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  • Woody
    Free Member

    I actually had more respect for him when he didn't use his family and do feel that this is the action of a man desperate to remain in power being advised by PR and media types. What other principles is he willing to sacrifice?


    Free Member


    Ok – most of us then :wink:

    Free Member


    I take it you look like this

    Free Member

    Sorry, you ether "get" fashion or you have a brain and like to think for yourself.

    Depends on your viewpoint as to whether you regard fashion as an art form but like it or not all of us are influenced by what appears on the catwalk. There is little doubt that McQueen made a huge impression and deserves at least some respect for his achievements.

    mcqueen clearly did'nt value the feelings of his family and friends

    FFS grow up and if you are going to spout amateur psychobabble you might want to do some research into the subject first. Did you think it sounded clever last time you heard it. ?………..and it's didn't BTW

    Free Member

    Thanks for the offer gtkid, I would have been interested in that but I've just come home from work and I guess it's sold by now.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    One thing that has surprised me is the weight of a most tourers, which to my mind makes the difference between that and road tyres on an mtb less significant.

    I still really fancy something like a Kaffenback or an alfin'ed Roadrat eventually, especially if I can get one on a cyclt to work scheme.

    Free Member

    you'll have more fun ragging a more modern bike round the trails

    Debatable, in much the same way as saying Caterham R300 drivers will have more fun than someone driving a Morgan Roadster !

    I would just have to know how the frame rides – the parts are less important, to me at least.

    Free Member

    TJ – problem is that my only 'lightish weight' geared mtb is a Tomac Revolver full sus! having said that I used to commute from Crystal Palace to Tower Bridge on a Marin Mount Vision with slicks in '99 8O

    Druidh – tempting but probably outside my price range for a 'first' commuter but you are welcome to PM me details. email in profile

    Free Member

    That is one absolutely stunning array of parts.

    It has been suggested before but if it was mine I would definitely strip off all the parts, put them in a glass case to drool over, then build the frame up with a nice lot of modern parts and rag it round the trails with a huge grin on your face :wink:

    Free Member

    The BBC have their own agenda. "Credit Crunch" is the best example. Panic the nation, spread unrest and disatisfaction with the Labour government, vote in the Tories.

    Funniest, most misguided statement I've heard for ages.

    More annoyed that they had a GP on tonight to talk about the 'non' swine flu epidemic. Guarantees loads of calls from muppets with a sniffle tonight and tomorrow. Made me wonder if the government have overstocked on Tamiflu and have to dispose of a few packets sharpish :|

    Free Member

    Lucky git, I still haven't booked anything yet and I've just found out I've been accepted for S.O.R.T (Special Ops Response Team)training right in the middle of my holidays. They must need someone to use as ballast 8)

    Free Member

    Not sure about the wheels but the rest is lovely.

    Some of the other models are …………….interesting 8O

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Some people are 'old' in their 20's. It's only a state of mind and judging by the replies, most of us (I'm 50) would not consider that there is a specific time to hang up your pedals. Most of the people I see on the trails around here ie. those who have ridden their bikes for any distance are 40++.

    I've spent today building up a 456 and am gutted that I didn't finish it before it got dark as my lights are knackered.

    The people who think you should stop doing certain things at certain ages "because it's a young mans/womans sport" are the ones missing out.

    BTW one thing that really annoys me are reps in ski resorts who assume that you ski because of your age.

    Conversation 2 years ago –
    Rep: will you be hiring ski's sir.
    Me: No thanks
    Rep: You have your own ?
    Me: No
    Rep: Well there's lots of things to do for non-skiers.
    Me: I know
    Rep: Would you like some details?
    Me: No thanks
    ………….Rep moves swiftly onto next person
    Me: Excuse me, I'll need a ski pass please
    Rep: A ski pass ?
    Me: Yeh, at my age I get a bit knackered if I have to walk back up the slopes all day carrying my board !!

