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  • Stolen | It’s More Than Just A Bike
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Drac’s now moody AND angry ? 8O

    Where’s Dan ?

    Free Member


    Almost and yes

    Free Member

    Crank length doesn’t alter gearing

    Free Member

    That’s typically inconsiderate of those ‘thrifty jocks’ for being too mean to instal under-trail heating :roll:

    They should be penalised like this lot !

    Free Member

    Probably more road orientated for faster cadence as I came out at 166.6 with an inside leg of 32″.

    Shorter cranks with less leverage would undoubtedly be easier on the knees. I notived a big difference when I tried 180mm on a singlespeed and was much happier on 175mm.

    Free Member

    Depends on your riding style (spinner/lumblin), inside leg length etc

    Calculator here

    Free Member

    I find this debate very depressing and can only wish Russ well and hope that the outcome helps ease his situation in any way possible.

    Free Member

    Cheers – sounds about right as the clamp is 34.9.

    Free Member

    Gary C – yep must be the gayest ST thread ever

    The Lidl stuff is ok – the daily moisturiser and the anti-wrinkle and the intensive nightcreme all about £2 a pot…………….err……so I’m told :oops:

    Free Member

    A man after my own heart GNARGNAR. A nice antidote to some the patronising b@ll@x above.

    I always wondered what psychology was :wink:

    Free Member

    As TJ says but a longer stem will at least get more weight over the front.

    Free Member

    These scumbags really have no fear do they!?

    No real deterrent to fear.

    A slap across the back of the head with a decent sized chain and padlock might do wonders.

    Free Member


    Hora to buy bacon from…………………Auchtertool :D

    Free Member

    It was with some trepidation that I Googled ‘making bacon’ but THIS was quite interesting

    Free Member

    I react badly to additives in bacon.

    Does bacon have different additives to other meats ?

    I am rather suspicious of this thread however as it involves ‘Hora’ and ‘pork’ :lol:

    Free Member


    Documents filed with a US bankruptcy court showed that the company had liabilities in the range of $100m to $500m.

    A range of $400 M…………don’t they have an accounts dept !

    Free Member

    Thanks spoon – might give that a try.

    And the yogurt joke was obvious, well to me anyway

    And to me ……………..unfortunately :lol:

    Free Member

    Make another batch without chilli in, then mix the two together

    That sounds like the ‘too much extra work’ option! Been shopping and will take the slightly easier way out by adding some more mushrooms, peppers and another tin of kidney beans. If they still think it’s too hot I have the yoghurt/salsa/guacamole on standby as recommended above.

    Interesting idea. I saw a programme a while back where they cooked a venison with chocolate stew and people seemed to like it. Have you tried it ?

    Free Member

    woody – cheap shots – are you a sexist or not?

    Haven’t given it much thought to be honest – just appreciative of a nice bit of eye candy :D

    Free Member

    Heterosexual men?………who only see women as sex objects?

    Not quite. The most avid interest in celebrity weight loss/gain comes from women !


    You obviously, otherwise why bother to read and make comments

    Free Member

    hit 30 and developed a slightly flabby arse….

    You can get implants for that nowadays and return to your youthful pertness :wink:

    Free Member

    You will make scarring worse, delay healing and make infections more likely

    Maybe, but as everyone “chicks dig scars” :wink:

    Free Member

    Bear trap pedals were wonderful for that – hours of fun

    Free Member

    might be time to tell the Mrs to come home.

    Funnily enough, I was thinking exactly the opposite :lol:

    Free Member

    having nice dump and peeling off the scabs on my knees

    Surely scab picking requires your full attention………….

    Free Member

    aviemoron –

    have been skiing every day

    I’m not jealous at all

    lucky sod :mrgreen:

    jammy b@gger :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Resists the obvious yoghurt joke.

    Thanks – just wait until yours are a few years older :wink:

    Free Member

    M/W/C TFU?

    LOL :D

    Cheers guys – sounds like a good plan and has the added bonus that they’ll think I have put a bit of effort into getting ‘all the bits’ for a proper mexican meal + daughter will probably need the extra calories after being at uni for the past few weeks.

    <runs off to Tesco>

    Free Member

    Snowing in Durham.

    My dogs like it and I like like it because for the past couple of weeks I haven’t had muddy paws to clean :D

    Free Member


    My symapathies but that is classic :D

    The moral – get a job in consultancy !

