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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • woody74
    Full Member

    I had a Retul fitting at Cadence in London 2 weeks ago and it was bloody brilliant. Best £150 I have ever spent. I was amazed how much detail they went into about previous injuries and pains when I am cycling. Loads and loads of questions and measurements before I even got onto to the bike. I had a road bike that I thought was the perfect position and to put things in perspective I have been riding for over 20 years and all types of bikes (I regarded myself as knowing a thing or two about bike) Anyway there were loads and loads of changes to the cleat position, seat position, stem length, bar height and even bar shape. Instantly the changes to the seat position made a massive difference to the ease of spinning and overall have ended up with a much more comfortable position. So will this help me buy a new bike. Well yes as I can send them a list of bikes I am interested in and they will tell me which ones best fit my shape with the least amount of changes. They can also tell me which size to go for, especially important as I am 6’3″ so often fall between sizes.

    Compare this to a straight bike fitting that my brother had at the same time at Cadence. This worked out a generally good size that he would need and did include things like stem length / height and saddle position. Again he has been able to speak to them about the best bike for his shape and what size frame to go for. However what they don’t do is go into detail and take into account injuries or issues you have when cycling. I was also recommend a load of exercise to improve my core and therefore help to reduce a sore lower back.

    So if you can afford it I would definitely say it is worth it. When I spoke to the fitter his view was that Retul is just an electronic way to record you on a bike. The experience of the fitter is key as any old numpty can use a Retul system so you can still get bad advice.

    Full Member

    For starters if someone has sent money to the wrong email address then it is not really your problem.

    However they should be able to cancel the transaction from their end before the money is collected

    Full Member

    A lot of this seems to be form over function. Why make the lights out of die cast aluminium when injection moulding would be 100 times cheaper and easier or why not CNC or use am extrusion. All much much cheaper and faster to get to market. A non removable battery does seem a bit mad especially as its not a light that last days and days like some of the little LED lights

    As I was driving home last night overtaking lots of bikes it suddenly dawned on me that so many bike lights are designed with the cyclist in mind, so they are ultra small or do not flash. In reality the basic requirements of a light should be what the motorist needs to notice the bike. So a non flashing light is just not as easy to see.

    Full Member

    If there is a crime going on big or small then call 999. Done it a few times and have never been told I was in the wrong. Remember we are paying for this service. Its not just some freebee we are lucky to get.

    Full Member

    Apple seems to be doing this more and more where applications are linked into the operating system version. You will need to upgrade but it will only cost about £20

    Full Member

    The company I run makes accessories for the iPad so whenever a new tablet comes out we always check it out to see if it worth making accessories for. To start off with I will say that the iPad isnt perfect so I am not a pure Apple fanboy.

    First of I would recommend ordering all the tablets you are interested in via mail order. You can then play with them to your hearts content and see which one you get on with. You can then return the ones that aren’t wanted for a full refund. Normally you can do this within 14 days. The reason I say this is playing with things in the shop is not seeing how you would use them in real life. Funnily enough all tablets look to be great in the shop but when you start using them the limitations come out.

    If you want something idiot proof and easy for all the family then get an iPad. iPad 2 is fine as the iPad 3 & 4 isn’t really that much better. iPad mini is also a good choice as this is getting rave reviews with lots of reviewers saying it is even better than a full size iPad. Yes the iPad isn’t perfect but unlike many of the others it does just work.

    Kindle Fire and Nexus 7 are good and cheaper but after using an iPad they just seem clunky and not very slick. They are however better at surfing. Personally I would go with the Kindle Fire but thats because we use Amazon so everything is fully integrated and you are getting a whole ecosystem, a bit like the iPad. The Kindle Fire and Nexus seem to me more setup for watching movies and just doing over simple things.

    We have also just started testing the Microsoft Surface and this really could be a game changer. Initially it is a bit more expensive but the interface is really good and the keyboard and more importantly the mouse are just brilliant. With all tablets the biggest problem is that you can’t really replace your computer as you cant do intricate things like Excel easily or do much typing. With the surface you can do all of this. I have to say that so far I am very impressed. It does have full windows on it so it is a little bit over complicated and confusing behind the scenes like all PC’s. So for example when the Wifi can’t connect it says to check your network cable, however the Surface doesn’t have one (this is just hangover from the PC setup)

    So all in all I would go for an iPad or a Surface. If you want to go risk free then get an iPad as resale values are very good and there is a reason they hold so much of the market!!

    Full Member

    psling – Now that panel convector heater might well do it. Seems quite small.

    Flat panel infrared looks good, but expensive.

    As we are also getting gas cooker fitted then will get a CO2/monoxide detector fitted as well. I know its not really needed but with a little one it’s amazing how paranoid you end up getting. Must not give in to irrational thoughts!!!!

    Full Member

    I really want something that I can mount on the roof or high on a wall so the little one can’t get burnt. Thought of an oil filled radiator but cant find anything small enough. May be a small convection heater would be good.