    Free Member

    Just in case anyone is interested, I've found a much safer 'fix' on – simple and ingenious :D

    Free Member

    Are you some sort of stalker Angela?


    …………………and a little brunette??????…………… 8)

    Free Member

    LOL @ Angela Poirot

    Looking at the timings of the posts, you didn't by any chance leave that one on screen for your girlfriend to see did you 8O

    Free Member

    I guess that's probably an age thing – she can't understand how I can have a 100% platonic friendship with a woman, and she feels threatened.

    If only it was as simple as that :cry: ………your girlfriend is concerned about the older/wiser/mature woman who, presumably, is nearer your own age. My ex is double your girlfriends age and guess what, she was worried about competition from a younger version. Insecurity can be there regardless of age and when combined with jealousy you have highly destructive bedfellows(no pun intended).

    Looking back over the thread there may have been some overreactive comments but I think when you balance them out there is some very good advice and I don't think you are ander any illusion that whatever way you choose to go will be easy.

    My advice would be to use your head rather than your heart (or any other part of your anatomy :wink: ). Hearts mend a lot quicker than f@cked up heads.

    Free Member

    Sounds good Marge – may as well go for the skinny version and make the most of the lack of weight :D

    Free Member

    Woohoo – congratulations :D

    FWIW I wouldn't even think about adding the disc mount

    THIS might do it justice :wink:

    Free Member

    I wasn't really referring to my advice…I really don't care what you do.

    Why bother posting and then going in the huff :) ?

    As you haven't said what caused the argument which set her off, I'm guessing something to do with the soon to be ex-wife as you constantly mention her and the divorce, then it is really difficult to say exactly how OTT her behaviour actually was. It doesn't really matter, as her actions and your reaction (she wasn't the only one shocked by it, think how you felt afterwards)to the situation have clearly left you in some distress. Do you really want to spend the next however many years pussyfooting around just in case you upset her?

    You seem determined to give this every chance, which is admirable but remember your own words first sign of trouble again and I'll be out of there!"

    Free Member

    Well…..have you bought it ???

    Free Member

    This sounds eerily familiar to me and Karinofnine has pretty much said everything I was going to but just to add my tuppenceworth –

    I put up with similar behaviour from my ex for 18 months and it escalated until I got out for good. You are in an extremely dangerous situation which has already become physical. The fact that she was unable to control her actions despite the probable consequences should tell you all you need to know.

    If you do decide to try and patch things up be very very careful. Domestic disagreements (for want of a better term) rarely have witnesses and any allegations, even false ones, have far reaching consequences.

    Free Member

    To me, they're no better than benefit cheats.

    To me, they are benefit cheats !

    Free Member

    But with its canti bosses, and only suitable for suspension up to 60 mm, and it's 1 inch head tube, it would be a no brainer to buy second hand today, as you couldnt find forks to fit it!…………means it will only sell to a small retro market

    LOL -A small retro market is all you need :!:[/url]

    Free Member

    Thanks for the pointers.

    Riding is varied round here (Durham) and no shortage of hills! I've run this as s/s and the brake rub is minimal as long as they are set for a longer pull than normal ie levers nearly back to the bars. The rear end seems pretty stiff and no problems with tyre rub on anything less than 2.1. I've an old On-One Reetard s/s wheel with a knackered freehub, so I'm going to have a look at that to see if I can 'fix' a wheel (liquid metal?) to try it out before taking the plunge properly. I think I'll keep the rear brake on for the first few outings :)

    Free Member

    I thought at first glance that someone had abandoned a rusty old bmx :oops:

    Free Member

    It doesn't matter if it doesn't go up in value but my feeling is that it will. There are lots of things worth a small fortune which the average person who is not 'into' that particular thing cannot comprehend. Watches for instance crop up regularly on here and someone not into watches will never understand what makes a watch worth £1,000,000 when a £50 Casio will probably keep better time.

    It doesn't matter of you never ride it. How many £10k bottles of wine or whisky will ever be drunk ? The pleasure is in owning it and being able look at it/appreciate it whenever you want, with the bonus that it may be worth more in the future.

