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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • Woody
    Free Member

    The whole JB franchise did little for me until the grittier, flawed personality of the Daniel Craig iteration.

    Enjoyed them all but agree that DC and his portrayal has transformed them into something much closer to Ian Flemings character. I particularly disliked Roger Moore as IMO he didn’t look or act (I use that term loosely) the part.

    Skyfall best so far.

    Free Member

    Good man. I’m still off and on and struggling with throat hit and flavours. Going to try some of the evo/purity (Halo) stuff that I’ve just heard about.

    Ps sorry for hijack OP

    Free Member

    Classic STW when a ‘layman’ argues with someone who actually know what he’s talking about !

    How’s the vaping 2unfit :wink:

    Free Member

    They get you going (sometimes) so I would say much better than nothing but a total pain in the backside otherwise.

    Free Member

    I meant that a RWD car can spin at any time in snow, even if you aren’t cornering, accelerating or braking. That’s what I meant by random – not that it doesn’t have a reason.

    I was almost too scared to drive after reading that. Then I remembered I have a FWD car with M&S tyres so I’ll be fine…. Phew ! :wink:

    Free Member

    Any experiences of chromebooks?

    Free Member

    The range of comments above show that it’s a case of finding it what suits you.

    I’ve worn contacts for 27 years and have tried most types except hard lenses. I’ve used daily disposables from Daysoft (Mail order and £12 for 30 pairs) for years now and find them excellent.

    Free trial from one of the high street chains is the way forward as you need to get a proper prescription and find out what’s best for you.

    Free Member

    4 miles after not running for 3 years!! Wondering if the OP missed out the decimal point?

    Free Member

    I’ll second what speshpaul says. Had mine for 2 years and it’s great for jobs around the house and at £30 you can’t go wrong.

    Free Member

    Basically dont do anything more than walks until after around 10 months when their joints etc are fully formed and then build up very slowly. I would say you shouldnt be doing anything other than walks around the park at 5 months.

    ^^ This, although I would leave it even longer than that.

    Didn’t take my youngest dog out (now 15 month old labradoodle) until nearly a year old. Only a mile at first at a slow pace and she was knackered, as although she will run around like a nutter all day long, there is a huge difference between ‘stop/start’ type activity and the constant running when with a bike. I’ll be getting her out again this month and building very slowly. Luckily she appears to be happy trotting along behind, unlike my two labs, who I gave up with as one kept crossing in front (despite being smacked several times with the wheel) and the other just became stressed no matter what I tried.

    Free Member

    In the process of buying a bed too. Thought we had found the perfect one after staying in hotel which had a Sealy Posturepedic. Ordered what we tthought was the same bed from Argos and it was like a brick! Turns out they have a huge difference in various Posturepedic models so it’s back to researching and testing :(

    Free Member

    I’ll be heading out at about 7pm and can guarantee I won’t be home before daylight.

    Unfortunately it’s called nightshift :cry:

    Free Member

    I tried all the above with no luck, I was told by a specialist to stop eating mushrooms, it went within a week never to return …. I don’t miss the mushrooms either

    I’m trying to decide if that’s a joke or not :wink:

    Tried Lamisil and it works very well but I found it was needed ‘once’ a year roughly! It did however, clear a nail infection I’d had for a couple of years when applied to the nail every day for a week. Much cheaper than the £27 brand name specific treatment the pharmacist offered and said probably wouldn’t work. Good tip re Canesten globalti – will try that next time I have a flare-up.

    Free Member

    Woody – as I said above I was talking about Yorkshire. How many days this year have you been skiing then? I didn’t realise Durham got so many days snow assured skiing a year.

    I’m not saying snow socks are ideal all the time, but for the number of days a year the uk gets snow they are a cost effective viable option.
    Actually, you quite clearly said UK! No-one is talking about ‘snow assured’ skiing in Durham but at Weardale Ski[/url] there are usually loads of days where skiing is possible and there are a couple of others in N.England.

    BTW I also ski in Scotland and drive to NE Scotland regularly, which as far as I’m aware, that is still part of the UK. There have been numerous occasions over the past few years where I would not have been able to reach my folks house at all and the journey was far safer using winter tyres.

