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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Haha bearnecessities my thoughts too.

    The rules really aren’t difficult to follow and I dont think the isolating aspect has changed.

    Free Member

    The Smith’s Everest looks great value for money and nicely finished.

    I’ve had several watches from Eddie and currently wearing a Zeno I bought at least 12 years ago and it’s still a favourite.

    I’ve been looking at the Voyager (still kicking myself for not buying the original Dreadnought) but can’t justify it at the moment.

    Free Member

    Bought a cheap whetstone to try out on Ebay a few weeks ago as I was fed up of pull-through’s etc. not working. <£10 delivered.

    Works very well after a bit of practice and patience but took quite a while as most of the knives I sharpened were very blunt. I got a 1000/6000 but should have gone for something like a 600/2000.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… hangovers and believe me i’ve tried really hard some nights just to relieve the boredom of being stuck indoors.

    Should I be worried…😆🍺

    Free Member

    Nice to see an old Disco running. I gave mine to a mate a few months ago, as a suspected immobiliser problem meant it had sat for nearly 2 years with no sign of life on the couple of times I tried to fire it up.

    When he came to tow it to the estate where he lives (he’s a gamekeeper) the bloody thing turned over first time and has run perfectly ever since he fitted parts costing <£100 !

    Free Member

    Wise words zoo200 and very true in many circumstances. As a long term advocate of bangernomics it’s a very fine line, coupled with luck, which determines whether you have made the right choice but a car which is ‘known’ has loads of +++ points.

    I’ve only really lost out with my current car, BMW530 msport estate and I could kick myself as I had doubts when I bought it but heart overruled head and it’s been a pain in the arse for 20 months. I’ll get current fault repaired and then it’ll be gone mainly because my missus wont get in it after a particularly bad experience on a main road where all power went and doors locked with 2 dogs and a full holiday load in the back!

    Free Member

    Monkeycmonkeydo …. very entertaining but aren’t there other forums which might be more appreciative your particular ‘skill set’?

    Free Member

    TJ – just calm down man. Every covid thread you’re going ballistic and it can’t be doing you any favours physically or mentally. You’re not going to change this, you’re not going to get a prize for winning an argument on here and all you’re doing is winding yourself up.

    THIS ^^
    + dishing out (perceived) adult playground insults is not a good trait and harks back to one of the reasons I have rarely been on here since the bad old days of Padded Fred et al. Everything is not black and white and you would do yourself a favour if you remembered that occasionally.

    some of you right wingers have an entire fence in your eyes

    Hmmmm…… you have no idea what my political beliefs are but I shall leave it at that as you may take any further comment as an attack on the SNP ;)

    Free Member

    No, it was an attack on the stupidity of one person in entirely different circumstances.

    Free Member

    At least she has somewhere nice to go and relax for the summer until this all blows over and she gets headhunted…………

    Any idea what sort of pay off she will get, if any?

    Free Member

    Dont ring 111. Wire brush and Dettol should sort it out.

    Free Member

    It was not manufactured. She was caught red handed. As for Prince Charles, that was also indefensible.

    Free Member

    TJ I dont think the reaction comes under the term ‘knee jerk’. Its such a blatant disregard of a key part of the strategy that I don’t think there is any coming back.

    If she stays, it sends out completely the wrong message and will be used whenever there us an attempt at enforcement.

    Free Member

    Interesting that Matt Hancock ignored the question a few minutes ago as to whether he had visited his second home, assuming he has one!

    Free Member

    Police have issued a warning to Scotland’s chief medical officer for visiting her second home in Fife during the coronavirus lockdown

    Maybe a shift on the front line, given that several of her colleagues have died as a direct result of doing their job might focus her attention a little better!

    Free Member

    I felt calls for her resignation were a little over the top initially but as she does not appear to have any justification for her actions, which shows an appalling lack of judgement and disregard for the rules, it calls into question her fitness to be in the position and should make resignation inevitable.

    I’m sure her voice and delivery will be missed by insomniacs all over Scotland.

    Free Member

    Even more attractive without, hopefully, the hoardes of daytrippers, caravanners etc. ;)

    Free Member

    Can’t believe you even asked the question as it’s close enough to walk to as part of your daily exercise!

    And yes I am jealous as a friend is doing the exact same thing at Bamburgh.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with blowing off a bit of steam Crikey and totally understandable.

    Having woken at 0645 today, the first thing I read was reportedly from an anonymous doctor in The Midlands with a pic of staff using bin bags as PPE. I really thought initially it was an old bad taste April 1st joke.

    Next thing was an email from Covid19recruitment following on from emails I received yesterday which made it sound like the delay was due to info I had forgotten to provide……

    Please accept our sincere apologies for the two communications you received earlier today with regards to your video call availability and the submission of your ID documents.

    We have received your application and will be in touch in a few days to provide you with information on how to access the system used for pre-employment checks, at which point you will be able to provide all the relevant documents. Please be assured that there is no action required at the moment, but we will email you in a few days to confirm the next steps.

