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  • Red Bull Rampage 2020 Cancelled
  • Woody
    Free Member

    10lbs in 2 weeks is excellent, well done.

    I've found the same on blowout day and don't have much except pasta or rice with curry. I did also succumb, on my non-blowout day, to the temptation of a fairly huge black pudding supper from the chippy when I passed through Jedburgh on Monday.

    It was magnificent

    Free Member

    My missus made a spinach+feta cheese+raisin+filo pastry "bake"

    Is pastry allowed

    LOL I think the only thing 'allowed' in there is spinach if you count feta as dairy

    Free Member

    I thought it might be. Does that mean any revenue goes to the uni rather than the inventor?

    Free Member

    Celever idea and so thoughful of Brunel University to take out a patent in their name.

    Free Member

    That way everybody puts money in the pot which helps to pay for the most expensive procedures.

    Don't we all do that now anyway, with obvious exceptions.

    And a whipround wouldn't work as the 'poorest of the poor' or those on benefits do not have money for such things. Fags, booze and ….-off big tv's, yes, healthcare no! What would you do, deny them treatment until the next benefit cheque arrives or they have a bit of luck on the geegees ?

    Free Member

    LOL @ Oldgit – I remember boxing like that too 😆

    I also have vivid memories of being tackled (and by tackled I mean full tilt running shoulder in the ribs take down) by the 6' 16 stone PE teacher during a rugby session when I was about 12 and small for my age. I also vividly remember standing on his head by accident in a ruck later in the game. Twas character building 😉

    Free Member

    Oh….and what is all this coffee 'new man' bollox. Get her to a pub, or wine bar if you must, and have a drink. Coffee bars are only recommended if you live in Amsterdam 😉

    Free Member

    The NHS in England has put 1.7 billion aside to pay for this reorganisation.

    It's figures like that which make my blood boil. £1.7 billion is an enormous sum of money and it's bandied about like it was an investment of pennies which would pay big dividends in terms of efficiency and savings in the future. We all know it won't and all it will achieve is add another huge administration burden and associated costs, with no benefit to the patient.

    Free Member

    Having watched it several times now HERE I think Renshaw did a brilliant job. He obviously realised that Cav was definitely blocked to his right and the only way he could get him through was to move Dean back over to the right and let Cav through on the left. It worked, job done.

    Free Member

    I stand to be corrected as I'm no engineer but wouldn't the pressure on the rim be the same regardless of the size of the tyre? The contact area ie. bead on rim is the same size, it's the additional size/width outside the rim which changes, therefore the pressure would be the same……or am I being thick?

    edit – obviously, larger tyres would be run at lower pressure for an increase in comfort/grip, what I was more concerned about was the increase in the possibilty of the tyre rolling off the rim at lower pressure due to the increase in lateral forces

    Free Member

    TJ wrote

    Management costs are low as are management saleries in the NHS – a part of the issue

    The nhs is very efficient.

    Compared to what, other than your favourite of % against GDP? I do agree with you re management salaries but peanuts and monkeys spring to mind! That is not my experience/impression (re efficiency) and I would give examples were it not for the fact that myself and colleagues have been warned that discussing matters on any forum or talk platform may lead to disciplinary action.

    Free Member

    A few things worry me about this.

    Principally, she's been single for 2 years and you haven't asked her out yet!!

    You are either
    a. Shy
    b. Have a fear of rejection
    c. Fearful of another bad relationship
    d. Gay

    She probably thinks
    a. you're not interested
    b. you are 'damaged' beyong repair
    c. Gay

    Why has you're Mum not done something?
    Is it because
    a. She thinks you're not interested
    b. She thinks the woman isn't interested
    c. She actually doesn't like her, or more probably she's not good enough for you (no-one ever is)
    d. She thinks you are gay

    For gods sake, it's been 2 years, do something asap and put yourself out of yours and her misery

    Free Member

    Rumours of a dead flat and straight 600mm TD:600 bar are denied at present.

    A 600mm dildo – excellent

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link Haze

    I see the officer got off with just losing his job, which he had only been in a very short while and a conditional discharge (with NO conditions). God bless America 🙄


    edit – watching that agin, right at the end before the slomo, did someone nick the poor guys bike as well?

    Free Member

    Occupation 'trawlerman' was surely the give-away before anyone even replied 🙄

    Free Member

    Probably been done already but did that officer get charged ?

    Free Member

    I have private operations in a private hospital.

    Munchausens ?

    Free Member


    I think you should have stuck to playing the accordion. Any relation?


    Free Member

    The SDA building a DH track down the Tiger (steepest piste at Glenshee) is an exciting prospect.

    Now that is steep, even on skis 😯

    Free Member

    I think we need to show them more support not just shoot them down in flames at the start gate.

