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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • woody74
    Full Member

    What a dick, what is it with motorcyclist that they have to nail it everywhere

    Full Member

    The thing to remember is that it is a job and a professional one at that. Anywhere where job grade is seen as a factor on who can help you or talk to you is a crap place to work. I would go in with a professional head on and do your job and ask people for the help that is needed. If anyone says anything back then look down at them and remind them that you are trying to be as professional as possible. There are two many people who bring their petty lives into work and bully or make snide comments to people. Just don’t accept it and on any counts.

    These people love having power and you just have to not let them. For starters it will piss them right off.

    Full Member

    As long as you use PayPal and raise a dispute if you are not happy then really you don’t have much to worry about. That is what PayPal is there for. I have found even with genuine sellers that are just a bit crap or slow it is a good way to get them to sort any problems as PayPal lock their account.

    Full Member

    Been there. As you have spare time sort out the job centre and then ring around everyone like sky, o2, insurance companies. You will be amazed how much they are willing to knock. Consolidate all your out goings and i bet you save a fair bit. It also makes you feel good. Then have a bloody good think of what you could do, even outside the box. I used my redundancy money to start a company making and selling iPhone and iPad accessories. 2 years in I make a good salary have low stress and control my daily life. I’m in a far better position and it is nothing like my old job as a IT project manager for a major bank.

    Full Member

    Elixirs are spongy as hell and just not they powerful. Looking for something light weight, with modulation but a snappy powerful end/final feel. Views on Hope?

    Full Member

    The problem here is not so much the warranty issue but that you can’t get hold of them for an update. If you are sending emails and leaving answer phone messages then its not fussy to expect a reply in a week. I would raise a claim through Paypal or your credit card if you haven’t heard anything within a few days. Personally as someone who runs a business it hacks me off when people don’t answer emails in 24hrs

    Full Member

    The problem here is not so much the warranty issue but that you can’t get hold of them for an update. If you are sending emails and leaving answer phone messages then its not fussy to expect a reply in a week. I would raise a claim through Paypal or your credit card if you haven’t heard anything within a few days. Personally as someone who runs s business it hacks me off when people don’t answer emails in 24hrs

    Full Member

    The problem here is not so much the warranty issue but that you can’t get hold of them for an update. If you are sending emails and leaving answer phone messages then its not fussy to expect a reply in a week. I would raise a claim through Paypal or your credit card if you haven’t heard anything within a few days. Personally as someone who runs s business it hacks me off when people don’t answer emails in 24hrs

    Full Member

    We use UPS through Interparcel as they are a good price and very reliable. Just make sure you book before 11:30 for same day pickup. If you book just before the 12pm cut off then sometimes it doesn’t go though to ups in time. You can always book and then ring ups to double check the pickup.

    Full Member

    Seems to be lots of lost cats at the moment.Ours went missing for 5 days and parents neighbours lost there for 2 weeks. I wonder if its the hot weather

    Full Member

    Got my passport sorted in a day at Newport and have to say the service was brilliant. I think at most I had to wait 30 seconds to be seen on both occasions, hand in the application form and pick up the passport. I thought it was going to be hell on earth. Should easily be able to get a ride in at Cwm Carn

    Full Member

    Silence when my daughter goes to sleep. The peace when you park and turn off the engine after a long drive

    Full Member

    The Evans store in Bristol is the same. Does seem odd to have no bike rack even when thy have a space right by their car park. Couple of times it would have helped me out

    Full Member

    I’ll keep my eyes out in Easton as that GT is exactly the kind of thing you will see around here. Might be worth checking out around the Salvation Army hostel on Wade Street. I often see dubious bikes and owners hanging around outside. Just the other day I saw a right scummer piss head (can of special brew in hand) on what looked like a new red Specialized. The two just didn’t go together.

    Full Member

    If your updating your security get one of these security light CCTV camera.

    As others have said it seems organised and if they want it they will get it and there is little your can do. So my logic is at least if I can get some video if the buggers then there is a chance of getting them nicked afterwards.

