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  • Did YT just leak a new bike in their message about the Covid-19 lockdown?
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Is THIS what TJ is referring to at Laggan?

    Free Member

    At the first of of my bike rides I struggle up hills cos my heart rate is low?

    Your heart is a muscle and needs to be warmed up just like all the others.

    As I get old(er) I find that the first 20 minutes is really hard and sometimes feel like turning back. If you look at any competitive cyclist you'll see them on rollers or warming up for 20-30 minutes prior to a race for that very reason.

    Free Member

    Brakeswithface – as you are obviously much more up to date than the rest of us, would you like to offer the OP some advice instead of being a smartarse?

    woody asked i get out of breath quickly too why did you ask that?

    Just a general question as it could indicate respiratory/cardiovascular problems. Not too likely in relatively young fit people but if it is bad or much worse than your riding buddies of similar fitness then it would be worth having a check-up.

    Free Member

    Do you get out of breath quickly as well? Do you ride with others so that you can measure your performance against theirs as you may be expecting too much of yourself? I don't know your age or fitness level but it might be worth getting the once over from your GP just to make sure there is no underlying health problem causing the lactic acid build up.

    What helped me most to improve on hills (when I used to be moderately fit), was to do intervals on a small circuit eg. find a small loop with a moderate to steep uphill section which takes around 30 seconds to climb, go at it as fast as you can and rest on the way back round – then go hard at it again, repeating 5 or 6 times.The 'loop' should be big enough so that you have almost fully recovered from the previous uphill sprint but not quite and you should be absolutely knackered after the last attempt. HTH

    Free Member

    I remember the original thread too and definitely money well spent.

    Lovely watch.

    Free Member

    It's also not really a "them and us" thing.

    It obviously is for some people. Can't understand it myself as I wouldn't dream of going up to someone and telling them they have too many gears.

    Check the posts above to see how much more chilled the pro s/s posts are compared to the rather 'stressed' rantings of some in the the 'you must have gears' brigade. I know which attitude I prefer and who I'd rather go for a ride and a beer with.

    Free Member

    I'd go 2nd hand. You'll get twice the bike which someone has probably upgraded as well. If you've waited 10 years it would be daft not to wait a few weeks for something really nice to appear.

    Here for example and HERE, both around your price range from the last day !!

    Free Member

    I feel robbed


    I was expecting cartwheels and you even missed the tree stump by at least a foot to the left. :x

    Free Member

    Wrong. That is your perception. The reality is, I couldn't give a **** what you or anyone else thinks of what bike I ride.

    Free Member

    Are we only allowed one idea at a time ?

    No but in your case the record appears to be stuck.

    Free Member

    Only time a singlespeed passes me is if its strapped to the back of a car.

    Round of applause for mooman …………….

    ……………..for missing the point entirely :roll:

    Free Member

    could you :?:


    Have you a vid of anyone actually getting down it Ton ?

    Free Member

    OK !!!!

    Constantly fiddling was a bad choice of words, please substitute with 'regular changing' if it offends you :roll:

    By 'noisy drive train' I was referring to chain clatter when riding on less than smooth sections occassionally encoutered offroad, something blissfully absent on a s/s.

    Free Member

    …..trusting to highly dubious leaderships who might just as easily be working to dismantle freedom and democracy

    …and who might just as easily not be!

    I think you are arguing for sake of it now and so OT it's ridiculous…………………

    Free Member

    I wouldn't look upon it as a 'failure' that you prefer gears. I've gone back and forth over the years for the same reasons you have given above and have settled (finally ??)on having both options depending on how I feel, route planned, weather etc.

    Free Member

    And 'noise' what noise?

    You have a silent drivetrain? Feel free to fettle mine any time if you have achieved that. I'm not some s/s evangelist but like the relative silence of s/s on occassion as well as gears.

    No big deal and each to their own etc.etc

    Free Member

    I'm not convinced that soldiers ever do more than support oligarchies

    you could argue that point citing anyone anywhere

    and that most of them would rather shoot me than allow me to do as I please

    …………only soldiers?? :wink:

    Free Member

    Of course it's not for everyone and for others just some of the time………but when you can ride somewhere in near silence without the hassle of constantly fiddling to find the 'right ratio' and just accept what you have available is all you've got, then it stops being an issue and you can enjoy just riding along :D

    Free Member

    Ahhh ! but SFB it is exactly, like it or not, "all that macho posing with hardware" both now and over the years which allows you the freedon to posture and post your utopian ideals on an internet forum :wink:

    Free Member

    I'm never without a watch – just doesn't feels right…

    Same here. I don't like removing whichever one I have on even to have a shower.