    To put £2k into perspective, how much does a car depreciate? Most would lose considerably more than that the moment it leaves the showroom.

    Good luck tomorrow :wink:

    Free Member

    I've looked into this and the cost, depending on type of surgery, seems to vary between £1200 and £3,500 for the major advertisers and more if you go private/consultant route.

    I know a few people who have had the op, ranging from 6 years ago to 2 months and they ALL say it's the best thing they have ever done. Complications seem to be quite rare but they do happen, as with any invasive procedure.

    I'm seriously thinking about it but my lenses are costing <£15 a month and give me no hassle and can't decide if it's worth the risk/cost.

    Free Member

    I tend to rule out Michelin tyres as the ones I've had in the past haven't been all that good.

    Me too. Same feeling of insecurity I got with certain Bontrager and Tiogas. No idea why :|

    Free Member

    Lots of gorgeous bits but the sum of the parts doesn't do it for me I'm afraid.

    [Edit] Had another look and changed my mind. With a different colour headset and stem that would be stunning.[/Edit]

    Free Member

    The bar is one of those cheap upright shopping bike bars turned upside down

    Ace. I've a pair similar to those in the garage somewhere which I got off Ebay years ago for IIRC £3.00 :lol:

    I'm in two minds whether to look for a Pomp or similar as I've a '94 steel Marin frame in the garage and I think the old-school geometry would suit a fixie build with minimal hassle. New rear hub/wheel + 1/2 link chain should remove the need for a tensioner.

    Free Member

    You only have to chop the frame for belt drive

    I know, and you made a very neat job of the drop-out cut. Does anyone actually make a 'splitting' dropout? The S3X looks lovely (the thought of 3 speed fixie is very appealling) but obviously a fair bit more than £70!

    I've been looking at building a cheap road/commuter bike and the Pomp/SA route looks ideal. I'll have to give the belt drive a miss due to cost but it looks great and seems a much better virtually maintenance free option.

    ps. love the moustache bar – which make model is it ?

    Free Member


    Well done and I know exactly how you feel. I've been 16 1/2 stone, got back down to 14 and I've now over the past 3 years have crept back up to 16 stone again due to pure lazyness.

    It's definitely a lot more fun at 14 stones, up and down and I intend to get back there sharpish ! IIRC it took me 6 weeks to lose about 30lbs last time simply by cutting out crisps/sweets/chocolate and getting out on the bike 3 times a week, even if it was just for a 1/2 hour.

    Did you do anything in particular to lose your weight ?

    Free Member

    Shipping is free.

    Free Member


    That looks great but I'm still trying to get my head round the gearchain routing and having to chop the frame! I don't know if I could bring myself to do it 8O

    Are we talking seriously expensive on a Rohloff scale for the conversion when you include the Sturmey ?

    Free Member

    Having said that, I'm delighted that this case got to court, but it is still, considering the victim, an amazingly light sentence for attempted murder.

    I amazed that the little git admitted it. It's drummed in at an early age in 'scroatsville' that you say nothing and put onus of proof on the prosecution. Very difficult in this case as there do not seem to have been any independent witnesses. I wonder what 'evidence' was put in front of him at the second interview which persuaded him to change his mind :lol:

    Free Member

    Rough idea of value on FLEABAY

    Certainly worth a new battery and strap !

    Free Member

    One other point which I think has more bearing on who you choose is how they were turned out. Doesn't matter if they wear a suit or overalls, or in my line of work, a uniform. Invariably, the ones who come to work looking like they have just fallen out of bed may know their job but you can guarantee they'll be the lazy buggers who will do as little as they can get away with and cut corners wherever possible.

    Obviously this is not 100% true but the chances are that someone who takes care of their appearance will be more inclined to take a pride in their work. IMHO of course 8)

    Free Member

    How people can spell will have absolutely no impact on how good their work will be

    I'd be far more concerned about the arithmetic…………… :roll:

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