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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • woody74
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    Well if who ever is chosen stays the course then the conservatives wont get back into power at the next election. Both are as mad as a bag of badgers. They are about to be lead by another Liz Truss

    Full Member

    I think there are 2 ways of thinking, Apple and Android. when you go from one to other it just does not make sense.

    Apple parental controls is OK but really quite limited. Why does it see each webpage as an app. Why cant I just block games but not web browser. Then you get companies like Snapchat that somehow evade Apples app controls and doesn’t give you any way to limit what your kids can do. I am happy for them to chat with the friends but I don’t want them watching hours upon hours of TikTok like videos.

    p.s. who decided that 13 was when you become an adult in the social media world?

    Full Member

    We stayed here for 3 nights 2 years ago. Rooms have a view of the Eiffel Tower which is amazing at night.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone for the amazing advice. Seems like weather could play a big part in where we go, especially as Easter holidays are early April 5th. This isn’t something I had thought about so I am really glad I asked for some advice!!

    Full Member

    Also anyone know how to delete a double post!!

    Full Member

    There is an ‘Orbea Rise Owners Group’ on Facebook that might be able to help

    Full Member

    Bloody EU restricting the noise I can make with my bin, how dare they. I going to write to Jacob Rees-Mogg and get him to make sure we have EU free bins so we can reclaim our freedom!!

    I will also be writing to the government to make sure they force all councils across the county to replace all our bins with EU free versions.

    Full Member

    We have a Philips one that is pretty good, after our original Sodastream broke. Also signed up to the gas replacement plan through Sodastream. Often there are half price deals

    Full Member

    Paul_m These look like them. Thanks all for your suggestions. I could replace all the connectors but god knows why the company decided to use some non standard connector. Hopefully these mate n lock connectors will do it.

    Full Member

    I was going to get mine done in the next month so glad a read about this on Saturday. I always through it was a load of tosh. If a belt degrades after 4 years even with no milage then it is not fit for purpose. You don’t change car tyres every 4 years in case the rubber has worn out. I also read someone point that they don’t just snap they visibly degrade over time, so just ask for it to be checked at the annual service.

    Full Member

    The problem with tokens (I know this from experience) is that they are a pain in the arse to manage. Yes they are cheap but are surprisingly hard to get hold of in large numbers, people lose them all the time and the only people that can add and administer then in Active Directory are the highest level admins. We only have two of those in an organisation of 5000 and they are the ones with complete god power so they are busy enough doing other things then administering tokens.

    When it comes to MFA via SMS and telephone call, many suppliers are not deeming this secure enough. Salesforce for instance only allows a token or an authenticator app.

    Dishing out smartphones isn’t just about the cost it is also about keeping them updated with the latest OS and having to carry around two phones, one just for the authenticator) is a pain in the arse.

    The easiest thing is to use the biometrics on a laptop like the finger print sensor or Windows Hello, but that potentially means a roll out of new laptops.

    If you have a personal then I see no reason why you shouldn’t be forced to use it. I don’t charge my employer for the chair or desk I use when working from home or the pens and notebooks I use. Life is too short and work is a two way thing, its not just about taking from your employer.

    Full Member

    Well until recently, due to Post Office scandal, I didnt know that you are actually allowed to take private persecutions for criminal offences

    Full Member

    I work for a council in IT and we have just implemented MFA and had all these arguments. Just add it t your personal phone and move on. Stop being picky as at the end of the day the highest likelihood of the NHS getting hacked will be due to user error or a mistake. Think of it as covering yourself. It’s also bloody easy to use. If you don’t have a smart phone then I get the argument but I would then say get with the programme of modern life. Having MFA on your phone is not the same as having work email on your phone. Give it a bit more time and MFA will be everywhere.

    Full Member

    Not sure on bike transfers but might be cheaper to hire a car. Prices vary a lot but we found Sixt Genève the cheapest at around £700 for 10 days. It was cheaper to pick it up from the centre of Geneva than the airport. Super quick and easy to get from the airport to centre by train.