    Full Member

    I have tried to use seals in the past but they just don’t work as some gaps are 1 to 2 mm and others are 5mm wide. I really want some kind of secondary glazing as the problem also with seals is you really need to take the windows apart and router grooves to hold the seals. Well this is the best way. Our windows are old and very knacked. In all honesty they need replacing or having major overhaul but that will cost £1000’s and we want to move in a couple of years so not really worth it.

    Full Member

    At the end of the day is it not madness for a council to own say 10 high value homes that they could sell and build 20 homes of the same size in a less affluent part of the city. London is the most extreme where probably 95% of the population could not afford to live in Westminster, Richmond or Chelsea so why should there be council houses there. They are always going that there is not enough social housing so is it not best to utilise the value of the properties a council has to provide the most homes.

    I agree that people should not be shipped out to areas where there are no jobs r the other end of the country but if I lost my job, fell on hard times and was given a council house would it be that bad to have to move across the city? It is a cheap house after all.

    Full Member

    Fo a search for glue dots

    These guys do them

    Full Member

    Just because something is morally and legally a difficult issue doesn’t mean we should stick our heads in the sand and do nothing. If anything we should do more. There are hundreds of difficult issues that we have dealt with, abortion, dropping a nuke bomb to end ww2, bombing Dresden, stem cell research, test tube babies. ( yes i know some of these are random) They are all difficult but we have made a decision rightly or wrongly. At the moment parliament just seems to be ignoring things.

    Full Member

    Personally I think it madness that you can’t chose when and where you wish to die. We say it is humane to put animals to sleep if they are ill or hurt themselves but we don’t apply the same rules to humans. Doesn’t the word “humane” give a clue. For the life of me I just cant see why we think it is acceptable to stop feeding someone so they starve to death instead of shortening their suffering with drugs.

    I just can’t see there being flood of people being killed illegally if the law was changed. Is there a flood of people in Switzerland? Any if there is a flood then change the law back again. Say that 2, 3 or 10 doctors have to approve it before it happens and only when the person is in a fit state of mind. Doctors already make many decisions of life and death, when turning off life support machines so whats the difference.

    Full Member

    Oh and why not insist kids have an hour of exercise a day. Anything from running around the play ground playing British bull dog to proper PE lessons. 2 hours a week isn’t really much is it. Are we going to end up as a nation with loads of really brainy kids with loads of GCSE’s and A levels but not wanting to do the manual jobs and all fat with diabetes.

    Full Member

    At the end of the day as prime minister is he not the teachers boss, so if he thinks like that then he should tell them what to do, simple. He’s the leader of the country so if he wants something changed then CHANGE IT!!!

    Successive governments have so called passed power down to local bodies, hospitals, schools, etc so they can’t be blamed when something goes wrong and can say it is out if our hands, but still complain and meddle when they don’t like something. If something goes wrong in a school then it the Education minister’s fault and then the prime ministers fault just like in a business. Its called taking responsibility as the boss.

    Full Member

    In and around Hereford is good as there are a number of outdoor adventure companies there. Town is good for pubs and hotels, not sure about lap dancing. Ross on Wye is also good for canoeing down the river wye

    Full Member

    Came off my bike a couple of weeks ago and if it wasn’t for the peak on the helmet my face would have been sliding along the tarmac. Personally if you ride without one then you have no one else to blame and shouldn’t get any sympathy. Why do we think it is madness for people to ride motorbikes without helmets but not bikes. It’s not like helmets are expensive and ugly like the old days.

    Wiggo was actually saying that cyclist have to take responsibility for themselves as well as motorists. As he said its not like either is going to disappear.

    Full Member

    Why not get it sent via UPS or DHL. Have a look at for a cheap rate and they can get it there next day.

    Full Member

    Im amazed that its an optional extra. I assumed it was standard on all new cars now a days.

    Full Member

    God no!!

    Full Member

    The Olympics should be the pinnacle event for a sport. I would question why football, tennis and basketball are in there first as for these the Olympics is just a side show. Not entirely sure why the track event had to be cut just so mountain biking and BMX could be kept in. They are completely different sports in different venues

    Full Member

    Another vote for P20, works brilliantly. The only problem is that it stains your clothes yellow

    Full Member

    Seems fair. Don’t most sensible people know that if there is a riot going on you get out of the area ASAP and probably do what the police ask you to do. I would say just an accident and a bad situation for all involved

    Full Member

    I thought the advice might be polarized like this. People with high tops think pop tops are rubbish and people with pop tops think high tops are stupid and impractical. I do like that with a high top you have loads more storage for beading etc and at 6’3″ a high top will be easier when getting in the van. Then again I can see that a pop top is easier around town and

    A motorhome would be good but for £10K -£15K you can only get really old ones. At least for this you can get a 2006/2007 T5. I think you need £20K + for a motorhome as I don’t fancy driving around in a mid 90’s Fiat van which most seem to be based on.

