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  • Woody
    Free Member

    Nature of the beast I'm fraid.

    T'internet is the only place some people think they can appear 'big and clever', which quite evidently they are not. There does seem to be a fair few t@ssers on here at the moment but that has been the case for a while now.

    Just ignore them but it is

    Free Member

    but some of the replies are pretty grim for here

    ….although thoroughly warranted.

    The simple solution would be to ignore him but that won't work because there will always be someone who will respond.

    Much easier to ban the supercilious little gobshyte.

    Free Member

    Thanks Russell96

    My thinking is that a less than a 2nd hand Uncle John etc. you can't go far wrong!

    Free Member

    Do you count the number of people who point and laugh each time you wear them…..

    ……certainly made me chuckle 😆

    Free Member

    Q: Why are most of you so boring? Mountain bikers used to be fun. Demographic changed?

    Same posting style ro…….and you call us boring 🙄

    Free Member

    LOL @ Foxyrider

    At the risk of being too nice, I really like the concept of that LifeCycle. I could cycle the 11 miles to work on a regular basis as the main drawback is it's a slight uphill most of the way with one serious hill which means a shower is essential on arrival and the alarm clock set for 4.30AM!

    Pity it doesn't come in at under £1k for the CTW scheme.

    Free Member

    What is wrong with that?

    If it encourages more people to go out and buy a bike, especially women, then surely that is a good thing. I have actually seen more women on bikes in the last week on my local trails than ever.

    BTW it is easy to mock Ms Perry but presumably she is not a regular rider and bear in mind that
    a. She probably had to wear 'all the gear' for insurance purposes as well as product placement.
    b. TV makes everything look less steep/slower, which is one of the reasons womens DH is often akin to watching paint dry.

    Free Member

    Agree totally with you wee-al. It's just a pity he looks like Terry Christians fat brother in that clip.

    Free Member

    Well I quite enjoyed that. What did you expect, Suzi doing 20ft drops ?

    Couple of gems from Ortis

    when riding a scooter – "the name of the game is momentum, keep it pointing downhill and it flies"


    to Suzi Perry "I will have you on that mountain"

    Funny, I was thinking along those lines myself !

    Episode HERE

    Free Member

    Good God Yunki – the last time I saw anything resembling that it was attached to one of these….

    Free Member


    This is a year old, so I think the OP might be sorted now 😉

    Free Member

    I am all woman and, it has to be said, a handful.

    And, I suspect, a generation removed from the OP 😉

    Free Member

    Well done Mrsgrips – a woman poster who hasn't been smug and patronising.
    As for the others who know…….we simple men are all aware that women have to have a 'board meeting' involving at least 6 close friends and copious amounts of wine/chocolate and watch a film involving Colin Firth/Hugh Grant before they can posssibly consider a new [strike]shag[/strike] partner.

    To the OP – you are obviously walking around like a dick on legs and she's testing you to see if is all you want is a rummage in her lycra. Chill out, if she like you and vice versa, what is the problem with going along the 'friends' route and seeing what develops ?

    Free Member

    Interesting first ??? post fatal_drop 🙄

    Free Member

    Spanish players treat her like a whore apparently………………..and ??

    Free Member

    The dreads combined with a checked shirt and beige tie is not a look you see very often………the chandeliers somehow compliment the incongruity of it all 8)

    Free Member

    I believe there is a slight difference in the diameter that will allow a big chainring to fit but not the sly bash off of a double chainset.

    That's what I found on mine but can't see why it wouldn't work the other way round.

    I take it you have the cut-out on the back aligned with the crank?

    Free Member


    That lollobrigidasophialorenmussolinis are absolutely bloody gorgeous… this with flat bars….

    Huws is a close second but the gay gloved hand has made me realise that it is just too damned perfect 8)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    sorry 😳

    Free Member

    wouldn't want to come across many traffic lights on that

    looks perfectly designed for that to me 8)

    Free Member

    Please does it get better?

    IME………… 8)

    Free Member


    Come on then, show us what you think is pretty.

    Have to agree with above re big lettering etc. I hate items, whether it's a car, bike, clothing etc. which make you look like a moving advert.

    Free Member

    Not 'high zoot' but as an exercise in practical affordibility for a commuter, I think this is very pretty. God knows what's going on with the bars in this pic though 🙄

    Free Member

    As you are using the 20" ghetto 'system' (as I do) have you pushed the tube edges down into the rim so that the tyre seats properly? It is usually very tight and unless you do that the tyre can't get hold of enough of the bead to seat properly.

