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  • Diversion Diary | Indulging In Nostalgia
  • Woody
    Free Member

    Well I cycled the 1/2 mile to the shops earlier today without a helmet and I can tell you that I'm still buzzing from the adrenaline rush that only a high risk, death defying experience can provide. This was heightened even further by a bag of ready prepared cauliflower, brocolli and carrots falling out of my rucksack onto the road and it was only saved by the prompt action of a lady Micra driver who's skills deserve a place on the world rally circuit. That sort of thing really brings it home. I could have been that bag of veg 8O

    Anyway, off out on the mtb now, with helmet firmly in place. You can't tempt fate twice in one day :wink:

    Free Member

    LOL @ willy – finally someone said what everyone else is thinking. Well I was anyway. Good work fella

    Free Member

    Why would they need my opinion. There is enough evidence from the regular +ve tests to confirm how widespread it is……

    ……and how very dare you use my image without my consent :lol:

    Free Member

    I disagree, ro is a better than average troll. Problem is that he goes too far with the insults but that may just be reverse psychology.

    I'd be interested to know where he actually posts from. Vietnam or perhaps a bedsit in Clapton ?

    Free Member

    Hes a magician at hiding his smack from the testers then? So Juan his age and with that pace against all the other drug users using their young age and drugs he must have gotten through a mountain of drugs every night before the next stage.

    Hora – why do you post about things you patently have absolutely no idea about?

    I would be astonished if he was clean, either now or at any point in his career.

    Free Member

    …. people legitimately claiming benefits find it a terrible struggle and have to adjust to a low quality of life.. most that I know manage admirably and with a strong heart..

    My experience too, with the emphasis being on legitimate and I don't think any reasonable person would grudge the help that these people deservedly receive. However…………

    …….there is also sizeable number, who I come into contact with on a regular basis, who seem to be able to milk the system for every penny and have a very comfortable lifestyle to the point where they expect and demand that their every need is taken care of. I could give numerous examples of this but can't due to patient confidentiality issues. If what TJ says re "private income / capital or are fiddling the benefits on a major scale" is true, then there should be an awful lot of people in jail as I'm bloody sure there is no private income or capital about with many of the people I come into contact with.

    Free Member

    FWIW I tend to view the personas on here along the lines of 'would I go for a ride or pint with them'?

    Having never met either of the 'combatants' in the flesh, my perception of Ton is that he 'appears' to be a normal bloke, with wind-ups, a bit of a laugh and some interesting video posts, nothing terribly malicious or controversial, just fairly normal internet banter. Therefore "mine's a pint of bitter thanks"
    TJ on the other hand (and I would agree with Toys previous post on this re belittling/berating and also add browbeating) does tend to deal with anyone who disagrees with his point of view in a highly supercilious manner while aguing to the point where his 'opponent' ultimately loses the will to live, never mind argue. Just waaaaaay too serious. And as such it would be <hides under table in case he notices me and wants a pint/chat>

    They are probably both good blokes in 'real life' but that is how they come across to me on here.

    Free Member

    Of course that's possible…and irrelevant to the op.

    I would have thought it was entirely relevant to the OP's question.
    You really are a bundle of laughs Al :roll:

    To the OP – you've been before and know what to expect. Just balance out what will give you most smiles and least pain. What's the worst that can happen -you'll either have a blast or an even bigger blast :lol:

    Free Member

    I don't know what amazes me most – the cheapest at £925 or the fact it was a White Bros 8O

    If someone really needs that level of performance or can justify spending that level of money then good luck to them. I'm stunned that so many appear to be able to afford it.

    I would be willing to bet that the top boys would still be at the top whether they were riding the very latest megabucks 'must have' fork or a 5 year old 'dinosaur'.

    Free Member

    ….Today scrote assaulted my daughter again, pulled out clumps of her hair, punched her, pushed her into a hedge in a totally unprovoked attack which had been threatened for the last few weeks. A teacher was present and was assaulted and injured attempting to protect her…… Scrote also came at me when i was at the school

    Re-reading the above, I can't believe that such an attack only earns a repeat offender 2 days out of school. I'm also glad that Roper has refuted Monkeenutz post that schools hands are tied. From The Telegraph

    The girl sounds as though she is seriously disturbed and should not be in a place where she can harm others, teachers or pupils.

