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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • Woody
    Free Member

    I’m certain I wasn’t treated properly when I did mine about 22 years ago, so at least you’ll get yours sorted, hopefully. Riding home from a mates house in the early hours and clipped some railings which jumped out at me somewhere in Dulwich. Feeling no pain whatsoever……. I walked the remaining couple of miles home and went to bed. Only realised when I looked the mirror next morning.

    Got bus to hospital and was sent home in a sling with some codeine and that was it. Now left with a shoulder 1″ shorter and a bloody great lump where the clavicle has fused like a step. Took 6 weeks IIRC to get back off road.

    Ps. Dont make the mistake I did and drive a few days afterwards. The pain when the bones separate during a sudden swerve is still fresh in my memory.

    Ps. Take note of tj – I would have said the same but 2 weeks ago, after 3 days on a co-codamol, tramadol, naproxen, nortriptylne and morphine cocktail (borked knee) was almost as grateful for the laxative as the painkillers!

    Free Member

    Any ‘old’ bike will be slower/less comfy/less forgiving and not quite as good as you remember it but thats not the point, is it?
    I loved my ’95 RF900 which I bought for next to nothing 6 years ago as it was not, and probably never will be, ‘desirable’ but it was a lot of fun wafting along with enough grunt to be fun if the mood took 🤭

    Its bizarre the prices some bikes I wouldn’t have been seen dead on ‘in the day’ are going for now and I wish I’d held into my fizzy so it’s probably a good investment. I could weep when I think what my Dad sold an Ariel Square4 for in the 60’s.

    Free Member

    Connery was excellent for his time but I rapidly grew to hate the ‘humour’ which increased and became overpowering in the following films, most of which haven’t aged well. Daniel Crag seems to embody more of Flemings original character and IMO is excellent in the role. Having said that, Spectre was total crap with very little to offer on any level.

    It’s only a bit of entertainment though and I’ll definitely be watching NTTD when it comes out.

    Free Member

    TR was that in Culter? Was considering a mosey out there tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Nope had enough a few months ago for various reasons, not least the immediate surroundings. You will see what I mean if you’ve passed there recently.

    Free Member

    Gairloch etc. sound very attractive for all the usual reasons ie. fantastic scenery, outdoor pursuits etc. until you actually have to live there all year round. Not much to do in winter and your kids won’t thank you after being used to all that Aberdeen has to offer. Travel is a PITA especially with NC500 in full swing and the midges around there are dreadful and it rains…. A LOT!!

    2 years in The Highlands was enough for me and I’m quite enjoying being back in Aberdeen for a while despite the lockdown.

    Free Member

    Just two of the many highly depressing things about this episode are that……

    1. I’m now following Piers Morgan on Twitter and agreeing with him
    2. The number of people who are condoning and/or excusing the indefensible.

    I really thought the average person in the UK
    had a bit more intelligence but it seems not :(

    Free Member

    Doffs cap at Mark Donne……. genius :)

    Free Member

    My thoughts

    1. Lying bastard
    2. Is that really the best so called ‘top’ reporters can come up with? Almost as pathetic as the excuses given.

    Lol @ chewkw replies. Careful or he’ll get out the machete and start lopping heads! You still in Newcastle chewy?

    Ps. Watching Alastair Cambell now – hard to differentiate between him and Steve Davis nowadays ;)

    Free Member

    Have used DE and cheapo double blades from the supermarket for years. Cheapos are ok for when you don’t have much time and need a quick ‘once over’ but no comparison to a proper DE shave.

    As per ^^ Merkur seem to be the most reliable choice but blades are trial and error to find out what suits you best. Feathers are my favourite but you really need to take your time initially, and dont try them, or DE for that matter, the morning of any important event!

    A decent brush is also a good investment as cheap ones will lose hairs quickly and wont do the the job properly. YouTube guides are your friend on this and well worth 20 minutes before your first attempt.

    Free Member

    Commiserations to those ^^ who have lost someone.

    DC has had a rather varied ‘career’, from Klute in Durham to 3 years supposedly setting up an airline in Russia. Oxbridge educated, he has all the attributes required to have been recruited by someone. I haven’t dug into this but surely there is info on it out there.

    Free Member

    The retired chemistry teacher seems credible but wonder if he has any idea of the shitstorm awating him in the coming weeks! Barney is quite a small place and a former pupil has already spoken and says he “wouldn’t have a lie in him”. For someone like that to put his head above the parapet in this way is interesting to say the least!

    Free Member

    @Willard quite possibly and very much in line what the guy from Spike was saying on the news last night. I think DC goes much further than ‘herd immunity’ as his ‘politics’ are well documented.

    Free Member

    There is something very familiar about exsees’ writing/trolling style!

    It’s Bank Holiday so the effect of DC’s idiotic behaviour will be very apparent today, with the results only too clear in a week or 2 with a jump in cases. He won’t care of course.

    Free Member

    Brilliant that chewkw is still on here. Always hilarious and good value.

    I’m starting to think this is a well orchestrated plan to allow BJ to duck out now that he’s achieved his objective of being PM for a while. Can I be first to give it an appropriate title…. Borexit.

