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  • Woody
    Free Member

    Popped up the floorboards to do some work to find no floor and a 100ft mineshaft. instantly worthless house.

    Yup. Guy at work has one of those. Nothing quite as dramatic as those pics but new house built on an old mineshaft only discovered when cracks appeared on the walls. Builder blames the Coal Board, who in turn claim the builder had details. He's stuck in the middle and can't afford to take either of them to court = worthless house :cry:

    Free Member

    You sniff your watch strap 8O

    Free Member

    Are you and your wife OAP's or just trolls?

    Free Member

    Is it a contract of empoyment or are you on a self-employed contract?

    If you are an employee, aren't you still on a probation period with (usually) one weeks notice either way? Also, you must be entitled to holidays accrued either by time off or pay in lieu.

    More importantly, are you going to be able to squeeze in a ride at Thrunton before you finish ?

    Free Member

    Details HERE

    The age 60+ record was set in 2008 by David Jones – 3014 miles in 11:03:25. That's over 270 miles a day. Fastest men are on 370 miles a day 8O

    Free Member

    Doddy is with MTBR? Shows when I last read a mag !

    You appear to have done everything reasonable to try and improve and I would bet you are probably much more accomplished than you think you are. Maybe it's time to accept what you have and just carry on enjoying it – after all you have a very nice bike :wink:

    Chances are you are merely suffering from post holiday blues.

    Free Member

    Some similarities between those red crosses and THIS :roll:

    Free Member

    My money is on one of them being Alpin

    Good call ST – and wouldn't that be funny if true, given some of the posts :lol:

    Enjoyed the vid. Good fun

    Free Member

    Not the point though, is it? As the OP said he has a company car which most Impreza drivers would give their right gonad for.

    Inbred456 is spot on, look at the cost of the engine and other work done on the car and by the looks of it the owner will let it go for not much over £5k. That's a lot of pleasure for not a lot of money, comparatively speaking :wink:

    Free Member

    I think that Vettel's chin might take on a Schumacher shape once Weber gets hold of him :lol:

    Free Member

    Raw talent ??? Muppet I would say :roll:

    Hopefully a mechanic will give him a well deserved boot up the arse.

    Free Member

    15 minutes is a long time to be 'out of it' and concussion can be nasty. Have you had any other problems since eg, blurred/disturbed vision, nausea, memory loss, more tired/sleepy than usual since the event. If so, definitely worth getting it checked out.

    Free Member


    Mis-reported ? Possibly but I lost the will to live half way through it.

    Thread in question HERE

    Free Member

    There was a huge thread about this a little while ago with various calculations (which were way beyond my mathematical talents) which concluded that the difference between light and heavy wheels was minimal.

    I don't believe it for a second as a lighter rotating mass ie. rims/spokes and tyres primarily, makes an enormous difference IME.

    Free Member

    Call me old fashioned if you like, but if you've been chucking your man fat up someone on a regular basis

    :lol: :lol:

    he tried to cover it up was because he didn't want his religious parents finding out he was gay.

    ….so he picked a nice low profile job !! How proud his religious parents must be now he has been shown to be a gay fraudster – probably serves them right for being such narrow minded pillocks.

    Free Member


    I was expecting 2 wheels. That is lovely but must have cost you a small fortune!

    Free Member

    That car would be HUGE fun (I used to have the 8 valve) and I would rather have that than the so called hot hatches that are around now. It's had lots of good work done but is the price right?

    I drive a boring Ford but would much rather have a Caterham R300 90% of the time. Can't think of a bike other than a Laverda RGS1000/Jota :wink:

    Free Member

    Not 'routes' as such but I rarely see anyone round my way (Durham) other than on roads and the old railway lines (Sustrans routes) but then I do tend to avoid weekends and use…ahem… alternative paths :wink:

    Free Member

    Did you get help with the colour coordination?