    Full Member

    I had a 147 for a number of years until it got stolen and it was the best car I have ever had bar the Mark 2 Golf GTI when I was 21. The only reason I didn’t replace it was that we didn’t really need 2 cars. Absolutely loved it. Not the fastest thing and yes you got the odd warning light flash on but you learnt to just turn the engine off and back on again and the warning would go away for a few more weeks.

    Lots of them are lease cars so I found the interiors were often badly looked after. Took me ages to find a top condition one, but it was proper mint. Still get a bit upset thinking about some scrote nicking it and writing it off.

    Would I buy one again…….Oh yes big time

    Full Member

    Heres a thought, why not use some of the profits from this potentially massive shale gas boom to pay for the building of renewable energy projects like the Severn barrage or fitting every house with solar panels. Then in years to come when the gas starts to run out we are ready and waiting with paid for renewable energy sources.

    Full Member

    They are thinking of drilling some test holes in my parents village in Somerset. There is of course lots concern and many people don’t want it but it is not even at a stage yet where they have announced a location. Just seems like not in my back yard.

    I really don’t understand the concern above and beyond the idea that we shouldn’t be investing in a new fossil fuel. Who cares if there are minor earthquakes, they are not a level that causes any damage. Secondly the idea of pollution into the water is the local water companies problem as they are all private companies. It’s there job to provide me with clean drinking water and I don’t have to worry where that comes from. I would imagine that the water companies would have a very strong voice at opposing any sites that might cause an issue, as for them it is a massive commercial risk to their business.

    It will be interesting to see how much opposition in communities disappears now the government has announced that a community will get £100K just for drilling a test site and 1% of revenues from each well going forward. That should pay for the upkeep of the village hall and church.

    Full Member

    Real shame but I guess like all businesses nowadays you need both a shop and internet channel to survive.

    Full Member

    You could check out the Superstar and On-one tapered headsets as well

    Full Member

    Perfect thanks, didnt think they would have that detail on their website, doh!!

    Full Member

    Should have said, I am trying to find a shock to fit.

    Full Member

    God knows who are the good guys and who are the bad guys as there now just seem to be so many factions. However something has to be done. Personably I think the other Arab / Muslim countries need a kick up the arse and told to sort it out. It’s not like we don’t sell them enough arms. Why is it up to the west to intervene. If there was a another war in Europe is it not up to the European neighbours to try and sort things out. Then again as major international country if we like it or not we have to go something.

    Full Member

    The headset I bought is a 1 1/8th top and 1.5 top but the top beating just won’t fit in the frame. Unless there is an issue with the superstar headset. I’ll check out the on one version.

    Full Member

    How inadequate do I feel as cyclist!!

    Full Member

    I had this same issue last year and this is what happened. Christmas 2011 I hit the threshold so started charging VAT and squirling away the money for payment to HMRC.

    By the time in the new year I contacted them and filled in all the forms they gave me a VAT start date of March 1st. I assumed I would have to pay the 20% on sales from Christmas when I went over the threshold but they said I only need to start paying them from the 1st March.

    So all in all it worked out very well and HMRC were fair. Going forward I will have to pay 20% VAT on all turnover even if in a year it is under £79K but you can always apply for a refund.

    Actually we buy most materials in the UK and then sell products main outside of Europe. So we can therefore reclaim most of the VAT we have paid and HMRC are very quick at sending out a cheque each quarter. After the first refund request they did come out and look over our books so they understood the situation but I guess this is fair as they are paying us £1K – £5K each quarter

    Full Member

    My daughter has a small head as well and we struggled to find one small enough. In the end found that a Raleigh Rascal worked as they do it in XXS

    Full Member

    Roddixon “1. The fiduciary duty thing on google’s directors is an absolute load of crock. Almost no other company has set up such an elaborate web of companies to disguise what are clearly in-country sales”

    What about:
    Living Social

    Nearly every large multi national has their european headquarters outside the UK usually in Ireland, Luxembourg or The Netherlands where corporation rates are so low.

    Its the governments job to stop people evading tax by having simple and clear laws. They were able to change the laws almost overnight when we had the banking crisis so they can certainly do it quickly when they want to.

