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  • Woody
    Free Member

    Hora wrote

    Then you've got alot of people bitching about you and printing it for everyone to read. I would crack up FFS

    ………………..we're waiting :wink:

    The addition/alcoholism rate amongst successful people is high for a number of reasons :- pressure to perform, environment, availability, social acceptability amongst peers, workload, no financial constraints etc. etc. all the way to altered states of consciousness and the perception of expanding artistic boundaries.

    No surprise that doctors have the one of the highest (if not the highest) rates of alcoholism amongst any profession !

    Many of my relatives are/were professional musicians and with the exception of my Mother every one of them is/was an alcoholic. Comes from constantly being bought drinks when playing :cry:

    Free Member

    Bring back tree hanging I say :wink:

    Free Member

    Larger front tyre and/or smaller rear would have the same or bigger effect as messing around with headset stack height. Wouldn’t have thought 1/2 deg would make a marked difference to the ride of a fuller susser though and just as easily achieved running more or less sag.

    Free Member


    As a matter of interest, are you wearing a tie dye t-shirt and dancing around with flowers in your hair while you type ?

    Free Member

    I believe there is an ever growing list of stabbings for instance

    A gaggle of psaychiatrists could have a field day trying to prove the link between this case and youth stabbings, no doubt with evidence supported theories taking into account variables of pollen count and moon phase when the act was committed :wink:

    Free Member

    Having said this i am not sure i could stop myself from taking matters into my own hands if i was the affected parent. Perhaps that would make me a bad person

    Pretty normal I would say. I’m damned sure I would want the guilty party to suffer a similar fate to the child but preferably more painful and protracted !

    Free Member


    The right thing to do must surely be to try to find a way that enables the purpetrator to lead a life that has a postive effect on themselves and others, in doing so we learn more about ourselves and humanity

    All very worthy and in an ideal world that would be the correct solution.

    However, bearing in mind that many ‘good’ people die on a daily basis due to a lack of funding or medical care, is it really an appropriate use of finite resources to attempt the rehabilitation of someone whose only contribution to society is likely to be contained in a psychiatric study ? I am not talking about this specific case as the full facts are not available, but generally for cases of this type.

    G – I would be more inclined to agree with you were it not for the fact that thses cases are relatively rare and it is debatable whether any amount of analysis could prevent re-occurrence.

    Free Member

    I really hope there is some sort of battery powered assistance lurking in that top-box

    Free Member

    TJ – you are kidding with that entirely inappropriate/irrelevant link……..aren’t you ?

    Free Member

    By killing them?

    That would certainly solve the rehabilitation aspect but was not what I said or advocated.

    And who should get to decide that? Dedicated, experienced and trained professionals, or some people who read about it on the internet?

    I was merely offering an opinion. As for the ‘dedicated, experienced and trained professionals’ – I frequently come into contact with those unfortunates who have been deemed fit to return to society by those same dedicated professionals and who, quite evidently, are not !

    Free Member


    I agree with what you have said above (I too occassionally have to visit both young offender and high category prisons) but isn’t there a vast difference between this alleged crime and the relatively minor misdemeanours carried out in your example ?

    Some acts are so inhuman that society should never again be placed at risk by allowing the perpetrator back into that society.

    Simply put, a reasonable definition of insanity is to do something that doesn’t work, then repeat it incessantly expecting a different outcome.

    Bit like TJ on this thread and many others :roll:

    Free Member

    ….Romany don’t really really recognise/accept the concept of modern states/countries

    …..although many are quite happy to embrace certain parts of the culture eg. benefit handouts and free healthcare but they haven’t quite come to terms with things like income tax or National insurance 8)

    Free Member

    judging by the dislike of immigrants sometimes expressed on this forum im surprised this sort of thing isnt seen more often in the UK

    LOL – this forum contains some of the most liberal leftie ooooh so PC contributors on the net……IMHO of course :wink:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What a pleasant change from the self-righteous guff on the ‘other’ smoking thread :D

    Good work fellas !

    Free Member

    Cheers. I’ll check out Engelburg as I’ve never heard of it.

    Free Member


    Val Thorens and Tignes were 2 that sprung to mind so sound like a good option as I know them both well.

    I’ll check with my daughter re uni trips as she mentioned going again before xmas and I don’t think either of us would appreciate being in the same area apres ski 8O

    Free Member

    the GF has told him he needs to move out. i didn’t see the need for that and encouraged him to get some photos and hang on in there. not much help i know.

    PML – is that your GF or his ?

    Sounds like he is a lucky lad as long as he doesn’t end up chopped into little pieces 8O

    Free Member

    I’m certain that tax receipts on tobacco sales don’t cover the costs of smokers’ illnesses.

    The only ‘certain’ thing is, you don’t know your facts !

    Free Member

    it’s just something people have pinned on him to justify their pro-smoking prejudices.

    I don’t see much of the above as pro-smoking and lets face it, smoking is a pretty indefensible habit/addiction. However, smoking is not illegal and there are far worse habits which deserve the wrath of STW ‘burn’em’ brigade.

