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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast Episode 7 | Ad Brayton & Dan Bladon
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Have you talked to Tim yet ? I would thoroughly recommend his kinowledge and hospitality if you haven't.

    ps. Hopefully you are not there in the next few days. I've literally just driven down from Aberdeen and the whole place (Edinburgh to Morpeth and all the way across) is either flooded, covered in snow, or both.

    Free Member

    Cheers DBF

    Had a look at that this morning and it's hard to tell from the webcam. I'll take the ski's anyway and hope for the best.


    Free Member

    9/40 but 4 of those were 'wtd/advice' ads and 'thanks' – so 5/40 really :oops:

    Free Member

    As with the current BA dispute I find it very hard to reconcile/see any justification in the enormous salaries of the senior management. How can they possibly have any empathy with the workforce when they earn more in a week than many of the 'workers' earn in a year!

    My postie is brilliant, even this week when he delivered my Bell-laps perched on his head like a pair of antlers "! I have every sympathy for hard working guys like Carlosg who reckons he will be worse off with a yes vote.

    Funny how the bonuses/golden parachutes always seem to go to the top guys even when they screw up.

    Free Member

    I think at the very minimum you could say that this is not horrendous?

    I think you are being a tad optimistic there 8O

    Free Member

    Bah! line dropped and beaten to it by Andy!

    That looks like a very nice workshop Moff. Any more details of the build ie tubes, drop-outs etc. Cheers

    Free Member

    At 23 stone a 456 or similar 'beefed-up' frame would be more in order.

    Are the bits to swap as old as the Pulse? If so I would have thought looking for a complete bike on the classifieds would be more cost effective. Then flog the 'retro' parts to offset the cost.

    Free Member

    A bit of leniency would have been in order. The poor lad obviously had a momentary lapse in concentration forgot he wasn't in Tescos car park.

    Free Member

    Fantastic. I was looking for one of these for my 50th + a few guys at work were really keen. Doncaster is not too far away either :lol:

    Fill yer boots old fella :wink:

    Free Member

    Ernie – probably, but the 'unsubstantiated anecdote' was told in the first person. Was he also trying to insinuate that because she was in her pyjamas she must be a bad parent? Would it have occurred to him that she may have been on night shift and wanted to be accompanied because she was upset?

    I probably jumped on it because I am sick and bloody tired of teachers bleating about how hard a job they have and the lack of common sense evident in the post. :wink:

    Free Member

    But I think there is a huge amount of hot air spouted on here regarding what teachers are actually able to do. Phone 999? In the middle of a class that you can't leave?

    No. Obviously it is much better to not to leave the class unsupervised, if that is your priority. It's certainly one way of reducing class numbers if one happens to 'pop-off' during a lesson.

    You're a teacher? have you ever heard of common sense, or even a mobile phone if you presence is so vital? And as for your anecdote, how is that relevant to what is being discussed here. :roll:

    Free Member

    Every one I've ever used, including ones for the car, have been useless.

    Free Member

    Try and keep up with THESE GUYS – just make sure there are no pets about 8O

    Free Member

    You could always get your own back – he obviously has :lol:

    Free Member

    They are saying things aren't good and she needs to talk.

    COAB! She sent him suggestive txts and he couldn't be bothered to reply as he was in the zone bike fettling ! Can you get in the zone bike fettling ? Sheesh :roll:

    Could at least have replied along the lines of "see you in a few minutes, just lubing up and thinking of you.."

    ……………or maybe not :lol:

    Free Member

    Cracking camera. Hope they are not sold out before payday.

    Free Member

    ITU fair enough, I guess no one her understands the context of a Stroke ward……

    Maybe you can explain it then as you obviously feel you have a better understanding of the requirements than any of the other medically qualified posters or hospital staff?

    Free Member

    Some lovely bikes there and a quite extraordinary number of headset spacers 8O

    Free Member

    they can't stop you from taking your daughter to see her grandfather.

    They can, that is why hospitals have security guards and in many cases police on scene at all times. It is not just to contend with drunks, and as has been pointed out above there are very good reasons in certain cases.

    I do sympathise with people wanting to take their children onto wards but the sad fact is that an awful lot of people have no regard for others and would undoubtedly let their children run wild/make a noise/interfere with equipment etc.

    And to the OP, you don't need evidence (there is plenty) to realise that the more people entering a ward, the higher the chance of infection. Hope your father-in-law makes a good recovery and yes, it may well be worth having a chat with the ward Sister and once she sees you are a reasonable person she may well allow your daughter to see her Grandad, possibly in a side room if that is practicable. Good luck

    Free Member

    Interesting thread. Gives you a good idea who is decent and 'honourable' and who you need to count your fingers after shaking hands.

    Free Member

    LOL that sort of thing happens to me frequently in my job and invariably it's a rottweiler or some sort of staffy cross. Never had a problem after the initial stand-off (lucky?) and they are usually very friendly, lovely dogs. I've been tempted to liberate them from their dealer/addict owners on a couple of occassions.

