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  • Oakley DRT5 Helmet – Eyewear compatible brain protection
  • Woody
    Free Member

    gonefishin wrote

    You know this sort of judgemental crap used to annoy me.

    If you read the other comments, the ones you agree with, they are even more judgemental and (some) seem more to do with image than musical content or writing ability.

    I prefer to keep an open mind and whether I like something or not, I would hope that I could at least appreciate the talent of that individual or group regardless of past or present image and where they currently live!

    Free Member

    not one of us can sing like Noddy Holder

    Haven't heard anyone who can…..and there-in lies the problem!

    Nothing wrong with the backing vocalist but when you expect Noddy to come blasting in and there is a pleasantly voiced female instead, I'm afraid it doesn't work for me. I realise it's a demo (and I'm listening to it on a non-external speakered laptop) but how about keeping the guitar riff going and dirty the sound up A LOT !

    Free Member

    Seems to be a touch slow on communication and the web site was suppossed to be up and running a year ago!

    Must be too busy building frames ❓

    Free Member

    What a funny thing musical taste is.

    Yup some have, and judging by some of the comments above, some never had and never will.

    The Smiths/Morrissey – brilliant seems to be the favoured comment above and I agree.

    Incredibly irritating front man with a whiny, reedy voice.

    Have you got tinnitus?

    Free Member

    Has anyone got/ordered or dealt with Sandman yet. Link to website (under construction) HERE[/url] They seem very good value if this is correct – from
    This is for plain, non painted frames. Production time is 2 weeks. Having your frame painted adds 100,- Euros and two weeks extra (I have to send it out to have it powdercoated or painted).

    All frames have 165mm rear hub and 100mm bottom bracket spacing and can easily accomodate Endomorph tires on up to 100mm rims. Cable eyelet type and routing is free of choice as are eyelets for rear luggage racks and come at no extra cost.
    Free choice of integrated or 1.1/8 head set bearings and normal rear drop-outs or single speed ones. Combined single speed dropout with derailleur attachment also available.
    Polished welds come at an extra charge of 100,- Euro.

    Wide CRMO forks with disk brake attachments for normal front hubs come at 59,- Euros unpainted. 79,- Euro painted. Same price for 135mm spaced forks.
    No extra cost for luggage attachment eyelets.

    The weights for the 3 different frame options, all in size M:

    Steel Kalahari: 2250 gr

    Non butted alu Atacama: 1920 gr

    Hydroformed, butted Gobi: 1740 gr

    So, a basic unpainted frame and fork for not much more than 400 euros. Seems like a bargain !

    Free Member

    Everyone know they are vastly superior in engineering terms.

    ..and vastly inferior in 'setting up' terms, if you can call a couple of bolts and a bracket vastly superior engineering in any shape or form!

    Free Member

    Excellent work 'Pinkie'

    Free Member

    At least you have to collect in person but would you be happy going to the 'address' with £1200 in your back pocket ??

    Free Member

    "Are you the home owner"?

    Absolutely boils my piss that one, especially when it's some d£ckhead who has just rung the bell 3 times because a 'kindly neighbour' said "he must be in his car's outside", conveniently forgetting that (unlike some of them who wouldn't dream of walking the 400 yards to the shops) I have legs which quite happily enable me to mobilise from my house, sometimes even on a bicycle. That is not the problem however. The problem is that I WORK SHIFTS !!! 👿 👿

    I would love to say that I am polite and point out that their question is actually incorrect in most circumstances and asking if you are 'THE' homeowner is fairly ridiculous as I'm certain there is more than one. However, if they are reasonably to the point and don't try and flannel me with cowcack then they get a polite no thanks. If however they try and give a scripted sales spiel, despite the fact that I am standing there in a dressing gown looking even more bloodshot eyed and dishevelled than I normally am then they get a tirade which usually starts with "HOW DARE YOU…..and ends with GET TO F… OFF MY DOORSTEP"

    Free Member

    Is it just me or does that seem like an awful lot of money for a pair of shoes 😯

    Just bought an FSA chainset…..bargain 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    PP – showing your age there mate. All the bands you've named are virtually elder statesmen in music terms 😉

    Free Member

    older people wont get it but they the last of the true rock n roll icon bands

    I think I do 'get it' although I would suspect you would be horror struck that an old fart such as myself could possibly appreciate something which you regard as the preserve of a younger generation. If you think they are the best band ever, then I would suggest you open your ears and mind and listen to some more music.

    As for being the last of the true icon bands, that is probably true, but only for you.

    I would like to think that something/someone else will be along shortly to give the music industry a much needed kick up the arse.

    Free Member

    Dormice, an endangered species, like to move around in trees.

    Yes but I bet the adrenaline junkies amongst them just run across the road !

    Free Member

    I like them a lot and agree with much of what DonSimon says. They always remind me of The Psychadelic Furs and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing 😳

    Free Member

    Hi heels and combats !………………………..excellent 😉

    Free Member

    Jeez man, have a Paramedic crew on standby when you go for the big one 😯 and 😆

    Free Member

    i am a head Greenkeeper

    and any excuse to get the Pug out to sneak up check up on the lads, no doubt 😆

    ps. I should have had a look at your link to the Pugsley Riders Uk site before asking numpty questions!

    Free Member

    Yes, I can see that on your pics but even with the increased height on a narrower rim there looks to be a bit of room on the Pugsley fork. Are you thinking more about rolling off the rim with low pressure?

    Free Member

    Your idea of doing it front only is how I am set up right now.

