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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • womp
    Free Member

    How about a YT Jeffsy, ticks all your boxes apart from it has 10mm more travel at 140mm

    Im in a similar position myself and finding it hard to look past Evil The Following

    Free Member

    FS is an option but at this price point weight is an issue, my 650b enduro bike is 13kg so id prefer my 29er to a good chunk lighter tbh

    Jeffsy looks great but is a little hefty really, iv not sen anything in the Canyon line up that fits the bill with modern geo apart from the Exceed but they start at £2700

    Free Member

    We practice ISO27001 now – lock your machine when you get up, turn papers over and challenge anyone without a pass.

    Ohhhh you make it sound so simple :)

    This is a great resource for 27001:

    And this for qualifications: (CISM is the most recognised)

    Free Member

    How about Information Security ?

    I moved into information security 5 years ago from a communications background, it a rapidly expanding sector with ISO 27001 becoming the fastest growing standard. my role is very much managerial primarily supporting IT, Facilities and HR (security of Data, Physical and People)

    it sounds like you have the technical skills and would just need brush up on your operational knowledge and gain a couple of IS quals

    Free Member

    They don’t even need to meet them if pushed, though it’s good practice to do so, a copy of a passport and a couple of signed docs can do the job if needed.

    Our auditor said the original need to be seen and checked, otherwise how would you know if they are real? (i assume you accept email copies?)

    in our case we had a copy of the workers passports on file (emailed over) but the passport numbers where identical on several which kicked off the investigation.

    You must see the applicant’s original documents
    You must check that the documents are valid with the applicant present.
    You must make and keep copies of the documents and record the date you made the check.
    You could face a civil penalty if you employ an illegal worker and haven’t carried out a correct right to work check.

    Checking the documents
    You need to check that:

    – the documents are genuine, original and unchanged and belong to the person who has given them to you
    – the dates for the applicant’s right to work in the UK haven’t expired
    photos are the same across all documents and look like the applicant
    – dates of birth are the same across all documents

    Free Member

    i had a look at the road link an the website says:

    11s Cassette Compatibility:
    11-32: Not Required (GS medium cage rear derailleur works)

    i will try the 11-32 with the SS this weekend, if it does not work i may get a GS

    Free Member

    I found a D-fly cheap and fitted it in the top tube, ive done 220 miles and just hit 80%, i charge off a fake apple charger or a portable phone charger

    Free Member

    dirtyrider – Member
    OP I ran exactly that combo with no issues (albeit with a 9070 Di2 mech)

    What bike are you on ?

    jam bo – Member
    Someone panicking about the Fred?

    lol no its for LEJOG

    teef – Member
    Just get yourself fitter

    i will try!! tbh im normally fine on the 11-28 but ive just done 4 consecutive 90 mile days and i was feeling the ‘less fresh’ on the climbs near the end so my thought process was if i can get an 11-32 cassette to take the sting out of a climb then i may as well as i dont see any significant drawback.

    The official answer is no, but the shape of some mech hangers will allow it.

    Its a Canyon Aeroad with hanger 25

    Free Member

    thank you, i managed to pick up a Cateye Gopro adapter and a volt 200

    Free Member

    cheers may give it a swerve then

    Free Member

    aa – Member
    Has this thread moved away from admissions?

    it has but it has for the most part answered by original question.

    looks like we are not alone (i promise this is not me)….

    Bolton news – athiest at a catholic school [/url]

    funny as on the other side of town this is happening….


    Free Member

    i slept out in a Kelty tuck 20 last night and loved it, especially the way you can put comfortably put your feet out of the bottom and the cut is roomy, it also packed a lot smaller than the army bag i tried last night and has a a pocket for my phone, problem is i cant find one in the UK

    so its looking like the Alpkit are great value or the recomended Mountain hardware laminia. i have ruled out the SnugPak on the basis that they pack too big

    Free Member

    Well im non the wiser lol, but i did camp out last night in an army issue bag and it was good, it was warm but not too hot, i did have the zip down a little, im not sure what season it is but its huge!

    Free Member

    You doing the RAB?


    so it seems most are recommending a synthetic season 2, will that really be warm enough ?

    Free Member

    What will it be for? 1.5kg is heavy

    is it ? i was after something lightish and fairly pack-able

    Also, what will you be using it for? Down is awesome, but if it gets wet, it loses its insulation.

    The main use is for a 9 day camping LEJOG trip in sept, it is supported so i only need to carry it at the start and finish.

    max budget is £175

    Free Member

    Always carry a tube and co2, if I’m on a multi day ride I take a pump

    The co2 drys out my sealant so it’s only of use with the tube, not topping up the tubless setup.

    Free Member

    So – what happens if you refuse to sign?