    Full Member

    + 1 for Fox Ranger

    Full Member

    Do check that the meter is connected to the right flat. I once moved into a flat and after about 6 months got a massive bill. Followed the pipes from my meter and they went to a completely different flats. Then had an ongoing argument with National Grid who said it was impossible for it to be incorrect. Even though I was in the basement and the pipe ran up the wall to the top floor flat.

    Full Member

    There have always been massive discounts at this time of year on bikes. I bought a Santa Cruz 5010 from Start Fitness back in 2016 and got 40% off. Same with the Orbea Rise I bought this time last year, which had 40% off.  To be honest over the 30 years of cycling I don’t think I have ever bought a bike that hasn’t had at least 20% off the price. I ride for a summer and then think I need a new bike, right when they are shifting stock.

    Yes, it is to do with overstock but more that there is a finite few months when people buy bikes and they never want to run out in the spring and summer. they then have to clear their stocks for the new stuff on its way from Taiwan. Also, a lot of shops and distributors get good prices next year based on them shifting stock. Sometimes you want to just cover your costs so you have money in the bank to pay for the new stock coming in. Last thing you want is a £5,000 bike on the shelf that is a couple of years old, who is going to buy that when bike tech is constantly changing.

    Full Member

    The problem is this is what happens when you delegate responsibility to thousands of separate parties. The DOE isnt responsible for the schools as it is the Acadamy Trust and Local Authorities that are, but how can yu trust them to look after the school properly. You cant and then it is the DOE who get it in the neck when things go wrong.

    This kind of story just gets played out time and time again. Central government has no power or control these independent organisations. The Minister of Health states that doctors are going to work weekends. Thousands of doctors surgeries (that are private companies) across the country say no we are not. The only tool the government has to persuade them is to pay them more. But then lots of doctors have a nice salary and do want to work weekends. Years later Department of Health then gets a kicking as they failed on their promise to have surgeries open on the weekend.

    The government made all these institutions independent so they could not be blamed and can claim it is not their responsibility, but on the counterside it means they can’t get them to do what they politically want them to do.

    Full Member

    So why didnt it just reject the flight plan, they must have some sort of validation that checks the flight plan is correct and makes sense. It seems odd to have a system that accepts flight plans from outside organisations but that doesn’t then check the plans to make sure they can be accepted. Is that not just the work of a basic interface? Also seems very odd that the result is a predetermined instructions to shut the whole flight system down and not just flag that one flight plan. There is definitely more to this issue and its not the rogue flight plan but the way that it is imported and the checks that are in place.

    Full Member

    We are just about to hit order on a Tesla Model Y through a salary sacrifice. Any warnings I should know about? For some reason the the Model Y comes out much cheaper than a Model 3. The only reason I can think of is that they are made in Germany.

    Full Member

    Looks like it might be email only.

    Full Member

    It’s a hard one as a PC will be more compatible and more likely to work with any thing from the school. I also think kids need to know how Windows work for the working world. However, Mac’s just keep on going for years and years, whereas PC’s always slow down and become redundant after 4 or 5 years. I have a Mac Mini from 2012 and it’s still as fast as when I got it. My work laptop that is 3 years old runs like an old dog now and we have just started swapping laptops on a 3 yr cycle.

    For longevity I would get a Mac.

    Full Member

    My advice after having an electric car for 3 years is that they are great and would never go back, but charging needs to be easy. If you can’t charge at home or if it is a faff, look elsewhere. Especially for the millage you will be doing each day. Running a cable over a pavement isn’t a practical solution in my mind and it also assumes you can park outside of your house every night. Public chargers just can’t be replied upon in my experience. Far to many are broken, have the wrong connector or are full when you need them.

    I don’t agree in any way with the people that talk about greenwash. Electric cars are cheap as chips to run and drive really well with all the torque. The Nissan Leaf we have drivers far better than the other cars I have owned, including a Gold GTi and Alfa Romeo 147.

    Full Member

    What an arrogant knob he is. I don’t much like the name change but then again I don’t live in Wales and have nothing to do with the area. Therefore they have every right to change it to whatever they would like. Great way of alienating the welsh by showing that London elite don’t care what anyone else thinks.