    The appeal of that is the 'try before you buy' aspect for a smaller cost and at least the money won't be wasted if I go the full hog. I've been looking at trials wheels with a 37mm rim width and a Pugsley non-offset fork. I'm assuming a Larry would be ok on that rim as the Nokian 3.0 seemed ok on a standard width mtb rim??

    Free Member

    Even on this niche obsessed site

    Good point but some niches become rather popular. Would it really matter to ISON if they imported 1/2 dozen to test the water, especially with a few on here ready to buy one.

    Personally speaking, I would much rather a UK company designed their own version with frame and build options on the hard/expensive to source parts ie. wheels, tyres and b/b's and not just in ti but a cheaper steel or ali version.

    most people don't want 29ers/fat bikes.

    They might if they knew about them. There must be a few tall people (even in Dundee 😉 ) and the coastline offers some great opportunities and you would barely upset the greenkeepers on the golf courses !

    Free Member

    I'm still using Judy butter – works great and appears to last forever 😀

    Free Member

    I can see how that would be necessary if you were truly in the wilderness and using it regularly. How many in the UK can say that I wonder?

    I'm leaning more towards trying to build/buy something with standard front and rear spacing which could accommodate Alfine/Sturmey or even s/s gearing to give something usable all year round. The Pugsley is almost ideal with f+f at around £400.

    Coastkid, thanks for the info re rims/tyres. Are you in the middle or outer ring in the pic as with the offset it looks like the chain will have quite a bend to reach the smaller cogs?

    Edit – I'm trying to achieve the same effect with 26" rims

    Free Member

    At the risk of upsetting the purist ideal, I think a semi-skimmed would be ideal 99% of the time and would save the expense of new wheels and the prohibitive tyre cost.

    All it would need is a lightish set of 2.8-3.0 tyres with a 'flat' footprint that would fit on standard wide rims and it would open a much bigger market with only a tyre swap needed to change from semi-fat to standard mtb. The only other change might be a longer b/b axle to run single ring up front but even that shouldn't necessary as there would probably be enough clearance on the outer ring.

    Just my thoughts as it would be a very limited market over here and I for one would struggle to justify the cost of a frame and necessary parts (£1k + minimum) that I may (realistically) only use +/- 20 times a year.

    Free Member

    LOL @ stanfrees pic

    Dog with attitude – stuff the sign I'm going swimming 😉

    Free Member

    Is it really just that bit behind the bus shelter coming down the grass and over the wall? Plenty lower side bits to practice on and build confidence before the big one, which the pic doesn't show as being very big at all.

    Free Member

    Excellent. Is that a Karate Monkey fork or something else in the pic? Edit – just seen they are Pugsleys on MTBR. No clearance on a Pugsley – good grief 😯

    As an experiment before taking the expensive plunge, I'm thinking I might try and get away with a wide disc fork up front and try to shoehorn a Gazza 3.0 into the back of a Kona Stuff. IIRC Brant managed that on an Inbred.

    The initial mock-up below came to the inevitable grinding halt as I didn't have a disc fork.

    Free Member

    Wow they are big AND heavy. I take it they don't fit into your 'prototype' forks either?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    just a thought: carbon fibre fishing rods flex a lot more than a bike frame does, and they last ages…

    True but they bend rather than take stresses and impacts from different angles + not many are used to catch fish 70kgs and above! I'm sure the engineers/designers have done their homework and it will be fine.

    What's the warranty and is there a weight limit?

    Free Member

    I like that but the seatstays scare the crap out of me.

    Should be comfy though……………..for a while !

    Free Member

    Apologies for the above Jim on behalf of the decent people on here.

    You undoubtedly gave them both a fantastic life. Doesn't make it any easier though and I really feel for you and family. Best wishes and condolences 😥

    Free Member

    Read page 2 for the explanation.

    Ah! I thought she was ranting about her job 😯

    Free Member

    So, a very mixed response as expected. I don't knowm when he's due back but I'll post up the outcome.

    Waderider – do you really think the replies would have been any different on a car forum? I doubt it 😉

    Free Member

    You have to ask yourself this……..

    Am I prepared to wait another +/- 5 months to find out if there is 'anything there' on her part, and if there isn't, am I prepared to carry on with seeing her every 20 months in the vain hope that she, or circumstances, might change her mind.

    Surely it is better to know and get on with your (love)life, whichever way it pans out, than carrying on in virtual limbo. You're only in your mid 20's so you have plenty time but wouldn't you rather know now!

    From my own (bitter) experience and having the grand total of 3 'ex-wives', the thing I regret most is the one that (maybe) got away. She was engaged when I met her and being an honourable chap I didn't say a word about how I felt and she duly got married to the other guy. Never experienced anything quite like it since and it may not have worked out but at least I wouldn't occassionally think, what if ………….

    ps. what does her Mum look like and is she single 😉

    Free Member

    So when did you last actually meet up and does she tell her BF where she is going and who with?

    You've also never met her boyfriend and yet you say

    And no I'm not scared of her pathetic bf

    so presumably that has come from something she said to you, unless are you assuming that he must be pathetic as he lets his GF go off for "weekends of fun" with another bloke?

    Free Member

    Except when they ask for advice on STW, then it becomes everyones business 😉

    Free Member


    I do like that Heuer and the styling is way superior to the rather (over)stylised Tag successors, although I do like the Monaco . I had a Carrera same as below which I stupidly let go on Ebay years ago for <£150 to an Austrian. 😥

    Free Member

    At work I definitely wash my hands before putting Percy to porcelain as well as after – even though I've been wearing gloves most of the time! And touching the door handle on the way out is avoided if at all possible.

    Have you seen some of the people in hospitals 😯

    Free Member

    shad up yo face woody ! ive got a headache..

    uncanny…..were we ever married 😉

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