    If we are not willing to sign the up to the code of the school and its traditions then we will be allocated another school

    The other school is likely to be over the other side of town as the other local schools have a historically low (non in the past 2 years) drop out rate as would be expected as the are all well regurded schools in our area.

    Free Member

    For clarity the RC school is the lowest performing of the 3 nearest schools both in terms of results and ofsted reports

    It’s not bad but hovers around the national average of 80%, my preference is around 95%

    The ofsted report critiques the teaching. Particularly maths, teacher feedback, spelling.

    I’m on my phone at the moment but will post the results when I’m at a PC

    Free Member

    No one is being forced to do anything. You can chose not to accept.

    yes take your point, i could move. but it seems a little unfair in this day and age that schools within our free education system can impose religious practice on other groups Atheists, Muslims and Christians alike.

    Imagine if a Catholic family was placed in a Mulsim school and not the local Catholic school and then had to sign a Muslim code of practice and agree to partake in the prayer sessions. at the end of the day the LA have fulfilled its commitment to provide a school and if they don’t like it then they can move hey.

    The point is faith schools are limiting the options for education for everyone and i don’t personally believe it should be a factor but that is the system we have and this thread is not going to solve that.

    Free Member

    aa understood and appreciate your unbiased input on a topic that is emotive

    Free Member

    How do the above posts help?
    Or is it just venting?

    You’ve been offered a VC school, you can turn the offer down and find a community school further away.

    The LA has met it’s duty by offering a school.

    my posts ?
    i agree with you the LA have met the criteria and the odds of a successful appeal are not looking good, if it goes in our favor then it will be from compassion rather than any rights we have. as we can always take a school in another location move, neither option is appealing but that is our choice.

    The bit im not happy about is my wife and i being forced to sign a religious code and my child being forced to partake in religious superstitions.

    the LA done their duty and have provided a place at a school for education to the national curriculum but i dont feel we should be forced to partake in mas, prayer, rain dances or any other mumbo jumbo

    Free Member

    Religious Education and the law

    Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or any part of RE. This includes parents whose children attend a faith school. If pupils are withdrawn from RE, schools have a duty to supervise them, though not to provide additional or alternative teaching.

    Free Member

    Is the Catholic school you’ve been allocated to undersubscribed (ie has less children than there are places for)?

    You’re not in Stockport are you?

    they are full, im sure we are taking up a space someone would want.


    I doubt it. They breed like rabbits

    LOL your on fire today :lol:

    Free Member

    The OSL is the waiting list. I’d be asking where are you on it, what’s the drop out rate for the school. LA will not know how many kids wont take up the place but they’ll have an historic picture.

    If the PAN is 30 then it’s really difficult to win an appeal (but not impossible – ive lost a few). There are ‘excepted pupils’2.15 of the School Admissions Code, panels should only agree places in exceptional limited circumstances.

    I had a chat with admissions and the preferred school has had zero drop outs in the last 2 years as have the other less local schools, and have been told an appeal will only be upheld if its an exceptional circumstance.

    Free Member

    I hear what your all saying about signing the schools code and being placed by the LA. I will probably delete all aspects of the code i dont wish to adhere to and sign onto the rest. hopfully we can reach a position that is mutually beneficial.

    also id like to point out that i have no issues with religion being in the curriculum as its key to our understanding our culture, economics and history but it should be treated no different than Greek mythology (which is way cooler).

    Free Member

    what LA is it?


    Where was the catholic school in your order of your list of preferences?


    Where are you on the OSL for the community school (if you applied)

    Im not sure what OSL is ?
    The community school was our first choice, our daughter already attends the pre school. it is the closer as the crow flys than the Catholic school (My daughter currently cycles to school over the golf course.) but as i found out today the method for the points system uses AA routfinder for distance and makes the Catholic school closer (although my daughter will not be able to cycle which is another kick in the stones)

    What is the Planned Admission Number for the community School.
    i assume you mean class size ? i think its 30

    To go into an appeal and effectively say “I think religion is stupid” is in no way going to help your cause.

    that my fear, thats why i chose to say our values and beliefs don’t align. im not out to offend anyone

    The simple fact is that the Church has it’s (rightful) place in this country provided education places. You might not like it but the bickering here is not going to change the fact that it exists and will continue to way beyond our lifetimes.

    True, but this is a good place to adsorb other view points vent frustration before i sit in an appeal

    interesting site:

    Free Member

    Can I ask how you got your decision today.

    I assume it’s for a place in reception. National offer day isn’t until Monday so your result is a tad premature

    We have an online system in Bolton, the official letter arrives on Monday

    That’s a bit off? You should have the right to a religiously appropriate school, surely? Any Muslims there?

