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  • New Automated Carbon Fibre Technology | Accell Group Jumps On Board
  • Woody
    Free Member

    No I'm not from bunff I dony lik germins there not bad peepel but I don't yndarstnd them

    My Dad's from 'bunff' and English people often find it hard to understand him 8)

    I had a 'friend' like that on a course a couple of years ago which is the main reason I am typing this in a rented house on a Friday night on my own, even though that is all she was, a friend, who most definitely didn't even give me a 'tingle' !! Women have a sixth sense about these sort of things, even when it's just an embryonic musing …

    though i did make the mistake of describing this septic as "a pretty girl". her face changed after that to one of curiousity to jealousy….

    proves it.

    ps. my ex was/is mad as a fish so maybe the above isn't entirely relevant :wink:

    Free Member

    It's called being an employee – just chill and let it all flow by.

    If you can't do that, the only solution is to move company or start your own.

    Free Member

    As Drac says – my two labs eat grass all the time although the recent cold weather has given them a new favourite………..turd popsicles 8O

    Vet if they are off their food/out of sorts for 48 hours, or straight away if they look really poorly.

    Free Member

    protected NCB is essentialy a box that should say

    "tick here if your not actualy that great a driver and think its likely you will crash in the next year"……………………

    …….or an uninsured driver hits you, car damaged while unattended, car gets nicked, it goes on fire etc. etc. Very little to do with driving ability. My premium went from £220 to over a grand after I lost my NCB through no fault of my own. :evil:

    Free Member

    claptons insipid cover of " cocaine "

    Clapton insipid ? :roll: No disrespect to JJ Cale but Claptons 'noodling' made a classic of a merely ordinary arrangement by Cale. IMHO of course.

    Free Member

    Seems to be a trend that's crept in over the last 10-15 years.

    Much the same as the 'stuffing your face walking down the street while talking on a mobile and then lobbing the wrapper on the pavement trend'.

    My pet hate is people (usually OAP couples) who block the whole aisle while discussing the price/salt/fat/fibre content of a basic item, when they probably buy exactly the same thing every week regardless. This is in complete contrast to the amazing turn of speed they produce if they think you are going to pick up something they want from the reduced counter :evil:

    Free Member

    Talking of the Air Ambulance – I'm constantly amazed at the number of collection vehicles they have. I would be very surprised if it doesn't cost more to run the collections than the helicopters and crews.

    Free Member

    I made the decision some years ago to only give to animal and 'environment' charities. This was based on my personal (probably deeply flawed) belief that there is more than enough money to go round to take care of people if governments got their act together.

    As Junkyard says, much of the UK charity work should be state funded. The same goes for research based charities. The problem I have with those is that the big pharma companies step in and reap huge profits without putting that much back (relative to profits that is).

    Free Member

    Excellent, and a very nice saving to boot.

    Lovely part of the country to have a bike commute :lol:

    Free Member

    Ok, so it's genrally agreed that it's waaaay too far to commute daily and as a job in the cycle industry is unlikely to pay enough to cover 4 nights in a hotel every week, how about this as a short term solution

    Free Member

    Joking aside, I left my partner of 15 years last year due to musical differences.

    It probably shouldn't have but that made me LOL and put me back in a good mood after the Aston thread :wink:

    Free Member

    …………..and breathe……………

    I would love to se the reaction of Mr Clarkson when he claps eyes on it. I should imagine several Paddington bears will be getting their stuffing kicked out!

    Free Member

    My first reaction was one of absolute disbelief, followed closely by disgust then despair, then f".;*@ b@8s:r'd moronic ****t management, anger :twisted:

    This line in the generic management marketing bullshit babble really made my p$ss boil

    a natural partner for Aston Martin's line-up of acclaimed luxury sports cars.

    NO IT ISN'T :evil:

    Free Member

    I didn't realise that individual companies had the option to increase the purchase cost ceiling of £1000. Do you just pay the extra £650 back as if it was a normal 'company loan' and get tax relief on £1000 only?

    Free Member


    It's nice up^there, especially around Rothbury :lol:

    I think our scheme is coming back in April but it depends whether it is still rigidly tied into THIS SCHEME (big pdf file} although the Dalesman looks like a particularly good buy.

    Free Member

    Just like big hairy muffs in the retro porn I saw the other day, well out of date


    Free Member

    Sounds excellent BTW and please post pics when you get it as it's very similar to the sort of thing I'll be looking at when my employer gets their act together with B2W.

    Free Member

    Gilles Berthoud – thank god you didn't buy the whole bike. Practical no doubt, but nae bonnie !

    Free Member

    It can work the other way round too.

    I changed my expensive 'make' to a so-called budget tyre on the recommendation of the retailer (Tyrespot – very big distributor apparently) as they were made by the same factory that produces Bridgestones.

    Absolutely transformed the handling and feel of the car for the better, in the wet and dry.

    Free Member

    That is truly awesome (in the proper 'old' sense of the word). I could feel my arms pumping up after 5 minutes just watching 8O

    Free Member

    He claimed that over a 24hr continuous race at constant speed the 2g bolts would equate to 6km less distance

    Working on that principle, if his bike gets muddy he may well start going backwards :lol:

    Free Member

    Yup. Anytime April onwards (shift/work depending). As to location, not too bothered but Durham area is closest for me, or somewhere like Chopwell in the middle.

