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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast | Danny Hart
  • Woody
    Free Member

    CG – sadly the original line up isn't possible – Lee Brilleaux died in 1994.

    One of the best bands I've seen live, just after Milk & Alcohol was released IIRC- now that does make me feel old :wink:

    Free Member

    Heehee :lol:

    Free Member

    2 words…………………………. skills course :wink:

    Free Member

    It does seem a shame that the traditional hood position is lost with those bars.

    Agreed. That's why I have bell laps on the Pompino.

    Free Member

    I found drops ok offroad, especially smoothish singletrack. The Midges below were good except my hands are too fat to be comfy on the drops. Now for sale in the classifieds HERE if anyone wants to give them a go.

    Free Member

    There were always unproven rumours about this guy. Maybe they were only looking for things that made him run faster ?

    Free Member

    PP +1


    Free Member

    Probably nothing more than a triple critical biorhythm low.

    You'll be fine in a couple of days and take note of Petesgaff posting to put things in perspective.

    It's only a bike FFS :wink:

    Free Member

    Post Office told me today that there are delays on some routes due to flight cancellations etc.

    Free Member

    Watched that last time it was on with interest. And George is quite cool 8)

    Thay are still selling loads of the 'legal high' stuff in local garages including one which made me laugh. It's a little tube with 5 coffee cups printed on the side which equates to the amount of caffeine it contains. Why not simply put 5 spoons of Nescafe in a little cup and drink that at a fraction of the cost. Doh :roll:

    Free Member


    The shift pattern is agreed by staff at (ambulance) station level and then ratifed by management as long agreed manning levels are met. The problem is the 'relief' week which has to be built into the rota. This was deemed necessary in order to cover shortfalls at your own and other stations due to holiday/sickness etc. This seems quite reasonable and would work if some more thought was put into the allocation of workdays taking the shifts before and after the week into account.

    In reality, there is a skill shortfall due in part to the ambulance service employing 'ECSW's' who have limited skill levels and are not allowed to make any clinical decisions (there are other factors but this is long-winded as it is). Their role is simply to assist the paramedic and drive. Obviously, they are paid considerably less than a paramedic. The problem arises because A&E ambulances used to be crewed by 2 qualified people, either a paramedic or advanced technician in any combination. ECSW's cannot work together, so you have immediately limited the crewing possibilities. The consequence of all this is that paramedics almost always have to work weekend nightshift on the relief week to cover the busiest times. In effect, this means (depending on annual leave) an additional 12 weekend nightshifts a year, which is neither family friendly or conducive to anything like a normal social life.

    Basically it's crap and should never have been agreed to in the first place as shortfalls could be covered using overtime and other staff who have not yet been allocated a permanent station. The union will not do anything about it despite numerous representations from members. :evil:

    Free Member

    Empl;oyer is technically within their rights as MartynS has pointed out.

    My view is that so many changes will seriously disrupt sleep patterns and create potential safety issues due to being unable to get sufficient sleep.

    I'm not going as far as a grievance as I will undoubtedly lose and the union are a waste of space as they agreed to this 'relief week' without proper consultation, or at best by 'back door methods'. My best option is to appeal to common sense and get the 11th May altered to a day shift, thus reducing the number of changes to 3. Not a lot to ask as there are plenty options to accommodate this.

    Biggest problem is the lack of recognition by resource scheduling, (most of whom have not worked shifts) that after a night shift the next day is not a full day off as you rarely get home before 0700 then need at least some sleep + on a night shift most people have to have at least a couple of hours rest before they start.


    Free Member

    Training hard and drinking around 5 litres of water a day with only 530 calories approx.

    Holy ****!

    +1 8O

    Do you mind me asking what the 530 cals consists of ?

    Free Member

    They are closing down on a daily basis around Durham. Durham itself is kept alive with students and tourists.

    If I still lived in Crystal palace I'd definitely be down The (Royal) Albert instead of on here. Proper pub (at least it was 10 years ago)with loads of characters who I miss a lot :cry:

    Free Member

    I blame the death of the local pub.

    You could sort everything out over a fag and a pint :cry:

    Free Member

    I think I'm just too busy to notice during the day

    That's the key, it's not that you don't notice it, it actually isn't there at all until you start thinking about it! I attend a lot of panic attacks and coaching breathing, re-assurance and taking the patients mind off it normally works.

    Have you seen anyone re techniques to combat them?