    Surely the teachers can't be happy that this girl is still in school

    Free Member

    Can the Mods just ban Obi Twa now and save everyone a lot of time and grief :roll:

    A mate of mine had been plagued by calls from a conservatory company and eventually let one caller go through the whole spiel of glass types, roofing material, insulation, flooring, finance etc. to the point where all the salesman had to do was pop round to get the paperwork signed. It was only then that he asked what new technology enabled a conservatory to be built onto a 5th floor flat. He never heard from them again :lol:

    Free Member

    Firstly, my sympathies and well done to the OP for being so restrained – I don't think I would have been.

    I would have thought there was a cast iron case for assault or even ABH as the attack was witnessed by a teacher and presumably others. WTF are the police playing at? Is a private prosecution a possibility?

    Interesting to hear what Trusselbabes and Junkyard have to say. Although the " from my experiences working with young people who offend, this young girl will probably have something not very nice going on to make her behave in this way." while possibly true would absolutely boil my p!ss if were the OP and that was trotted out in mitigation of the attackers actions. From my experience, any sympathy or compassion is seen as a sign of weakness to be taken advantage of and I don't envy either of you your job.

    Free Member

    So you were one of the blighters who outbid me :evil: :cry:

    Free Member

    WTF? Chilly in Vietnam ?

    Free Member

    Simon1975 +1

    Free Member

    Same problem here but always take allen keys on the first ride. Still takes 5 or 6 adjustemnts in height angle before I'm happy and even then it can feel different next ride :roll:

    Free Member

    I used to love the road from Aberdeen (South Deeside Road) to Banchory then on to Braemar. Way too busy now though to have too much fun.

    Any idea if there will be any recruitment in Aberdeenshire this year ?

    <sorry for O/T>

    Free Member

    Some funny comments on here (maybe the OP's gall bladder has regenerated itself :lol: ) from people who are quite obviously NOT doctors.

    If you call NHS Direct you will probably get an ambulance asap as they will make the jump from rib/abdo tenderness to chest pain which will require an 8 minute response.

    I am not a doctor and I don't think one would even attempt a diagnosis on something this general without a full history, prod about and maybe further scans/tests.

    I'd agree with TJ re A&E – it really depends how severe the pain is and how you feel + the fact you say it is the same as experienced before with ulcers.

    Hopefully the ranitidine will ease the symptoms which may give your GP or other whoever you go to see a further clue.

    Free Member

    My 2 favourite things in one vid. Excellent work fella and I'm glad you didn't go for any narrow tree gaps !

    Free Member

    Spare me the lecture Ti29er. I might just have a little more idea of the consequences of coming off a motorbike than you both personally and professionally.

    Tell you what, why don't we fit speed limiters to all vehicles say max 30 mph and once we've done that you can go to any climbing/DH track/race circuit etc. and stop anyone going on there unless they are a childless, partnerless, orphan. And while you're at it, you really should go back to 26" wheels and reduce the level of impact you might get from falling that extra 1 1/2" :roll:

    Free Member

    The man was treated with anti-venom medicine sent from the regional hospital in Whangarei.

    Free Member

    No Hora – your normal weekend attire keeps you quite safe for most activities

    Free Member

    Helmet wearing ….

    Boarding – always
    cycling – usually
    skiing – sometimes

    As has been said, far more head injuries from pissed people but that is probably because there are far more people falling over pissed than there are riding bikes + reflexes are impaired after a bevvy.

    TBH I much prefer most activities without a helmet :wink: especially on a motorbike abroad. Stupid ? Probably but it's my choice and my head.

    Free Member

    Ah. Beaten to it by Epicsteve :wink:

    Free Member

    Who's to say he doesn't have a foot long knife in his coat?

    ………..or, a machete, or a.44 magnum, or (more likely) a ltr of cider?

    The reaction of the staff in the shop was a bit of a giveaway that he was/is relatively harmless.