    Free Member

    +1 as well but make it a few weeks so the weather is better and I can shed some of the lard accumulated over the winter 8)

    Free Member

    later I saw someone post on here and get a response from CRC within about 30minutes

    Funny you should mention that as I've just had a call from CRC saying my tubes are on their way, so it's pretty obvious that they do take customer service seriously. It certainly won't put me off ordering from them again as prior to these orders the service has been excellent.

    Thanks to Mark at CRC and whoever monitors t'interweb.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Apart from the weekend, when they're all scared the locals will beat them up.

    LOL and that's when I tend to see them ie. the ones who are too new, too brave, too stupid, or are too pissed run fast enough 8)

    Free Member

    Really enjoy Wishbone Ash, saw them a few times live too.

    One of the few bands I've left (before I fell asleep) while the gig was still on. Saw The Stranglers later the same night which more tham made up for it 8)

    im off for a lie down before anything else exciting happens and i feint.

    First to the left, then the right…and he scores

    Sorry, couldn't help myself :oops:

    Free Member

    …………….actually Mike, any night in Durham during term time 8O

    Free Member

    26"' tyres which were actually 650b

    Wonder if it's the same person who picked my tubes ?

    Free Member

    If the brakes had just been missing they'd have sent them straight out.

    Hmmmm, not necessarily!

    I've bought lots from CRC and had nothing but praise until the last 2 orders were messed up – 20" tubes instead of 26" (sorted out quickly) and the latest where I received 1 tube instead of a pack of 10. Faxed the delivery/order note back last week at their request (presumably so they can check the initials who picked/packed it – how that helps me I don't know :roll: ) and when I eventually got through yesterday, after 4 hours of trying, they had no trace of the fax! I now have to send it again from work tonight but will probably do it again Monday morning as it is bound to disappear over the weekend.

    They do not have a record of the postage cost on my item, which is the only way I reckon they could tell if a single tube or 10 pack was shipped. In the interim I am still 9 tubes short.

    Not a good situation as at the end of the day it is my word against theirs. :!:

    Free Member

    Will the On-One version work just reversing it so it's inside rather than outside the track-end – I'm thinking of the 10mm rather than the q/r ?

    Free Member

    Cheers :D

    Free Member

    Menopause ? Diabetes ?

    Get a check-up

    Free Member

    It may seem a bit silly but if getting yourself to hospital is tricky, why not call an ambulance – you pay your taxes I presume, and that is what they're there for…

    That's correct but they may well ask if you have the means to get there yourself, especially if it's some time after the injury actually happened. Not worth taking the risk of driving by himself or even with a colleague if he feels it's that bad but a 40+ minute journey on an ambulance strapped to a spinal board will not be fun :cry:

    Free Member

    I can't believ no-one has mentioned Miss Cruz

    Free Member

    Or try the NHS helpline

    Don't waste your time.

    If the pain is that bad call an ambulance. I would definitely advise a trip to A+E to put you mind at rest. Your back is important and you wouldn't necessarily have any symptoms eg. tingling or loss of sensation…..yet!
    Plenty bones/organs around there including pelvis which could be damaged.

    In the meantime ibuprofen/paracetamol alternated every 2 hours as per dosage instructions will be your friend.

    Free Member

    Well you could have just call them and ask them to regularise you, no?

    I'm pretty regular thanks, even more so when I am in France. Must be the exercise or the food………………………………

    I buy my stuff at the LBS thanks very much.

    Well there we go, just get Gordon or CallmeDave to open a bike shop and the UK will be saved.

    Free Member


    No problem and I appreciate the offer but I am in no shape to do anything remotely competitive so please give it to someone who deserves it.

    In retrospect my post was a tad ill-judged and most definitely not meant as a slight against good LBS but more bemoaning the fact that I don't have one! You are not a million miles away from me (86.5 to be exact)so I may well give you a call. Do you service/repair Campag ergo's ?

    I did not dodge VAT/Duty, they simply didn't charge me on the import. And don't start me on the French NHS. I happen to work for the NHS in the UK and pay considerable amounts in both income tax and NI contributions to keep it going. One thing I do know is I'm damned sure we wouldn't ask an injured French national to pay for their treatment and insist they go to a chemist to buy sutures before any treatment, as has happened to me twice in France despite having full insurance cover and E111. So don't give me your holier-than-thou attitude that my overseas purchase will be responsible for the demise of the UK NHS.

    Sort out the shortcomings in your own Country first. :twisted:

    Free Member

    Gloating ? I think not. I was actually astonished that the goods turned up so quickly and cheaply.

    only provided to us as a part of your defence

    PML – honest 'guv it was just a momentary lapse, I won't do it again, I've got a daughter at uni and this wicked country is charging fees for education, used to work down the pit and Thatcher closed it, then the factories, it's grim oop north, my dog needed the vet, my car failed it's MOT (and it's only a little 998cc environmentally friendly car which I use very rarely), I tried to be a vegetarian but my missus left me 'cos I farted all the time, I hardly cycle at all as it saves rubber and when I do I wash the clothes I use a 'friendly' detergent, I buy my clothes at Oxfam and shop at The Co-op as they are nice to poor people and I occassionally help old ladies across the road, so please be gentle with me and I promise never to do it (whatever heinous crime it was that I'm supposed to have committed) again. :cry:

    Free Member


    You for got 'letch' (not Matt obviously) :wink:

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