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  • Editor’s Choice Awards 2020 – Mark’s Picks
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Problem with those wheels is that as well as being very tall you would need size 3 feet or very clever building to avoid toe overlap !

    Makes some obstacles easy however !

    Free Member

    Each to there own 😯

    Free Member

    Agree with Molgrips on the ML8, drooled over for good reason.

    Most under-rated for me is my Coyote HT3 which in the last 10 years has seen everything from a 120mm fork to it’s current build as s/s drop bar road bike. Only frame I’ve found which meets all three of ‘light, strong, cheap’.

    Free Member

    she could look like alf garnet in the fizzog and still get it

    I prefer to think along the lines of Natalie Imbruglia 😉

    Free Member


    I stand by my previous thread comment 😉

    Free Member

    Lovely, I like the half fat look and reminds me I must finish off mine which now just needs a front wheel/tyre.

    **I’ve got a spare Pugsley 135mm offset fork if anyone is looking for one or has a 40mm+ wheel to swap**

    Free Member

    Bad news if the worst comes to the worst.

    The cynic in me would say that essential services such as you provide are possibly the easiest to ‘lose’ when compared to those treating physical illness. Sad indictment of the system and shows how out of touch with reality some bean counters are 😥

    Free Member

    Several fantastic steaks in Livigno, Italy but not quite as good as one cooked by my mate Didier before he had Silver Darlings restaurant in Aberdeen.

    Free Member

    See it now – bit too subtle for me and I was looking for a ‘B’ as well as the ‘N’ 8)

    Free Member

    When you say your initials are in the drop-outs, are they actually ‘in the drop-outs’ as I can’t see anything resembling initials. Or am I just be thick/blind?

    Free Member

    RH – excellent work 😉

    Edit: Just realised I had no idea what surf-mat was on about and had to go back to check 😳

    Free Member

    That is a seriously huuuuuge garden !

    Is it a 96’er or the camera angle playing tricks and more importantly how does it ride?

    Free Member


    I quite agree and I certainly wasn’t encouraging smoking, simply pointing out that there are many ‘activities’ which cost then NHS money which could be termed as self-inflicted. Smoking is one of the few bad habits where the participants are net contributors to the NHS, and by quite a high margin.

    Free Member

    If you are worried about your base it’s probably better to buy an old board as Pledge would be the least of your worries on most artificial slopes.

    Free Member

    Seems ok Cougar – he didn’t by a wheel of mine due to car/MOT problems a couple of weeks ago so I’m guessing he needs the money. I wouldn’t worry about it too much as there would have been posts long before now if there were any problems.

    Free Member

    How much does the NHS spend/waste treating people who smoke for smoking related illnesses?

    May as well add fatties, anorexic’s/bulimics, drug addicts, alcoholics…….oh and idiots who fall off bikes and hurt themselves……………….

    At least smokers are taxed to the hilt for their habit (in addition to paying NI etc) and effectively pay for their treatment.

    Free Member

    Never really made much on Ebay but been sold a couple of right minging items. Worst was a Giant Box2 with White Bros triple clamp forks which turned out to be RST’s with White stickers on. The other was a titanium bar stem combo which was supposedly 1 1/8″ x 100mm and 24″ wide – turned out to be 1 1/4″ x 150mm and 20″ ! Following my complaint the guy refunded £10 then forgot he’d done it and sent me the whole purchase price on top. When he realised what he’d done he threatened to ‘pay me a visit’ – all this happened within 24 hours of me receiving the item!

    Free Member

    P/s: forget Parker as you are better off with any of the above.

    Why? I now have 4 different ones including a Merkur HD and an old Gillette and the Parker is still my first choice as it is comfortable (7 o’clock blades), good weight and handle length. Review Here

    Free Member

    I’ve just returned from a week in Portugal and apart from those obviously popping down to the shops/going to work, I didn’t see a single mtb’er or roadie in anything but full ‘Team’ lycra + the vast majority were not wearing a helmet.

    They also all seemed to be riding obscenely quickly and made of leather !

    Free Member

    Be it a tenners worth or £1k.

    I’ve noticed that the number of pic/detail requests is inversely proportional to the value of the item for sale!

    Free Member

    I would tend to side with travellingman.

    It used to be straightforward with most using common sense and at least having the manners to say ‘yes please’ or ‘no thanks’. Not a lot to ask if you have taken the trouble to supply more pictures or details. I seem to have been messed around an awful lot in the past year and I don’t sell all that much.

    Edit: IanB – you beat me to it !

    Free Member

    You can always relieve the boredom like cynic-al and while away your time on here 😉

    Edit: There are jobs out there. My daughter has finished her LPC and starts work in March. She was offered the job well over a year ago as she is rather clever. Not that I am biased or anything 😉

    Free Member

    Fairwheel Bikes has already glided across 20,000 miles of pavement with the prototype, ensuring its durability

    Gliding is not something you can do on roads round my way 😥

    Free Member

    No 60 is only 3 miles from my house and both it and the alternative routes are one of the reasons I don’t cycle to work!