    Full Member

    Thanks that is really helpful, I was just searching for trailers, but some of those other options might be better

    Full Member

    Im slightly biased as I am currently trying to get people to install the Microsoft Authenticator on their phones. If it is just the app then the company has no control over your phone and can not remotely wipe it.

    If you are happy with the context of the app and what it does then I would say crack on and just do it. Personally, I think in this day in age it shouldn’t be unexpected that you need a phone for work.

    I’ve had people complain that they don’t want their work to know personal information about them such as their mobile phone number, I have had to point out that the company has all their bank and personal details as that is how they pay them and sort out their tax.

    If enough people refuse then they will just change the contract terms to say it’s a requirement of work.

    Full Member

    That’s a real shame to hear as I had a great week with them learning how to build a frame. I felt like I had learnt a real skill and it has allowed me to build a few other frames. Good luck to them all

    Full Member

    Seems a great idea, how much do they cost? Just need something like this for the flue coming out of the log burner.

    Full Member

    We have a Nest and it is rubbish as US centric, its only smart if you have very clear routines. I would go with a Hive or Tado

    Full Member

    I think something will have to change with the manufacturers as when I was in France this year I would say ever other bike was an ebike. Most of them were dutch style bikes and I can’t believe the average punter would be happy with forking out £1000’s to then find the bike stops working after a few years. That will just kill off the market. Also it wont be long until the EU gets involved if ebikes are so unreliable. We will then just ride on their coat tails as I doubt the UK government will do much as insisting on consumer rights, isn’t good for business!

    Full Member

    You could look at Smartsheet. When I reviewed it a year or so ago it had loads of helpful functionality and templates to display info. as well as ways of importing MS Project plans. I’m currently trying to get my work to pay for it.

    We currently use Sharepoint list that feeds into Microsoft BI reports, but it does mean a lot of double keying from the MS project report into Sharepoint.

    Full Member

    We have a Nordic Track T10.0 that we got during lockdown and use it loads especially over the winter. We pair it with iFit and it is great for motivation and running challenges.

    Full Member

    Always had great service, friendly staff. Sorted me out the other day when my power steering belt snapped in my van. Surprisingly cheap as well.

    Full Member

    As someone who had to give a stranger cpr in the middle of the street when they just dropped to the pavement in front of me. I would say training gives you the confidence and a feeling of “it’s my job I need to step in” to roll your sleeves up and get on with it. Yes you might not do things perfectly but something is better than nothing when someone has a heart attack or is bleeding out. You will be surprised what you remember and how your mind becomes focused. As others have said there is more that can be done than making a sling. Giving them support and providing emotional support, gathering information to tell the paramedics, taking control of the scene and other people. It’s all really important.

    Thanks for asking the question as it has reminded me that I really should get some refresher training.

    Full Member

    We got a load of quotes for tarmac and block paving. Tarmac was about £200 cheaper with a total cost for the job being £6500. We went for block paving as easier to repair and hopefully longer lasting. God knows why tarmac is so expensive.

    Full Member

    Planning and building control are acts of parliament so it means any changes have to go through a bonkers long process to get changed. Hence they don’t. Councils have no power to force builders to install solar panels. My in laws just moved into a new house and what I don’t get is the builders don’t even give you the option of having pv fitted. First thing they did, but a lot of the cost could have been saved when the builders were doing the electrics and roof. Just the scaffolding cost a good chunk.

    We just seem to be so slow at changing laws in this country. If all new houses had to have pv the price wood plummet.

    Full Member

    Eagerly reading as I need to do the same. Has anyone though of using a 2 prong style rack. Do these not easily hold down.

    Full Member

    Small claims court is super easy but you do need to know how much your claiming for.

    Get a specific flooring company around to quote

    Full Member

    My brother has had it for years. Now in his late 40’s he had an operation about 2 years ago to remove some of his gut. He says it has completely changed his life. All his symptoms have gone and wishes he had it done years and years ago.

    Full Member

    I don’t see anything wrong with the company offering to buy left over vaccines. If the doctors sold them then that is different. Remember that GP surgeries are private companies and if it’s like the flu jab, they actually buy the vaccines from the NHS and are then reimbursed for each jab they give.

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