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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Woody
    Free Member

    That’s really tough and you have my sympathies. I’ve had my new pup since October and the bond was immediate so I an understand how gutted you must feel.

    Man hug and RIP Woody :(

    Free Member

    Well ………. picked up a Veho 360 as recommended ^^ and I’m distinstincly underwhelmed :(

    Sound reproduction is ok but volume level is very poor ie. not a great deal better than my iphone sitting in a metal bucket !!!! Certainly nowhere loud enough to be useful anywhere other than a very small room , at what I would class as low to medium volume.

    Is this normal and was I expecting too much? Have I got a dodgy speaker? And before anyone asks, volume is on full on both my iphone and the speaker and I’ve tried via bluetooth and wired with no difference.

    Free Member

    Not really custom but I’ve like these for a while and rare enough to meet the STW ‘built by man in shed’ criteria .


    Free Member

    Toying with the idea of doing something to my RF900. If only I had the time and money to make it into something like this …….

    Free Member

    Can you drop me an email too (gswood AT gmail DOT com) re the variable voltage ‘twist’. I’ll be looking to upgrade/add early next year as I’ve just bought another ego-t 1100 with a vivi nova as I’ve been really impressed by them both.


    Free Member

    Yup I know but sometimes pressure needs to vary dramatically depending on load etc. Even my car has a variation of 8-10 psi depending on load and speed, even more if they are a different size.

    Free Member

    Northwind has a point. The roads at the moment have a very noticeable ‘sheen’ of various crap.

    I’ve been driving 3 different cars over the past week, a Focus, BMW X1 and my own Saab 9-5. Focus and BMW are fitted with Michelin Alpins which are virtually new. The Focus ones took about 100 miles to ‘work’ but that is driven very hard and there was a marked improvement when the temp dropped after dark, especially under braking. Hard to comment on the BMW as it never feels safe or predictable at speed and is generally bloody horrible to drive. Saab js fitted with ‘cheap’ Winters (GT Champiro) which have been excellent and even after 20k miles will easily see me through another winter.

    Blazing – might be worth contacting the manufacturer as it does sound like your pressures may be too high.

    Free Member

    That rock outcrop looked painful :?

    Free Member

    Apologies , didn’t see the first thread but £5.5 k in arrears and solicitors fees?? He’s either not been paying rent for a very long time or you have an outrageously expensive solicitor.

    Coincidentally, I was in a house yesterday where it had been left in such a state by the previous tenants, that the owners Brother had been living there for months while trying to make it habitable again……. and that’s in Lanchester, with the tenants parents living next door!

    Lol @ jambourgie – that’s a cracking first post on this thread :lol:

    Free Member

    According to the BBC he “took his life in his hands”. I couldn’t make out if he was wearing a helmet ….

    Free Member

    For the last few years the management have very kindly given us a tin of Cadburys Roses. Last year we also received a tin of Quality Street to share amongst staff on station. I’m not exactly shaking with anticipation of this years generous offering…………..

    ……………… there are 32 staff :|

    Free Member

    300 miles is more than enough to scrub in. What van?

    Free Member

    @ legolam
    Unlikely we’ve met as I rarely get to either JCUH or FRH these days as I work on a RRV.

    Free Member

    Why hasn’t Rossi come out?

    Is that a serious question ?

    If it is, I would be interested as to why you felt the need to ask it?

    Free Member

    Agree with the comments above – sick, twisted shit. There’s a Hostel2 apparently, so obviously there is an audience :?

    Free Member

    sweepy – how did you get it for that price? Cheapest I can find is £40 and most are £49 !

    Free Member

    Enjoy them both, especially Bond now that DC is in the role, as he at least looks like he could ‘take care of himself’ unlike some of his predecessors!

    The Bourne films always disappointed a little, as films usually do when watched after reading the books.

    Free Member

    @ legolam

    Is that really your GMC number?
    I’ve never seen anyone looking remotely like a Hannah at FRH PPCI ;)

    Free Member

    I should have said I’ve got the ball rolling with the docs. I’ve had a blood test at a walk-in and am waiting to see my doc to see what he wants to do.