    Seriously – it looks great :wink:

    Free Member

    That's really nice and no doubt very satisfying to have built it 'free' :wink:

    Free Member

    As ES says how long – days or weeks ? How has he 'chased' them ? Has he phoned ?

    Free Member

    It would have been a lot more interesting if you'd included the owner :wink:

    Free Member

    Ideal commuter ie. built out of spare bits.

    Are you serious about getting a frame built?

    Free Member

    I've just realised that I haven't been there since this pic was taken about 8 years ago. Lovely part of the country and well overdue a return visit by the sounds of it.

    Free Member

    Nice one Drac. I didn't realise you had the same odd body dimensions as me – probably because I have a smidgin more 'padding'! I was tempted by the CTW scheme but built a Pompino instead from the classifieds – much cheaper :wink:

    I wonder why Nodrog2 'had a feeling' you were Drac ? :lol:

    Free Member

    I have an unhealthy dislike of them since working for several pig ignorant white trash JR Ewing wannabees, who wore them with everything from suits to jeans. They were de riguer if you were a rufty tufty offshore oil worker in the 70/80's in Aberdeen :roll:

    On the plus side, I do believe I have an original pair of desert boots tucked away in the loft from the same era :lol:

    Free Member

    The language I use in my posts and in my responses to posters is moderate, considered and hopefully amusing.

    Amusing is not a word which can readily be applied to any of your posts. Not that my opinion, or anyone elses for that matter, is of the slightest interest to you. You seem to view this site as a playground to prove your 'superior intellect', however, most of your posts are dull, inflammatory, rather predictable now (in a very short space of time) and designed to pander to your enormous ego.

    Free Member

    do you pay taxes, yes well go to the hospital


    I'd probably be made redundant if we only treated tax payers :wink:

    Free Member

    I think you should buy an automatic :wink:

    Free Member

    Ring NHS Direct and ask them.

    OMG If you think they will get better advice there than from the doctors who have already posted, you obviously haven't dealt with them very much :roll:

    Free Member

    Then why not stop the countless drunks/associated idiots injured through drinking from using A&E?

    Not possible unfortunately.

    It would be a very good idea to impose fines on the merely drunk ones who, in the not too distant past, would have been taken to a police cell to sober up before being charged with being drunk and disorderly/incapable.

    Free Member

    Head wounds tend to be fairly obvious. Do you mean head injury?

    You can apologise the NHS Accountants later

    Or maybe apologise to the person with a life threatening condition who has to wait for an ambulance because some pillock thinks their 'minor' injury or ailment is important enough to warrant an ambulance.

    BTW WTF has that got to do with the OP – we are not talking about head injuries, or ambulances!!!!

    Free Member

    As Dr D says – just don't go to Durham, it's bloody awful in there today (and yesterday and probably tomorrow as well) :roll:

    Free Member

    Indeed. I'm still waiting for something I bought from Lashboy (nickmartin@nixonactive) on 29th April with no reply to emails for 2 weeks. :evil:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I've done a near identical route many times by myself or with a friend on my dark green Kona, dressed in jeans and a Barbour.

    Whatever else has gone on in this thread that made me :lol: :lol:

    I take it the ensemble was completed with green wellies and flatties rather these new fangled spd's ?

    Free Member

    TNT for one have been gearing up on mail capacity for at least 15 years. I'm sure either they or other major courier companies would be very interested in 'assimilating' their main competitor in the UK.

    Free Member

    REM with a melody block and a vocalist who reminds me of the John Belushi party/stair singer scene in Animal House

    Free Member


    One of the guys said he would do again in a heartbeat……but without the bike!

    Dylan's bike was a fixie with an ENO hub, we rode very little downhill so it was no biggie. But I was glad to have mine with a freewheel.


    Free Member

    It's terrible when you do an innocent search for an answer and find out something you really didn't want to know Clicky Wiki

    It's the 'In humans' bit on Orthodox Jews. 8O

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