    I totally agree with you that these directors should be held to account but unfortunately as we have had piss poor government for so many years and even worse HMRC, these directors are not breaking any laws.

    Full Member

    The first thing they need to do is close or the loop holes or at least have a method of closing them in real time as they come across them. I was listening to the US Sentate hearing the other day when they were questioning Apple and Tim Cook as saying that they were so large that they have permanent IRS (HMRC) staff based at their headquarters looking over the books and advising what is right and wrong. Cant imagine that ever happening in this country but its what should be happening as a few staff could save millions in lost tax.

    Full Member

    At the end of the day it is governments that make the tax rules. As directors of Google is it not their duty to maximise profits and minimise costs for their share holders( the owner ) If they don’t do this then are they not derelict in their duty? Why would anyone pay more tax then they need to.

    I do not see any reason why the government cannot bring in stronger laws. People all say it is impossible because of cross boarders but certain countries like the USe, Belgium etc have banned online gambling and the companies play by the rules of the land.

    The real problem we have is that as we are in the EEC (which I think is great) and have open borders we can not stop free trade with the rest of Europe. So with Google basing themselves in Ireland we cant do much about it.

    Full Member

    I’ve noticed CVC range seems to be getting smaller. Back in the day they seemed to have everything but more and more I find they don’t have things. Example – they sell tons of headsets but not one that will fit my Trek EX with an integrated tapered head tube, so I had to order from Superstar. Superstar always have very fast delivery as well, but I wish they would improve their website, it really is shocking.

    Full Member

    Scuttler – The only problem I can see with the GiffGaff Sim is that for data you pay 20p a day and this will add up over the year. What you want is a bog standard old school sim where you just say put £10 on and then pay as you use. The rates will be much higher but the tracker uses so little data and txt it doesn’t really matter.

    Full Member

    The tracker uses a standard size sim. I ended up with an T Mobile SIM but tried a number and then ended up speaking to their call centre to get the right one. The problem is that sales staff don’t really get why you need a sim that can have data, send texts but that you are not going to use in a phone. Best advice is don’t order a sim over the internet but go into a shop or all a provider as many sim deals are based on a monthly data package. If you see a sim with say £10 of data then it will almost certainly run out after 1 month.

    Leku, no my front door is not blue and never has been!!

    Security wise I have decided that if they want it then they will get it and you really can’t stop them. However you can help to catch the bastards afterwards with GPS or CCTV. It also stop them from telling the police that they bought it from a block in the pub so they can then not be charged with burglary. Thats the excuse someone used who was caught in our car 30min after it was stolen.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone, thought as much!!

    Full Member

    Ive got one and it works pretty well. Bit of a faff getting a sim card that works and it would be a whole lot easier if they just sold one themselves. You need to get a pay as you go sim card that will allow data but not be signing up to a monthly plan. Bit fiddly to find for some reason. Works well when out in the open and movement sensor is good.

    Full Member

    Totally agree that they are pressure sensitive. When I first got them on my Scott they scared the bejesus out of me. Get the pressure right and they are great and fast. When tyres don’t grip the normal thing to do is let pressure out but with NN I found it best to increase the pressure. I always like High Rollers and for some reason Specialized tyres, especially the old ones I always find to be very confident. Personally I find tyres to be a real personal choice and more to do with your mental confidence with them. Once it has gone its really hard to trust tyres every again, well thats me anyway.

    Full Member

    I found the montane featherlite just leaked even in drizzle so sent it back. Ended up with a Endura pakajak and so far very pleased. The cut fits me perfectly as well. If you want a total waterproof and not bothered about breathability then the £35 Castelli is a good option.

    Full Member

    I’ve actually been on a TBA frame building course and I think it was bloody good value for money. Yes it is a luxury but not everything is about the cheapest price. The way I saw it was that I learned a new skill, had 4 fun days and built and paid for a frame for charity. Something’s just cost money, like going on a Ferrari driving day. Not just that I want to help people make a decent living, not just scratch by. If you don’t appreciate things like that then go to Argos or Tesco for your bike.

    Also run your own business and then you’ll have a different view on product pricing and profit margins.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I agree I hate the clicking. I go riding to get some peace.

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