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  • winstonsmith
    Full Member

    ‘leave to remain’ doesn’t mean she needs to be allowed to stay here permanently. if that was the case the DVLA would say she needs indefinite leave to remain.

    it appears that she needs to be here ‘legally’ and not just as a temporary visitor, like on holiday.

    maybe phone the DVLA (yeah, i know, i’ve tried this in the past and it ain’t easy to get throught the maze of options….) or maybe just apply and see what happens?

    Full Member

    there’s a book full of stuff!

    Full Member

    howdy blower. yep, Employment and Support Allowance is prob your only option. call 0800 0556688 to claim. You been paying your stamps?

    Ignore nickjb, you can get it backdated for 3 months without a reason, as long as you can get sicklines to show when it happened.

    Full Member

    of course, most immigrants to the UK are from the EU/EEC and these rules can’t apply to them anyway.

    Full Member

    the small ones have octagonal walls. Why not go up n have a look?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Free wifi on the bus too!

    Full Member

    if you live in scotland, you can just use whatever name you want. I think you need a deed poll if you’re in england shire tho

    Full Member

    i’m with blower on this one

    Full Member

    did you ever visit george’s old flat al? he had glass bricks separating his living room and kitchen. looked good

    Full Member

    Not much I can add to the above at the minute Jo, except realising what’s happening is a big part of the battle.

    More hugs from me x

    Full Member

    try epiderm – i get it on prescription but i think you can just buy it. it’s the best i’ve found

    Full Member

    so how effectively do you think someone is working by the 85th hour of a 90 hour week?

    Full Member

    This recent report is nothing to do with benefit claimants ‘on the sick’. As noted above, they are already assessed strictly by a private company, on behalf of the DWP. The recommendation in this report us that those still in employment will not be assessed by their own gp, rather that some alleged expert will do it.

    I’ve seen a lot of the ATOS reports for sickness benefit and they are not done by occupational health experts – they are done by gp’s, nurses and physios who have attended a one week training course.

    I’ve seen reports on people with mental health problems who were assessed by a physio. eh? What experience and expert knowledge do they have in this area…

    Full Member

    So, you gp’s really think that this is that large a problem that it requires an entirely new system?

    Full Member

    it’s strange, all this iran trying to get nuclear weapons stuff is supposedly from an IAEA report. When I try to find this on their website, all i can see is this:

    so, not sure where all the info is coming from, unless it’s being leaked by people with a vested interest?

    I listened to this on radio 4 this morning, and what they said, in amongst the hysteria was the report apparently says that iran has done little to progress towards build a nuclear weapon since 2003.

    smoke + mirrors = dead iranians in the future

    Full Member

    there were loads of cases the one time i’ve been in small claims court (in edinburgh). don’t expect your case to be heard at the time on the papers, they’ll all say that time

    It’s fairly informal, the sheriff wanted to hear both sides – you’ll speak first as it’s your case. you just have to explain what you are seeking and your case.

    not that scary

    Full Member

    there’s flaws in any system

    Full Member

    ah yeah druidh, it’s the lack of housing costs – that must make a massive difference

    Full Member

    druidh – really? you’re entitled to tax credits? i thought you’d have too high a household income for much child tax credit. you seem far too well off 😮

    Full Member

    so flashheart, are you any further on in working out who need/deserve benefits?

    Full Member

    why not get rid of all non means tested benefits?

    as the majority are either paid to disabled people or as state pensions

    Full Member

    so flashheart, who gets to decide who are people that need/deserve benefits?

    Full Member

    most people know very little about state benefits in this country yet have loud opinions

    Full Member

    Jeremy – that pic with the cemented rocks was blocked by my work firewall when I looked earlier. Bit of a mess, but I don’t think bigthunder is saying it was him?

    CH isn’t really ‘wild’, its man made n managed woodland so I don’t mind too much about a bit of damage, that is messy tho.

    Full Member

    jeremy – i’ve met you and i know you’re not the quite the same as the person that appears in posts like this.

    the guy has said that he’s trying to speak to the rangers and he appears to be willing to meet with you and be a fairly sensible human being.

    sadly you just keep arguing with him and refusing to see anything other than your side.

    why not meet up? and then post your take on it all afterwards. you have nothing to lose

    Full Member

    yes, but where’s the other end of the path, ya nobber

    Full Member

    is that the path that heads down to near the start of deliverance?

    Full Member

    i don’t really understand this one. the UK ‘right to reside’ test for benefit claimants is drawn almost word for word from an EC directive – 2004/38 if you’re bored/interested. so, i’ve not worked out what the eu is upset about.

    i could read the news articles, but i doubt the average journo’s knowledge of benefit law is up to much. hey ho…

    Full Member

    that was tough – not helped by falling off even before the kinlochleven dh bit and leaving some holes in my knee. only discovered yesterday that i had a small thumb fracture as well… 😳

    pleased with 6 hrs 17, which included stops for the crash and a wee chat with two mates who happened to be walking the west highland way

    oh, and no front brake for the last hour and half didn’t help either

    Full Member

    Heh heh heh

    Full Member

    was a good day out – i particularly liked the constant tailwind

    Full Member

    Hmm, not this test…

    I have ezcema too and I saw a dermatology consultant a while ago. He did some blood serum tests that showed I have various pet allergies (which I already knew about…) not sure if there ate similar test for foodstuffs.

    One sure fire way is to cut out virtually all possibilities, have a really restricted diet for a while. See if it helps you skin and then try reintroducing foods one at a time.

    I bet its mostly the stress n tiredness causing it at the moment tho.

    Full Member

    checkpoint charlie is a nasty tourist trap. should take 5 mins and no more…

    more interesting things – the jewish museum, the holocaust memorial, the ddr museum.

    on a more cheery note, you can hire bikes all over the place and there’s organised tours you can go on.

    the east side gallery?

    drink beer

    Full Member

    friends of mine found a guest house in murrayfield at very short notice last week, without much hassle. have a look around, i’m sure you’ll get something

    Full Member

    do they make a matching breadmaker as well?

    Full Member

    well, edinburgh has been rainy for most of this week…

    Full Member

    daddy’s in the lords, dontcha know

    Full Member

    minimal work and maximal new job seeking sounds like the way forward to me

    Full Member

    you had right of way.

    tis simple

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