    You’ve done this and expect definitive answers on an mtb forum ……..

    Worth it for Hora’s pec-deck words of wisdom however…….and you have been doing press-ups :lol:

    Free Member

    Not nearly enough info, OP, to say anything other than get yourself to GP or walk-in centre asap as advised above.

    If it starts after a minute of walking, walk for a minute before you arrive at the walk-in centre and you will be presenting with active chest pain…… won’t have to wait long before they see you!

    Free Member

    i After all, would you also ask for a deal on a pint of milk at the corner shop? Of course you wouldn’t. Bike shop is no different.

    Can’t agree with that. As a more realistic comparison price wise eg. cheap second hand car, I think many/most people would haggle or expect ‘something’ on any item costing a few hundred or thousand £,

    Problem is, she didn’t even try to interest the potential customer or find out anything about his needs or wants.

    Free Member

    which bit ? I might add I don’t deal in Mountain bikes at all…

    The bit wrecker highlighted.

    As the OP posted, not only did the co-owner fail to give the customer what he wanted, she failed entirely on every possible sales and customer service opportunity, in this instance and for any potential future business from the OP.

    Free Member

    Lol @ unfitgeezer. That was a joke right?

    Free Member

    If that’s a true representation of the conversation, I doubt they will be around for long!

    Free Member

    One day public sector in this country is going to have to stop wasting money and all those workers who have become accustomed to getting away with it and being ‘entitled’ to everything under the sun are going to be in for a shock.

    Oooh can I have one of those jobs while they are still going? Just point me in the right direction please glasgowdan,

    I’ve always had my expenses paid too if it involved travelling outside home town.

    Free Member

    Did Steve McQueen ever wear a onesie? No, he did not and neither should you.

    I gave up trying to be as cool as SM many many years ago!

    I have two. One is a rather snug fit and perfect as a base layer for dog walking in winter and the other is an over sized portable blanket. No way could I wear either to bed as they are way too warm.

    Free Member

    Personally I never met a Scotsman who has been offended by it.

    Me neither……… until now!

    Must be a lot of sensitive little flowers on STW.

    Free Member

    Gordimhor – you’ve changed from ‘no-one’, to ‘no-one you know’ has ever called you a jock! Bit of a difference and I’d be interested in the circumstances of the attack.

    Do you get out much?

    Free Member

    No one who called me ‘Jock’ has ever meant it in any way other than derogatory.

    I think that says a great deal more about you than the word used!

    Lol @ JD monkey hanger. Thanks for reminding me about that one.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Said like a true sassenach. Now toddle along and start a thread about getting dusty eyes at a John Lewis advert or something

    I can’t decide whether that’s funny or offensive. Actually it’s hilarious :lol:

    Free Member

    Any special dietary requirements and does it have to be hot?

    Free Member

    Sheesh I never new the Scottish were such sensitive little souls.

    I suspect it may be something to do with STW forumites, who may not be your typical Scotttish person !

    Free Member

    I used to get chatting to plenty of people when i lived in England who would say something like “yeah, i love the jocks” as if it was some sort of compliment. It’s not

    Well it’s better than “I hate the jocks” :wink:

    Free Member

    It’s intended to be derogatory, so yes.

    Can’t agree with that, as I’ve heard it used quite fondly on many occasions.

    Free Member

    Some people are such sensitive little souls.

    Anyone from Wales get offended by ‘Taffy’, and what about ‘Paddy’?

    Edit : beaten by Winston and lol as my OH always corrects people when she is called Geordie as she was born in Hartlepool !

    Free Member

    was given one of a few months back. Works very well.

    Free Member

    Perhaps the old maxim “Never lend what you can’t afford to lose” should remain at the forefront of your mind in future.

    That’s not an old adage I’m aware of, unless you were betting on her paying you back in kind!

    Free Member

    Amazon said the safety of its workers was its “number one priority.”

    As a non-shareholder, I’m delighted to hear that 8)

    Free Member

    There’s plenty of houses where Juno <sniggers> would be a godsend!

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