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  • Specialized Status First Look | All new, all mountain, affordable trail bike
  • Woody
    Free Member

    I thought I could screw on a cog and lockring for a fixed/free – not realising that lockrings are different sizes……..if anyone knows where I can get a lockring to fit I would be grateful as I have tried loads of different shops.

    Free Member


    Free Member!

    What size tyres have they got on that pic – is it the angle as they make my 35c look small ?!

    Free Member

    Put him on Top Gear.

    He can drive as fast as he wants and flirt with Clarkson later. It worked for Will Young 😆

    Free Member

    Surly have just confirmed it

    No, you can’t space that hub down to 120mm. There are several reasons, but chief among them is that regardless of the dropout spacing, you cannot respace the chainline, and the chainline of a 120mm dropout frame will be narrower.

    Thanks for all the input

    Free Member

    Little vid of next doors dog Max. They don't let him off the lead much because he doesn't come back and they were told he can be aggressive with other dogs! We met a couple of other dogs and he was good as gold.

    He also followed my two, who were doing their best to ignore the young upstart, and came straight back every time he was called. I bet he'd make a great trail dog when he's fully grown.

    Vid HERE sorry about poor quality – it was taken on my phone

    Free Member

    I've measured both (I happen to have an old PlanetX one as well) – Surly is 78mm flange width but the PX is aroun74/75mm.

    All-in-all it's probably not worth the hassle for the buyer, especially with an extra 7.5mm of axle sticking out each side, so…..anyone want a nice Surly flip/flop free/free hub on a Rigida Chrina rim?

    Free Member

    Looking at the pics below, it appears that the main nut ie. the one facing the drop-out, is the same on both and the grey on mine is a spacer. Mine also appears to be missing the bearing covers!

    I guess the only way to check is to remove it 🙄

    Free Member

    Looking at the pics below, it appears that the main nut ie. the one facing the drop-out, is the same on both and the grey on mine is a spacer. Mine also appears to be missing the bearing covers!

    I guess the only way to check is to remove it 🙄

    Free Member

    Drac wrote

    This oooh working stock need more exercise or will destroy your house is rubbish.

    Agreed. Dogs that destroy houses, regardless of their breeding, tend to do so out of boredom and lack of stimulation. That was one of the reasons I got two – they are company for each other (brother and sister) and when out they tend to range about and run together, getting loads more exercise than others I see plodding about on leads, which is another reason why training is so important.
    Next door has a lovely german shepherd cross who is about 7 months old and he wrecks anything in his path as he if left for 7-8 hours in the garden 3 days a week. Doesn't seem to get out much either. I think I'll 'liberate' him this afternoon and take him for a romp with my two and take some pics 😆

    Free Member

    Why is it sexist?

    1. Male riders making female riders nervous? Check
    2. Relaxing, learn how to flow better with no outside pressure? Check
    3. Easy going, fun trails learnt and improved at own pace? Check.
    Now THAT is sexist. You are assuming that all women are timid little creatures with low skill level, who need careful handling otherwise they will burst into tears.

    Free Member

    Best method of training is to reward them when they get it right, not shout at them when they get it wrong (like my muppet neighbour is doing as I type 🙄 ). Probably worth going to obedience classes as well if you haven't much idea how to go about it.

    My 2 – I have been getting them out with the bike but have now accepted that they are not built to run and run for long periods at bike speeds, even though they are from working stock. They do love a good 1/2 hour though and will chase about on walks for hours without seeming to tire. Brilliant dogs!

    Free Member

    I'm with Poppa on this one.

    Many of our female guests have expressed an interest in “women’s only” skills weeks, away from the gun-ho environment that men tend to bring with them. With 3 female guides (and of course Mark)

    Is there something not very errrrr …..gun-ho (sic) about Mark ??

    That looks fantastic BTW and as I'm not very 'gung-ho' and fully in touch with my feminine side………

    <resists writing anything about 'riding like a girl'…..'lesbian trapped in a mans body' etc etc…>

    Free Member

    It's Bodytrim the weight loss secret by Geoff Jowett which appears to have the same broad principals as idaves (I haven't got idaves, could you ping me a copy so I can have a look please).

    He has some interesting ideas, all of which make sense and really aren't very difficult to do. The hardest part for me has been eating at least every 3 hours, which is often difficult in my job, and NO strenuous excercise for the 1st 4 weeks, with cycling not recommended – minimum 10,000 steps at walking pace is a requirement, which I have been able to combine with dog walking and slow pootles on the bike as I live virtually on the coast to coast cyle network.

    I lost over a stone in the first 3 weeks despite the peanuts and a couple of 'mishaps' invloving cheddar cheese and plain chocolate digestives 😳

    Free Member

    Jamie – those beans are ace and save a load of hassle. I would also recommend the Nixe mackerel fillets from Lidl in sunflower oil (not so keen on the ones in tomato sauce!) and the mini salami (pack of 3) on special at the moment as an alternative to chorizo.