    Free Member

    Maybe it is best buddies with your cat and that is why it comes round + cats don't like noisy kids and being disturbed. Sounds like your place is a nice quiet haven for it with no kids and cat fights. Also, I've never heard of a 'well treated' cat be that desperate to escape from its own home.

    You may as well adopt it :wink:

    Free Member

    Maybe it is best buddies with your cat and that is why it comes round + cats don't like noisy kids and being disturbed. Sounds like your place is a nice quiet haven for it with no kids and cat fights. Also, I've never heard of a 'well treated' cat be that desperate to escape from its own home.

    You may as well adopt it :wink:

    Free Member

    everything has to be done in a mad dash before the others get bored

    Really like the pics but 1283 shots ?

    Your riding mates must have a helluva boredom threshold :?

    Free Member

    Have done two distant cycles – 85 mile tues and 40 mile today

    Was that on or offroad?

    +1 re above advice and you'll be better off (if possible) doing shorter rides every other day, the day off in between is important for recovery, rather than one or two long rides a week. I take it you are reasonably fit anyway and just want to lose weight?

    Free Member

    Carbon 337
    Looks like Thrunton is a bit different since I was last there. I was on one of the first DN6 Inbreds and carbon fork (so whatever year that was) and there was only one rocky chute that I didn't fancy. Are the trails obvious or do you need a 'local' to show you about?

    Gratuitous 'jey' pic of that day as it was so lovely up there (sorry for hijack).

    Free Member

    The rider would be too high up with seat at normal mtb ride height but it should be easily possible with the seat right down and some big fat slicks.

    Wouldn't want to get much more lean than this under normal circumstances

    Free Member

    Was just wondering re the snow still on the ground but now see that it was actually 2 weeks ago.

    Free Member

    cheers woody – still running it in…………..

    Must be difficult to make fast progress running in with only 172bhp at full tilt :lol:

    Where was that pic taken BTW?

    Free Member


    If you are doing the Hasmsterley uplift can you post something up or mail me. I fancy something like this as I've been in fat mincer mode for too long 8)

    Free Member

    That's a wicked looking bike Lecht and you have the roads to enjoy it :lol:

    I'm jealous TJ but no-one given you 'instructions' from the back on that one :wink:

    Damn these threads. Just when I think I've convinced myself not to get another bike…………………… I really want something like this

    The bike that is, although doggy looks cool too.

    Free Member

    It's a form of insecurity, a written nervous giggle. Unless you have said something genuinely funny and actually made yourself laugh in which case you are just odd. LOL

    Free Member

    Terrassa, Catalonia. 234 steps

    There is a handrail if you look closely, so no worries really :wink:

    Free Member

    Never mind Warwick – who fancies this one ?

    Free Member

    Did he have a handlebar incident on a previous attempt?

    Nice control all the same………….wooohoooo :lol:

    Free Member

    That's what it looks like in the diagram – doesn't seen to fit with 'effective' unless you ar running no seatpost! I've just measured my 18" and from centre of headtube (where toptube meets) to centre of seatpost measured horizontally is exactly 610mm ie. the 'C' measurement but parallel to floor

    Free Member

    There is only 13mm difference between the effective t/t length on the 456 and P7 and only 0.5 deg in the head angle with seattube angle identical. 456 is 2-300 gms heavier

    Really comes down to is the P7 worth £300 more? in which case you are getting into Soul, R8 territory and other 853's ……..Ho hum 8)

    Free Member


    Out of interest, are you male, female, or haven't you quite made your mind up yet ?

    Free Member

    I'm 6'1" and a bit, 31" leg and on an 18". 20" would be more than big enough for you I would have thought as the t/tube is long.

    Here's mine set-up before final tweaks. It now has a 70mm stem (the one in pic is 100mm) and risers which makes it spot on for me.

    Free Member

    It was also a 9 month old thread.

    Do a search m8 and you'll find a lot more info (recent) on sizing. Are you a giant BTW ?

    Free Member

    Women specific – designed by a man using the scattergun approach ?

    Free Member

    Mr Nutt

    You forgot bog roll, which also needs to be in the fridge !

    ps. have a look at the vids of the nutter who does reviews 8O

    Free Member

    Not quite every meal but chillies themselves or chilli oil of some description in more cooked meals than not.

    This Site[/url] explains why and will lead you into even greater temptation :wink:

    Free Member

    Alfine anyone?

    Pah! I've got a 3 speed Sturmey Archer – a classic :wink:

    Free Member

    Arguments aside – Laggan looks the mutts :wink:

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