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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • woodsman
    Free Member

    I guessed that much phil! 😉

    Free Member

    wtf! is that a page from Adrian Mole’s diary!!


    Free Member

    pedalhead – that clamp looks a wee bit like a Sumo…other than that very nice

    Free Member

    Thick walled tube would be fine, what I meant was machined from one piece, not an insert for the clamp head.

    wwaswas – did you buy that locally? as I think you’re local-ish to me, Sussex. I would go for a welded head, if the machined option isn’t available and layback would be good too.

    I had a USE Sumo post, it was pants quite frankly – never again.

    Free Member

    Stoner – how much would it cost to have some thing like that built professonally (how much would you charge)?

    Free Member

    I’ve got one for sale, have a look on the MA forum classifieds, just in case it may be of interest. No probs if not what you’re looking for.


    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure it is custom. Hand made in East Sussex!

    Free Member

    Cyclesurgery – Londinium

    Free Member

    I’ve just done exactly that – pm me if you want to ask anything.

    I’m in the motor trade too!

    Free Member

    The production of concrete produces more green house gasses than cars – apparently. 🙂

    Free Member

    I wasn’t over keen on the building, it was ok s’pose. I think if you’re going to build modern – go modern and eco – no concrete for a start. Source local materials, not stuff that’s travelled the world from Travis Perkins. And, I don’t get what’s innovative about making the place look like it’s from an era 50 years ago – that’s just copying (said in a Carl Pilkington style) I remember seeing some very early 60’s footage of George Best driving his new E-Type Jaguar into the under garage of a very similar looking house to that – 50 years ago!

    Kev was a fanboy though, not sure if it was the house or the girl……

    I think my fave was the guy who built that place in the forest, he was a forester, and built it from the forest – some where in Surrey I believe.


    Free Member



    Best I can do, hope it’s good enough to produce an insulting feeling

    Free Member

    I’ve read your original post, but not all the responses I’d like to add.

    I would, not spend 2k on a modern package, or the frames you have listed – seen them fail. Why not design your own frame based around the geometry of your beloved retro Kona’s, but factor in disc brakes, and 100mm suspension correction, some top end tubing, fillet brazing, stainless cable stops and get as close to that ‘bike for life’ as you can. You’d still have almost a grand left to play with. That’s what I’ve done anyway 🙂

    Free Member

    That’s how it’s done!

    They’re on Ceeway, ‘cable tunnels’ I think they call them – in brass of course. I must say, I wouldn’t go down that route myself – if you pardon the pun, although it would look cool on a SS!

    Free Member


    I’ve never been attracted to ti – thankfully. Right bummer for those that are going through the warranty process, hope it all works out ok for those concerned.

    I’ve gone for custom steel, specced some beefed up head and down tubes. I know steel cracks too, but it’s much easier to get a tube fillet brazed in, and not that pricey either. Hopefully I won’t need the latter – again! 🙂

    Free Member

    Cool! put a picture up when you’ve got a raw (unpainted) frame – like to see that. Please.

    Free Member

    Are you going to build your new frame on a course, like the Yates one?

    I’d like to, but there is a two year waiting list!

    Free Member

    Take it up with the brand.

    That’s the down side with an expensive ti frame, repairability especailly after warranty.

    Best of luck

    Free Member

    I’m neither an expert or frame builder but, I can answer your question. A brass tube is inserted and brazed in. Ceeway are the UK frame builder suppliers, have a look on their site or email them.

    Free Member

    I would say, just keep it to yourself, if you plan on making any trails, anywhere for that matter – other riders will find them soon enough. If you start asking for permision, the answer will always be no, due to the public liability that throws up, if trails were to be made officail. It will only highlight a problem, and before you know it the CTC will have been brought in to regulate it, and it will be pay to ride, as they tried (partially successful) at Tilgate.

    If it were me, I would ask the mods to delete that thread, and just join in with some local riders 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I emailed them a few weeks back regarding a custom frame – never got a reply. I’ve since seen them for sale on CRC.

    Free Member

    That’s a shame, not the steel element, but the far east manufacture – it is a sell out.