    What is the word on olives BTW?

    LOL @ rossendalemming and nuts. I did exactly the same with salted peanuts for the first 2 weeks as a protein snack before seeing that they weren't ideal! Didn't seem to do any harm though.

    I'm near the end of week 4 on a similar eating plan and am very happy with results. Trousers are loose (used to be uncomfortably tight) and at this rate I'll soon get into that DeKerf top I haven't been able to wear for 5+ years without looking like the only gay in the village 🙂

    Free Member

    Like that and I think mtb vids always seem better with a chilled backing track – much better vibe.

    How old is Brian – I bet he was knackered by the end ?

    Free Member

    Drac – I know what you are saying m8 and I'm not going to discuss it on an open forum 😉 other than to say the instruction came out after a joint meeting between police, fire and ambulance and was quite unequivocal in that there were no exceptions.

    Sometimes the powers that be do not consider the implications of these things. They do however make sure their own arses are very well covered!

    Free Member

    I have no sympathy for the fireman…..But there again, my single-glazed bedroom window overlooks traffic lights on a main road

    That post has to get the ..nt of the week award.

    Free Member

    Devon and Somerset Fire Service said…..It is up to the driver of a fire tender to determine whether the siren and lights are activated

    Awful as this is for all concerned, the case will hopefully bring about a definitive national ruling, as drivers of emergency vehicles are currently in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation.

    Free Member

    they should/could be prosecuted for unneccessary and improper use of their sirens at least 3 times per day

    I would think there is a far greater chance that they would be in trouble for the number of times they don't use the sirens when they should!

    I don't know any more details on the case above but as has been pointed out in previous threads, the instructions (in my area at least) are lights and sirens must be used at all times when attending an emergency. There is no 'discretionary' turning off eg. at night on quiet roads, passing animals etc.

    <edit after reading above> they are, of course only allowed to be used in an emergency.

    Free Member

    Cheers Hedgehopper – looks like I'm not the only one who thought it was odd 😳

    SSS – I'm going to keep it as a road build until winter so it stays looking pretty for a few months at least!

    Free Member

    Thanks Stu, much appreciated.

    It's going to be an s/s build initially and probably 9 speed after that, so not really too fussed, just curious. I can't believe how light it is. You happy with yours?

    Free Member

    On the one I have, it has a standard round seat tube except at the point where you would fit the front mech it has a small flattened section on the driveside approx. 10mm x 20mm. I have been told by the seller that this is for the front deraileur 'sit -in'.

    Pic doesn't show it too well but it is a uniform shape as if it was intended rather than damaged. I haven't come across this before and wanted to double check if this is true. There is no paint damage it is just reflection.

    Free Member

    very sweet and chilled.

    Looking forward to going up next week even more now.

    Free Member

    About to order one now as I'm on my 'day off' of eating plan.

    Can't decide between chicken dhansak or madras but it will be accompanied by mushroom pilau, aloo ghobi, onion bhajis and a peshwari nan along with several pints of an appropriate coolant

    Free Member

    meesterbond – are you on TZ by any chance?

    I'd also recommend the PRS/Speedbird range if you want a 'classic' styled watch which won't look dated in 10 yesrs time. I've a PRS3 and it's a very well made watch and excellent value.

    You could also have a look at the Zeno range (make sure it's a 'proper' one if looking on fleabay) and you can't go far wrong with anything by Seiko in your price range.

    Free Member

    you mean it has to be a uniformly uncritical group effort ?

    Poor effort SFB. The clue was in the title and OP's post as below.

    iDaves Diet Plan Members

    It'd be cool if anyone else on here who is doing it could post it all here so we have a place to come to and see who'd died or sacked it off or lost weight and feels amazing.

    You had your chance on the previous thread discussing this (which you did your best to ruin with your puerile, pseudo intellectual and largely irrelevant 'arguments' and yet you are so socially inept and/or arrogant that you feel your input is invaluable on this thread which has nothing whatsoever to do with you.

    What should have been a sharing of ideas, recipes, successes, or indeed failures, has once again degenarated into a typical SFB spiral of petty disagreements and irrelevant postings, of which unfortunately, I am now a party.

    My suggestion would be for the OP to post again and hope the mods can institute a 'single thread ban on SFB' so that those who wish to exchange info can do so in the spirit it was intended.

    Free Member

    alexxx – FWIW I think you are spot on re SFB. I have been following this thread as I have been following a similar plan to the one suggested by iDave for 3 weeks but haven't posted as I'm not on 'this plan'.

