This is about addressing what is called the “Digital Divide”, all major developed coutries are doing the same things. The main reasons are:
1) Key research bodies (eg. OECD) have clearly showed the correlation between the economic success of areas and the access of businesses and citizens to broadband. Many businesses in our rural areas may start losing out to competitors abroad if we fall behind. It is also important in attracting inward investment (ie. jobs) to poorer areas.
2) Education: Access to broadband is increasingly important for children (not just at school, also for homework). If a kid in london has access to broadband at a decent speed and his counterpart in a rural area only has access to dial-up (always sh*t performance) the rural kid will be increasingly disadvanted in the coming years.
3) Goverment services: More and more of these will become exclusively online, many will be time sensitive and dial-up is NOT sufficient.
And on another note we have across England, in general, the fastest broadband speeds in Europe: FACT