    Epicyclo has hit the nail on the head, except the vast amount of tax revenue is more important than political donations.


    Right I’m off to eat some chocolate, which hopefully won’t affect any of you.

    Let’s hope it’s from an ethical source and harvested by non-smoking farmhands :lol:

    Free Member

    Christ almighty – some people really have too little to think about getting in a twist over something as unimportant as this.

    If you are not happy leave the room.

    IMHO (legal bollox aside) the guy owns the garage, he was presumably smoking there perfectly legally long before the ban was foisted upon him + the government are still quite happy to screw billions from smokers in tax.

    If it upsets you that much, then find another garage owner without such a disgusting habit and while you are at it make sure he/she isn’t fat or eats pies in the presence of customers just in case you are deeply offended again :wink:

    Free Member

    Of the 4 bikers I have dealt with recently, all were over 45, all had been riding continuously since their teens and the only one who appeared to be ‘at fault’ was the wrong side of 60 and happily admitted to laying the bike down before he hit a wall after overcooking it into a bend (at least he managed to finally get some scuffs on his sliders) :D

    they would be equally surprised being overtaken by a car (probably even if it came up behind them with flashing blue lights on it…)

    Sometimes even that + sirens doesn’t waken them 8O

    Free Member

    Probably saved him from no more than a very scraped noggin and black eye, rather than anything serious, but glad he’s OK and it didn’t put him off riding.

    A big dent and a crack would suggest to me that it probably saved him from more than that. However, I’m constantly amazed how people walk away virtually unscathed from what appears to have been a severe impact and vice versa.

    Free Member

    Just bought THESE 540’s off Ebay. Silly cheap and £70 + cheaper than XTR and only 25g a pair heavier !

    Free Member

    Good to see you didn’t try and keep up with the ambulance, it’s very disconcerting when you know someone is right on your tail, especially when their concentration (for obvious reasons) might not be 100%.

    Glad to hear the wee fella is back to normal :-)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    01270 883785 – he can be quite nice:)

    I know Rob but I tried to phone him on Wednesday……doh….. and to be honest I’m undecided whether to buy it or get an old frame resprayed and I knew if I actually spoke to him the credit card would come out :)

    Free Member

    you remind me of a man


    Also would like to know how good tyre clearance is as I’ve some 2.4 DMR’s earmarked?

    Free Member

    Thanks for that. I was hoping they would be very similar to old Konas as my build was going to be rigid and light with a view to s/s in the winter.
    The Erzulie seems nice but they don’t have that on Sideways website so I’m not sure if they are imported here and as commented above, it would be good to have some weights.

    Maybe Tim will respond ???

    Free Member


    Haven’t got one to hand at the moment and am about to order – are they 12mm long (standrad Hayes rotors) ?

    Free Member


    MOR = Middle of the road

    I think the posts critising your taste in music just reinforces the previous comment about musical snobbery. I wouldn’t call most of those bands you have seen MOR, mainstream possibly but only by virtue of there success and not the musical content.

    S&J I bet you are right :lol:

    Free Member

    RAOFLMAO @ Susan Boyle

    What next , a duet with Michelle McManus ??

    Free Member


    Heavy’ish slant to those !

    Fair enough, I’ll confess to seeing Barclay James Harvest and The Stranglers (in their heyday) on the same night + cranking up Lady Gaga whenever she comes on the radio 8O

    Free Member


    I was almost with you there until you mentioned thst you actually listened to that steaming pile of poo which makes the likes of Lily Allen et al look talented ie. C + W, then you went and rubbed it in by dissing Radiohead fans……………..

    I’m wounded ………………………………deeply


    Free Member

    Even without such outbursts (after all remember, she has had a trying upbringing) her utterly glib, me-me-me emotional patois and musical paint-by-numbers is vacuous dross.

    Not disagreeing with you there CP but I can’t work up any enthusiasm one way or the other.

    For truly vacuous dross you need only look at the input from the poster immediately after your last post. :roll:

    Free Member

    Allen stands for all that is lamentable in the world today.

    Have to disagree with that one CP. At least she gets off her arse and actually does something to earn a living in a reasonably inoffensive way. There are numerous more deserving of the Rusty Spanner wrath.

    Free Member

    Not fussed about her one way or the other – never was or will be the type of miusic I listen too………..

    …..however, after seeing her ‘livelounge’ set at the R1 Big weekend on tv, I would like to pay tribute to the highly talented producers/engineers who make her recordings sound like she hasn’t caught her fanny climbing over a gate !

    Free Member

    Still waiting :(

    Nearest would be my ancient Coyote Ultralight which I always come back to and is currently being stripped back top bare metal to be re-incarnated as a light street s/s
    Still makes me smile :-)

    Free Member


    Totally agree.

    Sitting here dressed, as I have always done a nice day in the summer,in flip-flops, baggy shorts, t-shirt and hoodie (chiily wind out there) and I’m nearly the same age as Madonna – why the f@%k should I dress like a 1950’s stereotype :roll:

    Free Member


    She’s 73 !

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