    Free Member

    I think at least 99% of the UK will have gone WTF at that he’s not sacked. The dogs will be properly unleashed now.

    Ah well off to chippie for my fish n chips and black pudding supper – chippie is only 1/2 mile away and I’ve a sheltering Mother to feed so well within the rules obviously.

    Free Member

    The Bungles
    Echo and the Funnymen
    Jesus Jokes
    Wham 69
    Ian Dury and the Blackheads
    Silly Idol

    Free Member

    Had them on my motorbike and they were excellent in all conditions,so dont see why the car tyres would be any less good.

    Free Member

    Interesting thread. Having very recently moved from being surrounded by shooting estates (mainly deer stalking but some grouse) I’ve heard a lot from both sides of the argument and there us no doubt in my mind that the figures produced by both sides can be challenged. I’m no fan of ‘field sports’ but there would need to be a huge change in management of estates to maintain their viability and relatively small local employment.

    Scotroutes – interesting you mentioned an estate owned by Povlsen as a good example. He was not a popular figure when mentioned amongst local estate workers!

    Free Member

    You have my sympathy. The arsehole 2 doors up took 2 days a couple of months ago to put up a trampoline and a step, finishing at 10 PM in the dark on both nights at the weekend.

    I didn’t say anything as I thought he was so incompetent he must be on here somewhere ;)

    Free Member

    Sports direct – whatever is on special offer. That’s when you know you truly don’t give a shit.
    *warning* needs careful attention to avoid logos

    Failing that George@Asda

    Free Member

    Yes it should but we had people sneak through a side door thinking we wouldn’t notice. Certain nationalities are notorious for this.

    Free Member

    Lots of mostly good advice above TJ but at the end of the day its your agent who should know exactly what’s required to maximise revenue. Possible 26+ weeks of guests is a lot of different people, not all of whom will be nice upstanding citizens and some are very good at the complaining/refund scenario. etc. very much side with the guest. At least the 100 steps should exclude most of the moaning old gits we experienced but beware of bookings for 2 who then appear with 1/2 dozen who ‘don’t mind sleeping on the floor’!

    Also budget for replacing items. Alarm clocks, bed linen, towels and even batteries from remote controls will go ‘missing’ as will anything interesting.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    That all sounds very lovely but have you any idea what redistributing resources would involve in remote areas?

    Free Member

    privileged few

    Really! Many of them may well be trying to protect themselves as they can’t afford to be ill. Do you think they are all gentlemen farmers, retired or enjoying a leisurely time at their second home?

    As AD has said, there is not the infrastructure there to support an outbreak, especially in the Highlands/islands.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Pic not working

    Free Member

    7 is not old at all for a spaniel, especially one who isn’t a working dog. I wouldn’t be too concerned at the moment as they all have ‘off’ days but I would confirm that they definitely do miss their playmates. Just keep an eye him and get him checked by a vet if you’re still concerned in a few days. My 2 black labs, which I shared with ex partner, were ‘removed’ by the “@×* when she moved to Surrey and my new dog, who had known them for 3 years from being a puppy, definitely went on a downer. Wasn’t even interested in going for a walk.

    She went back to her normal self when the new puppy came along. 4 years later they are inseparable.

    Free Member

    ……and that is the issue devash.

    I have 3 Seikos that are well overdue a service and asking myself if it’s worth it, especially in view of some of the Heimdallr offerings which are about the same price as a service.

    Free Member

    I’ve kept the winter or ‘M&S’ tyres on pretty much all year for the past 10 years on a variety of cars in NE England and Highlands.

    Very little difference under most conditions when driving normally/safely in the summer and way better in heavy rain where water is lying. Any frost or snow on the ground and the improvement is dramatic.

    Free Member

    Count zero. Those look great and very tempting, as about the same price as getting one of my Seiko divers serviced!

    Free Member

    Definitely had big hair and white shoes 🤭 but no heels. We are talking 80’s here and I wont mention the leather trousers……..

    Free Member

    Easy metal heart. Looked to buy The Station in Avoch a while back but binned it as the owner was a total w….r.

    Peterculter is always known, at least when I grew up, as ‘cooter’ which was enough to differentiate it from Maryculter across the river where Champers nightclub was….. showing my age now!

    Free Member

    Re whiskey pronunciation, Brian Cox goes through the best known ones on youtube.

    Free Member

    Two more whiskey names often mispronounced are Caol Isla (even locals say it slightly differently) Cwool eela or cool eye la and Glenmorangie is glen morangie NOT glenmor angie.

    Free Member

    Personal preference 😉

    Free Member

    Cheese on toast is great but the ultimate is an Aberdeen roll (rowie) under the grill, any strong cheddar, couple of rashers of bacon and topped with baked beans.

    A 1000+ calorie heart attack on a plate and simply divine.

    Free Member

    Very good RB 👍

    Free Member

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    Some of us don’t binge watch, the anticipation for the next episode of things makes it more enjoyable.

    I’m just the opposite as I would probably not have bothered with a few eg. Prison Break, Breaking Bad, as I would ‘forget’ to watch the next episode. Having said that, both myself and my missus eagerly await Better Call Saul every Tuesday ;)

    Free Member

    Cute as a button. What is she?

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