    Full Member

    There are currently just 3 of us, wife and 18month daughter. We thought she could go up in the high top. We won’t be using it for our day to day car so doubt we would really ever go into multi story car parks. In all honesty when we go on holiday we normally have bikes on the top of the car anyway and this has never been a problem when finding parking.

    Anyone know what a 2.5 diesel auto would be like on mpg?

    Full Member

    I bet the argument will go away when Locog says they will compensate them. They are just chasing the money. Is it not safer to have lots of police and troops around your gaff.

    Full Member

    Don’t they say that cars are now designed to last for 7 years due to the expensive electronics, airbags, etc. Whats an average annual milage, 10K to 15K? So 106K is about right.

    Al you need is for the computer to die, ABS and traction control to play up or airbag system to fail and then on a lot of cars it is just to expensive to fix. I am sure I read a while ago that airbags have a shelf life or at least a best before date when manufacturers say then should be changed. I bet thats not cheap.

    Full Member

    Ours 5 years ago cost around £1000 all in where we got a full disk of every photo and the copyright + album. I checked over loads of photographers and was really picky as many are really not that good. What we ended up we were really pleased with as many of them I would not have had a clue how they got the lighting and composition so spot on. It really is something that you get way you pay for. If you like photography then I would pay more and get someone really good. In the long run it is certainly worth it. I have seen many family and friends photos that are quite poor and boring.

    Full Member

    Used the Giant Contact Switch and initially impressed. A bit of wiggle has already started showing but the innards are super simple. It just has a lockable air spring, like the thing that holds the boot of your car open. The only problem I can see is that there is no way to service it and remove the rotational wiggle as it does not have replaceable keys like other posts.

    Full Member

    Expensive but how about one of these

    Strong and Light

    Full Member

    I agree with alarming your shed/garage. I also have cheap CCTV setup with signs on the outside of the fence that they would have to climb over. I have just ordered one of these GPS trackers that I am going to put on my most expensive bike as they will probably go for this first. Bike insurance is getting a joke now £500 pa so wondering if this GPS tracker might be a good substitute. I also find when bikes have been nicked in the past that unless they are under 1 year old the insurance companies just pay out bugger all or find every loop hole under the sun. Also if you of claim it just puts your contents insurance up and stops you moving insurer for 5 years.

    Full Member

    Thanks all, these all look great. She is quite small so some measuring tonight to see which one will fit best

    Full Member

    Don’t mind spending the cash to make sure she always has a decent bike. She loves being in the bike seat and playing with her helmet so fingers crossed she will keep the love of cycling. If that means I have to buy her frequent bikes so they actually fit then there are worse things in life.

    Full Member

    Until a couple of years ago I always did my own servicing and was happy with it. Sent a rear shock off for a service and wow what a difference. If money isn’t an issue I would send them off, but expect them to feel loads better on their return. If not then next time do it yourself. I always found servicing quite easy to do, but I think having the right spares and makes of oil etc is the key thing.

    Full Member

    On STW you are asking peoples opinion on things, so funnily enough it differs. If you then take this as advice then thats your issue. If you think you are getting professional advice on STW for things like dealing with ticks then your an idiot. Ring NHS direct!!

    Full Member


    I saw it in Easton near Stapleton Road. Drop me an email and I’ll give you all the details. I have now also reported to the police.

    Full Member

    The first thing is that it is better to have a website than not.

    We developed our first site in iWeb and you can do actually quite a lot wit a bit of hacking about.

    Get rid of the apple logo in the footer
    Add an address to the contact page
    I would say you need a land line number even if it just diverts to your mobile
    Create a better looking menu
    Maybe a logo for the header – or maybe not hmm…
    Contact us picture looks poor and does not match other images
    Not sure of grey on grey text
    Text layout needs to be improved with bullet points, paragraphs etc

    Overall I like the look and the images are great. Just a few tweaks will get it looking good.

    If you want it to work well for say google think about H1 and H2 tags, google analytics, google webmaster, add your business to google maps and use terms in your text that your customers are likely to search for.

    Do you use iWed SEO tools or similar.
    Look at SEO doctor to check the site is setup right,

    If you want any other help drop me a email as we have been through much of this.

    Full Member

    My advice would be don’t let the b*stards get you down and hassle the police if they can’t be bothered. Write a letter of complaint to the chief constable, its their job and we pay our taxes for them to do it.

    The things that got me down the most about being burgled twice was that even though they caught the person both times and they were convicted, we still have an ongoing cost of higher insurance premiums. All in all I reckon it has cost us an extra £1000 in not being able to switch insurance companies to get the best rate as they don’t want to touch anyone unless you have 5yrs claim free.

    Give up biking and let the scummers win, not a chance.

    Full Member

    Mr Agreeable, I’ll drop the Police a line, any idea who is a good contact?

    Full Member

    Leku – Ohh thats a bad bunch to get nicked, that must have been painful. I will keep my eyes open as I work in Easton and what ever people say about how lovely it is, there’s certainly a fair amount of dodgy looking bikes around these parts.

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