    I appreciate that there are staff shortages etc. but this has been over 2 weeks since the start of the process and when I explain to my Wife (asthmatic and doesn’t want me to go back anyway) that I had followed the process properly and there will be more delays, she will be even less impressed. It really doesn’t inspire confidence at any level.

    Free Member

    Not great and you’ve definitely dodged a bullet.

    Wife and I are stuck in Aberdeen and it’s a constant battle to stop my Mother going out as shes still very physically fit but has no memory of what’s going on, or the restrictions. We can take turns coping with the soul destroying repetition and questions but the thought of having to cope as a single carer is awful and I have every sympathy/respect for those who do.

    Free Member

    Having close experience of a broadly similar scenario (I won’t bore you with details regarding the lying, incompetent, vindictive bastards) I can say is well done and pleased you got an outcome you are happy with.

    Free Member

    Haha great minds ……

    Free Member

    The only ‘shop’ I want open is one selling pints on draught 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

    Free Member

    If you didn’t , there would be no need for the IOPC to exist

    ……..and if we didn’t have burglars we wouldn’t need locks.

    FFS give me strength 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Last night I drove 8k, parked my car in a deserted car park and ran up a wee hill with no one else on it. Even if there were other people the tracks are wide enough to give 2m distance and there are no gates to open that might spread the virus through contact. If the car park had been busy I was ready to turn around and go home.

    ………bravo, you made it and it obviously makes you feel justified and, of course, there was absolutely no chance of an accident during all this time which could have involved an ambulance crew, Police, Fire Brigade or even mountain rescue to sort you out. They’ve got loads of time on their hands at the moment and welcome any opportunity to be exposed to even more risk!

    Free Member

    Is clarity really needed for anyone other than self righteous dicks?

    The ‘rule’ for minimising travel when not essential is basic common sense, as it reduces the possibility of transmission. End of. Bending, or stretching the rules or guidance because you think you are special, is not big or clever.

    TBH I find it highly amusing that an Eton educated Tory is being quoted to try to undermine Police actions and justify the idea that we can all hop in our cars and bugger off to the countryside!

    Free Member

    Really! He looked anything but clear on yesterday’s ‘address’ !

    Free Member

    Tj is right as there will still be requirements eg. CRB checks, confidentiality issues etc. to be at the very sharp end, not to mention training.

    I was only able to confirm my availability to NHS Scotland today (been waiting well over a week) and form had no option for employment history as I worked for a trust in England, or my professional qualifications! Hopefully they will sort that from my follow up email but it doesn’t inspire confidence generally!

    Free Member

    Strange phenomenon having an empty waiting room. Shows how few people really need to go to A&E on a ‘normal’ day. Hopefully this will have a knock-on effect when this is all over and alter (some) of the public perception of what A&E and the ambulance service is actually there for.

    Free Member

    It already is TJ but probably more geared up on the emergency side ie. Ambulance, Fire service and Police where there is a very high incidence of PTSD due to the nature of the job. From previous experience, counsellors are inundated, how they will cope with the numbers is anyone’s guess.

    Free Member

    Any updates on the situation from inside hospitals and on ambulances?

    I’m available via the temporary register (Paramedic) but surprisingly haven’t been contacted yet so particularly keen to know what’s happening around Aberdeen/shire.

    Free Member

    Lol @ midlife.

    My first thought when I saw the tag line on BBC news of Clap for Nurses was “haven’t they got enough on their plate already”!

    Quite a few of my very elderly neighbours were out and you could hear loads of noise in the distance. Felt a bit odd to be honest as both me and my missus are ex ambulance but heartwarming at the same time.

    Free Member

    Not getting into an argument with the dickhead above but is this really the time to be petitioning for a wage increase given the circumstances?

    Free Member

    Asda Aberdeen 0730 this morning as wide awake and not much else to do! First visit to a supermarket for over a week and not bad apart from a moron who tried to queue jump (all of 8 people) and then had a hissy fit when told to get to the back and promptly left.

    Not so clever inside, as despite arrows and markers, people standing right beside each other gazing at the shelves, with staff the worst offenders. Check out was also a shambles re ‘distancing’ and not helped by stroppy checkout woman who was insisting people got closer to each other AND her at the till! God knows how bad it must be when it’s actually busy!

    Plenty of everything on shelves though.

    Free Member

    Had to sort out photo hosting! Ted now on left


    Free Member

    Will try and sort out host as Google pics isn’t playing on my phone:(

    Free Member

    Ted and Lulu. Ted on right looked exactly like OP’s as a puppy!

    Free Member

    Haha she is as interested in football as I am! Unfortunately the ps4 came with FIFA in the bundle!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice, now sorted with Gran Turismo on split screen for starters. Shame it doesn’t seem to have the option, on my download at least, for the same on Moto GP :(

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