    Free Member


    Sorry. I shall stand in the naughty corner and study my grammar for future postings :lol:

    3 posts and still no answer to a perfectly reasonable question. Ho Hum…….

    Free Member


    No matter which way you look at it there was at least one question but if you don’t want to respond to it I couldn’t give a monkeys and I am certainly not about to start arguing over semantics :roll:

    Hope you enjoyed your time off with your baby and your colleague is fit and well again :lol:

    Free Member

    I am over myself.

    I merely wondered why you appeared to think you were more, or equally deserving of payment by virtue of producing a child than someone who was injured in an accident ?

    Free Member

    A colleague of mine went skiing, damaged her knee and had 20 weeks off work on full pay.
    I had a child and had 19 weeks off work, 10 of these weeks on half pay!

    ………and your point is ?

    Presumably it was your choice to have a child. Do you really think you were equally deserving of payment for making that choice, after which you chose not to work, than someone who was physically unable to ?

    Free Member

    Brits are far too uptight about these things. I’ve been to plenty of saunas in Austria (great after a day boarding).

    Me too and often in Austria there is a sign at the door which takes away any doubt ie. Swimwear Forbidden. The embarrassment occurs when the occassional Brit appears in trunks which makes them look like a perv :oops:

    Free Member


    LOL thanks for resisiting to call me those things!

    Have to be very careful these days with dire warnings from ‘the management’ of the possible consequences of posting what you actually think on forums :roll: :lol:

    Postings do not always read as they are meant to, so apologies if I read more into your post than was actually there and ‘carefully’ launched into one.

    I appreciate what you said and agree that it is very different when your own family is involved and am sorry your experiences have left you with a poor impression. Service levels do appear to be shockingly different from region to region.

    Free Member

    JulianA wrote

    In my experience, paramedics fix people at the scene and drop them off at the hospital, so wouldn’t necessarily know what goes on after that. I’m sure that someone will correct me if I’m wrong.

    Ok, you’re wrong. Obviously, it is not in the remit of the paramedic to track the progress of every patient they treat. However, it is common to see the same patients on a regular basis and meet patients with ongoing treatments/therapy who were initially taken to hospital by ambulance. In addition, training /re-training placements exist to ensure paramedics have a very good idea what goes within the whole clinical care system.

    EVERYTHING else I have seen and heard (from friends and family, not just in the news) about the NHS is just utterly shiite…..

    Not my experience at all and I would imagine my experience is considerably greater than yours.

    Shouting at people is quite understandable if they are being ****. I might well have punched the woman doctor who was so rude to me and so non-understanding of my wife’s situation if my wife was going to be discharged that day, but I didn’t as she could well have made life even worse for us.

    Yes she could, with the full backing of the law to protect people from idoits like you who appear to think that assaulting people verbally and physically in the course of their job is ever acceptable..

    Free Member

    Oxboy wrote

    unless you become a massive pain in the arse and/or get angry you will be put to the back of the queue

    The staff arent that organised, so much so they seem to take a firefighting mentality.

    I don’t know how you could be bothered to waste your time with such a cr@ppy disorganised service, which has somehow managed to firefight their way to treating your wife and 5 kids ?

    Oh sorry, I nearly missed your point that YOUR FAMILY actually manage to get to the front of the queue by being an angry massive pain in the @rse, presumably, using your logic, to the detriment of the other less angry minor arse-aches who appreciate the service provided.

    I will resist the temptation to call you an ignorant, arrogant, selfish b@st@rd but I think there may be some who would think of you in that way.

    Free Member

    the last NHS person i spoke to said nothing can be done, which, I don’t beleive

    Why do you not believe what this ‘NHS person’ said ? Were they not suitably qualified ? Have you had a second opinion ? Have they actually said your current problems are the result of the negligence or incompetence of the orthopaedic surgeon ?

    There are complaints procedures within the NHS if you are not happy and you need to be very careful making allegations such as ‘poorly thought out operation’ and ‘sorting out the mess that the surgeon did’.

    If your main aim is to have the problem sorted, I fail to see how taking the NHS to court will help…..unless, of course, you think they are failing to provide treatment purely on the grounds of cost !

    Free Member

    If you are gonna get cheap cheddar then at least have cheese on toast with chopped fresh chillis – zingy loveliness

    Agreed – and mixed with tuna adds another dimension of wonderfulness.

    Roquefort is my favourite

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