    BTW, I have never managed to get it to inflate without either a garage compressor or CO2 cartridge, despite soap and all the other tips detailed above, so it's not just you 😉

    Free Member

    Get some CO2 to save yourself the hassle of going to a garage and much cheaper than a compressor unless you are doing loads of tyres.


    Free Member

    BP readings can be notoriously inaccurate. I check mine occassionally on a very expensive bit of kit and they can vary from 155 to 105 systolic in back-to-back readings, which is why I tend to do it manually on patients if it appears abnormally high or low. I would guess that the ones GP's use are not any better

    DrD are you mainly at the QE (when working)as I tend to get there fairly regularly ?

    Free Member

    Quite funny this. For some reason TJ doesn't irritate me at all, whereas I could have happily pounded SFB on the nuts with a cyber hammer until they blew his eyeballs out, over his unwanted input/interference on the idave diet plan thread.

    Free Member

    …………or MGB's 😉

    Free Member

    That is a strange reduction compared to the others. ❓

    Anyone know why ? Seriously tempting 😕

    Free Member

    Letter change from Mamadirt = Crank Whore
    My other bike's …..a bike
    Another bandwagon I jumped on
    Leaning on bars again

    Free Member

    My tuppenceworth FWIW as I've been there more than once.

    Couple of questions (apologies if this has been covered and I missed it)

    What was the reason for her first 'marriage' ending?
    Do you realise that she is still lying to you about the 'other' relationship?
    Are you prepared to continue to live with a woman who, for whatever reason, is/was prepared to shatter 6 lives ie. yours and five children for a relationship that she is now openly grieveing over?

    I will never pretend to fathom what goes on in the mind of some women (and men for that matter) and by all means go to counselling if you feel it will be worthwhile.

    Sorry if the above is rather blunt but you are in a truly crap situation and appear to have been dumped on from a great height. One thing that struck a chord with me was that she 'got moody' when you refused to share the bedroom. She is the one in the wrong and sounds like she is very used to getting her own way.

    As I don't know you (or your wife), I would therefore never offer advice but maybe the above will give you some food for thought.

    Free Member

    I converted a 26" frame to take 700c wheels last week using the Mavic caliper adjuster on the back and 700c forks on the front. V brakes do not have sufficient adjustment to 'reach' 700c rims. You could use the Mavic front and back but they are not particularly light and at £50 for the pair, not cheap either.

    EDIT – Link to thread re Mavics

    Free Member

    CTBM is a top man – full of helpful advice.

    You broke a Park Tool…. HOW?

    Cheap ones work just fine. CLICKY

    Free Member

    That move was a disgrace and was that of a desperate man who is no longer able to compete. Whether that is down to him or the car is irrelevant. I think he was very lucky to get away with such a lenient penalty for a manouvre which could easily have killed them both.

    Such ruthlessness is what got Schumacher seven world titles, and Senna three.

    Trying to scratch 10th place is that important?? He's a tosser and Barrichello would have been quite entitled post-race to try and make the gits jaw symmetrical.

    Free Member

    Split links will fit any chain as long as it's the same width ie. SRAM 8 speed split link will fit Shimano, KMC etc. 8 speed chain.

    Free Member

    As cynic-al says, you won't even notice.

    I was thinking about going down to 170mm cranks on my 'crosser until I looked at the current ones which are ……170mm 😳

    Free Member

    Had a quick check back on my recent orders and 2 out of 8 were not sent on the day of order.

    The 2 'failed' orders were placed at 1013 and 1426. I can live with that, especially the 1426, which I realistically didn't expect next day although it would have been not so long ago.

    To the OP – I would recommend calling them as there is definitely a delay in processing and updating their system. They may have received your email and canx the order rather than 'completed'. Has money been debited or refunded to your account?

    Free Member

    There's a saying round these parts…"shy bairns get nowt" …get in there man.

    You have the perfect opener/icebreaker eg. "Hi, I've seen you a few times and I'll miss this cycle route coz I'm starting a new job next week"

    Hopefully she'll respond and if she doesn't carry on with " do you cycle much outside work?" etc etc.

    If she doesn't start chatting back then she is either not interested, a complete doughnut, or too out of breath to answer (in which case leave well alone as she'll be crap in bed).

    Easy 😉

    Free Member

    Unless he has a slug in a bowler hat on offer.


    Doesn't matter if he's got one of these

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