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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast Ep 12 | Tracey Hannah and Matt Walker
  • Woody
    Free Member

    EA – out of interest, are you using a phone as I'd hate to think you had anything to do with teaching spelling 😆 LOL LOL LOL 🙄

    Free Member

    Sometimes (not particularly infrequently) people need to be nudged out of their relationships

    Never mind nudged – I wish someone had dragged me out of some of mine by the testicles, as that was obviously where my brains were at the time 😯

    Oh yeah – OP please tell bigyinn what the txt said, he's getting fractious 😉

    Free Member

    Bazz wrote

    the private company suppling the contingency fire cover actually own our fire engines, in London we no longer own our uniforms, appliances or most of our equipment,

    Equipment I can almost understand but uniforms ???? Do they sell them afterwards eg.

    For Sale – Firefighters uniform, one careful owner, may have some water and soot stains and be a little sweaty. Will pay for itself with a couple of hen nights. Supplied with free helmet!

    Free Member

    Not cheap but less than getting a tow bar HERE and even cheaper for roof mounted HERE

    Free Member

    If you read the report, he appears to have gone round a corner, taken his kit off THEN gone back to talk to her. The sheriff said "It is clear that there was a sexual element to this offence” so there is obviously more to what happened than 'just a prank'.

    If he had done the same as a non-cyclist would you still be defending him?

    Free Member

    I'll let you know if he makes it there and back and any updates while I'm here but I'm renting so a 12 month report is unlikely.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    My first thought too was that if he keeps topping it up every 100 miles or so it would be ok but this was based on a London cab driver I knew who used to put in 1/2 gallon of petrol now and again to 'clean' the engine. IIRC it's a 320D BMW so not really comparable ! He drove it back from the garage (7 miles) with no problems so hopefully by topping up immediately he has managed to mix it so that no neat petrol got into the fuel system

    I think he's going to drive it anyway as it's too late for other arrangements, so fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    How dare they, they're professionals report them at once the HPC.

    LOL – he's not qualified + he is a hard b'std who lifts weights and is as wide as he is tall. I wouldn't want to upset him 😉

    …based on how retarded much of the corporate world is. Which is why it's such a nauseous, cretin rich void.

    How true !

    Free Member

    I own a 32 year old MGB GT………………..'nuff said 8)

    Free Member

    One of my colleagues is one session off completion of this one

    Free Member

    However on the top of her legs towards the groin she keeps pinching herself on the edge of the saddle and after an hour or two in the saddle her bits she says begin to become sore though there is a groove in and hole in the saddle.

    Excellent example of why a women only forum would be good…….

    First registration will no doubt be (Miss) simonefbarnes closely followed by markitahoracek

    Free Member

    I got a two word reply to my txt which I thought was very fitting and sums up our relationship.

    Do we have to guess?

    …k off, love you, I'm fine, ding dong, can't wait, cu 2012…………….??

    Free Member

    The podge

    That's a bugger. Painful and expensive to sort whichever way you go 😥

    One of the reasons I've never had anything done is that my Dad, who is now 80, said to me in my teens that he was very glad he'd never had one, despite the fact he came from a long line of trawlermen and had ample opportunity/temptation when in the army. I think it was his way of 'rebelling' against the norm from his background.

    I think it highly unlikely that I will ever get one now, as the only design that has ever interested me is a thistle sprouting out of my arse. One of the few temptations I haven't succumbed to, I'm pleased to say 😉

    Free Member

    I am however looking to get my tattoo removed. it was a bad idea when I was 17 but I'd happily get another now that i'm (slightly) more mature

    I'm trying to make sense of that ! If you mean that you don't like what you had done, why not look at getting it re-worked into something you want now. Or is it too big and nasty?

    Free Member

    I am a Mrs. I am married to Molgrips.

    Pah – you don't fool me. Admit it, the 20 minute gap between posts was enough for the alter ego to take over 😆

    Free Member

    It's the same reason I don't employ gingers, uglies, the old, fat or infirm. Fact.


    Did you intentionally miss out black, lesbian/gay and disabled too, or are you so money oreintated that you thought going the whole hog might get you into trouble with 'Equal Opportunities', which may in turn lead to the only thing which would matter to you ie. a fine for effectively being an odious ignorant turd?

    Free Member

    I don't have any because I've never seen a design, or felt strongly enough about something to want a permanent reminder on my body.

    I also don't really have strong opinions on others with them, other than to say some people seem to carry them off very well and it fits their personality/lifestyle/general appearance. On others they look completely crap and chavvy/ex-con/fashion victim etc.

    I think if you really want one it is your decision and if you have to ask for opinions before making your mind up then it may be worth delaying for a while until you are +ve that it is what you want. Age should have no bearing on it either.