    Not always easy to tell persons religion just by sight, but i saw no other religious dress and id guess all the children and teaches are white British

    Free Member

    Well that was interesting

    On the plus side, the school is clean, the children and staff polite. (not that that i would expect any different) The maths, English, PE, Art, Music, Gardening seem well covered.

    as for the religious aspect, the walls are littered with childrens pictures and statements next to each with things like ‘i love jesus he takes care of me’ and wow the amount of virgin Mary figurines! paper weights, door stops, usb sticks everything! if the catholic church was a bike brand it would be Cannondale, maybe they have the same branding manager ?

    anyhow i digress, we had a chat with the head teacher and she explained that they they teach the children the Catholic belief’s and teach them to believe in Jesus and he will guide you and keep you safe. which i wholeheartedly disagree with (unless Jesus provides a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and method statement).

    the other general catholic practices happen, regular prays, mass, a strange BIG virgin Mary you have to speak to in the naughty corner.

    We have been told if we accept the place we will have to sign a form that we agree to act in the way of the school beliefs and our child will take part in the practices, i asked about our right to opt out of the religion aspects and told since we would have to agree to the school code it wont be an option.

    as for other options of schools, the local community schools are full and the admissions dept have said it is highly unlikely an appeal will be successful and if it is we will only get school options on the other side of town.

    so it looks like this is what our child is stuck with unless we move, i personally feel let down by our council and government and echo others on here and feel religion should not form part of the education system.

    Free Member

    Thank you all for your comments, i will try not to get drawn into a discussion about catholic values and the validity of the teachings.

    As i also attended a CofE primary and secondary i understand the comments above.

    When we viewed this school it was heavily religion orientated and takes up a number of hours that i fell would prefer spent on education, furthermore when i asked about science and in-particular evolution they said they dont have a specific science class as they allow children to discover through play. im not even sure what that means but its a stark contract from the other local schools that teach the children structured science, which in my view makes the other schools a better school.

    im off to meet the head of the school now and shall report back

    Free Member

    Im sleeping in a tent in September (UK) I do get cold hence the 4 season

    My friend has offered my this for £30, not sure if it’s any good?

    I will google the recomendations once gone kids are asleep,

    Cheers for putting up with my dumb questions

    Free Member

    Mine does have a compression bag but the straps do slip so maybe a new sack would help or as you say a new sleeping bag the one I have is a season 4 from Argos it was £40

    Any recomendations on good value and small sleeping bags ?

    Free Member

    I’ll take a trip to go outdoors this weekend and eye them up for size, but my sleeping bag is pretty big and I can’t fit it in my 40l osprey (that’s without a roll mat) hence why I’m thinking I’ll need 100l ish, sounds like I could be wrong though

    Free Member


    Nelly Hanson 90l[/url] £43


    Patagonia 90l £72.66

    Free Member

    It’s a LEJOG trip, the start and finish requires a 20mile cycle either end to get to and from my pick up points. The bag will be transported the rest if the days but may be left outside hence the need for some water restistance (although I’ll still use dry bags inside for clothes). I’ll be carring sleeping bag, roll mat, spare cycling clothes, casual clothes, toiletries, charges, torch etc

    Free Member

    Thanks gobuchul that 90l bag looks just the job

    I have a 15kg weight limit so it will be fine on my back as I only have 20miles of cycling on two days of the trip, the reason I need a big bag is that I’ll have a roll mat and sleeping bag that will take up a fair chunk of space

    Free Member


    2 sec after i posted the above i found a post that has a solution :D

    simply a case of adding the video ref to the end of this “watch_popup” link

    STW Youtube vedo LINK – pop up version

    link to article

    Free Member

    Hi all

    sounds like i have not been as clear as intended :oops:

    so im using an editor called CKeditor

    it does not have video embed option on my version (and i have no control over the site to enhance or host to add such)

    Eg if this forum did not allow us to embed video i would have to create a hyperlink like this

    STW Youtube Video LINK

    that link takes you to the Youtube page….

    but id like to link to the video in a page on its own without all the Youtube video links and adverts.

    Free Member


    no i need to have a link on my intranet notice board (that does not allow embedded video) that when clicked it opens the youtube video in its own window

    the link you get on you tube directs you to watch the video in you tube

    Free Member

    Ohhh yeah budget! ….3k seems realistic

    cheers for the recommendations I’ll go have a Google and try to narrow it down :)

    Free Member

    Had the same quandary and used this thread so cheers and this was my shortlist (may be useful for others)

    Carbon vs alu tubeless ready disc wheels…

    Carbon LB 35mm___£480____1520g
    Carbon LB 25mm____£480___1270g
    JRA jawbone sp lite___£425___1488g
    JRA jawbone lite_____£380____1596g
    Hunt 4 season_______£350____1598g
    Dt Swiss r23________£295_____1655g

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