    It does make you wonder though, that these dogs are usually incredibly loyal to their owners even though some of them are treated very badly. Proves, if nothing else, that it is vital to be the 'pack leader'.

    Free Member

    My 2 were on the lead this morning – they always are if I can't see for a good distance and were only let off while I chatted. It annoys me too when owners allow their dogs to do that as you can never be sure. Even the dog trainer I went to keeps hers on the lead. Her reasoning is that you can never rule out an attack (either way) no matter how much you think you know your dog! You certainly wouldn't want to train the breed traits out, that is one of the reasons (presumably) you got a Doberman.

    Good luck anyway and I hope the Wobblers never transpires. It sounds like you are doing everything you can and are very patient.

    ps. had to Google it but I now know what a yurt is LOL :lol:

    Free Member

    I can see your point re vets and commercial interests (same analogy as dentists saving a tooth, as once it's pulled, no further income from it!) but that has not really been my experience. I was quite shocked to discover how common incontinence is after spaying but on balance would probably have gone ahead anyway as there are +ve's re incidence of mammariam tumours etc.
    Some good info HERE. Propalin seems to control it very well and the alernative ie. further investigation at a specialist centre and possible op/ops, which apart from the cost £2.5K+, would mean several days in Glasgow (170 miles away) which is the closest specialist vet surgeons, is not really an option. I don't know whether the collagen injection op is available in this country yet.

    Coincidentally, my 2 came face to face with an 18 month old doberman on the morning walk today and the owner (male) was nearly pulled off his feet several times trying to hold it. In a brief chat he said it could never be let off the lead due to attacking other dogs + barking at passersby etc. He's had the dog from 6 months old. After a few minutes I called my dogs back and they all had a sniff, seemed fairly calm and while the doberman was obviously still a bit nervous of my 2 there was none of the aggression from a couple of minutes before. Does Missy mix with other dogs at all ? Just wondered as it seemed to have a good effect on the one I met this morning.

    Free Member

    What next? Paramedic refusing go into a pig shed as its against his beliefs?

    Yeah. I don't believe in getting my boots dirty.

    I should be up in front of the Hague now on multiple Genocide charges

    …or receive a Nobel prize for services to humanity :wink:

    Free Member

    The Artist

    If you had read the OP's last post you would know that the dog has access to an awning and neighbours have volunteered to take her out during the day which should be a big help.

    Free Member

    Aren't you shunned in the MG world if you drive a rubber bumpered one?

    Only by the purist plonkers who seem to appear in every car club. I went to the local club twice (that was enough!) and about half were normal people who liked tinkering with old cars. The other half verging on obsessional.

    Bit like here really….but older and less interesting :wink:

    Free Member

    Lots of anti MG here :evil:

    Here's mine – K&N's, extractor manifold, big bore exhaust, stage 1 flowed head. It sounds great and I enjoy driving it so bollox to the lot of you :P

    Free Member

    Nixons @ 145 on mine and it is damn near perfect, up and down :D

    Free Member

    Georges are good but a lot more than I want to spend.

    Free Member

    I like this bit

    to approach the design of the bicycle with no respect for rules or restrictions.

    ….. so they built a normal bike with flat tubes. Genius :roll:

    Free Member

    Hmmm The Vax do get good reviews and £80 is good. Decisions, decisions !

    Free Member

    Excellent. You'll need it even more very shortly :lol:

    Free Member

    Get a man in

    Problem with that is I'd have to have him (oooeerr) every month.

    As Hora suggested, I've found one at B&Q for £31.48 but couldn't find any orange ones.

    Thanks Hora, I'm going to have to abuse you more often if it makes you this helpful :wink:

    Free Member

    there is a melt on but it is sloooooooooooooooow

    I hope it is as I'm visiting my folks at the weekend and was going to head to Glenshee for the day.

    Might have to take a bike just in case :lol:

    Free Member

    More info on HERE last month

    Free Member

    Totally agree Trout. We pussyfoot around the issue here with 'clever' advertising, although recent ads have been getting better. That brings home the reality.

    Free Member

    but I often find myself moved to tears by great beauty

    Shaving must be a blurry affair SFB :lol:

    Crying is a good emotional release but really should be in private if at all possible. You never saw real sportsmen cry until comparatively recently – Gazza appears to have opened the floodgates so to speak. Can't stand celebrity bubbling, especially reality tv bollox. MTFU in public at least.

    Free Member

    That's more like it <thumbs up>

    My bitch is on Propalin too. Happened almost as soon as she was spayed, which they didn't mention prior to the op but is not uncommon. The fact that her stitching looked like it had been done by a blacksmiths apprentice makes me highly suspicious re the whole thing and I suspect she might have been done by a trainee.

    Don't worry about the social life (if you are that is ?)I've been in the same position for over a year and thoroughly enjoy being able to do exactly what I want, when I want (dogs and work excepted, of course).

    Chin up and enjoy yourself. Dogs do tune into vibes so have fun :wink:

    Free Member

    I think Binners is right. It's just a timely excuse to cover his recent lack of posting due to THIS

    Free Member

    Rolling Stones

    Emotional Rescue

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