    Free Member

    but in fact many non tattooed people are different in ways not necessarily visible at first glance

    Obviously not you though Simon, well apart from the macho 'war wounds' of course 😉

    Free Member


    Are you hinting that you may have several piercings, or a Prince Albert of the non 26" variety ?

    Definitely no pics please !

    Free Member

    Yes. You should have had a very large guffaaaawwww while pointing 😆

    Free Member


    You're not really a 'Mrs' are you ? Far too sensible but obviously in touch with your feminine side. My money is on you being a gay social worker called Lucian 😉

    & LOL @ the OP's spelling mistakes, very Freudian eg. slot, strangley, startedeeting, intensive purposes !!!

    Free Member

    To all intensive purposes she is the one that got away, and she is the person who I care about most.

    Intensive purposes? Based on meeting every 20 months you have seen her about 7 or 8 times and then don't have any contact for well over a year in between. Seems a very odd 'relationship' if you get on so well.

    Why didn't you call her back and is the relationship with her boyfriend (same one for 10 years?) rocky?

    Lastly, she's a women and I'm just being nosey and have absolutely no idea what could be going on in her head ❓

    Free Member

    Bloody hell ex-pat 😯

    Unfortunately I then clicked on THIS. Skin is one thing, risking your sight is quite another – mental !

    Free Member


    Info on forum help CLICK HERE and scroll down[/url]

    Free Member

    I'm an inveterate tinkerer. In fact it's getting to the point where it is virtually an OCD !

    From deciding to have only one do-it-all bike a few years ago it's gradually got back up to errrrr…….several! They are all different and all absolutely necessary, although I am finding it hard to justify the fatfixieflatbarjumpframed creation that rose from the 'fat bike' thread a couple of days ago 😳

    Free Member

    Imagine the chain breaking when they're putting the power down at those speeds 0_0

    There's a t-shirt for that

    Free Member


    You are a very brave man. No way on this planet would I attempt to ride my fixie without a front brake.

    I'm also don't know how that bit at the end of the vid at 4:34 works as he stops pedalling but the back wheel appears to still go round. Is this some strange fixie zen type skill? Seriously impressive video but I think I'll keep the front brake as these guys must go through a rear tyre a day!

    Free Member

    Thanks for clarifying that Bazz

    Couple of points – firstly the councillors increase in allowances is irrelevant, pigs with snouts in trough without a doubt but not relevant to your case.
    Secondly, although you say that more deaths etc. occur at night, will the closure of some stations affect this? Will 27 private appliances actually be able to provide the necessary cover? Presumably the powers that be have some sort of model which says they can and if so do you have figures to disprove it?

    Not being negative or 'anti' fire brigade but TBH I don't have much faith in the unions ability in cases like this and I think the threat of contract termination is a disgrace. I suspect something along the same lines is about to happen in the ambulance service.

    Free Member

    I'm not getting involved in this argument but when and why did a 'full-time' job become 'whole-time'! WTF is that all about?

    Yet more management or union bolloxspeak 🙄

    Free Member


    What's the reason for the leave situation and were people forced to cancel holidays?

    Free Member

    What are the proposals ? All I can find are 'longer days and shorter nights' whatever that means!

    Free Member

    Good example of why roadies shave their legs – much less pain/hair pulling when the dressing gets changed !

    Free Member


    That IWC is very lovely indeed – have they ever made a watch that isn't? Don't think the Hirsch goes with the Seamaster though (Eddie Platts?). I have one on my Zeno and it looks good but something like that deserves a TOSHI 😉

    Free Member

    Another vote for JJ Burnel – caught a guy standing a few feet from me full in the face with a flying kick off the stage for gobbing on the stripper!

    Kid Creole – saw him live in Marbella in 1986, very, very cool dude.

    Free Member


    Your posterous pics appear to be broken, for me anyway !

    Free Member

    "We were stoked to have the former president test our bike" fu8k off you pillock.

    Of course he was 'stoked', he owns/runs a bike company that, guess what, pays a fortune to advertise their product. You forget that GWB is held in a very different light to over here and I bet the sales jump considerably in the next few weeks/months.

    Hopefully he didn't really mean it and was only thinking of the $$ signs. I doubt is somehow 🙄

    Free Member

    I like that and it's not too different to my Love/Hate – what frame and forks?

    Free Member

    I love dog threads 😆

    Point has been made already but……if you can't stop a beagle pulling on the lead for gawds sake don't get anything remotely strong willed or big!
    Some great dogs pics on here – the labradoodle is fantastic.

    Here's my 2

    Free Member

    Cheers sc-xc

    Pity I'm not closer. I thought Bettablast in the N.E. was cheap but they are more than double that for one frame.

    Free Member

    Only problem I've had on here was with someone with only a short selling history. Luckily I got the money back through Paypal.

    Maybe it's time to do what they were forced to do on a watch forum I frequent. Minimum 50 posts on the forums before you are allowed to sell OR buy in the classifieds.

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