    I'm not defending what he did ie. a mild punch, but I do think the staff should have done something, after all the OP was a customer and as such should have been able to shop unmolested.

    Oh and well done to Crankboy for getting in a dig at Thatcher. It is traditional now that every thread has to have at least one political comment and this thread almost missed out. :roll:

    Free Member

    Then again, I've been a psychiatric nurse for twenty five years, so perhaps I have become a little blase about these things.

    BM obviously has much more experience than me in this area but he is right re becoming blase. It is something I come across frequently and realise it can be very upsetting if you are not used to it. So apologies if I appeared less than sympathetic.

    I just have this image of you running up and down the aisles shouting at the staff "HELP! HELP! detain the babbling assailant with great haste my good fellow lest he smite me once more"


    Free Member

    Obviously wasn't much of a punch if you were able to push past him and run round the aisles.

    I take it you haven't much experience of people with mental health problems and the fact that the staff were not concerned makes me wonder if you overreacted just a smidgin ?

    By all means report it to the police but I would be very surprised if they were not well aware of this chap.

    Edit ps. sorry but the way you have written the account has made me giggle.

    Free Member

    I think it depends, for me at least, how good the local comprehensive is. I took the route of moving house to a much more expensive area to be in the catchment of a very good school. The additional mortgage was still less than private fees, so the fact that my daughter received a 1st class education and contact with kids from widely differing backgrounds was very positive.

    I passed the entrance exam to go to a private school (Robert Gordons in Aberdeen) but for some reason, which escapes me I decided to go to a new comprehensive in Cults. No regrets really and I still received an excellent education…….I think!

    Free Member

    That fence actually works

    Free Member

    Are you serious about the fence? Pic please, although obviously we won't be able to see it :lol:

    Free Member

    NOOOOOO you can't you've just got a flat tyre and coz you rushed out you haven't got a spare tube or puncture kit

    That's what you get for wasting time lining up the valves/logo :wink:

    Lovely and I really like the build including the seatpost. May I suggest the subtle use of a couple of red spacers to compliment and balance the seatclamp and subtle red flashes elsewhere.

    Free Member

    As mentioned above he soon got all uppity when someone (with good reason) called him a **** or a **** or a **** or a ********** etc. But if you read his posts no end of times he called many on here thick or unintelligent (just because he couldn't understand that they have a different point of view to him) racist, blah, blah.

    Good riddance to the annoying, attention seeking, little **** STW is a finer place without – Hell we may even be able to have a funny thread or two now

    Tend to agree with that. Everyone on here is entitled to their opinion but it was the sheer volume of his posts, clogging up almost every remotely interesting thread (well it seemed like that at times) which I found most annoying.

    There must be loads of other forums out there more worthy of his perceived superior wit and political wisdom. Lets hope he finds them and stays there.

    Free Member


    Left you a post re you girlfriends Mongoose. Cheers

    Free Member

    A combination of Drac and Bakes is a winner

    Free Member

    Cheers Kojac. I've sent a question re the disc mounts.

    I'm also assuming the egometry was designed around 100-120mm forks. What are you running on yours?

    Free Member

    I just had a call from a charity asking me to donate some of my clothes to the starving people throughout the world.

    I told them to f off!! Anybody who fits into my clothes isn't starving!!

    Free Member

    I had a pair of those which was what made me think '98. I'm assuming it's 'v' only and the seller has been cute with the pic as well as economical with the truth!

    Free Member

    True. There's a few on there including a couple of very nice Bullits but this one is close by and its age means I have the perfect excuse to not make an @rse of myself trying to be 'core :wink:

    Free Member

    A proud occassion no doubt but the expression on the guys face to The Queens right always makes me giggle

    Free Member

    In the original example the guy made a comment on Twitter. Not really the same thing is it.

    Obviously not, but as has been pointed out above, it's an 'easy' conviction as it is in black and white and probably done to set an example.

    Just imagine the poor sod in counter-terrorism who has to sift through every ineternet post containing the words bomb and/or gun and/or kill………………..oops there's another one :lol:

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