    It’s a horrendous climb with blind bends which just go on and on and on………made worse by the fact it is very narrow and the chances of being wiped put by a 4×4/tractor/boy racer are fairly high.

    I think I’ll give it a miss but if anyone plans on doing it ping me an email and I’ll follow you up in my car and even film you if you if you’ve got a camcorder. 😉

    Free Member

    As Hairychested says – persevere……

    I am a computer numpty and I think I’m now on my 4th instal of Ubuntu which I’ve had now for 2 months. I gave up on the previous ones due to issues connecting to camera etc.

    This time, my line was dropping so often on XP that I decided to stick with it and it is definitely worth it once you get your head round inserting codes etc. There is something very satisfying (and initially unnerving) about inserting a code and watching it ‘work’. After a couple of months usage, I have virtually no hassle and everything works so much quicker.

    Tip: When you do a search on Ubuntu forums eg. Skype download problems, go quickly to the end of the thread for the answer as the initial recommendations are usually from people who know what they are doing and it takes a few replies before the answer is forthcoming in ‘plain English’.

    Free Member

    BBSB – Interesting link but adding stropping + 4 passes to everything else seems like total overkill on blades costing pennies per shave.

    I get the distinct impression that some of these guys will do anything to prolong their time spent in the bog !

    Free Member

    Went to my ’25th’ a few years ago and the more interesting aspect was those who didn’t turn up and those that had obviously been told by their partners that they were not going on their own!

    Everyone looked and behaved surprisingly like they did at school (were the others who perhaps hadn’t faired so well too embarrassed to turn up?) and the same ‘cliques’ formed with only brief nods/pleasantries to the others.

    One of the most amusing things was going up to the bar chat to a guy I’d had a ‘proper’ scrap with – his first words were “are we going to fight?” – 26 years hadn’t dimmed the memory and his wife gave me filthy looks all the time we chatted 😆

    Also highly amusing was the wistful looks in the girls/womens eyes re the school heart throb (Bryan Ferry lookalike when it was cool to look like Bryan Ferry) followed by the utter devastation when it was obvious he wasn’t coming.

    Glad I went but in reality it quickly became a piss-up with people I had seen on a semi-regular basis when I went back home anyway.

    Free Member

    Previous thread,

    Plenty others of you do a search HTH

    Free Member

    You are being silly now Simon !

    I’m not about to get into a discussion with you because it will inevitably end the same way, so I’ll cut out the interminably dull to’ing and fro’ing and go straight to the outcome

    Free Member

    Isn’t it entirely reasonable and proper that a new mag should bear more than a passing nod to the history of the sport as well as its progression. It is, after all, a 1st edition!!

    I would be just as interested in CK’s article as one by say Steve Peat. Entirely different perspectives (or are they?) and generations but still about mtb’ing and equally valid and interesting in their own right. To be only interested in the ‘here and now’ would be an impossible and very boring task for a magazine and the vast majority of its readers. Quite how you accomplish the ‘here and now’ as requested by SFB is impossible in a quality mag – that is what t’internet is about and while no doubt ‘immediate’ can be largely superficial and instantly forgettable.

    Free Member

    I’ve concluded that I should stop trying to read about biking and just get on with it!

    ……or do us all a favour and stop writing…..period!

    My only regret is that I wasted a few seconds reading that pile of ‘critical’ crap written by someone who is only really interested in one thing….his own opinion.

    Free Member

    Ive always fancied a Triton and like this one a lot – the Chanel logos are because it was (rather surprisingly) designed by Karl Lagerfeld……. !

    Free Member

    Is Yorkshire way up North? It’s well South of me and I don’t even live in Scotland any more!

    Free Member

    RW is ok – at least he has been there and knows what he is talking about.

    Louis Walsh gets my vote as I have an almost irresistible urge to throw something at the tv as soon the tone deaf ignoramus opens his mouth.

    Free Member


    Stop it NOW ! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Free Member

    Be prepared to have your ears ruined!

    ……and bleeding……………..jeeezus HC 😯

    And they get applause!!!!

    Free Member

    The CK’s on that would be stunning – just don’t let it out of your sight.

    BTW you were fortunate you didn’t die due to lack of bar-end plugs 😆

    Free Member

    You must have been sweating a bit as you were running out of the track end to get the belt tight !

    Free Member

    Good luck and take the advice of a good mortgage advisor as recommended above.

    I’ve just done a search for a mortgage for 2 1/2 times my salary with a 20% deposit and returned the grand total of not a single offer ! . What happened to lending based on risk and ability to pay?

    It absolutely boils my piss that bankers will no doubt be coining it in over this and charging even higher interest rates despite the incredibly low base rate. It’s a disgusting situation where ordinary people are now paying for the greed of a few.

    Free Member

    And why are people seeming to take a great amount of pleasure from this?

    …probably because on the rare occasions I have listened to him he has belittled and taken the piss of others less fortunate, or perceived to be less intelligent than himself. No sympathy whatsoever me, in fact I’m 😆 at his current situation.

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