    Free Member

    I’ve got snow socks for the rears and wouldn’t bother with winter tyres now as socks are fantastic, and cheap!

    I agree, But that’s all you ever need in the UK. We are not Scandinavia where roads are covered in snow for weeks on end.

    You have a very limited knowledge of parts of the UK !

    Winter tyres are a must for me and I’m in NE England. I regularly need chains too when going skiing 45 minutes from Durham!

    Free Member

    Is anyone else waiting for hampers due to the Harrods/Parcelforce dispute? Apparently, up to a couple of days ago nothing had moved, even for stuff ordered months ago. Bunch of **** grrrr.

    Free Member

    Friend of ours, doctor, usually carried a central line in her car (though it was so untidy not sure what good it’d be) and aI think she’s used it a handful of times. TBH that level of severity, maybe not much any first aid course could do..

    As pointed out above , a simple opening of the airway can make all the difference, so first aid courses are well worth the effort. Well done to Mrs GrahamS,it’s probably been a fair while since she did a stint in A&E and not having to take helmet off makes a big difference – although the fact it came off during the crash is really not good :(

    Free Member

    as a ‘large’ is priced the same as 2 singles by ‘law’ as drinks ‘deals’ are now illegal
    since when? Was out a couple of weeks ago and was asked plenty of times “double for 30p extra?”

    That’s what I was told in the hotel I stayed in. Aberdeen hotels probably get away with it because most of the guests appeared to be on expenses!

    Free Member

    The law is the Law.

    Scots law is different, so why should someone living in England be banned from driving in England if they haven’t broken the law in their home country? It’s a UK driving licence NOT a Scottish one and as such all legalities should be the same IMHO.

    On a different point, I was also charged over £8 for a large G&T as a ‘large’ is priced the same as 2 singles by ‘law’ as drinks ‘deals’ are now illegal. Bloody disgrace that civilised people are now penalised because of pissheads! :roll:

    Free Member

    Sorry if I missed this point but trying to read 8 pages did my head in ……

    Having just driven back from Scotland to England the thought occurred re what happens if you are marginally over the limit in Scotland but would have been legal in the rest of the UK? Should you only be banned from driving in Scotland as you have not broken the law for driving elsewhere?

    Test case required?

    Free Member

    I’m pleased I have an advanced driving qualification.

    Do you mention that to your car insurance people? I haven’t, as I heard a rumour that it might actually increase premiums!

    Free Member

    Safest form of travel by far is a quick motor that when diddery diddery old Doris is in front going 27 in a 60 do you can drop and shoot by safely. Prior to this overtake, learn how to drive like Doris who’s never had a shunt in 48 yrs of driving.
    Its a fine line.

    True that, except the one thing never taken into consideration is how many accidents has Doris contributed to by driving at inappropriate speed everywhere she goes, completely oblivious to everything around her?

    Free Member

    If they make mistakes like that and haven’t the decency to say thanks properly (you have been inconvenienced) I would be keeping a check to make sure they haven’t ‘accidentally’ billed whichever debit/credit card you bought your boots with.

    Free Member


    This is where I have a problem with the test I’ve just had, which seemed to take just a few minutes. It included the pressure test, or at least a ‘new’ version of it she claimed but didn’t seem anything like as thorough as when I’ve been tested previously. My Wife went at the same time and came out with the same opinion!

    I won’t be going back there as I don’t think the equipment and test was as good as it could, or should have been. It’s one of these situations, a bit like going to the dentist, where you have to go with your instincts and either trust the person or don’t !

    Free Member

    You probably spend more on arse cream or car parks at your local trail centre in a month than £20 every one or two years.

    Never had the need for arse cream and I’m lucky enough to have trails right outside my door but I take your point :wink:

    I’ll get the checks done as it’s not worth the risk but as I’ve already had an eye test, what exactly do they check in addition re contact wear? Is it for wear/problems on the conjunctiva/cornea?

    Free Member

    I used to go to Specsavers and lense prescription was always the same as glasses as I have bog standard shortsight, Thought it was an annual check though.