    KT1973. I have a g-shock in v.g.c I never wear (strap irritates me after a few hours) which you can have for £10 posted. Can't remember the model but it's solar powered and sets itself to the atomic clock (or something similar) if you happen to be in America !

    Free Member

    I was trying to get a decent pic of my semi-naked ex rugby player physique which would obviously have proved irresistable to your friend. Unfortunately my dog was watching :cry:

    Free Member


    What I meant by my comment was that you expect a certain standard for the money you pay. Obviously a £400 room will be a higher standard :roll:

    The room, even at £40 a night, is not as advertised, especially in view of the lack of secure parking which was presumably a major influence in going there in the first place.

    Free Member

    Dirty protest will only affect the poor sods who have to clean it up on minimum wage.

    The only way to get any 'satisfaction' is to hit the owners where it hurts and refuse to pay a portion, or all, of the bill citing areas in dispute ie. lack of tv channels/sockets, non-secure parking, personal injury due to faulty cupboard door and you will have had a fall in poorly lit area !! Doesn't matter if it's £40 or £400 a night, sounds well below any acceptable standard.

    Free Member

    Bah – not interested anymore after seeing those Tinkerbell pics. The friend is always a munter :cry:

    Free Member


    You're just being picky now :roll:

    Free Member

    Drac – believe me, you wouldn't need to be chucked out once the beer googles were removed – you'd be on your toes!

    Free Member

    I think there might be a few of them :wink:

    I went for a haircut yesterday and received some sound adviced "just shagem and chuck 'em out in the morning, that's what I used to do". Thanks for that …………….Linda :lol:

    Free Member

    She's about 5'8 slim (size8/10) brunette

    ok she does have the occasional odd moment,

    COAB I think she might be my ex………………if you substitute 'occassional odd moment' for 'raving, psychotic loony on a regular basis' 8O

    Free Member


    That front page story is shocking. Two kids now without a Dad who's death was caused by someone who probably shouldn't have been in this country and certainly should not have been driving. I'm not surprised the widow is angry at the sentence.

    Sometimes I despair :cry:

    Free Member




    Coming ready or not… world championship hide and seek anyone?

    We have a winner. Excellent news :D

    Free Member

    That twitpic shows the break is almost identical to mine. Lovely lump still there 14 years on :|

    Free Member

    Lol at the Hadrian's wall comment

    TJ's obviously a bit 'tired' today + LOL @ SFB, who is obviously not :lol:

    Free Member

    there is likely more to it than the BBC article.

    Don't worry, we'll get all the 'facts' once Max Clifford has negotiated a suitable deal with one of the Sunday papers.

    Free Member

    From Inspector James Briggs

    This behaviour puts both the cyclists and other road users at risk and we will respond robustly to anyone found committing such offences.

    That's all well and good but I trust he is responding equally 'robustly' to the myriad of 'serious' crimes, not to mention the Brighton portion of an estimated 2 million uninsured car drivers in the UK. :roll:

    Free Member

    Fine seems totally disproportionate to the crime and isn't 'being made an example of' intrinsically unfair and unjust ?

    Similar to drunk drivers being given more severe penalties if they are caught over xmas. Is it really worse to d&d then, than at any other time?

    Makes a mockery of a 'fair and just' system, when quite evidently it is neither.

    Free Member

    Lets face it, neither govt will keep their promises over healthcare, so in some ways it's irrelevant who to vote for.

    Sadly, probably the most accurate statement of the thread :cry:

    Free Member

    Just beacuse the liebor party have our servicepeople currently engaged in conflicts of questionable moral standing it should not detract from the very good work they do.

    Good point backhander.

    TJ – last time I drove up to visit my parents, I don't recall having to catch a ferry. They could do a quick patch-up on that wall though, that would keep you nice and safe :?

    Free Member

    Oi RepacK! – you can't go around making statements like that and using common sense. The army is clearly remiss in not having creche facilities in all operational areas. :wink:

    Free Member

    Assumption is always a problem without a full report. The fact that she won the case would indicate there is a great deal more than the BBC were able to report in a few paragraphs.

    Disregarding the final payout amount (£100k is much more emotive from a journalistic viewpoint than what may be the final figure), some areas on which the payout amount will be based are interesting eg. injury to feelings and aggravated damages. I would love to know how that is assessed as she is already getting compensation for loss of earnings, presumably past and? future.

    Free Member

    that's the impression I got from the article.

    I think a more correct assessment would be 'that's what I read into the article' !

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