out so much

    Full Member

    I don’t see the point of them unless to prosecute someone. From an insurance point of view, insurers use the knock for knock system so irrelevant of whose fault it is they pay out and the claim goes against your policy. This stops them getting into expensive legal arguments with other insurance companies. Just because you have video showing it was not your fault makes no difference in 99% of cases.

    They do of course capture great video for YouTube!,,

    Full Member

    Mine do exactly the same and have been meaning to do somithing about it for the the last year.

    Full Member

    Personally I agree that they should not make profit on parts, just like builders should not make profit on materials. The labour charge should cover their profits. If they are making money on parts then it should be minimal, £70 on parts just for servicing is bloody high. Also its not like it is a fixed price for the job. If they have any issues then they charge you more for the labour and every little bolt and nut is billed.

    Full Member

    You will need a lot more than just PI insurance. PI is professional indemnity so this covers you for advice and knowledge. If you were just a designer but not making or retailing then PI would be needed. So this is often for architects, accountants, etc.

    If your actually making and selling then you will need Product liability, Public liability as a starter. It also depends on where you are selling. If your shipping to the US then this can make getting insurance much harder.

    We use Bluefin Insurance broker as my wife works on the PI side and they came up with the best price and benefits (free cyber insurance). Drop me an email (in profile) and I can pass your details on. They can basically put any insurance package together. They for instance worked with Hiscox’s insurance for us to get better US cover.

    Insurance can take an age to work out so it is good if you can get a broker to sort it out for you. Sometime it is better to not look at exactly what you are doing. So you would just be manufacturing sports equipment or manufacturing consumer products. We found that often if you dont fit into one of their drop down lists then it is really really hard to get insurance.

    Also have a look at Simply Business as they cover quite a few business types.

    Full Member

    Oh and according to Coop a banking app isn’t even being talked about and would be at least 2 years away!!

    Full Member

    Just been looking today and Barclays seems to be quite cheap. If your only doing online transactions and not cash then it is £6 per month. They are also meant to have a good banking app. Also looking at Natwest as switched my personal account over and they have been good. Currently with Coop and they are awful. Spend more time trying to login than actually doing transactions. Im swapping so I can have a banking app to quickly check my balance and make payments.

    I also check out Cashplus

    Full Member

    jam bo – Member
    no, because if I do, i generally forget to unlock them until i’ve got to the bottom of the next hill wondering my my forks feel so shit.

    Spot on!!

    Full Member

    The boy has certainly got a lot of tallent. He is a bit like ColdPlay, quite a few poor songs but then some totally amazing songs. Proper still playing them in 20 years types. Well thats my view anyway.

    He also seems like a really decent chap with a bloody good work ethic so pleased he has done so well, compared to all the manufactured lot.

    Full Member

    He lives in the next village from where I grew up and have met him a few times when he has been knocking on doors. To be fair he is a nice guy and is happy to have a good argument. He is also very very good to his constituents and really puts the effort in sorting out problems that people have. This holds him in good stead with a lot of people who wouldn’t vote Tory. I now live about 10 miles away near Cheddar and would much prefer to have him than the bell end Tory MP we currently have, total waste of space. p.s. I am not a tory voter and have never been.

    Full Member

    Same with when the kids need their flue jab or immunisations and you can only book an appointment during the day so worst case one of you have to take half a day off work and I have to pull more daughter out of school for half a day, even though we are constantly being told that kids must not miss any school. So by my reckoning ever reception aged child must be taken out of school each year for their flue jab.

    Full Member

    Not John Lewis, they are useless and take weeks to deliver. Even when we complained to the managing direct and our issue was picked up by his complaints team, it still took a week for them to get a new fridge delivered that was in stock. AO all the way, place an order and it comes the next day. Job done.

    Full Member

    Well police in Northern Ireland have been armed for years and I have never heard of lots of issues such as gun battles and collateral damage. I find it very odd that we are happy for police to be full armed and have water canon in one part of our country but in other parts we are not. The home office refused the met to be allowed to deploy water canon.

    Full Member

    I do find it odd that there are some unarmed police officer around parliament. I would have expected every police officer to have been armed. To be honest not just there but also at any high risk target be it government or tourist.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Rushed last episode. However this seems to be the norm with dramas nowadays.

    Full Member

    Personally I would say discs arent really worth it unless you live in a very hilly part of the world and you ride a lot in wet weather. If you are a fair weather roadie like me then they seem to be overkill and more complicated than they need to be. Di2 on the other hand is certainly worth the money, especially on the front. If I was buying again I would go Di2 with calipers.

    Full Member

    As someone who has been self employed and now runs their own Ltd company the whole NI setup is far to confusing. They should have just scrapped all the levels and set one that everyone pays. Use it as a chance to simplify things.

    For those that say it is unfair on the self employed, such is life. Think of all the people without kids that still have to pay for schools.

