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  • Christmas Countdown Day 17 – Dynaplug Megapill
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Stem is waaaaaaay to long..

    Do you know the rider?

    Free Member

    I like that. What do you think of the forks?

    Free Member

    Most interesting was David Hemmings who was a wonderful raconteur with fantastic stories about the sixties, Ollie reed etc. If only I could remember them but I never managed to extricate myself from his company unpissed 😳 James Hunt was a nice bloke, Alex Higgins wasn't, Harry Hill top man. Most of the 'golf charity celebs' Ronnie Corbett etc.were good blokes.

    Used to see Mickey Finn, Paul King and Charlie Drake regularly when I lived in Crystal Palace and my Dad was mates with Dennis Law and my Mum with Aneka (Japanese Boy No 1) 😆

    Free Member

    What is the solution?

    Ignore the asshats and carry on as you are as it sounds fine to me. I'm about to do exactly that with these two 8)

    Free Member

    Got a set last week and they are very fine indeed, perfect shifting, light, stiff and IMO look great. What more could you ask for?

    Bargain !

    Free Member


    Enough of that, you're ruining this thread by posting common sense 🙄

    Free Member

    Your body has storage systems that buffer what you eat.

    Which is why I try to eat every 3 hours – theory is that because the body has a regular supply of food it no longer automatically stores the excess as fat for times of 'famine'. This includes making sure to have a protein snack eating before going to bed.

    It appears to work and where's the hardship in eating every 3 hours. I like it 🙂

    Free Member


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    Free Member

    The ambulance chaser one with the guy who used to be on The Bill – "at injury lawyers for you we are real lawyers"…… your not your a **** actor and that's one lie already!

    That new Lionel Ritchie breakfast cereal ad is going to be really annoying and the BT 'series' where you had to phone in with the ending (she was rubbing her belly at the end of the ad) People actually phoned and voted for her to be pregnant apparently!!! I was going to call and suggest an extended follow up where she carried on with a bit of 'DIY' to see her through to the weekend.

    Free Member

    Can't see why not although it will obviously be slightly loose as it's wider. Really depends on the spacing of the cassette but as I've run 8 speed chains on 9 speed cassettes and vice versa without a problem it should be ok.

    If it's not you'll soon know 😉

    Free Member

    Papa – You really expected anything different?

    IMO just another dull 'study' from academics trying to justify their existence.

    I would be very interested to know where the random sample was taken (nationwide….really?) and also see the questions in full. I think it would be very easy for questions to give a certain type of answer and the fact it was taken in early summer may also have had a bearing on the findings eg.

    A whopping 43% of us agreed that ‘When I’m stuck in a traffic jam I sometimes wish I were cycling’.

    . What would the answer to that have been in the middle of winter in pouring rain?

    Typical of the Gruniad was this pic
    with the caption
    "Not all riders look like this these days, says the British public. WTF he looks like a normal bloke to me.

    And a comment by Prof Tapp "Just 10% of UWE respondents agreed that "urban cyclists are just left-wing hippies", which surprised Tapp, who told me, "I expected there to be quite a high proportion of the total who still had the negative view of cyclists as weirdy beardy Guardian readers." Just how out of touch is he? I suspect that comment may be due to the appearance and mode of transport of some of his colleagues.

    At least there were many positive aspects contained in the report adn it does give more +ve publicity to cycling, so not totally a waste of time and money.

    Free Member

    Besides, why should all dogs be targetted because of a few morons with dangerous dogs? It is a sad state to be in when a few law breakers lead to restrictive laws being put in place for the law abiding majority and peaceful dogs are made to suffer.

    Amen to that.

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – Member
    "if cycling is so cool why cant i get laid?"

    Try wearing lycra.
    Works for me.

    I think Soob is interested in women 8)

    Free Member

    You know the ending ?? 🙄

    Free Member

    Looks good.

    I really want to do that pool jump/fall. 😯

    Free Member


    No real need Andy – it's all HERE – Sheldon Brown Singlespeed

    If you weren't on the other side of the Pennines I'd offer to help you sort it out as I have numerous spares to get chainline, gearing etc. spot on, built up over years of trying out different options.

    Edit – forgot about that one Clubber 💡

    Free Member

    your experiment is floored as the non-carb eaters have a smaller meal.

    Not if they have more protein/veg in place of the carbs.

    FFS you would think this was some laboratory controlled experiment 🙄

    Free Member

    Been on the plan now since Sunday and, although it may be an optical illusion, I think I see a slight reduction in gut.

    IME clothes fit is a much better indication of progress although the scales do provide a nice 'proof' if you need it. Just don't weigh yourself too often as weight fluctuates on a daily basis, once a week is more than enough.

    I've altered my eating habits and am still at the -20lbs mark from start around 10 weeks ago. I didn't follow idaves plan but something similar and now find I can eat what I want the majority of the time and my body seems to be able to cope much better and not put on weight. The one time since starting this when I felt I had put on a weight (and it took a good few days of serious pigging out), literally a couple of days of cutting out the bad stuff 're-aligned' things and the excess dropped off.

    Free Member

    Isn't it about time there was a s/s faq?

    No disrespect to the OP but this crops up every week (at least) and as people seem incapable of using the search function, either a faq or link to Sheldon would cover all the areas.

    Free Member

    I'll get you an ambulance = I won't think to ask if you get there yourself

    You enjoying the new 111 number Drac?

    I'm leaving shortly for work to find out if it's still as wonderful as it was last weekend……if I get one more person saying "Oh I didn't want an ambulance, I only called for advice"…..after we've travelled 5 miles on blue lights……….grrrr.