    Free Member

    I'd love to set up my own frame building business, as a side line to this after 25 years of working with steel, I'd like to transefer my skills to custom bike frames. Perhaps it'll end up just being a pipe-dream…

    Anyone know of, or have a frame jig for sale?


    Free Member

    Ahh – you can't have too many bikes Roger! 😀 What's the tubing 853?

    Yeah, I'm good thanks, did a lot of riding leading up to the Big Dog, but slacked off since, planning on riding tomorrow, maybe even with the DD's at Stanmer if I get up in time – 50/50! Busted my Thorn frame, it's being repaired as they no longer make that model, hoping to get the Rohloff back in use by start of Autumn proper [fingers crossed].

    How's things with you, and where are you riding of late, haven't seen you out on the trails?

    Free Member

    I'm using this most of the time now, waiting for some new tubes to be let into the regular hardtail!

    Atomiser – is that a new Jones? Very nice!


    Free Member

    Good point Cynic-al. Not sure, it might be different, as each item will be bespoke and unique possibly, and not available in shops. Hmmm – I visited Roberts yesterday, they said their 'DB' frame has hardly changed since it's origin. Can't imagine, they, Dave Yates, Robin Mather have had cen acreditation, nothing at all on their websites. That's the sort of market, obviously it takes time to build status.


    Free Member

    I've done this for over 20 years but am thinking of making bespoke steel bike frames, for myself initially then maybe commercially, in the future. Do you think there is a market for another hand made frame builder?

    Free Member

    Bump for the Friday afternoon skivers 😉

    Free Member

    Yep, I can see now that wouldn't make any difference, perhaps I should have just said joint. The mass of the materials at head tube to down tube and the softness of brass, make me think it could be more durable than say TIG. Be interested to hear folk's experiences – I could be wrong!


    Free Member

    Amazing – in many ways!

    My Rohloff is five years old, and it goes back to Germany every two years for 'driver bearings', and the last time re-shimming the gearing after some slippage, for the first time. It get's used a lot, and so far has only cost me a single one way shipping fee to Germany to have all the work done.

    I'm still very happy with it, and missing using it whilst my frame is being repaired. Especially with this wet weather!

    Free Member

    o_b_m can you put up some pics please or email them to me – thanks.

    Free Member

    Mather has been my first choice, but not heard anything from my emails. I must say when I spoke to Roberts (wasn't Chas but don't know who it was) I found them really open minded. I was talking about Pargagon dropouts, and having a slightly beefed up frame, with some more unusual tube choices, for the downtube and headtube for example, where my current 853 frame had failed – they seemed quite enthusiastic – for a framebuilder (elusive types).

    I may even make my own The Woodsman Hand Made in Sussex! 😉

    Free Member

    Blimey – amplebrew! did you speak to them on the phone before sending in the email? Are you still going to go for a DB if they get back to you? I think I'm going to give them a ring when they're back from the holiday closure, and see if I can pop down and have a look round – hopefully they'll have a DB on display or in fabrication. Satisfy a curiosity if nothing else – they are about a 45 min drive away.

    Free Member

    Bump – just in case anyone with a Roberts missed the thread

    Be interesting to hear from anyone who bought one recently or as recently enough to have disc brakes! ?

    Free Member

    The paint is standard two pack car paint, so I'm not surprised it chips easy. I've looked into that, and I paint cars in my business, I think they use it because it's the best material for fancy paint finishes, where as powder and stove enamel doesn't quite mask/two tone/ graphic so compliantley, and with such finesse.

    I like the way they seal off the tubes except the seat, and they cavity wax that, so if you look after the outside all should be well – I suppose.

    Free Member

    I had one, no further work was carried out. I was in and out of hospital in a day. It was fine for walking, no pain what so ever post op. Riding gently on road a few weeks in, just a few miles, skin felt tight around the knee.

    The knee felt a bit weak and vulnerable for a while, whilst mtb'ing. I didn't get back to my pre-op fitness for a couple of years if at all.

    In retrospect, I wish I'd pushed for an MRI scan, but the consultant was adament he knew what was wrong, but he was wrong.

    Free Member

    I wouldn't consider ti – couldn't afford it for a start!

    Free Member

    I did the Big Dog last year on it, would have been great this year with all the mud, if I hadn't bust the frame teo weeks before!

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