    I’ve been using an online company for years (daily disposables)and they are a huge improvement on monthlies.

    Free Member

    I have the same problem and am between Unison and GMB. Both seem to slag each other off in a very ‘ununited’ fashion, primarily re levels of legal representation should it be needed and in how much influence they claim to have.

    GMB are about £70 a year cheaper for my pay scale, which I can only assume is because they use 4 instead of 5 star hotels for their jollies conferences/meetings!

    Free Member

    What DrD and Drac said and can I repeat – don’t call 111, Houns is only drumming up business! :|I

    New cats at the same time as onset of symptoms does sound like too much of a coincidence though, especially as you were fine when in France.

    Free Member

    Blackbird suits a mate at work and he’s toured all over Europe in it. He’s 5’8″ and another did fairly huge miles on a VFR800 which was his 1st bike after passing his test.
    I sold my Suzuki RF900 a few months ago, mainly because I felt a bit cramped in the legs with it, I’m 6’1″ but a very nice bike indeed for 2 up touring. If you can live with the looks and the fact that are a straight 4, you can pick a low mileage one up for a song.

    Free Member

    Facebook ………. an excuse to make everyone believe your life is so much more interesting and fabulous than everyone

    Really! I’ve found the opposite with many ‘friends’ and can’t believe the banal shit they post. Makes my dull little life seen quite thrilling by comparison!

    As per above, I don’t unfriend EDL etc. posters, it’s easier to unfollow.

    Free Member

    TR’s recommendation has come up trumps. Less than a quarter of the first quote so many thanks.

    Glasgowdan – I agree with you. I detest these scumbags who try to rip off elderly people and have been tempted to give trading standards or a local paper a call but my folks just don’t need hassle like that.

    Free Member

    I’m impressed and will use the term ‘lickspittle’ to my peers whenever appropriate :wink:

    Free Member

    A cowardly, lickspittle of a scared hanger on, affecting the arrogance of his peers to hide his insecuritues.

    Did you really write that yourself …………………….. really?

    Free Member

    Cheers guys and yes they have a
    ‘James’ in the name and are maybe not a ‘young’ company ;)

    Cheers TR I’ll give them a try.

    Quote was £600 incl. VAT BTW

    Free Member

    All the quote says is :- dig out 2 conifers, dig out root at house door, slabs will need to be re-laid.

    I could understand if they were massive with huge roots but these things are now at their max height ever!

    Free Member

    That was my thoughts too and I can’t understand why it needs full removal. I was all set to head up there but earliest will be December and they seem set on getting it done now!

    Free Member

    After trying a few different combos I’ve now been using a Merkur 39c with feather blades and Arko bar for years. Gives me as good a shave as I could possibly want for a fraction of the cost of disposables. I’m on my third cheapo brush but a decent one is on my Christmas list :)

    The key, for me at least, is to remember not to apply any pressure when shaving, just let the blade glide and do its work.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Its Rentons bestmate so relevant to the OP. If people don’t give a **** why post on the OP’s subject? Go and be bitter and twisted elsewhere?

    Blimey, I’m in total agreement with Hora. Moofo’s comment is about as relevant and interesting as those who spout “first world problem” at every opportunity. I can’t be arsed to look but presumably moofo’s comments are so amazing that they shouldn’t be read at work in case you are incapacitated with shock and awe!

    Glad your mate’s got his cars back Renton. Not nice at all, especially knowing someone has been in your house.

    Free Member

    Got mine from fleabay a month or so ago (search wyre Valley muckboots) for around £42 delivered. Nicely fully neoprene lined and comfy for 3-4 mile dog walks. Only complaint is that thy seem VERY wide fitting and I have to wear a couple of pairs of thick socks.

    Free Member

    Can’t go wrong with Altberg as it’s the default choice for those who buy their own at my workplace but I’ll give a vote for Hoggs too, which are excellent and depending on the model much cheaper! I’ve had mine for a couple of years now and they look like new. Only problem I’ve found with them is that they take a bit of care when driving as the sole is so wide.

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