    IME GP's will usually say what they think then quite rightly cover their @rse as per yourself and inigomontoya.

    Free Member

    LOL That was a nice one. I've been beaten on a few over the past couple of days. I'm wondering how many have been bought by people from STW?

    Come on, own up 😉

    I 'won' a black Wardonia in a 'Service' box but the pic was so bad it was hard to tell which model. Worth a punt for £1.99!

    Free Member

    The most important thing is not to go near white carbs in the evening as they just sit there unused and by the morning "BANG" 2 pounds gained.

    I don't think that's true at all.

    I know it's probably not but if I start eating bread again or have rice/pasta at night, it definitely feels like I have put on a couple of pounds, whereas a day of protein and veg seems to work the opposite.

    Free Member

    This may be a stupid question from a convert of a couple of months but…..

    I'm using a Parker 90r (double sided) with 7 o'clock blades which I am happy with at the moment. Question is can you, or should you, turn the blade over as and when it feels as though the sharpness has dulled slightly, or even flip it over on a regular basis? Does it make any difference?

    Free Member

    bugger all room in the back of a mini

    It's not exactly spacious but I've been in the back of one with a mate..ooooerr….both of us are over 6' and with a combined weight well in excess of 30 stones and I don't remember it being too cosy. We only grounded once on a speed bump (mind you the two girlies in the front were quite petite 8)

    Free Member

    Dare I mention the Cooper diesel version @ 70mpg with very little 'real world' difference in performance 8)

    FWIW I've never seen a man drive a Fiat 500 up here (not even the Abarth) and who cares about opinions which are generally exaggerated from flip comments by Top Gear presenters!

    Have a test drive of as many as you can as each persons style and 'wants' is different eg. I hate driving my daughters 1.3 Swift, bloody horrible gutless thing with no driver feel yet she and others love it. Depending on budget, the Puma 1.7 as mentioned above is a great little car which should have very low depreciation……but I would say that as I have a Cougar <ducks> 😉

    Free Member

    Two possibilities – weakened by Bingo wee or

    My money is on dog piss 😉

    Free Member

    and how many people have read this ………..and followed it with a visit to fleabay!

    Funnily enough, after the shaving thread yesterday, the price of used Gillette razors seems to have jumped 8)

    Free Member

    I bought that goppingly ugly 2 wheel drive bike in Oz for $29…

    I remember that, have you got it yet? IIRC your son? was in Oz and going to collect.

    My 'bargain' is quite ugly but may be ideal for the basis of a semi-fat trial 😆

    Free Member

    Neighbour is back and 700 miles later nothing to report and car is running fine.

    If anything happens in the longer term I'll repost.

    Free Member

    It has to be a lot more environmentally friendly too. An occassional blade with none of that plastic surround, not to mention the enormous amount of plastic packaging that multi-blades come in. The only thing that concerns me a little is where they find all the badger hair for the brushes….roadkill ? 😯

    Free Member


    I've ordered a budget badger brush today THIS ONE so will report if I notice any difference from the current Wilkinson nylon jobbie I currently use and don't like one bit.

    I hope you're wrong 😉

    Free Member

    Have you actually tried it Al or are you talking from a position of blissful ignorance?

    Free Member

    Almost always alone, as if anything is arranged I can guarantee that something will happen to prevent me going + working shifts doesn't help. Also on days off I have 'custody' of the 2 dogs and I'm not keen on leaving them for more than a few hours so it's much easier to go out as and when I feel like it. I do enjoy group rides for the 'craic' but there is something a bit special about being on your own in the coutryside away from the constant barrage of phones/internet etc.

    I also view cycling as purely relaxation/pleasure and although I'm usually competitive in other sports, my mediocre skill and fitness level makes that aspect irrelevant.

    I'm off out in about 1/2 hour as the sun is shining and if I'm out for and hour or 3 hours it doesn't matter as there is no-one to dictate the route or time. I'm also very fortunate to be 'offroad' 10metres from my door. Wonderful 😀

    Free Member

    Maybe his mate can't cook !

    Free Member

    Yeah, but there's something cool about using a great bit of engineering that's older than you are.

    Agreed and I must check out my Dads old ones as I'm sure there will be some nice ones there. I bought a Parker which looks very butch and shiny on the bathroom shelf and it has a very nice weight to it. Only criticism I would have is that the handle/blade locking mechanism comes loose too easily.

    Free Member

    There was a thread on this a few months ago (I'LL try and find it again and link) and I went and bought one off Ebay for £20 including a pack of feather razors.

    Very good, cheaper, better shave and no bloodbath. Only difference I find is that you have to lather up and shave twice but that is offset by the fact I only have to shave every other day when at work. Plenty of demos on youtube but as joolsburger says, you don't really need to go through most of the ridiculous ritual (and take up to 1/2 hour) that they advocate there. Couple of minutes max is all it takes, just let the blade do the work with light pressure only.

    With the benefit of hindsight I should have gone to Boots and bought their £4 one which looks as though it will do exactly the same job.

    Edit – Boots one HERE[/url] Old thread HERE

    Free Member

    Glad nothings broken and I'm impressed. The short wait at A+E obviously enabled you to fit in a trip to the registry office at the same time 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    LOL @ the tags

    Free Member

    Not weird as there appear to be more and more women taking up cycling. I've been at work for the last 3 days and drive alongside and pass a lot of cycle routes. I would reckon the women on bikes have outnumbered men 2:1 and there were several groups of 4+ with no men at all!

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