    His comment "as it happens I'm interested in the dynamics of belief as reflected in this thread" boiled my piss. WTF does he think he is that he can 'study' people. Its all bolox of course, he's just a sad attention seeking ****t who can't bear to be left out, even when his input is neither constructive or wanted.

    Good luck to you all BTW, the weight is dropping off me quite nicely 😉

    Free Member

    Gowrie wrote

    Well explain the science. Even just describe it briefly. Let's see if he knows something the rest of the medical community doesn't.

    FYI the guy promoting it is not 'medical' other than having a sports science degree and IIRC a background in personal training. There are 'qualified' people endorsing what be says and confirming the theory. The very shortened basis has already been covered ie. eat every 3 hours, low carbs, lots of protein and veg.

    It is not true to say that it is unknown in the medical community. The consultant (diabetes specialist) who advised a member of my family on diet, recommended a very similar regime.

    I didn't buy the Oz programme BTW as I have taken a consensus of similar ideas and applied them to what suits me and my lifestyle. I would guess that my calorie intake is approx. the same as before as I am eating more but have cut out the crap and am eating more regulary.

    Free Member

    Dear friends, I did warn you to ignore 'the guff'/marketing bullshit/sales patter, or whatever you want to call it!

    I read the book before actually seeing/hearing the guy. You have made a judgement and jumped to a conclusion without having the facts and 'science' behind the idea.

    It is NOT just about calorie input/output, that is the point and why it appears to work. As for proving it, there are a large number of people who will confirm it works who have lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off, which is good enough for me.

    Free Member

    Gowrie – haven't the time or inclination to list everything I've read on dieting/physiology.

    Here is PREVIOUS LINK[/url] . Ignore the marketing guff – the book/DVD's explain it in greater detail. All seems to be based around sound principals/theories from well qualified people with a good track record.

    Free Member

    I tried that but it did funny things to me……..or was that angel dust? 😐

    Free Member

    I'd like to see this work, but I'd really like to see the calorie totals to be convinced.

    I haven't seen iDave's recommendations but based on what I have read (and what seems to be working for me) calories appear to have very little significance. It is the type of food, combination and timing of eating rather than calorific value which is the key.

    Free Member

    My observations.

    1. There are several who seem to spend almost every waking hour on the site
    2. Their knowledge is vast……..or is Wiki their friend 😉
    3. Spelling really isn't important
    4. Those who spout loudest about bullying are actually the worst offenders
    5. Not everyone on STW votes labour
    6. Some people take themselves waaaaay too seriously (see posts 4 & 5)
    7. Most only care about their own viewpoint and don't bother reading threads properly
    (so you are all @rseholes! See no-one noticed)
    8. The Scots are easy to wind up (testing no.7)
    9. The vast majority are genuine helpful people who really enjoy their bike(s)
    10. Classifieds etiquette appears to have gone by the wayside. Does it really take that much to let someone know if you've changed your mind etc. ?
    11. Thank god Ro has gone.
    12. If the site didn't exist I would probably ride more/get more done but on the other hand, 3 of my bikes and parts have come directly from here.

    So, on balance it's a damn fine source of knowledge and amusement

    Free Member

    iDave could make a fortune out of this 😉

    Here is the one I'm sort of following. He does sound like an auditionee for Home and Away, so be warned. BODYTRIM[/url]

    Free Member

    Coincidentally I have been following a diet for 3 1/2 weeks which is vritually identical to that recommended by iDave, with the addition of eating every 3 hours, drinking a minimum of 2-3 ltrs of water a day and walking 10,000 steps. Strenuous exercise is not recommended for the first 4 weeks.

    Starting weight was 16st 9lbs – 3 weeks later 15st 7 lbs.

    I feel 100% better, not hungry and more energy. Only problem I have had is not being able to do anything other than pootle along the cyclepaths. I now feel so much better that I'm looking for hills to go up.

    THAT is not like me !!

    Free Member

    I sincerely hope all the pilots have well groomed moustaches and at least one is call Ginger, otherwise eldridge may well do himself an injury.

    Free Member

    There's an Australian called Geoff Jowett who promotes a very similar regime to the above based on low/no carbs and eating at least every 3 hours. The idea being that insulin 'spikes' are avoided and by eating regularly, the body will stop storing fat as there is a regular supply of food.

    Interestingly, strenuous exercise is discouraged initially but you must walk at least 10000 steps daily, which is trying to replicate the walking/foraging habits of our ancestors.

    Seems to work and is also healthy. My biggest problem has been remembering to eat at least every 3 hours !

    Free Member

    I would say it was legit

    On balance I would agree. As pick-up is preferred etc. there is more good than dubious.

    Could be a nice 'commuter' for someone 😉

    Free Member

    most of your weight on the inside pedal


    Great 'endo' technique, as in arse over endo 😆

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