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  • Woody
    Free Member

    has anyone mentioned him being a fatty yet?

    Sell him your diet idave – he can afford it and it’s about time you made some money out of it considering the amount of STW’ers who are on it for free 😉

    Free Member

    I suspect if you had the buffer 600k per annum brings then it may have been less of an issue.

    I would imagine there is considerably more in the way of ‘buffers’ coming his way from sources outside the BBC.

    He’s just a jumped up talentless tosser IMO and the fact he is trying to pretend he gets ‘wages’ from the BBC is a joke. As has been said above, his ‘Company’ will presumably still be paying him enough money to scrape by on and he is simply using this as a method of credit control and to get some extra publicity with the inevitable jump in listeners.

    Free Member

    Good to see that the Police/CPS pursued it and there has been some justice.

    Contrary to what Filthy said, I think the cyclist is now more likely to get a visit from the van driver than the other way round 😯

    Free Member

    Weirwolf and Motoraptor here for years in different sizes. Can’t fault them and the Prowler looks as though it would work well with a Weirwolf up front. I have a Weirwolf with a Michelin rear and it is great and the weight isn’t too bad considering the size.

    Free Member

    So, it’s March 2011 before the next issue according to this

    Thank you for taking out a subscription to Privateer with our delayed Direct Debit option. Your first issue will be 0002 due on approximately 7th March 2011.

    Free Member

    I subscribed on the 17th and have just had an email saying the first mag I’ll receive is Issue no. 2. WTF have they sold out or something?

    I’ll have to call and see if I can get issue 1 !

    Free Member

    Cheers AJ

    And yes I am a Fatbike saddo.

    Haha it is a bit of an (expensive) minefield. Looking more on the half fat side at the moment and I think a trials rim at 40mm+ will be fine front and back with a Larry – rear is going to have a Nokian 3.0 as it just fits the frame I have.

    I have a couple of Surly forks, an offset Pugsley 135mm and a hybrid non-offset 130mm which has a shorter axle to crown so may be better with the Larry on the front. Just need the wheels and front tyre now to get up and running so currently looking for two trials rear wheels options to keep the build price down. I really should get round to trying to build one I suppose but a fat wheel is probably not the best place to start!

    Free Member


    What is that front wheel rim/hub and did you build it yourself, or if not where who did you get it from? Cheers

    <sorry for hijack>

    Free Member

    That’s cheap.

    I’m more stunned that AS doesn’t think a 34t rear sprocket is enough. What sort of gradients are you riding, or have you ditched the granny?

    Free Member

    Sound advice from Juan. My last bike was a mere 68 bhp and that was still quick enough to get you into lots of trouble, especially in the wet.

    When I passed my test (a long time ago) you tended to go from a 50cc 'fizzy' or similar to a 250cc to pass your test. In that time you gained experience and hopefully road sense on relatively low powered bikes which would still do a ton if the wind direction/hill etc. was right. Going to a 750cc was a big step in those days and yet now you can get a fairly standard 600cc which would blow even the quickest 1000cc of those days into the dust in all areas.

    Get your training in and at least you'll find out (in relative safety) if it's for you without too much expense.

    Free Member

    If you are near the river and like Indian food then Sachins just up from the quayside will not disappoint.

    Free Member

    Rudedog – you obviously haven't read his profile either 😉

    I'm with the don't care either way brigade. Hamsterley is only 20 minutes away by car but that is 40 minutes + set-up/arsing about ie. 1 1/2 hours, instead of which I could be on my bike straight from my front door into very similar terrain. I would undoubtedly enjoy it (and do occasionally) but it's purely a time/riding balance and more often than not the 'time' factor wins.

    Free Member

    Now that will be a feat of engineering I would pay to see 😉

    Free Member

    Or this

    Free Member

    I try to miss your bits out but due to your prolific output it is rather difficult as the thread will lose it's context. As usual ?Simon your pedantry is mis-directing the focus and potential breadth of argument and ruining what may have been an interesting discussion.

    Free Member

    Is it just me, or does CharlieMungus sound awfully like a certain Mr SFB ?

    Just as bloody irritating if it's not him.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, that's the one that kept cropping up. Any good websites/forums?

    Free Member

    Is that 2WD going to be based around your Oz purchase?

    Free Member

    Watching the drive through in Edinburgh on BBC1.

    Where do they find these morons to cheer and offer banalities to camera? One of the comments was "he's a great communicator" WTF he's in an armour plated cage.

    On the plus side, there don't appear to be many people lining the streets.

    Free Member

    Just found this 😯

    Article HERE[/url]

    Free Member

    Managed to pick up not 1 but 2 Surly forks today!

    1 is a standard Pugsley but the other is a '1 off' designed for another application and appears to be non-offset 130mm axle with 405mm axle to crown measurements.

    I'll try them both with a Nokian 3.0 to see how the geometry works but I think the shorter version may be better geometry wise (it's going on a Kona Stuff designed around a 100mm fork) for when I get a proper front wheel and possibly a Larry with the Nokian going on the back.

    Any recommendations re the wheel and tyre source ?

    Free Member

    Surely Scotland has the best of everything…..depending on the weather.

    Free Member


    I think Elfin might be a tad to the left of old labour, or should that be old Lenin?

    Free Member

    Is it? So tell me, enlighten us all; how do rich people become rich?