    Full Member

    Get your sizing right and accurate and then if your selling mail order you will have far less returns. Cycling clothing is ridiculous when it comes to variations even within brands. I don’t think I have ever just bought one size and it has fitted bob on. This is never really an issue with normal clothes.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the advice people. I don’t think damp will be an issue was the condenser dryer drains straight out. Bikes haven’t rusted in the shed and that is bloody damp for some reason. Water dripping off the ceiling!!

    Full Member

    Just seen something called slat wall that they use in shops. This comes out just over £10msq so looks good (lots of colours and finishes) and is practical.

    Full Member

    Importer and manufacturer here as well and the collapse of sterling has been nightmare. Certainly haven’t seen an increase in overseas orders and we ship about 80% overseas. Costs from all the products made in the far east has gone through the roof. The ironic things is that all the idiots that voted for us to leave are the ones that are going to be most effected. There is no way that large retailers and manufacturers can just absorb the extra costs and unless the exchange rate changes massively they will have to pass them on and it looks like there will have to be a wholesale repricing of products across the board.

    Full Member

    CarWow is good for sure and look for other companies doing finance. They are loads cheaper than the dealers and banks. Just play one off the other and see the monthly payments drop.

    these guys were good.

    Full Member

    Got some at Christmas for the kids £35 from John Lewis. No issue with the adverts as they are only on the unlock screen. Kids love them but battery life isnt great compared to an iPad. Then again they were only £35!!

    Full Member

    I know its above your budget but saw these the other day and thought they looked great. Shame they don’t do a hydration pack version as it would be great for mountain biking.

    Full Member

    I test rode it and really liked it. For the money it has great kit and much better than the Whyte T130 which I found not only looked ugly but was a very heavy bike. it was only because I got an amazing deal on a Santa Cruz that I didnt go for it.

    Full Member

    Ive tried a couple of dirrenet ones and still with Dropbox

    Tried One Drive as I got is for free with Office 365. Problem is that it doesn’t accept file names with certain characters. It therefore, didn’t copy lots of my files to the cloud. I think there were a couple of thousand I would have had to rename!!

    iCloud Drive would be good but there is no way to check if a file has been copied up to the cloud. I work on 2 computers, home and work and use the cloud to sync file between them. With ICloud drive it is very easy to shut your computer down at the end of the day before a saved file has been uploaded. Thre is just no way to know what it’s doing in the background.

    So back to using Dropbox. Works as i need it to and you have an icon to tell you when it is syncing. The only issue is that it seems to slow my machine down loads when it is syncing. Once syncing is over it seems to sit in the background not using up any resource.

    Full Member

    Well as someone that is 42 and wears casual clothes all the time, what am I meant to wear if jeans are banned? Cords or chinos?

    Full Member

    Personally, I think there needs to be some absolute ground rules that must never be broken. Might be an idea to discuss these with your son and agree what these are. e.g. getting someone pregnant.

    After that then I think it needs to be give and take, but he must remember that there are rules in the family home, e.g no swearing, cleaning up after yourself.

    I don’t think you need to have tons of rules but just a few that everyone is clear about and maybe that he has had some input into.

    I think you also have to remember what you were like when you were 16.

    Full Member

    FatFace ones work for me and are really comfy.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I have a LWB T5 and have never had any problems parking. To be honest I can’t see why people would ever buy a SWB version as isn’t more space always good. I guess in carparks a LWB sticks out of the bay a bit, but as it will be your pride and joy you will end up parking it in the quite part of the carpark anyway so it doesn’t get scratched by some numpty car drive!!

    Full Member

    Is it just a fear of flying? Remember loads of people are shit scared of flying so it’s nothing odd. To be honest maybe you just have to accept it and not fly. If your wife really loves you then she will deal with it. Do you have to go to the carabean on holiday (which is meant to be a relaxing time). Yes certainly get help and definitely take your wife to the doctors.

    Maybe just make it clear to work that you can not fly. I can see the problem though that you fly on holiday but won’t with work. I don’t think you have been stupid and I don’t think you should MTFU, life is to short.

    Full Member

    If you truly believe the company has done something wrong and were negligent then sue. If not then it is just one of those things, Would you sue the council for ice on a pavement or road?

    Full Member

    One of my friends who I didnt know at the time did a bit of dealing at university. One day the police turned up at his halls and arrested him for dealing. Cuffed and dragged through the campus for all to see. He went to court and was given 5yrs in prison. The judge said he could finish his degree and then the day after his last exam he had to turn up to be locked up. He duly did and 18 months later was released. Its fair to say that he doesn’t break the law in any way at all now and even panics when he sees friends speeding. He has always been a really decent bloke, but up was very very foolish at uni and bought into the hype.

    Im sure a 30 min conversation with him would change your sons mind.

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