    I agree with that to a point but after the season they have had I would have thought the budget could be a bit more than miniscule, especially as any income is additional to what they would have had previously in the summer. There are many business models to look at and the problem will be if the reputation is poor initially it will be difficult to shake off. I am not a charity and they are competing as a commecial enterprise so have to provide something that is worth the trip and expense even at this, presumably embryonic stage.

    I think that it could be very good indeed given the time and funds to run alternative routes and options. It will never be a Whistler any more than it could compete French and Italian areas, purely on scale and weather but as a day out it could and should be a viable alternative to Fort William and Welsh trail centres. Biggest drawback that I can see is that it is so affected by the weather, which is made worse by the fact that it is above the treeline and can't offer any shelter on windy/wet days.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the write-up.

    Maybe it's the pics flattening everything out but considering the terrain they had to work with, that looks about as dull as a Scottish mountain trail could ever be.

    Having said that, you enjoyed it so I may well give it a crack next month when I'm up. Would you recommend it over the Lecht?

    Free Member

    I was under the impression that Jack Russels were pretty quick on the kill ie. a quick shake of the head to break it's neck with rats anyway.

    One of my neighbours trains his whippets that way when he sees a myxi rabbit. More humane than a slow death IMO

    Free Member

    🙄 poor effort JF69. A decent troll has to have at least some ring of truth.

    Free Member

    That social compass is interesting. I am VERY close to Nelson Mandela, which I think on balance is probably good!

    Economic Left/Right: -7.12
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97

    Good discussion guys but I can't add my tuppence due to job etc.

    Free Member

    'GNARL to the power of RAD'

    LOL Most stuff posted here doesn't have any gnarl or even rad, so another minute would have been good for even the most limited attention span. Not a criticism BTW, there aren't many vids that leave you wanting more.

    Free Member

    Fail under the trade description act due to obvious lack of mince.

    Must be my age but I thought it could easily have been twice as long especially with the 'pro' editing. Good work though 😉

    Free Member

    Never managed it with a track pump, although being a cheapskate I've only ever done it with ghetto tubeless.

    It has always needed a (potentially) messy trip to the local garage for the initial pump/seating until I got hold of THESE. Makes life a whole lot easier and unless you plan on doing loads it's much cheaper than buying a compressor 😉

    Free Member

    If I get a few Stellas out of him at the end of the day I will be happy

    In that case, can I book you for february next year when I expect to be moving…….and I'll throw in a curry as well 😉

    The more I discuss this, the more I am beginning to realise there will have to be a time very soon when this is discussed openly with them.

    Good luck. IME (and you realise this already) he will have no idea that he has 'imposed' and you will come across as Mr Meany and the whole family will hate you for being so petty and unhelpful. My (ex) mother-in-law had a saying that "when you do someone a favour once, they are grateful, twice and they expect it every time". How true, I wish her bloody daughter would have taken heed. Bitter… ? 🙄

    Free Member

    *If all goes well in negotiations with the farmer next door, that will be a big fence to erect, several trees to dig out and a lawn to lay

    And I would put money on him being 'busy' again. I've been on the receiving end of people like that and witnessed it happen to others so often that I can say with 90% certainty that the flow will be all one way.

    There is a very real danger of you doing yourself an injury which may not surface until years later. Leave it to the pro's who (importantly) are insured. As has been said – if he can afford the new house, the cost of removal men is a tiny % of the moving expenses.

    Free Member

    Got one like that in my street – retired farmer who wanders round the houses like he is checking on his flock/herd. I've even seen him looking in bins when he thinks everyone is at work !

    as ^^ very good as neighbourhood watch and handy for taking delivery of shiny bike bits when at work. Bit odd but I'm sure it's jst boredom.

    Free Member

    it's also only when you reach the top that you realise someone has been BSing about their abilities

    Not a good place to find out……spoken from bitter experience with several ski groups 🙁

    Maybe a little 'tester run' could be arranged on the first morning to sort it out. It's your neck on the line if something goes wrong.

    Free Member

    as guide you have to set the pace/route according to the weakest person in the group. sometimes the difference can be so much that the "better" riders get annoyed and (verbally) abuse the "not-so better" riders

    Shouldn't that be sorted out before you go out? It's not fair on either group, especially when they have paid to be guided properly and presumably with people of their own ability. Are you the only guide and have no choice but to take the whole group rather than split them up?

    Free Member

    Can TC see it from his window and give us a running commentary now the press have moved ?

    Free Member

    I was desrcribing the ambulance guy !

    No the biker wasn't Jonesy – +/- early 20's

    Free Member

    It wasn't TC on the bike.

    Free Member

    Not sure. Bald, medium build, guess at 5'9".

    Free Member

    MTB'er on now ! BBC

    LOL he's knackered

    Free Member

    I hope she's not on PAYG !

    Free Member

    I wouldn't argue with her 😯

    Free Member

    But of course I'm Cbrn aren't I.

    LOL so am I and I could do with the o/t.

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