    Lots of different ways, as you well know Elfin, although no matter what example I give, I feel sure you will manage to trace the roots and results back to an enslaved 6 year old in Outer Indo Magnolia who works for 120 hours a week and is force fed a diet of rice and speed.

    So I'm not going to bother as I've got to go out. 😉

    Free Member

    how do rich people get rich? Through exploiting others, that's how

    Now that's funnier than the Diana comment Elfin, especially as it is based on a provenly unworkable ideology.

    BTW – the Lefties appear to be unable to make an argument in support of this one. Lots of insults but nothing of any real practical substance. Just admit it, the proposed policy and the proposer are nothing short of moronic.

    Free Member

    burns 40% extra fat or some shite.

    Don't drink it Drac – in this wind you'll get blown away 😆

    Free Member

    A change in mindset perhaps?

    Yes – combination of factors, living on my own/trying to save some money so reduction in 'social drinking', working shifts, 'diet' and as much as anything, I just seem to have got out of the habit.

    It's been quite a few months now – I've still got three cases of lager under the stairs with Fabio Capello and the England World Cup squad on the label 😆

    Free Member

    No dilemma really. Buy some bouncy forks and put them on for long/rocky rides and swap them back when you don't need them.

    Ten minutes each time, sorted.

    Free Member

    This razor thing is becoming as bad as my mtb addiction. I have now picked up 4 different razors + a load of different blades which came with them, a badger brush and some nice shaving soap at a total cost of around £70. Apart from the soap, I think I have enough to remain clean shaven for at least 10 years!

    FWIW I've found the best/closest shave is with the Parker/feather combo as the handle is longer than the others and the weight feels 'just right'. The Merkur HD/Seven o'clock is also very nice but I've only used that a couple of times so far. The others also give a good shave and TBH there is nothing wrong with the £3.99 Boots one. It does exactly the same job!

    Free Member

    What I have found is that there is not the tendency to put on weight again unless you make a concerted effort. I've lost about 20lbs but have varied it from the 'diet' to pretty much pigging out on anything from chocolate to chips in the past few weeks and have only put on a couple of pounds. What is worrying, is that I seem to have lost all desire for beer 😯

    I'm going to Portugal in 2 weeks so from tomorrow, it's back on the plan strictly. Must look good for the laydeez in my Speedos 8)

    Free Member

    Difficult one re money as she is 'getting on' a bit now but she if she can't get some extra cash from a part-time job then she obviously needs something from you. I wouldn't be tolerating tantrums at that age, they should have been over and done with years ago, she's an adult and should behave like one if she wants to be treated like one.

    Does she help around the house to earn her keep, if not that is one way of justifying her allowance.

    I can't really preach though, mine is 22 and although she had a paper round at 14 and a few jobs at uni, it certainly wasn't enough to pay for anything other than nights out, which is obviously much more important than food, clothing or rent.

    She is presently in Rio before heading for Bolivia and then Chile. Trust me, anything you 'pay' her now will pale into insignificance a couple of years down the line 😯 😆

    Free Member

    It's a lot less than 1 or 2%. Q1,2 & 3 qualifying times below.

    Fernando Alonso 1:22.646 1:22.297 1:21.962
    Jenson Button 1:23.085 1:22.354 1:22.084

    On a 5.7km track, speaking technically, that equates to a gnats fart in terms of driver and machine difference. Even the slow/past it Schumacher was 'only' 0.3 sec behind his team mate. Nothing in it really, could be down to a bit of extra fuel or not having a dump before qualifying.

    Free Member

    in his current form there are at least eight drivers on the grid who would beat him in the same machinery

    How do you know that? One of the problems with F1 is that the best drivers (or those who are perceived to be the fastest) generally get the best drives. Look at Senna who virtually camped on Frank Williams door to get to drive his car. There are many very good drivers who for one reason or another don't get the chance, or were in the wrong place contract wise at the wrong time.

    To say MS had no competition is highly insulting to some very good drivers. You could also argue that both MS and Senna were single minded to the point of being dangerous and I don't think there is any doubt that they were prepared to do anything (including cheat) to win.

    TBH I don't have much time for most of the F1 guys, pity they can't look at someone like Rossi for a true genius who appears to maintain some sense of reality and perspective.

    Free Member

    JCL – yeah right and his wins at Benneton were just a stroke of luck and all the other drivers were rubbish? I am no fan of Schumacher but you have to give him some credit, he even finished higher in F1 than Senna in 1992

    If he is still around next season (yes I know he has a 3 year contract but only he really knows if he can still be competitive) then I think it will be a very different scenario once he has developed the car to suit himself. A few years out of F1 is a long time and maybe he is too old but he is still faster (9th at the moment) than the majority of drivers out there. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next races.

    Free Member

    No problem with repairs to metal (aren't welds supposed to be stronger anyway?) but it would worry me as to how much the frame has been hammered or where else is likely to crack/fail as a result.

    Free Member

    I take it most of you guys who love it don't do your own washing 🙄

    Bring on proper (clean) snow, the rest is mleh.

    Free Member

    it's about working with it.

    True, but there's work and there's hard labour, sooner or later you just get tired of bashing rocks!

    Bitter… ?

    Free Member

    Very nice.

    Free Member

    LOL mrsgrips.

    All I can say is big bow and chapeau to Mol……

    ……….on the other hand grrrrrr, it's men like that who make things difficult for the rest of us mere mortals

    Free Member

    All that proves is that women are only in it for shiny things but thanks for the additional 'cycle' info Divagirl 😉

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